Natural News: Biden has maybe 2,000 attendees at inauguration — and 25,000 military — just like they do in lawless banana republics
(Natural News) Joe Biden was sworn in today as the 46th President of the United States.
(Article by Jim Hoft republished from
They say he had 81 million votes.
No one turned out to see Biden. A few hundred or maybe a thousand listened to him blather and slur his words.
Biden had ten times as many military men and women protecting his inauguration today like they do in any lawless banana republic.
The elites fear the people they want to lord over.
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They might be considering going full blown martial law. Getting rid of that Constitution thingy to enact legislation now.
Getting shed of legislation is far more difficult than when it is being emplaced.
Relax. None of this is real.
If Constitutional laws, and Constitution based laws are shut down under marshal law, does that make it legal to shoot communists, and blmantifers?