“Build Back Better” – The Great Reset
Have any of you noticed that other countries have plagiarized Joe Biden’s logo, Build Back Better
or is he plagiarizing them? Them being The Word Economic Forum
Some examples from world leaders are,
I thought this was supposed to be a conspiracy theory. But here it is, straight from Trudeau’s mouth. The pandemic is the excuse for a “Great Reset” of the world, led by the UN. pic.twitter.com/ybugYfjhAq
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) November 15, 2020

United Kingdom PM Boris Johnson
Then we have John Kerry two weeks ago,
Now it becomes very apparent, at least to me, that the theft of the election by the left was all because of The Great Reset.
Keep your eyes open and follow the bouncing “Build Back Better” ball.
Freedom Through Self-Reliance ™
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Follow the bouncing ball?!
How about run it over with a 70’s 4×4/lifted/35″ tires ect.,then go in reverse/forward man timesy and keep running over it till there is zero chance of survival.
That would work too James, “How about run it over with a 70’s 4×4/lifted/35″ tires ect.,then go in reverse/forward man timesy and keep running over it till there is zero chance of survival.”
73 and God Bless
U.N. AGENDA 2030. Just search for those terms.
Great post, IMac.
I think you are right that the would be stolen US election is a part of the ‘great reset’,as is, I would add, the related Russian style ‘civil war’ they are attempting to kick off here. And, so too, is WWIII, waiting in the wings at present, which they seem ever so desperate to get going between the US/UK and Russia/China.
At some point this manufactured and broadly controlled (crimethink, I know) Hegelian Dialectic of an artificial hyper-individualist Capitalist ‘thesis’ vs an artificial hyper-collectivist Communist ‘anti-thesis’, which has been at play globally since 1776 and 1789, has got to be brought into a final worldwide ‘synthesis’, and hence, the ‘great reset’.
As it stands, should they ultimately succeed with this global reset, post world war, and perhaps sans seven billion or so now deceased people, it might be something like the ‘mixed’ Capitalist/Communist system China has now, writ large for the entire world.
Couldn’t help but notice the heavy Anglosphere representation of Kerry (US) Johnson (UK), and Trudeau (Canada), in the videos. This reflects well that the preponderance of global power still rests with the US/UK bloc, and that it is still true what W T Stead declared in 1902 in reference to it (see link below), ie ‘The lion’s share of the world is ours.’
[Yes, China is on the rise, but will the US/UK ‘allow’ China to keep and consolidate this power, or will they do what was done to Germany, which momentarily held European hegemony in 1942 during WWII, but was stripped of it and crushed by 1945?
Things could go multiple ways, ie the WWI and WWII pattern of a triumphant and least damaged US/UK may be broken, and the US/UK and Russia/China blocs could both be largely left burned out and irradiated husks after a world war. Things might go another way still, as there is also an Israeli ‘wild card’ in this mix, as there are indeed multiple players.]
J, great point. I hadn’t thought about the British (Current and past) plus USA involvement.
I should elaborate some about what I mean by a ‘broadly controlled’ Hegelian Dialectic at play since 1776 and 1789.
While most everyone knows about the Founding Fathers of the 1776 Capitalist American Revolution , it’s an under emphasised fact of history (and why exactly is that?) that some of the heaviest hitters amongst them, ie Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, were in a very real sense (via their involvement) also Founding Fathers of the 1789 Communist French Revolution as well.
The article from the outstanding Belcher Foundation website, linked below, convincingly adds Ben Franklin to this list of US Founding Fathers purportedly quite involved in the French Revolution.
Also curiously under emphasised is the seemingly incongruous fact that both Marx’s Communist Manifesto and the defacto Capitalist manifesto (ie Smith’s Wealth of Nations) were first publicized via their publications in London in 1848 and 1776 respectively. See links below. [Not so incongruous though if Capitalism and Communism are both deliberately constructed to be incomplete in and of themselves and were designed from the beginning to ‘converge’ and ‘synthesize’ with each other in global ‘Multi-culturalism’.]
This is in part why I say London has historically acted something like a central clearing house for both Capitalist and Communist global revolution since 1776 and 1789.
A person might say, wait, the US separated from Britain in 1776.
What if, however, just as Soviet defector Anatoly Golitsyn alleges Communist Russia and China performed a strategic false split circa 1960, to deceive the world as to their ever growing power, the Capitalist US and UK had been first to do the very same thing for the same reasons, under cover of the 1776 Revolution? In each instance, despite their respective false splits and outward appearance, the Capitalist US and UK, and later, Communist Russia and China, would continue working together behind the scenes, in what Golitsyn called a ‘scissors strategy’.
The generally unknown 1853 geo-political book by Thomas Poesche and Charles Goepp, The New Rome, asserts 1776 was a planned false split between the US and UK, as do some of the geopolitical articles at the also generally unknown Belcher Foundation site. which strongly hint that this was the case. [Once the ‘Fall of Capitalism’ takes place, ie the economic and political collapse of the United States and its Western bloc, expect many of these secrets to come out in the open, just as happened with the Fall of Communism thirty years ago and the revealing of Soviet secrets.]
A person might say, what of the loyal opposition, ie Red Republican France, and then later, the Soviet Union. Loyal opposition, indeed.
And, what of them?
Revolutionary France, already at minimum loosely being influenced by London via London’s indirect involvement in their revolution, ie Jefferson, Paine, apparently Franklin, as well, largely lost their right of self determination when they were finally crushed by the British led Allies in 1815. Afterwards, France was effectively reduced to being a satellite of the British Empire, allowed an ’empire’ by the British consisting primarily of the sub-Saharan desert in Western Africa.
As for the Soviet Union, under the Communist economic system Russia was so weak it was determined in 1940 by the British that all it would take to bring the USSR crashing down was to destroy the oil complex at Baku. Indeed, it was purportedly primarily the US deliberately driving oil prices down to extremely low levels in the late 80’s which caused the Soviet Union’s demise.
A bit like France’s sub-Saharan desert ’empire’ consisting of mostly sand, the Soviet’s ’empire’ in Eastern Europe consisted of mostly low population density, low industry, agricultural lands. The rich industrial portions of a populous Western Europe went to the US/UK, just as in Africa, it was the rich half of eastern Africa which went to the British.
As for the likely economic and political collapse of the United States, and the associated expectant Fall of Capitalism, as with the earlier parallelling collapse of the Soviet Union and the Fall of Communism, the reports of the death of Capitalism might well be greatly exaggerated.
Time should tell.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
This isn’t an ideological war anymore.
It’s a technology race for control of AI, the Internet, Robots, Microchips, and Technology.
All of that is a great distraction. It’s part of the script.
The real truth is that we are losing our high tech industries to foreigners and hostile states.
California has been bled dry. Everyone is moving to their next conquest.
Tennesse, Maryland, Virginia, and Texas are secretly High Tech Bases.
California has been looted, poisoned, and subverted.
Next up is the previously mentioned states.
They are conquering us because we, for the most part, don’t understand the whole plan.
We don’t make microchips in the U.S..
We can hardly assemble a rocket, let alone a missile or space ship.
We don’t make a bunch of other things either.
Very important things that are vital to our security.
Basically we just make fake votes, coal, and gasoline.
All of this has been about the Great Reset. They aren’t even trying very hard to pretend it isn’t.
Nope Arthur Sido they are not trying to hide it.
73 Brother
Yes and No.
I have mentioned this previously, but things are so hectic now it’s hard to filter fake news from reality.
Which is the point.
COVID-19, Bill Gates, CCP threats, the riots this summer.
It’s all a gigantic cover story for the 4th Industrial Revolution, 5G and AI, and Robotics.
We are entering into the next phase in human social and economic evolution.
This is the Silk Road 2.0 AKA the Belt and Road Initiative.
America, NATO, the U.N. is being replaced by a new Hegemony. Israel, Iran, China, Pakistan, and Russia are building the next step in globalization.
This one is gonna be permanent. So live or die, we better win.
You’ll notice that almost no one talks about this except a VERY few people.
If you focused on this, you would have very rich people offer you a lot of money to shut up.
That’s cause it’s the truth. Epstein and his friends weren’t compromising people with satan blood rituals.
There is some truth to that, but the REAL reason Epstein and friends compromised people was to transfer high tech outside of the U.S.
Look up Taiwan SemiConductor. The major producer of silicon tech microchips.
This is the NUMBER ONE objective for the CCP. They want to control it. So they can control the Robots and AI.
Look up who owns Microsoft now, and where it’s home base is. It’s not a U.S. company anymore.
Gates is playing a role. He is acting a part. The real truth is that he was compromised and transferred the keys of Microsoft to foreign actors.
All that other stuff is just highly dramatic nonsense, minimization, and disinformation.
Soon, very soon, there are gonna be kill bots and drones flying around everywhere.
We already have 5G cities with Chinese run infrastructure. A direct violation of executive orders by Trump.
We are in the middle of a soft coup, a revolution, a civil war, and a fight for basic human rights and freedoms.
It’s everything all at once. Something I wrote about once I termed ‘The Grand Finale”
Think of it like a 4th of July fireworks show.
Little explosions building up to a grand finale.
FYI, Iran isn’t our enemy. That’s all fake news. They are actually one of our greatest allies similiar to our relationship with Saudi Arabia or Israel. It’s a game. A show.
This video is only 20 minutes long. Worth a watch and decide for yourself. Put aside everything you think you know before you watch it.