You are behind enemy lines, by WiscoMando

We have to condemn the very idea that some people have the right to repress others.” – Solzhenitsyn

This is a powerful quote; it can be read different ways. To a socialist, marxist, communist, or antifa/BLM type, that means white men, the West, capitalism, freedom of speech, thought, whether to vote or not, to support a certain person or group, and most importantly, the right to be left alone.

Before I lose most of the audience with TL;DR, something has to be understood, completely, to the very core of your being.

You have EVERYTHING to lose. The very common sentiment is that when a man has nothing left to lose, watch out. There, he is at his most dangerous.

I see the opposite. We have everything to lose. Everything. If we lose this fight, we lose everything: the stuff we don’t care much about, our guns, our homes, our dogs, our families, our lives, our country… our future. If we don’t stand up and fight, there’s nothing left. The light of liberty may go out forever, in every country. The choice of freedom or slavery for all eternity is being made here and now. If we wait until it is too late, or we’ve lost it everything, it’s all for nought.

Driving home on this dark and wintry night, listening to an album of which every note and syllable pierced me through, a thought struck like sudden, unexpected thunder:

You are behind enemy lines.

It felt like it came from outside myself – as if someone was talking to me, but with my internal voice.

You are behind enemy lines. You have everything to lose.

No, I wasn’t in DC, have avoided crowds, kept my head down, and have done what I could over the years to keep from attracting attention to myself by… well you know who.

I live in a mostly conservative area, surrounded by 2:1 Trump and all the GOP picks that were out there this election. We haven’t seen riots, or any real major protests. The occasional look in the store for not wearing a mask, but there’s an answer for those people.

From time to time the thought occurs: Does anyone else around me understand the 4th amendment? What about the 5th? These protections negate any of the dictates that they cast down from on high. But one on one, against an enforcer, what is the answer?

Liberty, or death?

Does the average person know their true power – that if a we just stood up and said “No!”, those who see themselves as our betters would have no choice but to show their full hand? And by doing so, “they” instantly would lose? “They” do. Have you ever noticed that evil people always have a plan?

“All ships lost in the night search for the lighthouse on the rock of the enlightenment… with no light, the night’s going to be a long one… this land is their land, now.”

Another thought broke through the gloom that was filling the night, and my heart.

Have you ever watched an old western movie, an Avenger or Marvel film, an action film, or a story where the main plot is Good v. Evil? Do you understand why those are so powerful? Why many, if not most, of the stories are based on historical archetypes and stories of old?

They do something for us. They show us a person or a group of people standing up for what is right, what is true, what is righteous, what us just. In 30-120 minutes they can tell the story of what is normally a lifetime, generation, or era of struggle: Good v Evil. Righteous v. Corrupt. David v. Goliath.

That’s where we are now. We are standing at the precipice: the point in time where we are looking at the battlefield in front of us, the space that the people who hate freedom and life, those who want to control us, are preparing for battle. They expect to win. They expect that we will submit without firing a shot because they have every angle covered, every potential outcome planned for. From coronadoom to the “Great Reset,” they mean to take everything.

Those who consider themselves our rulers think that they can repress us, take away our freedoms, push us down, and we will yield. And we will. Even the founders fought for years: in the courts, with letters, peaceful protests, and pleading messengers to the King to be left alone, Govern themselves on His behalf. They were willing to pay – just let the method and the means be done locally, by the people. They suffered grossly: taxation, brutality, theft, force, coercion… even death. The Boston Massacre wasn’t enough for the people to rebel violently.

They drew their line: their guns. Guns were the only means a people had to truly be protected. It was still a wild world. Savages, animals, thieves… it was a tough world, and a man had to protect his family. He did so by coming together with his fellows. But they were all armed.

They’ve tried for years to take them. They may succeed. They may repress us, cast us down, kill us and leave no trace. They change history, lie, take and take and take…convince us of their righteousness, but, they are really just stealing. They will kill millions, maybe billions, to get control. Don’t think they won’t burn the entire system down just to keep us from having liberty, in the truest sense of the word.

We are going to fight for what is right, what is righteous.

One of the funniest arguments I hear from time to time is how great we have it, how we’re the most blessed country on earth, and how we don’t deserve it, how it’s all been stolen from “the oppressed.” That if it wasn’t for our massive debt we would all be dirt farmers.

The thing that most people with that argument forgets is that every time this country divided itself from a central bank, from debt and interest, was tied to true, honest money, and left people alone, prosperity and wealth grew faster and for more people than could be understood. As soon as a bank got involved, the system crashed and was uncontrollable. But “we could never have what we have without the massive piles of debt.” Bullshit.

The first step is being free between your ears.

For those around you just coming around:

Consider a series of open ended questions to asses where their head is on what’s transpired. Let them do the talking. If they say “Man, it’s really getting bad.” don’t answer, they are leading you. You need to learn to have a directed conversation in which you are asking open ended question. The answer to that statement for example is; “how so?” or “i know, what should we do about it” (since you still don’t know what “it” is in their mind.” – ProGunFred

The light on the shore may have gone out. One thing that is true, however, is that it will always shine in men’s heart: Men that carry the Light of Liberty with them wherever they go. And with God’s Grace, we might find our freedoms again.

Stay sharp.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 08:02

    That’s some good morning coffee literature. I went shooting on Sunday with some friends.
    They were absolutely convinced that DJT lost and Biden had honestly won the election.
    They hadn’t heard the news yet…
    Interesting times. The creation of the catered internet experience and the disgusting nonsense on MSM news that was wholly rejected by anyone around 30ish years old is gonna make for some interesting 2021.
    One thing we can all agree on; In 44(45?) days 2020 is over.

    2020 can eat my shorts.

    • Reader November 18, 2020 at 08:40

      2020 pulled back the veil that we can do things apart from God. It’s a blessing in disguise that we can be reminded of our deep reliance on Him alone for anything in this world.

      “ Guns were the only means a people had to truly be protected. It was still a wild world. Savages, animals, thieves… it was a tough world.”

      We’ve been normalized to ignore what the savages look like today.

      • NC Scout November 18, 2020 at 08:55

        This is correct.

        The question now is what to be done about it. Ain’t no “Q” gonna solve it all. Its up to you.

        • Coop Willis November 18, 2020 at 17:07

          What did Matt Bracken say? “John Wayne is dead. You have to be John Wayne now.” Never thought I would see big leaps in gun control laws in my lifetime; not to mention we are now in huge fight for our God Given Rights and our country! Thanks for this essay!

    • WiscoMando November 18, 2020 at 11:02

      Thanks JP.

      I have been saying the same thing. “2020 can eat my shorts!”

      • Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 11:11

        Yeah Brother!
        I’m researching stuff for classes right now.
        Killing time between reading articles on the ancient city of Pergamon.
        An interesting city. Long, hard history to be certain.

        • Karen November 18, 2020 at 12:13

          I recommend Pamwe Chete about the Selous Scouts. Revelatory how much can be done with so little.

        • Roave November 18, 2020 at 18:32

          This whole thing keeps my thinking of my ancestors…especially a certain battle and what led up to it, and the years after it.
          Twas a cold early morning back in 1302…

  2. Anonymous November 18, 2020 at 08:51


  3. Sanders November 18, 2020 at 09:15

    “Something” woke me up at 0200 this morning. It wasn’t the urge to piss, like it usually is, though. But, I took my piss, then lay back down. Then, whatever the “something” was that woke me up, kept me awake and I had the urge to go for a walk. It was 0300, so I got dressed and took my PDW for a walk, leaving the puppy asleep in her bed. Walked around the neighborhood in the relatively moonless night, no streetlights, no NVGs, no flashlight,- wandering around where ever. Weather was clear and calm. It was eerie quiet. No dogs barking. No coyotes. No owls or other night sounds.

    Yeah. It’s in the air, even in my rural area. I have never had an urge to go wandering about in the middle of the night like that. Always follow your gut instinct, your sixth sense. It has never steered me wrong, so far.

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 10:57

      Trust your guts.
      One time in Baghdad I saw two guys “working” on a broken down truck with the hood popped.
      One man had a screwdriver. No other tools were visible.
      I, being an amateur mechanic knew two things.
      First, Unless he was changing an air filter, that screw driver was useless.
      Second, Anyone not wearing Red, White, and Blue is a threat.

      Always trust your guts.
      I pointed my M2 at them, keyed the mike and called for a rapid exit and they very quickly got the message.
      No-one was hurt.
      SAS rolled those dudes up later in the day.
      There was another LPOP on a rooftop manned by two 15 year old “kids”.

      This was right after EFP’s were introduced into our area.
      An explosive device the size of a large coffee can can mess up your day.
      We lost one and a half men in February to that BS.

      Always trust your guts. You have only have a few seconds.

    • Roave November 18, 2020 at 18:23

      I only go walking in the dead of night. It is just me and nature then, calms me down, gives me time to sort stuff out…all while I’m scanning the surroundings, looking for potential areas one can use – or abuse. As an invalid, I spend a lot of day-time behind the sewing machine, and I reserve the night to test out most of the kit I make.
      If I would go out now, I would be fined, or arrested as there is a curfew from midnight to 0500… ‘ because of covid ‘. Mind you, if they would see me in plain daylight, they would take me for a terrorist anyways :)

      In my old town I once encountered two rows of people – one either side of the road. Both lines consisted of fifteen individuals, both had a Tail-end Charlie, four men in front, and a point-man they stood out because they all wore Iraki trenchcoats, or the remnants of Iraki uniforms. Almost all of the thirty people wore bright backpacks, ball caps and…sunglasses – just trying to look as ‘ Western ‘ as possible…in the dead of night.
      A year prior to this, about 47 illegals were ( intercepted by the police ) trying to get to Britain; This was for the whole year & the whole of the coast. That year however, 4000 were intercepted in my little port town of 2000 inhabitants alone.
      So, I kept walking the streets at night in Flecktarn parka ball cap and sunglasses…tracking any of them down. Once found, I just stood there looking straight at them…which scared them, which was good – as they shifted the whole opp. to a different area. Bad, because some arse started a ratline to move them to France or any port that sailed to England or their end goal…Canada.

      So, I still walk at night, observe & test gear till I can’t use my legs anymore. Sometimes I feel like the only drop of water in the know, surrounded by a sea of blindness, ignorance & downright stupidity…

    • johnyMac November 18, 2020 at 18:41

      Interesting Sanders.

      For the past two months or so, I have been sleeping lightly. Normal bumps in the night are now waking me up.

      My dreams have changed too and not for the better.

      “Before the game is afoot, thou still let’st slip.” Shakespeare Henry IV or “The Game is Afoot” Sherlock Holmes.

      73 & God Bless

  4. Anonymous November 18, 2020 at 11:04


  5. Captain Witold Pilecki November 18, 2020 at 11:17

    Welcome to my world behind enemy lines in Kommiecticut, where the thieves and petty tyrants in Hartford have been stealing our wealth and property, and imposing restrictions on freedom since 1991. Living this way is why I named my blog “Thoughts From Behind Enemy Lines,” and now the rest of the country is beginning to experience it. In 1994 the state tried to disarm us with their own version of an “assault weapons” ban that didn’t have a sunset provision, and then ramped it up big time in 2013. In 1994 I was a pioneer and an outlier by not complying, and was joined by a lot of fellow Patriots in 2013 in a statewide Armed Civil Disobedience of non-compliance. State officials claimed there would be “vigorous enforcement” of the new laws. To date they have done nothing but charge a handful of criminals caught committing crimes, and fewer stupid people doing stupid things. As the late Mike Vanderboegh used to say, “they are so afraid to attempt enforcement, they don’t know whether to defecate or go blind.” 7 1/2 years later we are status quo with an (low) estimated 85% non-compliance. State officials WILL NOT release any hard data regarding compliance, and repeated FOI requests have been denied. But then, that’s how tyrants operate.

    Now with the supposed death from Chink Bug wafting around wherever we prisoners gather, ready to kill us at an instant, we must be confined to our cells and wear the symbol of our oppression… the useless mask. I can almost guarantee, there will be very little “participation” this time around. There was yet another local news story last night about a bar that got shut down indefinitely for disregarding state COVID lock-down rules. I am sure there will be more to come, and of course the next logical step is when all economic activity goes underground.

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 12:48

      Look at the bright side. At least you don’t live in Colorado or Wyoming.
      Those poor people are walking dead. Nothing can be grown in Colorado or Wyoming.
      And the lefties run all the growing operation green houses in Colorado.
      We in the Northeast have the largest temperate deciduous woodland in the world to hide in. With plenty of fresh water.

      • Quietus November 18, 2020 at 23:12

        Bless your heart.

        As a member of your purported “walking dead” as a resident here, I won’t have a need to offer you any of this years’s produce out of my garden, raised here in the far northern part of Wyoming.

        I do believe that your lane of knowledge is narrower than you think that it is.

        • Johnny Paratrooper November 19, 2020 at 07:42

          You have one growing season and 8 months of solid winter.
          Hardly anything is produced in Wyoming.
          You are more isolated, and have less resources than a tropical island.
          Except they can go fishing year round.
          And have a 3-4 growing seasons.
          The “American Redoubt” is really just a retirement in the mountains away from diversity.
          Your destruction is being planned, and operated out of, Washington D.C. so you live 2,400 miles away?
          What kind of plan is that?
          At least I am engaged with the people who hate me.
          Hiding on the side of a mountain is just losing with a good view.

        • WiscoMando November 19, 2020 at 09:44

          The only thing that is going to save us, is us, together.

          That was kinda the point of the article, wasn’t it? The idea that you don’t think you’re behind enemy lines, way out there, means you may be truly lost.

          And the fact that you felt personally attacked, and immediately jumped to, “I won’t help you because I’m offended” is a telltale sign of how little YOU know.

          If you’re offended, change the channel, or grow a pair.

  6. Reece November 18, 2020 at 11:20

    After a discussion with my wife last night I realized just how many people are in complete denial of what is happening or coming.

  7. Karen November 18, 2020 at 12:10

    Same thing… can’t sleep & keep thinking how short time is before we’re The Rhodesians, but with no South Africa to escape to. I swear I’m getting Divine warnings to harden up.

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 12:44

      How’d the whole “escaping to South Africa” work out?
      Cowards who run from a fight deserve their fate.

      Last I checked, the ugly white girls in South Africa are pimp’d out on the street to any Chinamen, Indian, or African with 20 Rand in his pocket.

      The good looking ones end up as “Yoga Instructors” in L.A., N.Y., Miami, or D.C. or Amsterdam/Paris/Rome/London/TelAviv
      I have zero respect for males who run from a fight.
      They, and their families, get what they earned. Nothing more and nothing less.

      Fight, and you may lose.
      Run, and you will lose.

      • karen November 18, 2020 at 13:53

        True. When South Africa fell, the whole continent was captured. There were only 300k European Rhodesians total to fight for their home. That was never going to endure against the endless supply of guerillas.

        Not many spots left to run, and none would hold out for long. And, we outnumber them for now.

        • Coyyote November 18, 2020 at 14:41

          There is much to be learned from studying the Rhodesian bush wars and how the isolated farmers dealt with the raids, etc. Will probably be some parallels for those of us who live rurally.

          Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia again!!!!

          • Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 21:06

            The Airborne Operations of the South Africans are worth studying.
            25-1 K-D ratio.

  8. greek01 November 18, 2020 at 14:00

    Anyone who thinks socialism is a great idea has not lived – literally – under it. Such is the case here in the US. As P.T. Barnum once said “No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people”.

    The only time most people in America will realize that they taken their liberty for granted is when they experience the leftist totalitarian yolk.
    Like any cycle, this too must run it’s course. It is painfully obvious to me that no one is going to do anything now or later – except for a few partisans – other than wail, bitch and moan and place blame expecting someone else to pull their fat out of the fire. Experience is the best teacher. Reality and the truth are bitter lessons.

    We in this country have been made too comfortable and complacent. We have forgotten that freedom requires individual effort. No one is going to give you freedom, but many will take it away. I learned this from my family growing up – because they lived through it.

    My mother and everyone on her side of the family lived under the Nazi occupation of Greece. At least they had food with the Nazis who were more respectful. They experienced hunger and atrocities during the civil war from 1945-1947 from the communists. More people disappeared then than during the previous war.

    I have experienced the leftist ideology up close and personal in Greece and other countries where there is no totalitarian leftist government where people simply disappear because they think differently. The emotions I felt were rage, hatred and pity for these idiots. They will not be reasoned with, except to beat you into submission to their ideology or kill you. In a way, their actions belied what they would eventually experience.

    The leftists use the Hegelian / Marxist utopian dream to subvert the weak-minded. The sole purpose is to create their “army” of “useful idiots” to place them in power as the new elite. Here’s to the new boss, same as the old boss. The creation of a socialist feudal state built on lies.

    Once the end result is achieved, the lies no longer matter, those who remember the promises made are re-indoctrinated or simply disappeared. The “useful idiots” are simply – discarded. Ask folks who lived in a previously leftist totalitarian country how many people simply – disappeared.

    I will not disappear. I may be too old and busted up, except for the opportunity of reaching out and touching one of these leftist bastards or getting up close and personal. At least I will have the satisfaction of having done my small part. I will continue to do so until I can’t any more not knowing what my fate will be. I will not go quietly into the night – except to kill communists.

    • Mack The Knife November 18, 2020 at 20:03

      One correction. The quote about American people should be attributed to H.L. Mencken & it is circa 1930’s. Also, it’s taste & not intelligence. Then again, not much difference. Hell, that was almost 90 years ago, too! It’s been all down hill since then, I reckon. Keep in mind, it was P.T. Barnum who is credited with one of the most disparaging quotes of all time & that is “There’s a sucker born every minute.” You won’t get any argument from me on that one. The recent elections proved that beyond a doubt

    • Lugh November 18, 2020 at 22:41

      Capitalism funded Communism. It still does. You still aren’t look at the head only the tail.

  9. BigPapa November 18, 2020 at 18:03

    Unrelated, maybe, but this might be a good resource for some.

    • Johnny Paratrooper November 18, 2020 at 21:03

      This deserves it’s own post. I have recently stumbled on top of a bunch of this type of open source information. For some reason my internet doesn’t direct me towards ‘Space Alien” nonsense and/or any other crap.
      It’s almost like my internet was jailbroken.
      He mentions Baltimore. I was working downtown on Sunday painting, gutting water damage, and repairing roofs.
      I saw a UH-60 flying low, maybe 500 ft, with ZERO markings on it I could identify. It had markings, I just couldn’t Identify them, Almost like it was a stealth paint job. Only meant for ground crews.
      It had more tech bolted onto it than I could possible count. It was flying orbits low and slow. And very clearly it was using some sort of ground penetrating radar. I could feel the EMF when it went overhead. It would hover over a block for a few seconds, and then move to another block.
      The area this UH-60 was flying over was 100% enemy controlled BLM/Rainbow Mafia/Democrat hotspot.
      Mapping? Scanning?
      If I had to guess, most of the guys flying orbits are running EWIS and EMF tracking. But for some reason their orbits are 20-40 miles wide. That’s a BIG orbit for EWIS and EMF intercept.

      I was told “Barr is Busy…”

      Apparently the average is 100-150 birds a day.
      Currently, the last couple of days is running 1,000-1,300 birds a day.
      This is an operation, or it’s training. Pretty sure this is an operation.
      Sounds to me like they are running couriers, commanders, and captives.

      The entire net has been back-doored since 2008-2009.

      I bet money we are decapitating the A**holes in preparation for the official Trump announcements.
      Did you see that the presidents schedule was cleared for the 14th?
      Some of my new friends were in town, and dark, on the 14th.


      Another contact of mine from California said he is coming to the East Coast.
      And another source of mine said he is in contact with the same people I was talking to a month ago.
      Crazy. Wish there was more I could do. But I was told I did ALOT. So we will see.
      Shadowgate 3 comes out in a couple weeks. Interesting timeline…

      Something big is def going down.

      • americanlife702 November 19, 2020 at 09:18

        I don’t know what it means but lately I’ve seen Apaches flying around Las Vegas. I’ve worked near Nellis for years and it’s really not a normal thing to see. 6 or 8 of them flying in pairs.

        • Johnny Paratrooper November 19, 2020 at 10:07

          Sounds like Ariel Area Study, Site Familiarization, and Presence Patrols to me.

      • BigPapa November 19, 2020 at 09:21

        I doubt replacing the honchos at DOD with Trump loyalists and then moving SOCOM to direct Def Sec control (and under one of Flynn’s guys) and freezing out CIA director Haskell is coincidence.

        • Johnny Paratrooper November 19, 2020 at 10:04

          More replacements are coming Friday. CISA and others. Cleaning house at DHS.
          And yes on the Flynn guy. He was Flynn’s right hand man, and is now the big D*** as Def Sec.

      • WiscoMando November 19, 2020 at 09:39

        My S.O. and I were sitting outside last week with a fire going, enjoying the last of a semi-warm night. Just us and the dogs, very quiet.

        I could faintly hear helos coming. Then 4 of them flew over, in formation. The only lights they were running was one spot in front, and a green lamp on the bottom of one.

        Never seen that out here. There’s only one base that has helos, and we are WAY out of the standard flight path.

        All I know is that if they’re coming for us, it’s probably too late.

        Stay Sharp.


      • Roave November 19, 2020 at 18:43

        Sounds familiar…seen one Huey, black, no visual markings flying low and slow following the main coastal road – only to return after some fourty mikes. And when I say low – he was skimming the rooftops, barely clearing the church tower. That was back in the late 90’s or early 2000’s ( mind’s getting fuzzy ). That happened a couple of times, and then …nothing. I lived just under a busy flight path ( once saw about a dozen or so b-52’s passing over in two waves – think that was around the whole Kosovo thing ).
        I now live a bit further – different flight path – seen lots of flight patterns the past couple of years. Most notable were planes, flying in ‘ pairs ‘ some 3 mikes apart – started to pick up on them around 0800, and they went on and on for about twelve hours. There was about five mikes between the last of the ‘ pair ‘ and the first of the following ‘ pair ‘. By the time it turned round 1700, the gap shortened. Judging from the direction and ceiling, I went out on a hunch, and the most interesting airfield came up ( just over the border of Germany, in Poland…). First thing I thought was ‘ someone screwed the pooch here…daytime…really?’, then again, could have been by design.

    • boss21 November 18, 2020 at 21:49

      2 Blackhawks flew west over Central Queens today 400′ AGL with 40 min interval. No fancy antennas or blisters. Very rare sight as that airspace is overlapped by JFK/LaGuardia. Don’t know if it means anything but today Commisar Deblasio closed the schools unknown to Comrade Kuomo who unloaded on reporters who informed him of this in live time. ‘Whom the Gods would destroy , they first drive mad’. This smells like the early 2000s when Putin was giving the oligarchs 3 choices – Stay and behave, leave or Siberia.

  10. Jimmy the Saint November 18, 2020 at 23:42

    An overlooked exchange from the oft-quoted “Ride With The Devil”:

    Mr. Evans: But my point is merely that they rounded every pup up into that schoolhouse because they fancied that everyone should think and talk the same free-thinkin’ way they do with no regard to station, custom, propriety. And that is why they will win. Because they believe everyone should live and think just like them. And we shall lose because we don’t care one way or another how they live. We just worry about ourselves.

    Jack Bull Chiles: Are you sayin’, sir, that we fight for nothin’?

    Mr. Evans: Far from it, Mr. Chiles. You fight for everything that we ever had, as did my son. It’s just that… we don’t have it anymore.

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