Guy Fawkes Day – Trumps Printing of Ballots with Block Chain Watermark
I was delivering some eggs to friends from our small Bible study group yesterday. We were enjoying a beer on their patio in the unusual warm weather of November in Northeast Pennsylvania when one of the two asked me, “did you know that there was a QFS Block Chain Encrypted watermark Code put on the official blank ballot forms sent to the states for printing?”
My friend went on to explain and quote an article posted by James Fetzer titled, A Trump/USPS Blockchain Sting Will Rescue the Election . When the recounts happen in states with less than 1% separation between Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, it will be revealed to the public of Trumps, DHS, and USPS ‘sleight of hand’. Well in my minds eye at the time, I poo-pooed it as there is no way that this could be pulled off without folks in the swamp not knowing about the procedure. Well maybe my initial denial was wrong.
This thought of a QFS block chain encrypted watermark code kept gnawing at me throughout Friday after my visit with my friends into this morning. So, I decided to take a peek at this theory.
Well low and behold, there is a lot of noise on the interwize about it. The first link I clicked on Youtube came up with this message,
Okay now my curiosity being perked, I searched even farther, and I found this video,
If this is true, and I encourage everyone to do their own research, Trump is wise to keep this close to his vest so more and more states are forced to recount the vote.
The last bit of irony to this whole story is that it is taking place around Guy Fawkes Day.
Look into and report back what you find and/or think.
Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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I heard rumors about this on Nov. 3. And then I saw it on AJs site. Then yesterday, I saw an article on TGP where Tony Shaffer alluded to it. And then, last night I was listening to a am radio show that does not dabble in conspiracy theories at all air the interview Owen Shroyer did with some guy with a strange last name I can’t remember, (started with a P). So, I don’t know what to think…but it does appear to be picking up steam.
Dan, maybe Steve Pieczenick? (US Department of State alumni)
Hope that helps, God Bless
That was the name Johnny!!
He is Kissinger’s right hand man.
He is also AJ’s handler.
And AJ works for the private intelligence company “Stratfor”.
They are fake news controlled opposition.
Read about 5G from Brigadier General Robert Spalding, who lived in a 5G city in China.
And then listen to AJ rant about spinning oxygen particles and COVID being a binary weapon and slave colonies on mars.
It’s all fake news…
AJ’s wife is Eric Wulfe. A madam who runs the “women” of infowars.
They are all assets bro.
And bunch of cokehead alcoholic assets.
Infowars is also a capture and kill operation.
Any intel sent to infowars is captured, and killed.
Believe me. They will sell you out in 10 seconds.
Watch all of his videos. But start with this one.
He has over 100 on Bitchute. Called “Talpiot”.
Watch the trilogy on Roger stone.
Our country is being conquered by China, Russia, and Israel using fake news, high tech, and drugs.
Once you understand that AJ, and Whitney Webb, and Robert David Steel are all fake news Psy-Operations, You’ll feel a lot better about why things are so complicated.
It’s not Pedophile Space Alien demons.
It’s just a regular war. With all the trimmings.
We are losing because we are confused with new weapons which we have no defense against.
Unless we understand these weapons.
They put more work in keeping the people off balance and it works very very well. Watch you’re 6. Don’t stop!
I’ve had my suspicions, Johnny. He’s too theatrical, first off. And little stuff here and there smells funny. You previously recommended their DNA Force for my GWS. Haven’t seen any results, yet. Do you still stand by their neutriceuticals?
Steve Pieczenick ex CIA do you need more?
Yupper djalbar…Yupper.
AJ is fake news.
See my comment below.
This was all explained to me 2 months ago. When I spent the Weekend with Bergy, Tore, and Millie.
You people are lost. It’s over. Get past the outrage that confronts your medulla oblongata and gird yourselves for the waves of leftist pushes that are coming.
Never submit on any issue with the communists.
STOP PAYING TAXES. AND STOP ANY PAYCHECK WITHHOLDINGS. The only way to kill this beast is to starve it of funds.
And be prepared and enthusiastic to embrace the notion of shootIng any and all local leftist office holders. start local and move up the chain.
Kill them all, kill them all with impunity, and let God sort out his righteous followers.
This would be great but I will have to hear it from the horse’s mouth. Is this possible, yes and I really would like to see this a bonified fact.
Now what is very true is the software manipulation in the voting machines in Penn, Michigan, and Georgia. In fact 47 counties used this software.Go over to the for more information.
The end to Democrat reign of lies, deception, and corruption is soon to be over.
Yupper Randolph Scott…Yupper.
Stay tuned as next week things are going to get frosty, in the courtroom and street.
73 & God Bless
Guliani was great in a presser today. The evidence is overwhelming that there was blatant fraud going on in PA, MI, GA & NC. Stalin laid it out for them: “Its not the votes that are important, its who counts them.”
It HAS to be anticipated that dems will cheat in every way possible. If they get power, we have to be smart.
No rescues.
It’s commie joe and the cock eating queen for the win.
Accept it, plan on it and prepare for it.
Games over kidzzz.
Time to Scheiße or get off the pot
“You’re Wrong, Fake News” -POTUS DJT
If this is true they are doomed. I cut back on drinking and other nonsense since March. If this is real I am getting hammered.
Sorry for the double post. Just looked at some of the county maps. NY has less blue blobs than many ‘red’ states. I know – population. Territory matters too. NC has a lot of blue blobs . Just saying…
My fellow American brothers. If this is in play, great! But we can’t just rely on this being true. One thing we all must do is call this what it is, a COUP. Whenever you refer to this event, it is and attempted coup. The media’s greatest weapon is that they control the narrative. All Americans need to call it what it is so it can forever be remembered as such. These sons of bitches are committing a Coup. Have a blessed day.
Sorry, folks. No. Ballots aren’t like paper money.
DHS and other alphabet feds are not now – and never have been – involved in printing or auditing ballots. That’s the responsibility of each State and Territory. They design and manufacture their own ballots.
Don’t put your trust in wild counter-conspiracies like this watermark fable. You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment and wasting your precious time.
Do productive things. Hope and pray for Trump to win in the courts, but don’t expect it.
Tempus fugit.
Looks like more Q-tardery to me. (Repost. Not sure what memory hole comments are going down.)
Soo.Mat Bracken was on Aj:s show, is he fake news also? Just asking…
To the aholes out there. Steve P. was
not the individual who stated about the ‘water Mark’, but the source is 100% credible.
Knowbody Yuno nailed it earlier– the federal government does not print ballots. That’s a state-by-state activity, so all these rumors are bogus. However, if anyone is interested, here are a couple of credible ones: and Keep America Great by outlawing corrupt Democrats and RINOs.
They may not print them but they can track and identify them.
Secret Code in Color Printers Lets Government Track You