The Covidian Cult is Worship of the State, by DB

The blogger C.J. Hopkins has described the hysteria over the COVID-19 virus as a religion, which he has dubbed the Covidian Cult. I do not particularly recommend Hopkins or his writings, but in this he is quite correct. There are people in the United States who are convinced that COVID-19 is a horrific scourge, that lockdowns and other forms of government restrictions are perfectly justified, that people who attend a public church service—or travel to another state to visit family for a holiday celebration—are dangerous, and that wearing a mask in public will stop the virus and is, therefore, the “patriotic” duty of every man, woman and child. Many of the people who hold some or all of these views hold them with a conviction, zeal and fervor that can only be described as religious. If you suggest to them that COVID-19 is not really that dangerous, or that lockdowns or other such government interventions are inappropriate, they will often respond as if you have just attacked the honor of their god.

And that is, in fact, what you have done. Because, you see, the god of the Covidians is the state.

Everyone has a god that they worship, even those who consider themselves atheists. Your god is the being or thing that is (1) your ultimate provider and savior; (2) your ultimate lawgiver; and (3) your ultimate source of truth. Christians believe that provision, salvation, law and truth are found ultimately in the God described in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments—the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, one God in three persons. People who worship the state (they are sometimes called Statists) believe that provision, salvation, law and truth are ultimately found in the state. And the Covidian Cult is just another form of Statism.

The Covidian looks to the state as the source of truth. The state says COVID-19 is a horrific scourge, that the virus has killed almost 300,000 people in the U.S. alone, and the Covidian believes it, even though that number includes suicides, gunshot victims, victims of car accidents, and people whose pre-existing medical conditions had already put them at death’s door. The state says that masks reduce the spread of the virus and thereby prevent deaths, and the Covidian believes it, even though almost every randomized clinical trial attempted thus far has found that surgical or cloth masks have a negligible effect on virus transmission. The state says that lockdowns and other such restrictions on human personal contact will save lives, and the Covidian believes it, even though the death toll due to the lockdowns and the consequences of the lockdowns are far greater than the death toll caused by the virus.

When your god speaks, you don’t question him (or it). You don’t ask him to prove his claims, and you certainly do not presume to measure his words against a standard of truth external to him. He is the standard by which you measure everything else. If the evidence indicates that your god is wrong, well, then, the evidence must be wrong. That is how people treat their god, and that is how Covidians treat the state.

Covidians see the state as the ultimate lawgiver. Most of them are democracts (small d), and they have convinced themselves that The People are, in fact, the ultimate source of law. In practice, however, that authority devolves to the state. So what the state decrees is, by definition, just, right, and lawful. If the state declares that a lockdown is justified, they have the authority to do so. If the state wants to suspend the right to freely exercise religion or the right of assembly, they can do that. If the state wants to close one business and declare another essential so that one man goes broke and another is enriched by the lack of competition, they merely have to show that they had a good reason for doing it. There are no restraints, no boundaries, no limits on what the state may do. In the minds of Covidians, the state defines law, so everything the state does is, by definition, lawful.

And this makes sense, because Covidians see the state as the ultimate provider and savior. Most of them have been trained from infancy to look to the state to overcome every need: A stimulus check when the economy is bad, a loan to get through college, health care for grandma, and money to buy daily bread, either through a welfare allowance or by the government providing (directly or indirectly) a job. Now, the state says this virus has killed many people and will kill many more, and the Covidians look to the state to protect them from it. Why wouldn’t they surrender their liberty, their freedom, and their rights to the state? The state is going to save them. The state is the only one who can save them (they believe), and if there is only one savior available, you give him whatever he demands. If the one you trust to help you when all else fails requires you to give him everything—including unquestioned obedience—in return for the help he provides, you give him everything. And that is what we are seeing: Covidians giving their god everything in the hopes that it will save them.

The god of the is Covidian Cult is the state.

And this is why mask wearing is so significant. Covidians wear the mask as an act of devotion to their god. The government says masks work (this is considered a proclamation of truth). The government says you must wear masks (proclamation of law). And the government says the mask requirement is part of the plan to save us from the virus (promise of provision and salvation). Covidians wear the mask because they have embraced the promises and proclamations of the state, and because they want other people to know that they have embraced those proclamations and promises. This is why we see so many people wearing a mask while they are alone in their car. It is the Covidian equivalent to a Christian fish on the car. Wearing a mask is a testimony of their devotion to their god.

Have you been astounded to see people going along with government intrusions they would have previously considered unthinkable? Have you been shocked when highly intelligent people continue to believe the government narrative, even when you present them with mountains of contrary data? You have experienced this surprise because you assumed that you were dealing with rational people who still had some ability to examine the issue in the light of truth. In fact, you were dealing with the members of a cult, the faithful and devoted servants of a god who has twisted their mind with lies. And why were they so upset and hurt when you tried to change their mind—or when you told them you would not wear a mask? They were hurt and upset because they assumed that you, too, were one of them.

But you aren’t one of them, and you must not ever allow yourself to become one of the them. Because the fundamental question of the COVID-19 saga is not about masks, lockdowns or constitutional rights. The fundamental question of the COVID-19 saga is: Who is your god?

Is it the one true God—or is it the state?

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous December 11, 2020 at 12:33


  2. StormN December 11, 2020 at 13:01

    Man! It’s so good to read this. So true: even the atheist has a God. If I might add: anyone with a strong, diehard conviction has a God. “Without question I love my Mom”: the God-label can be applied somewhere there. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. Let’s just remember, though, the word good is just one big fat zero different from the word God.

    This is the first I’ve heard of the word Covidian. Now I have term I can apply respectfully to the Covidians I love. For others I reserve the more satisfying and descriptive term ‘Covidiots’. Church of Covidiocy. I just heard yesterday the very appropriate term ‘Controlavirus’.

    I rarely wear my mask , my diaper- even sometimes when I am required to at work. Guess what? Very rarely does anyone complain. I have often gone to supermarkets and superstores and often I see I am the only one. You can imagine I feel pretty good, even a little brave. (I do wear a good mask around my infirm 90+ year old mother-in-law.)

    It is easy to prove that there is no pandemic: the average life expectancy of an American is close to 80 years old. The population of USA is a little more or less than 324 million. That’s an normal average annual death rate of about 4 million or 1.25%.

    Here in Arizona our population is just under 7.5 million. Using the above stats, that’s less than 95,000 per year or 7,500 per month. As of to-day 7245 is the questionably accurate official figure for Covidian deaths – a far cry from a pandemic. Has anyone taken note of how few people are dying around them? Sadly I think not. The above figure gets even better if we remove any special group(s) affected. This is appropriate because a pandemic means a broad, deadly illness, infecting almost everyone, everywhere justifying preventative measures against everyone. Only 2,022 are deaths officially recognized as not elderly related: that’s slightly more than 2% of the normal, average number of deaths per year! 2%! This is not rocket science, guys! This is not a pandemic. Not even close.

  3. HP December 11, 2020 at 21:32

    The governor here came out yesterday and said that the NFL is exempt from his holiness’ covid curfew because its more dangerous to watch the game at home with friends than it is at the stadium. He really said this.

    Meanwhile, the locally owned bar across the street from the publicly funded privately owned stadium will be fined and shut down by the stasi if they dare serve after 10 pm.

    This is all about consolidation, removing all competition.

  4. boss21 December 11, 2020 at 21:55

    So true. Here in DC now . Most of the guests in my hotel are Trumpsters. Boisterous and colorful in contrast to the dour locals fussing with their muzzles and prancing back from the door when you come out of the elevator with no mask. Truly humanity is splitting into two species.

  5. Coop Willis December 11, 2020 at 22:07

    So good to see this here! Thanks. I like Matt Bracken’s simple chart he posted days ago too!

  6. boss21 December 12, 2020 at 12:45

    Walked the length of Pennsylvania Av today. The only ones wearing masks are the cops, Taiwan/Chinese ( the most coherent squared away group) and the retarded Proud ‘Boys’. The deplorable army morale seems high but listening to conversations yields dark undertones. Discouraged by the lack of agility by many deplorables. One guy my age (50) foundered on an eighteen inch knee wall and got tangled in his flag and folding chair. God help us – I try to have faith in these people but ….Just heard Flynn speak in front of the Supreme Court – nice guy I guess but he’s no Patton. Alex Jones is the only one with raw fire in the belly. That’s what we need from here on not what I am hearing mostly – ‘machines, fraud, corruption ‘ blah blah blah. The enemy just offered their terms. We should accept them. Those old KGB maps of the FUSA don’t look so outlandish now. Texas lead the way!

  7. KC December 12, 2020 at 13:33

    Right. On.

    “But you aren’t one of them, and you must not ever allow yourself to become one of the them. Because the fundamental question of the COVID-19 saga is not about masks, lockdowns or constitutional rights. The fundamental question of the COVID-19 saga is: Who is your god?”

    Probably no one who can read and accept this is in much danger of worshipping The Beast, uurh, I mean the State. However your kids might be. Save your kids from the State Reeducation Camps. Do it now. Save them from the filthy media whores, too.

    No one who is serious about freedom, truth, or Christianity will consign his heritage to the Public Mind Laundry. Anyone who says or does otherwise is kidding himself.

  8. Anonymous December 13, 2020 at 14:31


  9. Large Marge December 15, 2020 at 17:49

    In 2020, Americans are healthier than pre-2020.

    According to statistics, all the pre-2020 causes of death are way down:
    * deaths from heart disease are way down.
    * deaths from liver disease are way down.
    * deaths from lung disease are way down.
    Deaths from all the common pre-2020 diseases are way down.

    Oddly, the increase in reported deaths from the latest chinese sickness is equivalent to the decrease in all other pre-2020 diseases.
    Accordingly, the deaths from all causes are stable, the way it always was.

    Can you imagine — somebody is manipulating statistics so the numbers appear lop-sided in favor of the marxists?

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