The Climax of The Fourth Turning
Let us face it, with the MSM including FoxNews not covering the election fraud that Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell, reported on Friday November, 20, 2020 with an article titled, GIULIANI – POWELL NEWS CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 19, 2020, the fix is in. Without the supporters and voters of President Trump not screaming bloody murder about voter fraud, this whole ugly theft, the largest theft in United States history, will just become another footnote in the trash bin of our history. Because of this reality, I turned towards the Fourth Turning to see where this incident fits into our future.
Metallicman has a great but rather long article that talks about the Fourth Turning titled, The Climax of the Fourth Turning – 2025.
If you read the article, you will see exactly where the illegal election of former Vice President Joe Biden will lead the United States. If you choose not to read Metallicman’s excellent piece, at least read his summary below. You already know most of it. Act accordingly!
I know that I tend to be a little long in the tooth. Yes, my articles are long. I try to cram a lot in them, and sometimes it can get confusing. Here’s a quick summary.
- The Fourth Turning is proceeding on schedule.
- The major tripping point is scheduled for 2025 +/- 2 years.
- It will involve all manner of conflict.
- Oligarch-instituted cultural changes, and genocides will be initiated.
- A total clamp down on freedoms via electronic means will take place.
- Total gun bans, one way or the other, will take place.
- The USA will get involved in some sort of war. The idea is that it will be just another distraction.
- One or two, or even three super-powers, will side with the attacked nation.
- A strong possibility exists for nuclear weapons to be detonated on United States cities.
My suggestions.
For what ever it is worth, here are some suggestions. You have three years. Start now. Start today.
- Leave the cities. Move. Buy property in a small town, a rural area, or some other place about a three days walk from a major city.
- Start now. Do not put it off.
- Have firearms. Use the rule of three. [1] One or two in the open for ready use. [2] Some hidden, and you can tell your wife (but not your children the location). [3] Hidden and known only to you.
- Have multiple lethal knives. Do not be afraid to use them.
- Take a class in basic first aid and know how to stop bleeding, provide basic health care, mend a broken bone, and perform emergency surgery.
- Learn on how to make improvised explosives. Especially those that can be used to take down a bridge, disable an ATV, and create a minefield.
- Stock up on prepper literature in the form of books.
- Stock up on basic medical supplies including antibiotics.
- Stock up on all manner of food supplies, and hide large quantities of them from random seizure by roaming groups of people..
- Start going “x-ray” and do not advertise your plans, or anything about your life to anyone.
- Have some sort of vehicle that does not require gasoline or electricity to operate. (Bicycle or horse.)
- Make friends in your new location. Friendships are worth gold. Identify these friends on a scale of trust.
- Start cutting down on the use of your cell-phone. Start leaving it at home when you go out.
- Buy a Geiger counter, and iodine pills.
- Set up a rain water collection system at your house.
- Live in a predominantly “red” state. The redder the county the better.

Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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Sounds like their problem.