Will Trump Pull The Pin – EO 13848

I never really took the time to read Executive Order 13848 signed by President Trump on September 12, 2018 titled, Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States ElectionIt is worth your time to read.

The Executive Order starts out with this verbiage,

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

The 45th day post the November 3, 2020 election is December 18, 2020. Might be an interesting week. Take the time to read this Executive Order so you are prepared for what you might see and be able to explain it to friends and family if it happens. I suspect that if EO 13848 is not executed upon, Trump will signal that he is throwing in the towel.

I also suggest that if Trump does execute EO 13848 nothing will happen unless the 74 plus million folks who did vote for him rise up and support his actions because, the career bureaucrats in Washington DC will not support him. A trucker strike like what happened in December 1973 and again in June 1979 could trigger a nationwide protest. Just think of the millions of vials of covid-19 vaccines parked in trailers along with Christmas purchases at truck stops around the country.

Stay tuned….

Freedom Through Self-Reliance


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About the Author: johnyMac


  1. Bill December 13, 2020 at 08:32

    Sounds like he would need the support of all the security agencies and DOJ. Dont believe he has it. If he pulls the pin without backup it is just a DUD

    • Randolph Scott December 14, 2020 at 00:14

      Not if PDJT calls for our support. I could handle any duty should he ask.

  2. Shinmen Takezo. December 13, 2020 at 09:09

    Please Jesus, pretty please… do it Mr. President.
    You will have the support of tens upon tens of millions of people… even armed if necessary.
    Outnumbering by factors of 100 to 1 all the military, police, guard units and alphabet agencies at your disposal.

    Do it to save the nation from implosion and breakup of the union.

  3. Anonymous December 13, 2020 at 09:13


  4. James December 13, 2020 at 09:25

    Would be a very interesting moment in history if this happens to say the least.

    I will live/plan that it will not happen but as planning anyhow will take into account this possibility.

    As always like to share a bit of good news,in this case a a good example: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/12/consent-withdrawn-entire-town-of-mossyrock-washington-defies-governor-inslees-latest-set-of-covid-19-restrictions/ ,a lot of folks could learn/emulate these actions.

    Good thing I am not a paranoid type for if I was was this exec. order designed to bring out patriots in the open to then be slaughtered/complete the take over of the country.

  5. oldtimer505 December 13, 2020 at 09:36

    PULL THE PIN Mr. President! The people of this nation that want to be free have little to lose at this moment and time. The other side needs to taste their own blood for a change.

  6. rto-jerry December 13, 2020 at 10:14

    Good intel johnnyMac! I think Trump has 2 option left at his disposal. Trump needs to enforce EO 13848, which I think will fail based on all activity which has occurred to date to challenge the stolen election, executed by deep state enemies foreign and domestic. Only way to defang Cabbage Patch Joe and Kommie Harris in my mind is for the “red states” to bail on this here communist take over. Trump needs to take a page out of “macdaddy” Barry Soetoro’s playbook (shadow government) and run a parallel government urging states to secede from the blue hive. I have some reservations on Trump, as I do not view him much of a constitutional President. Not sure he is up to be the leader of a real fight for the country, hope I am wrong on this. I think states seceding is the only true option which remains, which can unify and bolster the 74 million who voted for Trump in the days and years ahead. The 74 million need a rallying point and they need a leader who can articulate a unified cause for the tough battle ahead. 74 million is a very strong army of freedom fighters!! Let’s face it, it is already a divided nation and both sides heels are locked in not giving one inch, so the EO will just amp up the divide as we are at a point of no return for a unified nation. The united in “United States” has been a myth for some time now. Mid term 2022 or President election 2024 will not magically reunite the country as some on the right are professing, that ship has long sailed. If states do not secede what are the remaining options?

  7. 71M December 13, 2020 at 10:50


    Thanks for posting of Trump’s EO. This pins potential action points on the short timeline. 12/18/20 duly marked. Rapidly developing events require monitoring of all sources. I suspect all who visit here are of same thought and are doing such.

    OT a bit: take note of escalation of violence of Leftists street gangs. Shootings and blades. Observe gear worn by Antifa in Wash assaults on Jericho Trump supporters.

    And for the record, I hope Trump executes the EO.

  8. CalitoWisco3% December 13, 2020 at 10:55

    I truly hope POTUS has the courage to do it! At the current moment we are at our strongest to fight for the Republic & restore law and order. It’s now or never.

  9. Verminator December 13, 2020 at 11:03

    The “Only” path forward for FREEDOM Loving People of this country IS to Stand Up Now ! If You Love Our Blessed Land and the many blessings we have been given than Show It!
    We don’t have the options of a more opportune circumstances or time to prepare or train or equip or anything else. Ther will Not be Another chance to fix This. No Excuse for you or me it’s got to be “We The People “ Right Now Right Here in this moment.
    I’m a little old I’m a lot tired and I love my life my family my country and my God! But I’ve told them all I’m standing with our president Donald Trump. I’m ready I’m all in and won’t be going home until our “WORK” is done. I’m Texan But America is Our Land. Come Join The Fight It’s Time.

  10. Machine Trooper December 13, 2020 at 11:04

    You might be right, JohnnyMac. If Trump doesn’t pull the trigger, I will assume he is throwing in the towel. That would be monumentally stupid–just like all the willfully ignorant loudmouths bleating, “Boy, you wait–we’ll really show ’em next election!”

    I don’t believe he will throw in the towel. He may write and speak at a 6th Grade level, but I don’t believe Trump is stupid. His ego is his Achilles Heel, but I don’t think any of this took him by surprise.

    I’m not exactly sure when and how this will apply, but he is going to need our active (probably kinetic) support when he unleashes the Storm. There just aren’t enough white hats with badges, guns, and authorization for deadly force. We may have to relieve or provide overwatch for local cops, Guardsmen, or whoever when they’re outnumbered and pinned down. Then again, local cops, Guardsmen, or whoever might need a crash course on upholding their oath of office…good and hard.

    For all the moles and clowns lurking, this is not a statement of something I personally intend to do; if traitors aren’t executed before all is said and done, then nothing will have been resolved. Any victory we achieve will amount to kicking the can down the road. Appeasement only begats new and bloodier war.

    It would be great if our homes, electricity, hot and cold running water all survive intact for the duration; but it would be foolish to count on it.

    Cant stress this enough: we have to get our spiritual lives together. If we have bad blood with a brother or neighbor, we need to make it right, now. Jesus told us that if we won’t forgive our brother; our Father won’t forgive us. But don’t get it twisted: Charlie Brown needs to forgive Lucy, but he doesn’t need to keep running up to kick the football.

    • Luke December 13, 2020 at 12:59

      Nice post MT, listened to Stewart Rhodes with Mike Adams http://www.naturalness.com very informative. Mr Rhodes said the same thing I have been thinking it’s NOW or NEVER. People who want to kick the can down the road do not understand the enemy and where we are at. If we wait for Biden to be put in our odds of getting our country back to its Constitutional founding are greatly diminished. Trump must pull the pin and I think he knows that is the only way forward.

  11. Bill Quick December 13, 2020 at 11:14
  12. Jefferson Thomas December 13, 2020 at 11:24

    This says that the assessment shall be conducted, and that the report shall be delivered, by the 45th day. It does not limit action by the President to 45 days (or at all.) Pay attention to what it actually says – don’t assume anything.

    • MN Steel December 13, 2020 at 22:35

      Wonder if invoming presidents are shown the full Zapruder film within 45 days, or just told about it.

      Another thing we will never hear or see.

  13. rto-jerry December 13, 2020 at 11:33

    The good new is that the 74 million are “can do” people!! Valuable asset to have this day in age!!

  14. Razorback Trapper December 13, 2020 at 12:49

    I’d love it if he did, but I’m not holding my breath. He is one man. Washington was just one man. Washington would not have been anything without his men. Ultimately it is up to us, not Trump. It always has been.

  15. Johnny Paratrooper December 13, 2020 at 14:37

    The numeral for this EO is the same as the primary listed home resident zip code for the Biden Crime Family. At least, that’s the story.
    Sounds like they are signaling (without signally) to the people who are outside of the loop. Almost like a cryptic “Warning Order” to people who have the processing power to figure, out or know, what’s going on because obviously something is seriously wrong.

    We need to fix the media. Because most of the people I know, patriots included, actually think Biden is gonna be president. They don’t even know about the lawsuits or the evidence all over twitter and the news.

    • Machine Trooper December 13, 2020 at 20:34

      I’ve been thinking a lot about the media problem. It’s not pretty, but the best solution I can think of is for Trump to shut down the pravda networks and Big Tech completely–by cutting their power if necessary, then using the EBS to communicate directly with the people.

    • The Cocksman December 14, 2020 at 00:06

      Send Zucker and his CNN leadership team on a one-way ticket to Gitmo on a Treason charge and you’ll find the MSM suddenly changes their attitude on a dime. Freedom of the Press isn’t actually free.

  16. 15Fixer December 13, 2020 at 21:31

    What would Michael Collins do?

  17. Brad December 13, 2020 at 22:19

    Here’s the Oh shit part. It’s but up to Trump to pull the pin on the Holiest of Hand Grenades. It’s up to DNI Radcliffe. Is he deep state? Seems like everyone else is. I’d rather have Rick Grennell in that position right now. I trusted him.

  18. Haywood Jablomie December 14, 2020 at 00:00

    It all depends who owns the Military. Because that’s where it’s going to go. If Trump won the combat leaders, it doesn’t matter who stole the generals, the CIA or even the vote. The guys driving the tanks and flying the apaches are all that matters.

  19. Anonymous December 14, 2020 at 05:25


  20. Anonymous December 14, 2020 at 05:25


  21. Anonymous December 15, 2020 at 09:17


  22. Reece December 15, 2020 at 10:07

    Trump is going to have to go for it. If he doesn’t he and his family will be Clintonized. The enemy doesn’t allow its enemies to live and they will need to send a clear message to all.

  23. Elder Son December 16, 2020 at 00:02

    Trump didn’t create that EO just so he could sit on it and wink later. This has been an active ongoing compartmentalized intelligence operation for the last 2 years. You can also bet that Trump isn’t rearranging all the chairs in the deck this late just so China Joe can sit as president and rearrange them again. You can bet that Trump has, or once he has, all the ducks lined up, this intelligence and evidence is/will be disseminated to the right people, and the people with the capability to suddenly, and swiftly, arrest these people, or hunt them down.

  24. #nevervotingagain December 16, 2020 at 10:41

    C’mon guys, we can just vote harder in 2024……

    • NC Scout December 16, 2020 at 11:08

      Heh, I like your attitude.

      Why vote, when the CCP controls both sides. McConnell really showed his colors yesterday and he’s not alone.

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