I was given free time to air my thoughts on the 4th hour of the Alex Jones Show on Infowars yesterday, December 17. No matter what you think about Alex Jones, I respect and appreciate that from time to time he hands me his platform, with no “command guidance” whatsoever.

Yesterday I really let go about what I expect under a coming Biden-Harris administration. The Infowars Banned.video title for the segment is “Trump’s Final Battle Against the Deep State is Here.” But a better title might be “Ballot Box or Bullet Box,” so that’s the name I gave it here. Overnight, it’s had 112K views, a record number for my Infowars videos. Running time is just a half hour, with no Infowars commercials until the end, which you can obviously skip.

Old frogman, sailor, boat builder, novelist and essayist. Matthew Bracken was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1957, and attended the University of Virginia, where he received a BA in Russian Studies and was commissioned as a naval officer in 1979. Later in that year he graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, and in 1983 he led a Naval Special Warfare detachment to Beirut, Lebanon. Since then he’s been a welder, boat builder, charter captain, ocean sailor, essayist and novelist. He lives in North Florida. Links to many of Matt’s short stories and essays may be found at EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com, along with excerpts from his five novels: the Enemies Foreign and Domestic series, Castigo Cay and The Cliffs of Zerhoun. His essays and short stories can be found in “The Bracken Collection: Essays and Short Fiction 2010 to 2019”. All of his short stories and essays may be reproduced on the internet, in part or in whole, as long as proper attribution is given, and they are not sold for profit without the permission of the author.
Good job Matt. We so appreciate your voice in the midst of this craziness.
I’ve been posting this everywhere:
The Four Boxes
On April 19th, 1775, our forefathers only had two “boxes” to resolve their differences:
– The Soap box
– The Cartridge box
When King George ignored their requests for redress (soap box), there was only one box left to resolve their differences.
After July 4th, 1776, (and ratification of the Constitution) Americans now have four boxes to resolve our differences:
– The Soap box
– The Jury box
– The Ballot box
– The Cartridge box
The Democrats and foreign entities have stolen the election, and the media continues to tell lies. The leftist swamp has corrupted the Jury box.
The American people now no longer believe the Ballot box is viable, and leaves only one box to resolve the cheating, fraud, crimes, tyrannical decrees, and irreconcilable differences.
Outstanding message!! Did not mince words ooh rah!!! Sent along to my patriot friends and family member “normies”!
Mom told me there’d be days like this.
A friend researched my ancestry and my fathers side arrived to the New World June of 1633. My line has participated/fought in all our wars. I did not shirk my duties and put in 32 good years of my life in the US Cavalry. Sadly my son is lost to the left due to his mother’s poison life style and example. My point is this, if I am the last of my little twig of my family tree what better way to end it fighting evil. I believe Jesus died for my sins, I believe he will return, I believe I am here for a purpose, a good purpose, to do his bidding, his good deeds. And if that means to dispatch the evil that dwells amongst us then so be it, I am ready and I AM TRAINED FOR THIS FIGHT. Jesus put me in the military for a purpose, My God is with me, the Holy Spirit will guide me when it is time for me to do his Good Work. My God is with me, who can stand against me?
LTC, US Cavalry, Ret.
Challis, Idaho
Interesting fact. Julius Caesar crosses his Rubicon on 1-10-49BC. That’s just to damn poetic for DJT to pass on.
Interesting thought there about the Rubicon crossing. Of course, Rome has always had a powerful influence in regards to the United States, as it has had regarding Europe as a whole.
For instance, land carefully chosen to build Washington DC upon had once been called ‘Rome’, complete with it’s own ‘Tiber’ running through it.
And, at present, there are bizarre close historic parallels between the First Triumvirate of the late Roman republic led by the Roman billionaire and real estate speculator Crassus, his political protege, Julius Caesar, the general Pompey, and the present US government leadership of Donald Trump, his political protege Jared Kushner, and the veteran Pompeo..
The Triumvirate began to break down with the disastrous decision by Crassus to launch a military campaign against Parthia (present day Iran). Civil war, assassination, and finally dictatorship, is what followed. (See links below)
When US POW’s began returning home from N Korean/Chinese captivity at the end of the Korean War in 1953 there was alarm about the higher than expected numbers of them whiom had become adherants of Communism. Psychological studies were conducted to determine what exactly had been done to these POW’s minds by the NK and Chinese Communists.
One result of this was the publication in 1961 of a book on Chinese ‘thought reform’ (ie brain washing) techniques by Dr Robert J Lifton linked to below and described by Wiki here…
‘Lifton’s research for the book began in 1953 with a series of interviews with American servicemen who had been held captive during the Korean War. In addition to interviews with 25 Americans, Lifton also interviewed 15 Chinese who had fled their homeland after having been subjected to indoctrination in Chinese universities. From these interviews, which in some cases occurred regularly for over a year, Lifton identified the tactics used by Chinese communists to cause drastic shifts in one’s opinions and personality and “brainwash” American soldiers into making demonstrably false assertions.’
Once tbe oitline of Lifton’s work is perused it becomes abundantly clear the US msm are using the very same techniques on the American public as the Chinese and N K did on the US Pow’s.
Happily, once the POW’s were away from the camp loud speakers and haranguing political commisars for a few minths, for the most part their minds returned to normal. The equivelant of this today is simply to turn off the TV and radio.
Special note should be made of number 8 of Lifton’s eight criteria for thought reform. The cult abrogates for itself the right to determine just who has the right to exist and who does not.
‘Usually not literal’, except when it is…ie the killing fields of Pol Pot”s Cambodia, the tens of millions dead of Red China and the Soviet Union, Congressmen Pat Ryan’s investigation team at Jonestown, etc…and what of the fate of today’s ‘deplorables’?
‘Dispensing of existence.’ The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group’s ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.’
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism#:~:text= In the book%2C Lifton outlines the “Eight,as black and white and the… More
I feel that we will reach the precipice on Jan 6, 2021.
Thanks for a powerful message.
When you spoke of the ‘good comrade’ messages now often attached to anything questioning the honesty of the recent election I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Euro ‘progressive’ led, Black centric, and police phobic Peoples Temple, led by Jim Jones.
If a person wants insight into the ”progressive’/woke mentality, they should study up on the goings on inside Jonestown before the final denouement in 1978.
From wiki…’Nothing in the way of film or on
recorded TV (shown on the commune’s closed-circuit system), no matter how innocuous or seemingly politically neutral, could be viewed without a Temple staffer present to “interpret” the material for the viewers.’
video will not play probably my POS computer
Joe,I also tried a few times and would not play.
Anyway a written transcript can be lifted from interview for those of us who seem(just this link)video impaired,do they have that stuff yet?
“It literally makes my week to hear you telling local law enforcement and especially federal LEOs Where the Bull Went Through the Buckwheat! True Patriot!” This was my post on Gab, days ago when I watched this video. NC Scout, Matt Bracken, and the other Big Dogs who post on American Partisan all the time are leading the way. Again, I am not blowing up y’alls’ skirts to be your friend. You men know the risk you are taking to spread the truth. I respect and appreciate what y’all are doing. We have to stand together and take our country back or we lose it all. Read somewhere about how George Washington was losing for the first six years in our Revolutionary War. We are in it now.