I spoke this week with a few of my ER physicians, nurses and a couple of the lab techs about the cultural, political and scientific environment going on in the West surrounding the COVID virus “pandemic”. They often approach me and ask me my thoughts on this or that, not necessarily because I possess such wisdom that I have medical doctors going on pilgrimages up a mountain to seek it, but I think more because they enjoy telling someone that they simply don’t feel right about the situation or trust the “authorities, and I willingly listen and engage. I get the feeling that for many of them, their opportunities to voice their concerns to educated people in the medical field in a face-to-face manner and do so without risking their licenses and livelihoods are few and far between. It took us only about nine months to go from “Please wash your hands and cover your cough” to “You have to get this vaccine or else you risk your job.”
As far as what I think of the vaccine, I agree with what a few of them have said. Basically, the thoughts I’m hearing are that they don’t trust that it’s been through the proper scientific gauntlet. Hasn’t been tested. They don’t trust how quickly it was developed, manufactured and dispersed to the population. Couple that with the fact that the people who are pushing it the hardest are the same people who have proven to me over and over again that I can not trust them with my well-being or that of my family. The list of “Covidians” and the list of people who want me dead have a lot of overlap. Therefore, when my company asked me in a questionnaire if I would be willing to take the shot, I told them that I was not willing to. They later sent out an email saying that the vaccine is available for staff, and is “highly” recommended”, but not mandatory.
Well, yes. I know it’s not “mandatory”. That is just word, and they will see how flexible that word becomes if they come at me with that vaccine. My thoughts were seconded by the ER doc I was sitting next to when I said it.
Covid has been used to facilitate the theft of an election and a coup. It was used to justify mail-in ballots, which are the easiest guaranteed way to rig an election. Real pandemics don’t allow people time and opportunity to stage a coup. Real pandemics don’t make all of the elites richer. Real pandemics don’t pick and choose between races and religions. A real pandemic wouldn’t side with big box mega-corps over small businesses. A real pandemic won’t differentiate between a peaceful, right-wing protest and a violent, communist riot. In a real pandemic, we wouldn’t catch the rich and powerful breaking all of the rules, because they would be afraid to do so. If this was a real pandemic, you wouldn’t be able to go to Walmart. You wouldn’t want to go to Walmart, because you wouldn’t want to get sick and later end up in one of the burning piles of bodies you pass on the way.
They have convinced millions of people that just seeing family for the Christmas season, going to church and daring to show your face in public is selfish and dangerous.
I believe this is all social engineering on a massive scale. Eventually the vaccine will be essentially mandatory. Perhaps they won’t be able to physically force a needle into your arm, but they can be very persuasive about getting you to accept it “willingly”. See the title photo above. That is not a joke meme.
In the meantime, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) owns the US in almost every way. Covid has assisted the CCP marvelously. They already had a grip on American academia, where professors and scientists all over the nation have been paid to conduct research on behalf of the CCP, and send the data to them. Chinese intellectual theft is why no one in America should give a damn about the debt we supposedly “owe” China. They have stolen ten times more than whatever we have borrowed, and now they’ve done irreparable damage to the American economy and the election system.
The CCP owns controlling shares in many movie studios in Hollywood, which now pumps out non-stop anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Americana propaganda. Hardcore degeneracy, feminism, communist and socialist ideology and pedophilia is the name of the game. Whatever it takes to ruin the soul of a once great people.
They also own business and industry. Manufacturing. Obviously we all know that it has become increasingly difficult and expensive to buy American-made goods. Not impossible, but difficult.
What’s left? Politics? With the recent reports of Eric Swalwell falling hard for a Chinese honeypot and her connection to the Chinese spy that was close to Diane Feinstein years ago, and the fact that China owns Joe Biden and his entire family, it’s looking like the swamp is actually a bamboo forest. Maybe that’s why it was so hard to drain. Everyone was searching around every corner for Russian agents and white supremacists, and they missed the CCP spies sitting in their offices. Covid, which originated in China, is what gave the left the easy opportunity to rig the election with mail-in ballots. They did such a sloppy job that it’s obvious that Trump’s lead was insurmountable with just “normal” vote rigging.
Our side must stop playing by the rules. The rules are in place to ensure that we lose to the people who refuse to follow them. You can’t show your face in public, but they can. Your vote didn’t count, but their vote did. Your business is closed, but their business is getting rich. You can’t travel, but they still can. You can’t go to church, but they can go to a riot.
We now live in a post-truth, low-trust society, and all the goodies that come with that are scheduled for delivery starting sometime in the next four weeks.
Hope you’re ready. This isn’t your country anymore, it’s enemy territory. The United States of China. A Covidiocracy. You are an insurgent, and you know what they’ve been doing to “insurgents” overseas for nearly 20 years now. Matt Bracken says “Bosnia times Rwanda”. I say “Yugoslavia times Weimar Germany”. It still results in the same exact answer.
Stay out of Sarajevo. It’s about to go down.
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A most blunt and honest, accurate assessment of the dire circumstances Traditional Americans and Patriots are in today. Until large numbers of Patriots judiciously employ the use of hemp & lead, the boxcars will be filled !
Excellent article. The masses have been so stoked with fear they now believe it to be a virtue. Turning on one another, ratting out neighbors for too many guests. 99%+ survival rate and people act like its the black death? All about control. Know about a dozen people who have tested positive, no symptoms, no hospitalizations. Yes I get it, it has killed people, lets safeguard the vulnerable and drive on. I fear a Balkans repeat on steroids and then who will come in to be peacekeepers. Biden will welcome CCP intervention.
What a depressing assessment, yet how accurate. The mask nazis are all ‘good citizens’ who work for the Greater Good; many others go along to get along and know something really smells bad, but the mask doesn’t filter out that stench. Just a couple comments: not sure how the anti-Trump crew figures that things will be better when critical race theory, firing over social media posts, losing your bank account for wrong-think, the return of the same people that sicced the IRS on the Tea Party etc, all have the blessing and force of Fed Gov. And not to forget the churches.
But agreed, nothing will be ‘ legally mandatory,’ just that without a vaccine, mask, travel passport, barking like a dog and whatever else is demanded you can’t leave your house. At an RTO class a little over a year ago it hit me: We already are the underground, we just don’t realize it.
Sir, why would you need or want a vaccine if as I have, you already had covid ? I intentionally infected myself after calculating the risk using credible information I was able to find.
A very good and accurate picture of what is playing out, and what is coming- thanks. It is the perfect manufactured crisis imposed by the global elites at the opportune time – the years (decades?) of fear mongering, false flags, and in-your -face lies by governments and the corrupt media have brought us to tis moment.
However, I am convinced that the root problem is a spiritual one. That the globalist cabal is evil is beyond question by now.. they are satanic. But the ignorance of the population is largely self -induced. It is not that they can’t understand, but that they won’t understand. They “walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened…because of the blindness of their heart”(Ephesians 4:17-18) because they are alienated form God, and having rejected the truth of the gospel, they are deceived into believing the lie.
And sadly I predict once they see how well we can be forced to comply with a rushed, I don’t trust it shot, expect that the same denial of electronic life your Meme so nicely captured for those “Evil Guns” that keep them smiling, lying Socialists (but I repeat myself) instead of outright shoot you Communists.
Even Hitler and Stalin had to have the silent consent of the majority to have a functional country. The former Soviet Union found out that Tanks and Troops don’t make a sullen country like East Germany “Profitable”. Pol Pot could kill many but his country was a very poor near starving “Victory” for the Winners. North Korea is also an excellent example of force with out peoples consent.
The Deep State and their disposable face people the Socialist-Democrats SOLD us to the Chinese, lets make sure it’s unprofitable eh?
Covidiocracy, covidiots- great terms! I am a spiritual person but being a sword-carrying Christian labeling Islam and now China as existential threats may satisfy but is a harmful mistake and would lead us into the bloody horrors of the medieval crusades. The pay-to-play politics of our too-powerful federal government and poor people too dependent on the government for handouts(read Socialism) has been going on much longer than either of these other two threats. It ain’t just the Chinese that use ‘honeypots’. The Russians are much more successful at it. We need to ‘drain the swamp”. Creating more windmills to strike just creates more problems, not solve them.
Good write up but we got to stop acting like some soon to be hunted remnant.The majority in this country are on the ‘right’ side. They may not be as schooled as some of us on this crap . However seeing thousands of them in DC last weekend from all 50 states shaking hands , not wearing masks and other normal things shows me the 3 D world is fine. The enemy wants us all to look at their illusion. Do the opposite. Go to where the crowds are , fill the streets. Meet your countrymen. If you won’t do that you won’t do anything.
The only structure that can defeat this satanic abomination are strong nation states with a Christian revival. – why Russia is on the shit list. Local is my natural tendency but having chats and musters at the county level won’t cut it anymore.(never did) . IRA style ops are fantasy also. They were infiltrated from the get go anyway and Ireland was swallowed by the satanic EU while that crap was going on. Michael Collins went from street fighter straight to nation building ( which is why they killed him). When millions of non mask wearers go to DC on Jan 06 how can they maintain the Covid hoax? China is partying like it’s 1999, hello?
Everyone in my family is terrified of the Virus.
We canceled Thanksgiving and now Christmas because of the flu.
Our governor said people traveling out of state need to get tested and quarantine for 10 days and get tested again.
Facemasks are now mandatory in public.
Half of the police live out of state and various of workers live out of state too.
This is retarded. As if all these laborers, trades, and civil servants are getting tested every week.
What a nightmare of a situation. Good luck finding shelter or help during Guerilla operations when a “virus is going around”. Everyone is terrified of the Flu, but they have no idea what Islam, Communism, or Socialism is.
Post-modern Western civilization is a freaking joke. Everyone has a million college degrees, but they don’t know anything.
I have family I love who are diehard liberals and believe in this Covidiocy (secret: get agreement to not EVER talk politics). Simple math clearly shows ‘there are no piles of dead bodies in the streets’; we’re not even close to having a pandemic. At the peak of the dying, because I’m an ‘older’ citizen reflecting on my mortality, I called a mortuary to get prices on cremation. They’ve been around for decades. Because I asked, it was made very clear to me that not just their mortuary but the larger metro area of several cities were experiencing insignificant increases of dead. How come these easy to obtain stats aren’t being reported?
I’d still include Rwanda for the racial dimension of the coming explosion.
Yugoslavia X Weimar Germany X Rwanda.
I forget the name of the old switch-a-roo, it began with an ‘M”. It references the theft of manufacturing and high technology during a period of history I am not exactly familiar with. Most likely it was referencing when the communists seized the means of production in eastern Europe after WW2.
My point? The high tech jobs in California aren’t moving to Texas. They are packing up and leaving for Israel, Taiwan, and China. We are currently being looted, robbed, and lied to. The riots this summer were a distraction meant to create a divide between the Rural and Urban areas. We don’t make microchips, basic chemicals, or gunpowder.
The Intel community and SF just figured this out a couple months ago.
To me, the mask madness makes no sense at all–except as a dry-run for a mandatory vaccine. How many people will enthusiastically comply? How many of those will try to shame or intimidate others into taking it> How many will know it’s ineffective/stupid/dangerous, but will take it anyway to keep their job or their ability to buy and sell? How many will refuse outright, no matter the pressure? They’ve probably got a decent projected forecast now, just from observing the mask madness/
The forecast looks pretty depressing from where I sit.
Whatever damage the vaccine does or doesn’t do, it just might be a dry run to test the waters for eventual Allegiance Credentials to be implanted in your forehead or right hand.
It’s not ‘moral’ to think this, but the obedient sheep who flock to get the vaccine deserve it . They want to be heroes in the Unrestricted War , let them. The faster they get it and get ‘complications’ the quicker the spell breaks. Trump staying on and getting rid of 230 will improve matters further. .
According to Patrick Bergy, there needs to be a SALT treaty against the use of online influence psy-operations by both the military and private companies.
Brigadier General Robert Spalding says that the military needs to seize control of the entire internet and use military grade encryption on any data leaving the country.
Next time you are out in public, look over the shoulder of a young lady while she is using her phone. It’s 100% propaganda. Catered to every single persons psychology based on their internet data profile. The levels of propaganda we are subjected too are no longer broad stroke attacks. They are individually catered to EACH person’s specific psychological profile. It’s so effective that we are currently losing control of our 20 year old population.
JP, 100%. These bitches (of both sexes) have donated $10 billion plus to BLM so far. That’s quite a war-chest for the coming sport. On the other hand I have three teenage daughters and they are fairly well grounded. Then again I dragged them around many US and some European historic venues for years and instilled them with pride in their heritage. Most of my contemporaries were too busy with ‘work’ and other frivolous pursuits and now can’t talk to their kids and asking ‘what should I do?’. Cosmic lesson inbound.
Russia is the only ‘bad guy ‘ I am willing to cut some slack. They bent over backwards to reach an accommodation with the grinning swine ‘leading’ the West from ’91 to 2008. In the first decade they were raped and the second mocked and are now hated for joining the Eurasian project. What were they to do? Geographically I can’t blame them. CCP is a foe for sure but even they are a Frankenstein project of the City of London and their surrogates in DC and Tel Aviv.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was a false surrender. There are no states in Communism.
Only a global world order. Ergo, the slogan “Workers of the World Unite”.
The smartest and most well connected communists leaders in the Soviet Union immigrated to Israel, America, South America, and Europe.
They had 3 major immigrations to these countries in the 1950’s, 1970’s, and the last exodus in 1990.
Look up the leaders of major tech companies, then research their families. Their fathers are mostly Russian or Israeli(Who immigrated from Russia or the Ukraine).
The “Collapse” of the Soviet Union was just the leadership abandoning their posts and positions in major infrastructural areas like electrical engineering and agriculture. The Russians have never recovered, Russia is just a bunch of Gangster Oligarchs with a Military, Diamonds, and Oil. They can make pretty decent weapons.
This is mainline history, and is covered in my college courses, but the internet has devolved every discussion into less than 4 sentences. They are practically bragging in my books about how they deployed who colonies of communists to our countries.
The banks could cut off transactions with the CCP, or any other dictatorship, tomorrow. But they don’t? That’s weird, It’s almost like they are working together…
Remember when Antifa protested the Banks?
Remember when Antifa protested the OIC for being anti-feminists who enslave blacks?
I can go on and on because I see things others don’t.
Remember when Antifa protested for Palestine and their funding was cut?
That’s weird…
Wait till you find out that Red Ice TV is financed by Russian Intelligence.
JP, i have been to Russia three times and traveled around it a good bit by excellent trains that make Amtrak an embarrassment.. Speak the language enough to get by without an interpreter. There is a lot more to that place than gangsters , oil and diamonds. Books though great take you only so far – especially ‘mainline’ history and college text books. For example comparing Russian GDP which is production/export based to Italian GDP -debt/consumption based is retarded. There is essentially no mortgage ‘market’ in Russia. Also if Russia wants to export NG to Europe who cares? No one except Wall Street scum who bet the farm on the fracking fraud. Or the retarded Poles who let almost free gas pass them by under the Baltic while they pay triple for LNG from here (minus the skim for their very real oligarchs). The City of London and Vatican have been cockblocking Asia from Europe since Marco Polo because a sea based empire can never compete with the McKinder’s World Island.
China and India were the centers if finance when European bumpkins were hacking each other with battle axes. They will again but not in a way we will like . The West has to offer a better human based vision which means defeating our collaborators with this high tech abomination they are spawning in China, Whining about and attacking the Eurasian project just alienates the half world population who live there.. Only 100 years ago Sun Yat Sen modeled his republic on the American System he admired having lived here. This was overthrown by the CIA creature Mao.
In DC last week the most impressive group were the Taiwan Chinese women in their white dresses . The Chinese are Fubar since they were ‘discovered’ by the East India Company and their Jesuit scouts.
I’ve been trying to explain the engineered “collapse” / rebranding of the USSR and it’s not been well received. The strategy was brilliant actually I’m impressed. The Soviets needed to open up the country to the West and project a false narrative that communism had collapsed. Soviet assets have been crawling all over the US since the 30s. McCarthy knew it and a book called the Venona Secrets explains it. Anatoliy Golitsyn was the first whistleblower on this I believe. Anyone can check out The Perestroika Deception on youtube for more info on this. And I was surprised another former KGB did a video a few weeks ago talking about covid as a bioweapon- but he mentioned it as well briefly.
Alexandr Dugin’s “Putin’s Brain” Fourth Political Theory is what we are living right now. The Soviet long range strategy is even on his wikipedia page for his book- which he will not translate into English. Any American trusting Dugin is a fool. In 1997 he wrote “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke “Afro-American racists” (BLM anyone?) It must be noted that Dugin is simply continuing the Bolshevik tradition of anti-racism that was pioneered by Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin. This philosophy is where all the anti- white propaganda is coming from. But in true Soviet fashion- he is a hero among many white nationalists in the US- because they are complete idiots or controlled. I urge people to research esp if you are pissed about the anti-white agenda.
And I’d say almost all “alt media” channels are controlled and mostly by Russia. Russiagate was a bogus red herring to make people mock the idea that Russia is subverting us in any way- and that has also worked.
I’m not controlled by Russia…at least last time I checked.
Freya, The collapse was engineered so the Commie bosses could cash in their holdings in the USSR receivership by merging Soviet system with the Wall St / City of London. If I was Alex Dugin or any Russian I would be saying bitter things like that too in 1997 as my country was raped by swine. Putin made a deal with NWO ambassador Kissinger to make Russia again profitable to the ‘owners’. For a decade he was portrayed as a simple , obedient executive managing Russia as a compliant backwater. Since he went ‘rogue’ by extolling Russian independence he is a devil. Kind of like Trump.
The whole anti-west/white and anti-Russian agenda didn’t spring from USSR. It and Bolshevism originated and is still promulgated in the mansions of Kensington Gardens and the Upper East Side. Our common enemy is tiny, ancient and has been studying us all for millennia.
NC Scout- I was not implying you or this site is Russian controlled. I would not comment if I thought so. What I mean is- most youtube alt-media is. The Bolsheviks ideological offspring still control that great country. Israel is their backdoor and they’ve stolen all our high tech. Russian commies rule Israel.
Ah I gotcha. Yeah the video based stuff is.
Boss 21- Putin is not “rouge” and neither is Trump. I wish that were true. If it were – they would enjoy a convertible ride through Dallas. Their roles in this global show is to play the “hero”. It’s all a dialectic. (Marxist definition: The Marxian process of change through the conflict of opposing forces, whereby a given contradiction is characterized by a primary and a secondary aspect, the secondary succumbing to the primary, which is then transformed into an aspect of a new contradiction.) Dugin is a snake. He hates white Russians- just like the Bolsheviks who killed millions of them. Trust him at your own risk.
Sound thoughts. I have only one contention. No doubt there is very significant foreign meddling in US domestic affairs and foreign policy. And no doubt China is up to its eyeballs. And no doubt, if you think that China is the most significant adversary in this regard, you have been blinded to reality. Think it through.
You’re right KC. The infiltration of America started in the 30’s. The CCP is actually late to the party. I’m not suggesting they’re not significant, but it took us a long time to get here. And now we’re on the edge of that cliff- about to go over. Meanwhile- I asked my brother and his wife if they intended to leave downtown LA because they’ve been locked down in an apartment for 9 months. She looked at me like my IQ just dropped to 60. And actually got a defensive attitude and said something snarky. The sleepers have zero clue what’s happening and probably won’t until they’re lined up next to a ditch.
It was far earlier than that.
Marx references Lincoln in Das Kapital. The FBI was created in response to the Red Scare of the post-ww1 era.
Hopefully your relatives avoid the ditch scenario.
I don’t know their ideological persuasion, but there is something almost suicidal about those of a so called ‘progressive’ left bent. I think perhaps the biggest part of that stems from their blanket rejection of the reality of race and ethnicity, often in particular that of their own, a type of suicide in and of itself. If the whole subject could be made to just go away or disappear, everything would be better, or, so they seem to think.
One ‘progressive’ sort (along with three probably like minded journalists) who didn’t escape the figurative ditch, was US Congressman Leo Ryan in 1978 at Jonestown. Jonestown was something like an early ‘woke’ autonomous zone one could say.
Despite learning of ‘defectors’ desperately wanting to flee Jonestown, some of whom called it a ‘Communist prison camp’, Ryan was still going to give the place a ‘clean bill of health in his investigative report.…
‘Temple member Vernon Gosney handed NBC correspondent Don Harris (mistaking him for Ryan) a note that read “Vernon Gosney and (Temple member) Monica Bagby: please help us get out of Jonestown”. Jones was made aware of the note, and Gosney tried and failed to impress upon Ryan the extreme danger that his delegation was now in…
…Concurrently, several other Peoples Temple members who had escorted the group out began to open fire on the transport plane, killing Ryan, three journalists and a defecting Temple member, while wounding nine others, including Speier. The gunmen riddled Ryan’s body with over 20 bullets before shooting him in the face.
The passengers on the Cessna subdued Layton and the survivors on both planes fled into nearby fields during and after the attack.
even (especially?) with all this going on i have been wrestling with the idea of moving back to the states. been away close to 15 years.. married in europe and the wife isn’t keen on leaving, but it’s looking even more soviet on this side of the pond. it indeed looks like the battleground now is america itself, but i think that’s more because the enemy already won or came to an understanding elsewhere. i dont think being in europe is even going to avoid any of the turmoil or danger of a second civil war, because that war will go hand in hand with ww3, and as long as the enemies of america (aligned with euro elites for sure) are not yet defeated, theyll be doubling down on the whole deal in europe as well.
not the point in history one would prefer to be picking up and moving.. what else to do though?
Not sure where in Europe you’re located but a few things to consider: The coming battle is actually for Eurasia – that is the prize. Putin is playing this very close to the vest- but Russia wants Poland and Ukraine eliminated. The so-called New World Order is actually coming from that direction- the East. Russia intends to build out and connect with Germany. Israel is building it’s “Greater Israel” project- which is the reason for all these so-called peace deals. And China will continue building the One Belt One Road Project. They need the US distracted/ out of the fight for this grand plan to unfold. Your best bet may be a red state in the US. Good luck to you and your family.
100% Correct. And the control of the 4th industrial revolution managed by the technocratic neo-nobility, robotics made in China, and powered by Israeli technology copied and stolen from the U.S.
All the alternative media, and the blue checkmark heroes on twitter are operatives for Israel, Russia, and China.
greece.. one of the most enthusiastically dictatorial countries.. totally disarmed, large fraction of society dependent on government jobs or pensions or subsidies etc, almost sero spirit of liberty , even when the epople overwhelmingly don’t want these recent restrictions, for example, theres almost zero resistance and most people just think theyll keep going along to get along.
a small farm in a red state would be just the ticket.. there are practical concerns of course. the house i worked for years to build here, would be a total loss. i know people here, know almost nobody in the states anymore. having moved many times , i know just how much you leave behind every time. this would be a major move and of necessity one would have to leave an awful lot behind and write it off as a loss. so one could say sentimental/family reasons are a major reason to stay.. but a sense that there is still some liberty in america and some people willing to put some effort into clawing their liberty back from the oligarchs.. whereas in europe it’s already a lost cause. the west is ruled by a globalist elite who have as a major pillar of their strategy, the destruction of the west and its civilization. the chinese are laughing in their sleeves at this, providing support and alliance to these monsters until they accomplish their task, then theyll come in and clean house- the chinese have no use for anything that’s not chinese- and the russians, from here they seem to be more intent on hanging on and keeping out of anyone else’s empire, than in ruling eurasia.
in the background, the rapidly collapsing net energy available for powering any of this fancy civilization is adding a major urgency to the big league players that they have only a very short time left to hammer down their total domination and keep a grip on things. a chaotic collapse would be the best for living things and free humans. they’re trying a controlled demolition to keep in control all the way down (though i think a lot of them drank their own kool-aid and believe they have some techno-fantasy future coming)
For some years now I have been considering what would be the ideal place to be in when SHTF; and how available and affordable would it be. What I have found is every place has its Achilles heel and, barring an exceptionally bad reason to stay, I advise stay with what you have and know; the grass is actually not greener on the other side. Identify and work with the Achilles heel(s) of your situation. There is a spanish saying, “Salio de Guatemala para entrar en ‘guater’ peor”, in other words don’t jump out of the frying pan into the fire.
I give Sam Culper of Forward Observer credit for the following formula: about 70% of your attention should be to what is going on around you locally. Regional, national and international should take correspondingly the other 30% – news/infotainment to the contrary be damned!
For me the number one thing of importance is my spiritual path. I recommend it. Fortunately for me I’ve been on mine for some time now.
Great write-up. Been passing it around.
It is about to go down.
you are behind enemy lines
you have everything to lose
no one is coming to save you
This is the Way.
In a nutshell…
FDA to Pfizer – short version:
It is.. reasonable… to believe… that this vaccine… may… be effective… despite… the fact… that it does not meet… certain requirements… otherwise… required… by applicable federal law… and… has not been approved… or licensed… by FDA.
You can read the whole thing here:
Thought y’all might get some traction with relatives if you point them to Jim West’s work on the fallacies of virus-theology – i.e. “bad science” hardly comes close to describing what’s been going on for a century or more. From the DDT causation of Polio story to the Fracked-Oil Hydrogen Cyanide trigger of our present “pandemic”, the modus-operandi is pretty much the same. The full-story on this type of cover-up of acute pollution and chemical poisoning was published in a book titled: Virus Mania back in 2007. In this age of information-overload and trolls a mile-deep working the crowd; this book is a gem of research that must have taken a decade or two to even hope to publish. These two mentioned resources take some thought and time to delve into at a sufficient depth, so they may not help those who tend to simply follow orders. Either way, the fundamental studies proving the case; one’s that have been ignored and buried by establishment authorities; lost to the sands of time as it were; are very well-documented by those who have been in the know and on the front-lines regarding HIV, H5N1, West Nile, BSE, Zika, SARS, Hepatitis C, HPV and other falsely attributed epidemics and scares. It’s pretty clear from whence the tyranny we face is finding much of its strength.
Box cars will be filled,nah,this is just the beginning.
See you on the other side,then……,times get interesting.
Excellent points about the Covid virus and how it’s been used for all sorts of purposes, in particular it appears, for social engineering.
As for Chinese ‘theft’ of US technology to build themselves up, this would appear to simply be a repeat of the Soviet ‘theft’ of US technology for similar ends which took place decades before.
I put ‘theft’ in quotes in each instance, as I see it much less as being theft, but, much more, rather, the Capitalist US deliberately giving the technology away freely to Soviet Russia and Red China, all whilst playing ‘dumb’ to its own people and to the world. No one is that consistently stupid, however. Make no mistake, this technology transfer from Capitalism to Communism is quite deliberate and intentional.
And, yet, could it ever have been any different?
And, hasn’t it always ever been so?
For, from Communism’s very foundation in Revolutionary France, one finds also present in support the representatives of a complimentary and closely paralleling Capitalism, in the persons of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and, apparently, Ben Franklin as well, all Founding Fathers of the United States.* (See links below).
It was the French Revolution of 1789 which introduced to the world the ‘Commune’, ‘counter-revolution’, the ‘political commissr’, the mass arrests and executions of the ‘great terror’, ‘Whites’, and ‘red republicanism’, all of which Soviet Communism would evolve from.
It is the revolutionary capital of Paris today which has a city square named ‘Stalingrad’ in honor of that city’s Communist defenders.
How can this be? It’s enough to drive one mad.
Thankfully, for the health of our minds, there is a method to the madness, if one looks at this as a broadly controlled and guided Hegelian Dialectic of Capitalist ‘thesis’, Communist ‘anti-thesis’, and global Multi-Cultural ‘synthesis’, aka problem, reaction, solution, to ultimately manifest itself in it’s final form as a theoretical unified world state/empire.
From Wiki in regards to the findings of Anthony Sutton and US technology transfer to the Soviet Union:
‘During his [Sutton’s] time at the Hoover Institution, he wrote the major study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the then-present year of 1970. Sutton argued that the Soviet Union’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the Viet Cong, was built by United States corporations and largely funded by US taxpayers. Steel and iron plants, the GAZ automobile factory, a Ford subsidiary in eastern Russia, and many other Soviet industrial enterprises were built with the help or technical assistance of the United States or US corporations. He argued further that the Soviet Union’s acquisition of MIRV technology was made possible by receiving (from US sources) machining equipment for the manufacture of precision ball bearings, necessary to mass-produce MIRV-enabled missiles. He contributed articles to Human Events, The Review of the News, Triumph, Ordnance, and many other journals.’
‘In 1973, Sutton published a popularized, condensed version of the sections of the forthcoming third volume relevant to military technology called National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union after which he was forced out of the Hoover Institution.’
*Behind these men, and behind both the respective Capitalist and Communist revolutions of 1776 and 1789, one will historically find the City of London, the British Empire initially, and in time the US, acting as this manufactured dialectic’s arbiter, ie ‘referee’.
J, now we are getting somewhere. Paris was the first color revolution . Good summary and all roads lead to Venice on the Thames.
London was where the defacto Capitalist ‘manifesto’, ie Smith’s Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776. The publisher was a Freeman of the City of London.
London (to be specific, the City of London financial district) was where Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto was first published in 1848.
London is where Thomas Poesche, (a young twenty something failed revolutionary from Germany) spent about a year living in during 1850, before traveling to the US and co-writing the New Rome in 1853.
My guess is that while in London Poesche was introduced to some representatives of some very powerful people (ie such as Palmerston and Rothschild, etc,) who filled Poesche in about long range plans for the world that we’re already even then we’ll developed, ie such as the future world war(s) with Germany, the following US/Russia global conflict,, and future US ascendancy, etc,, and that he was ‘commissioned’ to write a book about these things and have it published. My suspicion is the ‘payoff’ for his trouble was the cushy US government job Poesche was given in Washington DC and which he held from the latter 1850’s to the end of his life in 1900.
But, yes, London has a way of popping up regularly in these things.
Some fascinating commentary in this thread regarding Golitsyn and the Soviet Union.
The defector Golitsyn claimed the long lasting Sino-Soviet split, beginning in the latter 1950’s , was a strategic deception, to assuage fears in the West of ever growing Communist might. His explanation makes perfect sense.
What’s interesting is if a person ‘reverse engineers’ this and applies it to the Capitalist US /UK, it appears that under cover of the 1776 Revolution that the US and UK did a ‘false split’ as well, for exactly the same reasons Russia and China did. And just as the Soviet Union (now Russia) and China ended their split some time ago, so too have the US and UK (since 1900 and the formation of the ‘special relationship’).
The 1853 book The New Rome (linked below) asserts that 1776 was a false split between the US/UK. The same book describes how a future united US/UK front will unleash a ‘world’s war’ upon the Earth when they make their move to conquer and gain control of Germany. Immediately following the future world’s war a great global struggle is to commence between the United States and Russia to determine which of the two powers will have world hegemony
The US is to have the victory over Russia’s ground forces due to global projection of US air power. The same book claims the United States is the planned direct continuation of the British Empire.
The Belcher Foundation website article linked below dovetails perfectly with the New Rome book filling in the details it doesn’t provide.
It’s said the powers that be tell people what they are planning to do beforehand and I think that’s true. I think the New Rome, it’s 1912 companion booklet A Poliical Prophecy,, and the Belcher Foundation article, all linked below, are examples. They can do that because people all too often don’t want to hear hard truths, of which I’m far from perfect. Part of it though involves suppression of information through simply not reporting on it further after the fact.
The New Rome was published in 1853 in apparently great numbers and widely distributed by the major US establishment book publisher G P Putnam (now Penguin), then with offices in New York City and London. It was widely reviewed at the time as well. Yet today, almost no one has ever heard of it, and I can just about guarantee the US MSM has never spoken of this book on either radio or television. I only read of it first being discussed in another 19th century book I was perusing.
When the Fall of Capitalism takes place, ie the economic and political collapse of the United States and its Western bloc, a lot of secrets about the United States will be revealed, at least momentarily, just as secrets were revealed about the Soviet Union were revealed when the Fall of Communism took place thirty years ago.
Yes , the Pilgrim Society was founded in 1902.The ‘Civil’ war was their previous run at the US along with 1812 before that. They have been trying to covertly rope the US back into the Empire since Yorktown while motivating the yeomen to conquer and develop the continent with the gale of ‘liberty’ at their back. I still would support the original intent of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights as the best that could be achieved in this epoch or Third Age as Evola. would say.
Interesting- I’ll look into those links. I would be much more supportive of a Pax Americana/ US-UK led New World Order based on the Constitution and the Magna Carta. IF we can kick these commies out of government and straighten our shit out. However, the UK royal family and the City of London bankers have sold out Western interests long ago. The “Unipolar” NWO is the decoy I believe. Our enemies want a “multipolar” NWO led by Israel/ Russia/ China/ Iran and they will leave the US to devolve into a welfare state.
I think (originally at least) when this manufactured and broadly controlled dialectical ball of Capitalist vs Communist, Right vs Left, etc., was first set rolling in the late 18th century , that the intent was that the resulting synthesis, ie the United States of the World, the New Rome, would be a global ‘democratic republic’, a United States writ large. It was to be dominated by the British, naturally, the ‘worker being worthy of his wages’.
We shall see, best laid plans of mice and men and all.
As for Trump and Putin, both of internationalist backgrounds, I see them as controlled limited hangouts of nationalism, though I wish it were not so.
As part of this Hegelian dialectic, a third world war is intended, in part for the purpose of destroying what remains of the various peoples of the world’s identities, physically and culturally, but also, to drive the world’s population down to a ‘more manageable’ five hundred million. The synthesis of Capitalism and Communism, global Multi-Culturalism.can then be ushered in in the form of a unified world state/empire.
Allowing for this limited nationalism in Eastern Europe, Japan, China, and the US, etc, is useful in motivating people to fight. After the world war (should there be an after) it will be recorded in the future history books, that the ‘rise of nationalism’ is what caused WWIII.
People have their right of refusal to partake of this unnatural dialectic, though easier said than done, to be sure.
(Below are a couple of links to sites that some may find interesting.
One is to an article at the outstanding Belcher Foundation website, a site dedicated to the preservation and memory of the life work of Jonathan Belcher, a prominent British royal colonial governor, founder of Princeton University, and first North American born British Freemason.
The second is to an excellent article on British and American Israelism.) Imperial British-Israelism had one goal above all,Crown could take to heart and proudly support.