Mike Adams: Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening – the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world
(Natural News) We have a major intelligence update regarding the election theft and treason by the deep state and Democrats.
First, Trump’s legal team — consisting of Rudy Giuliani, Joe Digenova, Sidney Powell and others — held a very hard-hitting press conference today in which they laid out Trump’s clear path to victory in the courts. That full press conference is currently in the process of being posted to Brighteon.com, and our transcription team is working on a full transcription of the entire event, which was over two hours in duration.
Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
- Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
- Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
- Sidney Powell declaring, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
- Sidney Powell declaring that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the alternative media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Stunningly, the entire media cartel continues to lie to America and withhold all the overwhelming evidence of election fraud. This is nothing short of a grand criminal conspiracy by the treasonous mainstream media, which continues to act as enemies of the People.
Jeffrey Prather explains the “Kraken” and describes, “The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening”
In another fascinating chapter that’s now emerging in all this, former military insider and present-day analyst Jeffrey Prather (JeffreyPrather.com) has released what we consider to be a bombshell video where he sums up the real war taking place behind the scenes: “The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening.”
As he explains it, the CIA, FBI and DOJ are all treasonous swamp creatures who are dedicated to bringing down America, stealing the election, and imprisoning all the real patriots such as Gen. Flynn (and Roger Stone). Meanwhile, certain sectors of special forces operations and now Chris Miller as Acting Defense Secretary, are all aligned with Trump, the Constitution and defending America against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Yesterday, Chris Miller declared that all special forces operations units now report directly to him, bypassing the corrupt DoD swamp that works for the globalists and the Democrats. This puts the many tens of thousands of special forces operations units and assets directly under the control of a pro-America patriot, and it points to the “Plan B” plan in all this, which is for Trump to invoke the NDAA and Insurrection Act, then dispatch special forces units across the USA to arrest all the treasonous actors and take down the Big Tech and Big Media traitors who are part of this grand conspiracy to overthrow the United States government.
Jeffrey Prather’s video is shown below. This video is also going to appear on Brighteon.com soon, just in case YouTube deletes it. Some of the more notable highlights from this video include:
- Chris Miller is a patriot who will act decisively to defend the United States of America.
- Bill Barr and Durham are both swamp creatures working for the deep state and the CIA. They will never indict any of the real criminals in America, such as Obama, Clinton, Biden, Brennan, etc.
- The US Army, Navy and Marines have all been infiltrated by deep state traitors at some level, but the Air Force and Space Force are loyal to Trump and are staffed mostly by patriots. Other sources tell us that most of the actual mid-level people in the armed forces are pro-Trump regardless of which branch they’re in, but the higher-level generals and bureaucrats are treasonous swamp scum.
- Trump will win Georgia, and the Democrats are panicking to try to steal that election in any way they can.
- The “Kraken” is actually a DoD-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state. Trump loyalists in the Air Force, Space Command and now in certain sectors of the DoD and even the NSA have all the evidence of vote fraud and election-related treason. Trump has all this now and will be using it against the enemies of America very soon.
- Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, is a patriot and a very smart person who is working behind the scenes to save America from corrupt, criminal Democrats, deep staters and foreign enemies like China.
You can watch the full video here:
I have also separately posted a podcast called “What is the Kraken?” In this 40-minute overview of the current situation, I explain why we can have faith that Trump’s attorneys already have sufficient evidence to overturn the corruption election. I also reveal some of the activities that special forces units may be pursuing right now to nail down arrests and confessions from deep state traitors.
Listen here, and check for new videos each day on my Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com:
The bottom line
The bottom line in all this? The entire system is totally corrupted with treasonous enemies who probably deserve to be arrested, indicted and executed if found guilty.
This includes:
- Big Tech which is censoring all information about vote fraud.
- Fake news media which continues to gaslight America and cover up the crimes of Joe Biden.
- High-level Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc., who are directly responsible for countless acts of treason, money laundering, fraud and sedition.
- Deep state players like Barr, Durham, Comey, Brennan and others who have been working against the interests of the United States of America, selling out the nation to foreign interests like China.
- The FBI which is a domestic terrorism organization that commits crimes against America rather than stopping them.
- Corrupt local ballot officials who are deliberately and brazenly rigging votes for Joe Biden, right in broad daylight.
- Corrupt judges and deep state judicial scumbags (like Sullivan, the judge who is persecuting Flynn) who should probably be arrested and tried for treason.
Inside this multi-layered system of near-wholesale corruption and treason, there now exist patriots in critical positions of power, such as Trump himself, Miller at the DoD, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Together, these patriots have at their command the entire special forces operations assets, military satellites, advanced cyber systems, and of course the Constitution itself, which grants the President of the United States extraordinary power during times of war or national emergency.
As we reported days ago, President Trump declared a national emergency over “foreign interference in U.S. elections” on September 12, 2018, in an executive order. That national emergency has not been rescinded.
Barack Obama also signed the NDAA in 2012, granting any president extraordinary powers to deal with domestic enemies and enemy combatants during a time of war.
We suspect Trump is preparing to drop the full hammer on all the treasonous actors if necessary, but is giving his legal team an opportunity to try to win the election in the courts first. If the courts refuse to uphold the rule of law and are obviously compromised, blackmailed or so blinded by their own hatred of Trump that they can’t issue an honest ruling, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and wage kinetic war against the deep state on U.S. soil. Importantly, We the People 100% support Trump taking this action if necessary. We will join his efforts, armed by the millions, to defend this nation against its enemies. Citizens, militia units and patriots are standing by and ready to fight.
Some sources say that special forces actions have already been initiated and that certain deep state players have already been arrested and put on “rendition flights” to black sites or GITMO, but these claims cannot yet be fully confirmed. They are consistent, however, with other observations we’ve noted in related articles and podcasts.
Nevertheless, the biggest thing that you can do in all this is to continue to publicly show your support for President Trump, the Constitution and the defense of this nation against traitors and domestic enemies. It is your outpouring of support that gives Trump the backdrop he needs in order to pursue all these actions to defend America and defeat its determined enemies.
Should the patriots fail, America and the world will be plunged into Joe Biden’s “dark winter,” complete with forced vaccinations, weaponized lockdowns to crush world economies, nightmarish restrictions on free speech, rigged elections forever, and the activation of the Bill Gates global depopulation / genocide agenda to mass murder billions of human beings in record time.
It’s interesting that just a year ago, that last paragraph would have elicited spasms of “conspiracy theory” accusations from everyday people, but today nobody’s laughing. Because all the world leaders have announced their “Great Reset” and they are openly bragging about how the covid-19 pandemic is an “opportunity” to bring about global communism and the complete enslavement of the human race all across the globe.
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I come to this site and Brushbeater and MDT, and other similar sites, for real information about real stuff for use, really. Not for fantasy stuff that features a modern day David killing the modern day goliath. Obviously, we have a modern day Goliath in the deep state/entrenched liberal establishment, I agree with that overall premise. But if you seriously think any of what you said in the above post will happen (Trump unleashing loyal military assets to rescue us from this deep state stolen election, etc) you are fantasizing and you are not being serious and you can not be taken seriously.
This paragraph sums it up: “We suspect Trump is preparing to drop the full hammer on all the treasonous actors if necessary, but is giving his legal team an opportunity to try to win the election in the courts first. If the courts refuse to uphold the rule of law and are obviously compromised, blackmailed or so blinded by their own hatred of Trump that they can’t issue an honest ruling, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and wage kinetic war against the deep state on U.S. soil.”
Come on, man! This is ridiculous. Trump is the closest thing we’ve had to a modern David since George Washington, but no, he’s not going to kill Goliath.
Where can I get serious information without the pie-in-the-sky fantasy stuff?
You apparently have no idea what propaganda is or the role it plays.
Name all four people in this photo, who they are, and where they are, and who they used to work for.
I can. I know exactly what side of the building they are on. I also speak to them quite regularly.
But more on a friendly “Go Get ‘Em” basis. My professional piece is over.
Explain this—-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RcLE-TVW_4
Why do I see UH-60’s with Ground Penetrating radar flying low and slow over Enemy Outposts in Baltimore?
You don’t even know half the story; And neither do I. But I know one thing, I could be getting stabbed to death and I’ll NEVER admit defeat to my enemy.
Your tone sounds like you are losing the mind war. Don’t ever lose the mind war.
You just gave Mr. Morgan a kick in the nuts and a punch in the mouth! Awesome. Maybe he will repent of the errors of his thoughts.
Minus the hyperbole, a national leader using the military after an unfavorable election result is not outside the realm of possibility. This kind of thing plays out like this all over the world. We’ve just been insulated against it here until now.
I personally don’t think it will go well either way as it looks like a classic “no win” situation.
If he really does this, he’s the fascist dictator the media has brainwashed people about for 4 years. The perceived lack of representation and belief that the real president, Joe Biden, is in exile will likely trigger a war.
If he doesn’t do this, he allows an election with rampant fraud to take place and any chance at free honest elections is gone for good. The lack of trust in election outcomes, and the inability to have valid political representation will likely trigger a war.
DJT is still the President of the United States. Duly elected President, therefore he is NOT a dictator. The MSM are liars and traitors for the most part. Will this double ugly, most likely but the communists will be defeated, traitors will be prosecuted and many of them will be executed.
FYI, I don’t think the Servers in Germany were being used to run the Shadownet.
Those are the same servers, according to Tore and Millie, that are used to run Brennan, Jones, and Hayden’s Shadownet.
Maybe they also run the Votes through them.
Or maybe someone did some Warrant for Search and Seizure magic. And whoops, now we have the servers…
What do I know…
O Dang, I thought the atritibution went to Germany. Whoops…
Used to run the vote scam* Not shadow net.
I’m saying they ARE running the Shadownet.
Going to get messy any way you look at it. The Great Reset is openly declared, the Leftist’s are flooding into the Sock Puppets cabinet and openly talking about Re-Education for Trump supporters.
When your enemy is talking about Gulags it’s only polite to accept them at their words.
KNOW that people WILL Betray You thinking that by feeding the tiger they will somehow survive it’s hunger. Socialists WILL use your neighbors as information sources and push them in front as useful idiots when they come to “Visit” you for re-education.
Don’t be the “Survivors” that mumble about how they “Didn’t love Freedom enough to fight for it”.
Not all of us will see the next day so as Braveheart said it “ALL men Die but Not all men truly live”.
Remember everything said on the internet can and will be used against you in the Kangaroo Courts of the Socialists.
Even if Trump “Wins” this smoldering house of cards it’s going to be messy. Got your trusted friends? Your going to need them and they need you.
Proverbs 4:12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
50M+ voters are watching an election stolen before their eyes. PA is going into lockdown again as well as in other states. Also a myriad of conservative voices across the Nation are being throttled; This added to the above and I dont think there is a better time to kick something like this off. Most everyone should get behind prosecuting election fraud and treason.
Its time for a “Are you with me or against me” moment! Propaganda will be a key ingredient in this pie.
More like 80 MILLION Patriots voted for Trump, only to have a portion flipped to Biden using algorithms and stuffed ballots. You roll, I roll.
They are salivating at the thought of regaining control. Their first item on the agenda is break the economy so they can seize the means of production like electricity, water, food, supplies, fuel. Right now these industries are saturated with deplorables. I hope to God PDJT drops the hammer on all of them. Yes it’s going to be messy either way. If not and they are allowed to take control our leverage lies in the industries listed above. To the cities I say……..let them eat code.
Let’s roll……we have no choice. I remember thinking just a month or so out from the election that we literally have nothing to lose and neither do they. I believe Adams in on the money here. We must strike first this time and I hope these Spec Op units are already making arrests. If not we are gonna be flooded with large swaths of the left’s paramilitary soon enough. They are trying to drive down Trumps approval numbers and tire Americans out. That’s the obvious strategy here. If he lacks support this will not work. Adams is correct again in saying we must stand with Trump.
Is the USAF not the most pozzed and cucked branch? Aren’t they the ones who led the way on the crackdown against Christianity? Unless there’s been a radical change I never heard about, this assertion that Air Force C&C all in for Team Trump is enough for me to question Adams’ “scoop” here. I don’t want to believe Durham is Deep State, so presumptions like this play into my prejudices against this flavor of propaganda.
And I’m not a normalcy-biased coincidence theorist. Conspiracies are an established fact of history. “Conspiracy theory,” like “racist,” has been successfully used as a rhetorical smart bomb for decades to discredit people with a convincing argument that can’t be debunked any way other than via character assassination. But knowing that doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as racism or conspiracy-peddling crackpottery. I either agree with most of what the article says, or hope that it’s true. But Adams and Hodges do come off like crackpots–maybe because they’re not always careful to check facts. And I myself have been dismissed as a crackpot before; so it’s not like I don’t sympathize.
On another note: I haven’t watched it yet, but for all her trash-talking in other venues (like on Lou Dobbs), I heard Sidney Powell has refused to come on Tucker Carlson to talk about the Dominion software and vote-flipping. Here are some possibilities that have occurred to me so far:
1. Powell is controlled opposition and part of a psyop to build a straw man (like the “block chain encryption watermark” narrative?) to demoralize and discredit.
2. Cucker Tarlson…er, I mean Tucker Carlson, is being brought to heel by his handlers at CUX News, which is why he’s gradually shifting to a presumption of a Biden Presidency. Powell knows this and either knows her revelations won’t be played fairly, or will be edited after the fact as part of some “fact check”/”debunking” gotcha.
3. Tucker is asking for evidence she is not ready to make public yet–either before the court case, or before she can drop it on the public at an opportune time. Maybe key witnesses would flee to non-extradition countries before it’s dropped; maybe some legal rule prevents her from disclosing sources outside of court; maybe she wants to minimize the Swamp Media’s opportunity to “debunk” the evidence. Dunno–I’m not a lawyer and don’t have top secret clearance.
4. Powell has been compromised since her big promise.
Wish I had more information.
Indefinite Detention, the “Patriot Act,” and the other unconstitutional BS masquerading as “law” are ticking timebombs. Nevertheless, if I were Trump, and really did want to save the country, and fix the system by using the authoritarian tools made available to the Executive Branch while we were sleeping, I would invoke the Insurrection Act and start cleaning house from the bottom to the top. Every corrupt politician, judge, district attorney, federal agent, cop, poll worker…whatever… who is wittingly or unwittingly a domestic enemy needs to be arrested and prosecuted. Those who are guilty of treason or other capital crimes would be executed. Use the EBS to override the MSM plus Goolag, FascistBorg, Twatter, etc., with livestream footage of the court where the evidence is revealed.
Really, there canl never be any long-term victory unless the Pavlovian hypnotism of the Swamp Media is destroyed.