Natural News: Pompeo: “China is already within our borders”

(Natural News) U.S Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo issued another warning about the threats of Communist China.
(Article republished from

More from his Twitter:

This is the real story that the Mainstream Press refuses to tell you about.
China is a threat to our country.
They have spies all across our country. They have made many of our biggest corporations dependent on them.

Former Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said that a lot more is coming out regarding China’s connections to U.S politicians.

He pointed to China having leverage on them.

Can’t wait to see what else is going to come out.

We covered a few days ago China’s censoring of a professor claiming that China owns many U.S Politicians:

A video has surfaced of a Chinese professor bashing President Trump for taking on China.
He also said that the Chinese own people at the top of the U.S.

Tucker explained everything in a segment on his show:

Remember this next time they attack President Trump. Isn’t it amazing how everything the left and the Media have claimed has been so false. It hasn’t just been false either. The opposite has actually been true.
They claimed Trump was owned by Wall Street:
They were owned by Wall Street.
They claimed Trump colluded with Russia:
They colluded with China and other foreign governments.
They claimed Trump was a national security threat:
They were the National Secruity threat.
And if you think this is just some conspiracy theory. Maybe the fact the DNI has come out and said this as well will change your mind:

Scary stuff folks.
Read more at:

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous January 21, 2021 at 07:32


  2. Tallbawls January 21, 2021 at 09:56

    Watch to see who is buying up all the farmland around where you live. Here in middle America we are watching Chinese investors come in and buy up swaths of farmland and paying triple what it is worth.
    Eyes Wide Open

    • Johnny Paratrooper January 21, 2021 at 11:49

      That can all be seized. So don’t worry to much.
      We can bring their money into our country, and then seize their property at a later date.
      Fight like El Cid.

      • Tallbawls January 21, 2021 at 12:42

        So who is going to seize their property? The Government? Ahh so some congressman or senator gets to line his pockets with the sell back to the public oh wait there might be a profitable business on that property… hmm i guess we the people are just shit out of luck either way. Or we can be real Americans and tell the realtors to only sell to Americans and if they fail to do so then they get blackballed. The time for being nice Americans is over.

      • StormN January 21, 2021 at 15:10

        I agree. Possession is 9 tenths of the law. I know it’s a joke but it carries some truth. Then there’s ‘adverse possession’. Please explain a little more about ‘Fight like El Cid’ (although I do know who El Cid was).

  3. Johnny Paratrooper January 21, 2021 at 11:14

    They use “Research and Development” money as propaganda and infiltration the same way that MACV-SOG used “Studies and Observations” kinetics in covert war.
    Luckily, Trump had 4 years to install a shadow government to counter act Obama’s shadow government.
    Assuming Trump and company weren’t completely braindead. Which he obviously wasn’t.

  4. StormN January 21, 2021 at 12:07

    I thought or read that it was Bill Gates that owned (almost) all the farmland. As predicted for these very difficult economic times, top dollar is being paid for farmland. No doubt-and no surprise- that the Chinese are buying loads of stuff (farmland, politicians, etc.).
    While at the moment we’re focusing on the Chinese don’t forget to keep one eye on the Russians, CAIR, AIPAC, politicians, billionaires, corporations and a slew of other monied influence pedalers and spies.
    These will continue to exist. Let them all weave their tangled webs.

  5. boss21 January 21, 2021 at 12:29

    Some could be Taiwan Chinese . White Hose turned off YouTube comments. 19000 downvotes to 5000 upvotes. About the same real numbers as the election. The swamp is becoming quicksand.

  6. 71M January 22, 2021 at 09:56

    Take note: Search for will connect directly to as of 0953hrs EST, 1/22/21
    Try it. Antifa is just a theory?…, C’mon Joe!

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