Mike Adams: PREPARE FOR WAR: After Jan. 6th, expect all hell to break loose across America

(Natural News) For the past month or so, I’ve been posting daily Situation Update reports based on deep research and insider sources who help keep me informed. You can listen to all these Situation Update podcasts at this link on Brighteon.com.

In this article, I’m going to summarize where things stand right now in terms of the election, civil war, the Insurrection Act, war with China and other topics.

The short summary is that if this election situation is not resolved on January 6th, all hell is going to break loose across America. The obvious, overwhelming election theft by enemies of America will simply not be tolerated by patriots. It’s already apparent that literally millions of Americans are on the verge of activating their Second Amendment duty to defeat tyranny and save the republic, even if it means possibly dying in the process.

Meanwhile, President Trump is surrounded by piece-of-filth treasonous backstabbers like White House General Counsel Pat Cipollone, who according to Patrick Byrne has done everything in his power to push Trump to concede (while stonewalling every pathway to victory).

As we have laid out here through multiple articles and podcasts, President Trump has all the assets and authority to do what is necessary to save the republic and achieve victory on January 6th. For example, Trump has the “declassification” option, the Fourteenth Amendment option, the Insurrection Act option, the cyber warfare declaration option, and so on. (See the full list here.)

Yet he is surrounded by people who sabotage his every move and are actively committing treason against the United States government by trying to overthrow the White House from within. (Mark Meadows, Cipollone, etc.)

Because of this sabotage, there is a chance that Trump will take no action at all. This would lead to a defeat on January 6th as Congress votes to accept the fraudulent Biden electors from the swing states in which massive, irrefutable fraud took place. Currently, this looks like the most likely outcome.

Should that occur, America erupts on or around January 9th.

At that point, we should expect to see patriots all across the country announcing things such as their own Declarations of Independence. The attitude across the nation would shift from “the consent of the governed” to “mass resistance against tyranny.”

Personally, I plan to roll out a new podcast series focused on documenting the domestic war that will take place under “occupied America,” and I imagine there won’t be any shortage of activities to document.

If Trump will not act, the people likely will

It’s becoming crystal clear: If Trump will not act, and if Congress will not defend the republic, then We the People will likely move toward action very quickly after January 6th and start fighting to save the republic using the rights and duties described in the Second Amendment, which was written to allow the People to defeat tyranny.

It’s almost as if the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment for this exact moment in history. They knew government would become larger and more corrupt over time, eventually transmorphing into a tyrannical regime of hyper privileged, isolated “elitists” who would ignore the will of the people to ensure their own monopoly hold on power and profit, using any means necessary including election fraud.

The recent covid “stimulus” bill is yet another gross example of this corruption on display, where corrupt officials approve multi-billion dollar payments to programs in foreign nations, knowing that these are all skimming operations where 50% of the money comes back to U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats in the form of financial kickbacks. It’s all a corrupt cesspool of waste and fraud. The swamp is hopelessly corrupt.

It’s also clear from watching SCOTUS and the courts over the last few weeks that there is no longer any functioning judiciary authority that isn’t hopelessly corrupt. No element of the swamp is capable of draining the swamp, nor even honestly assessing its own corruption. The entire system is rotten to the core and now functions as a festering cancer tumor on the body politic.

There is no saving this system, because the system has already abandoned any last shred of legitimacy by abandoning the rule of law and the pillars of justice. The system cannot be resuscitated back into any form resembling honest government, because nearly every last member of the system has already been subsumed into it (and transformed into a creature of corruption rather than a representative of the people).

When governors ignore their own state supreme courts and enact punitive, destructive covid “lockdown” rules that serve no purpose other than to crush the middle class and incite suffering and despair, these governors are functioning as traitorous criminals who must be arrested and charged accordingly. They no longer even pretend to represent the people; they merely inflict maximum damage against their own constituents, almost as a form of political sport.

These dark creatures must be removed from public office by every legal means available.

And the people have come to realize there is no mechanism by which swamp creatures will hold each other accountable. The FBI, for example, has become a corrupt cesspool of criminality and fraud. The FBI does not stop crime, it “manages” crime and in many cases initiates crimes in America.

We do not condone the following, but we anticipate spontaneous, armed uprisings of patriots all across America, with the intention to arrest corrupt officials across this nation, and to eliminate enemy combatants who are actively working in collusion with foreign enemies (the CCP, namely) to overthrow the United States of America.

America is an enemy occupied war zone, and there appear to be millions of armed American citizens, patriots, veterans and members of law enforcement who have reached that “line in the sand” moment where they will take up arms to defend the republic. The calendar points squarely to the days following January 6th, 2021.

Sadly, President Trump doesn’t appear to be poised to do anything to stop this bloodshed from taking place. He appears paralyzed in the White House, surrounded by treasonous staff members who are actively plotting against him. If he will not invoke the Insurrection Act, the American people seem likely to initiate their own solution against enemy occupation.

Prepare for disruptions… prepare for war

We are encouraging all Americans to use this holiday time to prepare for the events that seem likely to unfold in January. Many cities in America, it now appears, will become active war zones. We specifically anticipate blue cities being under siege and urge inhabitants there to prepare for disruptions in food supplies, electricity, water, communications infrastructure and other similar comforts of modern living.

Because we also realize the radical Left will quickly take to the streets to try to murder patriots and seize control over the country, we urge all Americans to prepare your own homes, families and neighborhoods to defend against Antifa / BLM terrorism, which is now synonymous with FBI terrorism and FBI raids on patriots. (The FBI is now essentially a branch of Black Lives Matter, and it functions in its entirety as a terrorism front group for the radical Left.)

As another example of this, today’s explosion of an RV in Nashville was no doubt the work of the FBI itself, whose agents are well trained in terrorism and explosives. As you can see in this video, below, a loudspeaker was even announcing the following message moments before the explosion: “If you can hear this message, evacuate now.”

There is no doubt whatsoever that the FBI set this off in an attempt to start running false flag operations against patriots, whom they will target with persecution and execution campaigns under a Biden administration. Never forget that the FBI executed Dr. Martin Luther King, and the FBI was part of the covering up of the assassinations of JFK and RFK. James Comey is a malicious traitor, and current FBI director Christopher Wary has been linked to a Russian energy company that links back to Uranium One, the same scandal involving Hillary Clinton and Robert Mueller.

When the rule of law has collapsed, patriots realize they have nothing left to lose

Thanks to the actions of Democrats and the corrupt judiciary, the rule of law has collapsed in America. Those on the Left who deliberately commit acts of violence and terrorism are routinely set free by George Soros-funded District Attorneys. Those on the Right who are merely trying to uphold the rule of law and defend their nation will be branded “terrorists” by the media and arrested, then persecuted, with complete disregard to fairness or law.

At this point, there now seems to be no reason why any patriot would rationally submit to any arrest under the assumption of ever receiving anything resembling a fair trial. There is no such thing as a fair trial in enemy occupied America. If you are on the side of America, you will be persecuted. If you are an enemy of America, you will be celebrated. That’s now how the legal system works in this nation, and it underscores the point I just mentioned: In the minds of many patriots, there is now nothing left to lose in fighting against America’s enemies and seeking to restore a lawful, constitutional republic.

Put another way, in my analysis the radical anti-America forces have now gone too far, to the point where those they are trying to destroy (American patriots) no longer have anything holding them back from going all the way. There are no half-measures that matter anymore, as the Left has gutted the entire system of law and justice on which a rational, well-intentioned citizen might be able to place some amount of faith. But when an individual American no longer has any faith that they would be treated fairly by law enforcement or the courts, then the public trust in the rule of law has collapsed, and there is no downside in their minds to actively fighting against America’s enemies no matter what the cost.

Listen to this caller of the Sean Hannity show, who openly admits their plan: To exterminate all patriots, Christians, gun owners, Trump supporters and real Americans:

The Left only has itself to blame for this dynamic, of course: They have corrupted things far too much, to the point where they have exposed themselves as criminals, frauds and traitors at every level. But they can’t help themselves, as this is who they are. Leftists are self-destructive and suicidal. They want to destroy all that is good, because they themselves are influenced and in some cases literally possessed by demons who seek to maximize human suffering and despair.

Once the domestic war begins, China will attack when we are most vulnerable

The real enemy of America is China, and it is China that has helped rig the elections, push Big Tech censorship, control left-wing media narratives and install a CCP puppet named Joe Biden into the White House.

China’s ultimate goal is to completely conquer America, exterminate all Americans and Canadians, then claim North America for itself. Ultimately, China wants to achieve world domination, and that means mass genocide against all the people of the world who are not Chinese.

Thus, when Democrats align with China, they are aligning with anti-human, genocidal enemies who will ultimately mass murder anyone who gets in their way.

Once America is deep into its own domestic war, China will strike in several ways:

  1. They will unleash Canada-trained troops from the North to invade Washington.
  2. They will land Chinese troops at Long Beach Port in California, then use the West Coast as a beachhead to invade and attempt to conquer the entire nation.
  3. They will unleash Chinese-trained narco militant units from the South, invading Southern California and Arizona.
  4. They will launch potentially thousands of cruise missiles hidden in cargo containers (club-K missiles) which are already in place across America. These cruise missiles will target National Guard bases, police stations, power grid substations, water supplies, dams, emergency response units and communications infrastructure across America. They will also of course target the White House and various monuments in Washington D.C.

Importantly, Democrats, Leftists, the FBI and other treasonous groups will continue to fight on the side of China, because they foolishly believe that China will somehow spare them and offer them a place in the communist Chinese regime that seeks to overthrow America. So American patriots will likely find themselves fighting against Chinese soldiers, left-wing lunatics and corrupt U.S. government traitors all at the same time.

This will be a formidable fight. Most will not survive. This gets to the Deagel.com estimates of America’s population being reduced by 70% by the year 2025.

What you need to understand is that the real war against America is not merely being waged by Democrats and treasonous swamp creatures such as Justice Roberts, or Christopher Wray of the FBI; it’s a war where those players are merely small bit puppets of a much larger global war that seeks the final extermination of every living American citizen.

Thus, the fight against vote fraud is not merely a fight about politics; it’s a fight for our very existence.

Remember: China now controls all online speech (via Big Tech censorship), all news narratives, all election outcomes, all university education, nearly all films in Hollywood, etc. This is why the vast majority of Americans have never heard of any of this, and it’s why they stupidly think they’re “fighting for Joe Biden” when, in reality, they’re fighting for a communist authoritarian conquering of America. Once complete, the CCP will exterminate Joe Biden supporters just like everyone else.

Finally, this is why you can’t find a single round of ammo for sale anywhere in America without now paying 400% higher prices compared to just one year ago. Because the patriots are arming up for war. It’s not even a war against the Left; it’s a war for the survival of the United States of America.

Listen to my Dec. 25th podcast message for more details on what likely lays ahead for America:

The bottom line? Prepare for war. America is now enemy occupied territory, and you are living in an active war zone. Be ready for anything to happen over the next five weeks, because history is accelerating rapidly.

We do not condone any initiation of violence, by the way, but we do assert our right to defend ourselves and our nation against enemies of America. In fact, every federal law enforcement employee has sworn an oath that says the same thing. Yet they violate that oath every single day that they refuse to defend America against its enemies, foreign and domestic.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Anonymous December 26, 2020 at 14:23


  2. Luke December 26, 2020 at 15:21

    Listening to Adams now. He can get a little wild but I like him. Seems his heart is in the right place. I don’t want to hear about Biden being installed. If we peacefully go along with that we have already lost. If we wait and then start shit and it devolves into a chaotic unorganized CW like Yugoslavia the CCP ultimately wins. As I said it’s NOW or NEVER and hopefully PDT gets the party started. At least then it will stay organized. Had some beers with my old high school buds the other night. I’ve known them most of my life and they are apolitical mostly but they’re all pissed. See you in DC.

  3. Cavguy December 26, 2020 at 16:02

    Appears like somebody has been huffin the glue again!!

    When the China shit started is when this article lost all credibility. Do I think its possible, yes. Do i think its going to happen in the VERY near future, hell no. Might it happen in a few decade after America has fallen? Most certainly yes.

    I am anxious to see what others think.

    • Johnny Paratrooper December 26, 2020 at 17:33

      According to General Spalding, the CCP Navy and the CCP Merchant Marine fleet are the same thing. They have 5,000 commercial shipping container ships. The Jones Act prevents foreigners from docking in U.S. ports, but we have far too many Chinese citizens for this to be a problem.

      As with every major war in history, commercial vessels will be repurposed for wartime. There is no reason to have a proper navy but to train in surface warfare and submarine warfare. 5000 ships, covered in missiles pods, torpedo tubes, towed sonar, and CWIS clones, plus enough supplies for 10,000 PLA and Rocket artillery means that we have a SERIOUS problem on our hands.

      It’s like Bracken said, the Chinese can lose 50,000,000 people taking the U.S. and Africa and not even blink.
      On a side note, we understand Hypersonic tech now. And out CWIS systems have been doubled, and updated, on all vessels.
      Regardless, our leadership are traitors and our military is garbage. We are gonna need every rifleman.
      China made 1.4 billion promises. Those people cannot wait until 2050. It’s NOW, or never.

      • Tator December 26, 2020 at 18:55

        Chilean navy ships monitor huge Chinese fishing fleet

        • Johnny Paratrooper December 26, 2020 at 19:07

          Submarines travel nearby schools of fish and hide in thermocline layers.
          Strip fishing fleets alone the coasts of potential allies is a good way to clean out the sonar static.
          It’s not about feeding their people. They could easily just farm food in Africa and green areas of the desert.
          Notice how they don’t raid Japanese tuna farms? Or Dredge. Can’t hide a sub in a known farming pen.

        • Johnny Paratrooper December 26, 2020 at 19:10

          Hey serious question,
          Does the data center in Nashville house the switchboards for the National Emergency Alert system?

      • Georgiaboy61 December 27, 2020 at 04:05

        @ Johnny Paratrooper

        Re: “It’s like Bracken said, the Chinese can lose 50,000,000 people taking the U.S. and Africa and not even blink.”

        Back in the 1960s when the Cold War was at its height, and Vietnam was ongoing as a proxy war between the West and communism, a number of U.S.generals and diplomats met a number of times with their PLAN and CCP counterparts. In those discussions, the doctrine of MAD – mutually-assured destruction via atomic weapons – was among the topics. Our people came away shaken by the willingness of the Chinese leadership to accept truly massive casualties during any exchange. After hearing a U.S. general speak of our first-strike capabilities, nuclear TRIAD, and so forth, the Chinese general simply smiled, brushed off his uniform and said that the Chinese government was willing to lose as many as 200-300 million people as “acceptable losses” during such a conflict.

        And their population was at least a billion people smaller in those days….

        • James December 27, 2020 at 08:49

          Those would be initial losses,would be much much larger in the coming days/weeks/months ect.I say would also ruin the natural resources for any involved in a nuclear exchange,same mentality as burning your local supermarkets/stores in “peaceful protest”.I also believe we tossed enough missiles around most of the earth would take a long turn hit in regards to food growth/ocean food sources ect. till the dust clouds clear up.

    • Georgiaboy61 December 27, 2020 at 03:57

      @ CavGuy

      Re: “Appears like somebody has been huffin the glue again!! When the China shit started is when this article lost all credibility. Do I think its possible, yes. Do i think its going to happen in the VERY near future, hell no. Might it happen in a few decade after America has fallen? Most certainly yes.”

      Why the need to resort to an ad hominem attack upon the author? He’s voicing an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. Isn’t that one of the things trad-Americans are supposed to be in favor of? You don’t agree – which is fine. But please tell us why so that we might learn from your perspective. Share what you know, so that others can benefit.

      There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors right now, a lot of chaff in the air, things obscuring our vision and ability to interpret events. Not to mention an off-the-charts amount of propaganda, disinformatzia, and information warfare. It’s a rare analyst who hasn’t put his/her foot wrong at one time or another. No one – not even the best-informed person – has that crystal ball showing the future. So, in light of that, what does snark accomplish?

      It is certainly arguable when/if the PRC intends to go to war with us kinetically, using conventional weapons and all of that. However, it is already well-established fact that the Chinese already view themselves as being at war with us, and have thought so for some time now. The PLAN (People’s Liberation Army-Navy) has war-gamed against the U.S. as the presumptive opponent since the 1990s, and in the late 1990s, two senior colonels of the Red Army authored a book entitled “Unrestricted Warfare,” whose subject matter dealt with how an emerging world power like China might defeat a “technologically-superior foe”…. their answer was being using any/all means of waging war, not just traditional military weapons of war – guns,bombs and tanks, etc.- but everything else, too.

      Not to put too fine a point on it, but I’d say we’re already crossed that line of demarcation, right? Last I checked, biological weapons are one of the classes of WMDs classified as a weapons of war. And it is pretty well-established that covid-19 was (a) bioengineered in a laboratory, and (b) originated in Wuhan, China.

      The precepts of Sun Tzu stress that the wise military tactician and strategist seeks to defeat his enemy before ever taking the field of battle. This is the phase of the conflict in which we now find ourselves. Speculations that the PRC may actually invade one or more places, are not out of line given that the Chinese Communist Party and its mouthpieces have spoken many times in recent years of that nation’s need for more space and natural resources for its people. Granted, talking about it and actually doing it are different things, but if you listen closely, your would-be enemy will often tell you precisely what he intends to do.

  4. Johnny Paratrooper December 26, 2020 at 17:24

    I would love to be locked in a room with these deep state traitors for 5 minutes. They are all rich kids who have never been in so much as a shoving match. I hated working in D.C.. Biggest waste of 4 years of my life. Only college comes close.

  5. Matt Bracken December 26, 2020 at 17:41

    Is Nashville Bombing A False Flag To Blame On Trump Supporters?
    > Dec 26, / 8 minute video
    When he’s right, he’s right. Now, in this case, I think Alex Jones is right.
    Now they are calling it a “suicide bombing.”
    The supposed dead body will be a MAGA Trump supporter.
    “Trust us,” says Faking Bogus Investigations.
    This sounds like my first novel, with a “white racist militia member” blamed for the stadium massacre which is used as a pretext for banning all semi-auto rifles.


    • NC Scout December 26, 2020 at 17:41


    • boss21 December 26, 2020 at 18:02

      So ban those damn RVs already.

      • NC Scout December 26, 2020 at 18:10


      • Johnny Paratrooper December 26, 2020 at 19:02

        Breaking News!!
        Racism Van, our RV, as they are known in the Alt-Right community, destroys AT&T building in downtown white party country music city.

        Let’s go to our correspondent in the field, Daniel, who’s parent’s are prior CIA and his wife works at the local FBI office. Dan?

        Thanks Felicia
        Dan here,
        We appear to have another white racist bombing white monuments to sloven behavior, and data processing centers run by CIA affliliates. Don’t ask why they never attack statues for black communists, Mosques or Synagues, post-modern art, illegal aliens, or drug dealers in their perfectly nice white neighborhoods. Just stick to our made up fantastic rhetoric that literally makes no sense. More on white racisms at 5, 9, and 11.

        Bye Felicia…(lol Kek)

        Thanks Dan for that profoundly fake news that only boomers and airline travelers listen to while staring at their phones and deciding to use the bathroom, get another 9 dollar Starbucks, or Cinnabon.

    • NC Scout December 26, 2020 at 18:15

      You know, I’ve said this before and I’ll point it out again. THIS AIN’T THE 1990s.

      They no longer have a monopoly on the narrative. In the 1990s you had William Cooper, The Resistor and a handful of ‘militia’ spokesmen. Today we’re literally an Army, and my contemporaries got skills from the best schools on asymmetric warfare imaginable. they no longer can justify any sort of ‘weapons ban’, nor can they mask their measures as ‘the will of the American public’ when they have to openly cheat their way to victory.

      Go on, blame it on us. This ain’t 1994.

      • SemperFido December 27, 2020 at 07:29

        I listened to Cooper and read the Resistor as well as SOF magazine back when it was still worth reading. I saw all the lies as I watched the death of JFK, the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Murrah building bombing, 9-11. And many more. My government has lied to me my whole life. Now here we are and we are old men Scout. I will saddle up for one last ride. Let it be now so my grandchildren don’t have to bear this burden.

      • Mark. December 27, 2020 at 13:21

        I rather liked the Resister, and this website reminds me, a bit, of that publication.

        • NC Scout December 27, 2020 at 13:24

          That’s the point, and thanks for noticing. ;)

    • Tator December 26, 2020 at 18:57

      I guess we will find out.
      Anthony Quinn Warner was named as the Nashville person of interest in the RV explosion downtown.

      • Tator December 26, 2020 at 19:28

        Alarming Details Of Nashville Suspect…

        • NC Scout December 26, 2020 at 19:35

          Home sold to an LA resident for $0.000 one month to the day prior to the bombing.

          Nothing to see here folks.

      • rto-jerry December 27, 2020 at 09:01

        It is really quite amazing how adept our Fake Badged Infidels are at “getting their man”! Quite a proficient lot they are indeed. From 911, Vegas, Nashville they get it right every time. Yeah…. right!!

    • Luke December 26, 2020 at 20:59

      I know it’s too early to tell but it may have been Patriots. They gave a vey long warning to get the hell out of the area. I can’t think of anyone else (Antifa,blm, isis, al queda, etc etc and of course our own deep state who actually gives a damn about human life. With those groups the more dead the merrier. We have guard rails they do not. If this was an alphabet agency I cannot for the life of me explain the warning. If they would have done it the evening prior multiple deaths.

      Regardless it’s a strange new world. I have learned a lot from you since I stumbled on to your WMS essay this summer. But I took issue with your take on Modern Survivalist in that DT knows it’s over. Shit maybe you are correct and I am naive. I have not ruled that out. But if we let that happen we are the fools. Never have we been given a better excuse to get our hands dirty than this fraudulent election.

      I say that as a man who has no experience in LE or Military; let alone Spec Ops. If we wait for the left to grab power the best we can hope for is a Yugoslavian type chaotic CW. There’s a problem with that however and that is playing right into the CCP’s hands. This gets done NOW or NEVER or we’re all fucked.

  6. Kevin December 26, 2020 at 19:34

    It seems that the readiness for action exceeds the identified targets? I mean if the bad guy is some head-honcho in DC then I don’t think anything happens. If there is a data dump of baddies at the state level then there might be some action. Thoughts?

  7. FlyBy December 26, 2020 at 19:51

    Today is the first, time I’ve sat down and actually looked at this event. All I can say is that this bombing is stage. It’s setup to divert public awareness away from what is actually going on nationwide and in D.C. If an individual or group was trying to make a point, the bombing would have been setup so that the body count would be as high as possible. Think rope a dope.

  8. Jackal December 26, 2020 at 20:52

    So, hypothetically, what would be the plan? Take over your local state house? Show up at antifa or blm “protests” and lay waste? Be proactive and pay visits to Democrats residents?

    • NC Scout December 26, 2020 at 20:56

      Keep it local, keep it sane, keep it disciplined.

      That’s the plan.

      • Daniel Morgan December 27, 2020 at 07:23

        I have asked the same question(s) of many folks, many times. What actually is anyone really going to do? I think nothing will be done by anyone, unless (and it’s a big “perhaps”) if the government literally starts going door to door to confiscate guns. If they just pass laws/regulations that make gun owners criminals like NY and CT did after Sandy Hook, and like many other countries have done, but most people ignore the laws and they are generally not enforced, I don’t see most anybody doing anything. It’s amazing that people actually got in their cars and drove to Bundy Ranch to stand up for the family, and it is great that the fed.gov backed down, and even more great that those protestors all got exonerated in court (I think all were found not guilty, maybe I missed a few that either plead guilty or were convicted?), but point is that the Bundy thing was the only time I can remember where people came out to stand up for liberty, with their guns, their gear, and their radios, etc. Other than that we’re left with gestures (the wildlife refuge takeover, etc) counter-protests, and lots of Internet gnashing of teeth. I’m trying to think of a parallel somewhere in the USA history or the recent world history where partisan movements acted except for the many cases where they were a response to actual military operations (April 19, 1775, the eastern European partisans fighting the nazi’s, the militias in the Ukraine, etc).

        Times seem pretty alarming, I know. The unconstitutional lockdowns have been ridiculous in their brazen violations of our rights; with no relief from the legislatures that could de-fund the enforcements, defund the governors, etc and no relief from the courts except for few sparse victories. And more than half the country’s voters know the election was stolen from us. But I just don’t see that anyone is going to do “something about it” because there isn’t really anything that can be done. Even if a bunch of guys, a thousand guys, a million guys grabbed their gear and their guns and said, “OK, let’s go!” there is nowhere to go, nothing to go and do. All we hear is be prepared, get your mindset straight, get your gear together, etc. OK, I got the bullets, the water, the beans, the radios, I can survive in the woods for the next 200 years and never want for food or water or batteries or boots. Now what?

        I was reading a book recently called The Forgotten Man, by Amity Shales about how the New Deal left behind so many of the people it was supposed to help. She provides a lot of details about life in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, politics of the era, coalitions of workers and poor folks, stuff the rich people did, how corporate insiders and elites joined to support the socialist stuff the Democrats wanted, etc, etc. Golly, I kept thinking I was reading about 2020 instead of the 1920’s! Few people today realize how popular socialism was back then, how far to the extreme left the Democrats went with their programs, how they stifled opposition, and just how much support they actually had (i.e., LOTS). We’ve been here before. The assholes on the extreme left did some bad stuff, really bad socialist stuff, and they GOT AWAY WITH IT. But you know what? The country is still here. And we had the stuff that few people were alive to see first hand in the 1960’s with the anti-war movement, etc, including a wave of bombings and violent protests. And, the country is still here. Not saying we should be complacent, take the shit that the liberals are trying to shove down our throats and just whistle past the graveyard of our liberty, not saying that at all. I’m just saying we’ve been here before, we’ll be here again.

        Door to door gun confiscation, THAT would probably trigger a war. But not much else is likely to do so. And they don’t have the money or time or people to do a gun confiscation anyway.

  9. Anonymous December 26, 2020 at 23:07


  10. WilliamtheResolute December 27, 2020 at 08:32

    This is about more than an election, this is about controlling the world and all it’s people. The billionaires have invested in Communism, fake meat, vertical farming, chemtrails, vaccines, abortion, crypto and biowarfare agents…all of humanity is the target. When the elite control the Congress and legislate away our money and freedoms and control our food production the genocide and enslavement that follows will be easier.

    I’ve grown old but not stupid, I can clearly see the handwriting on the wall, the plan is to kill all the White, Christian patriots and their families and enslave the rest of the world. This has been planned for decades, if not centuries, with Big Tech and China being used as the tools of our destruction. The Left is funded and has a central command while the patriots are small groups without a centralized leadership and command. I see small partisan bands being effective in the short term but unable to sustain any offensive action without a designation as a legitimate State Militia and the accompanying recruitment, training and logistical support.

    The only way forward if this kicks off is to use small teams to capture the family members of the political and financial elite. They will be far more valuable than occupying a piece of ground. I consider them a prime objective and human collateral as bargaining chips, the psychological strain of knowing they can’t protect their loved ones may cause them to stand down and regroup. When someone tells you they want you and your loved ones dead there are no rules, I trust that God will sort the wheat from the chaff, pray hard and stay ready.

    • TallBawls December 27, 2020 at 11:05

      You are on POINT! as to what is going on!

  11. StormN December 27, 2020 at 12:38

    Southernprepper1(see above video) is the best preparedness info. source on the planet. A veteran. Truly altruistic. The very definition of a sheepdog. You have to watch him awhile to understand that he is genuinely spiritual because he is not preachy. I would be pleasantly surprised if he has any videos that have ever hit the 1 million view mark. He’s been doing utube videos for years now but still only has less than 150,000 subscribers. Hat off to Mike Adams or NC Scout for including his video here. I’ve been meaning to watch more of his Little Green Men series. They would fit real well on American Partisan. I would like very much to see more of SP1 on American Partisan.

    I like Alex Jones but don’t watch him much. A little of him goes a long way. Mike Adams is a more reasonable Alex Jones but still not enough restraint. If NC Scouts comment about ‘discipline’ includes emotional self-restraint I’m on board. I don’t have to be perfectly certain and sold on the China issue, etc. to see that the time to act maybe very close at hand. It isn’t the first time Mike Adams has gone overboard and that is a turn off for the likes of me and I am 100% sure I’m not alone.

  12. Bedford Forrest December 27, 2020 at 13:01

    To those folks that don’t believe China is pulling some strings here in the U.S., I’d like to remind you of that movie remake “Red Dawn”, it originally had China as the bad guy but that got changed real quick to North Korea.
    Coincidence? I think not.

    • Tator December 27, 2020 at 13:16

      China is certainly up there, but I think perhaps running in 2nd place, though they and number 1 are no strangers.

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