Natural News: Unhinged PBS chief counsel exposed by Project Veritas fired after vicious attacks on Trump White House, kids of GOP voters

I’m your Huckleberry, Michael. Firing you is not enough. -NCS
(Natural News) Michael Beller, former principal counsel and unhinged left-wing lunatic at the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), has been fired after he was exposed saying monstrous things about the children of Republican voters, President Donald Trump and his administration, and Middle America.
“This employee no longer works for PBS,” a spokesperson for the publicly-funded network told The Daily Caller.
“As a mid-level staff attorney, he did not speak on behalf of our organization, nor did he make any editorial decisions.”
“There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individual’s views in no way reflect our values or opinions,” the spokesperson said. “We strongly condemn violence and will continue to do what we have done for 50 years — use our national platform and local presence to strengthen communities and bring people together.”
Beller’s firing came a day after undercover journalism organization Project Veritas released a video where Beller purportedly says a number of horrible things about Republicans, Trump supporters, and the children of GOP voters.
In a press release on Monday, the undercover journalism operation noted:
Project Veritas released a new video today exposing Michael Beller, Principal Counsel for The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), for his statements defending violent attacks on the White House, re-education for the children of Trump supporters and praising the deaths of red state voters as a result of COVID-19.
Here are some of the things this left-wing scumbag had to say during his conversation with the PV journalist.
“In these times, which are unique — I mean Trump — Trump is close to Hitler,” he claimed, without any context since very few people alive today either lived during the time of Adolph Hitler or lived under his tyrannical rule.
“What are you going to do if we [Democrats] don’t win” in November, the journalist asked.
“Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails,” Beller responded.
He went on to say that kids being raised by supporters of the president are going to grow up to be horrible people (like he isn’t?) but there’s a solution: Send them to reeducation camps.
Yeah, like Soviet, Chinese and North Korean dictators did and do.

“They’ll [Trump supporters] be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids,” said Beller. “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps. Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day.”
This creep then trashed the half the country or more by claiming he was happy to be living in Washington, D.C., where all the ‘smart, enlightened’ people are — not small-town America where the idiots live.
“Americans are so f**king dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody’s just stupid?” Beller, smart guy who got busted in an undercover video, said.
Then this ‘wonderful human being’ commented that COVID-19 was ‘spiking’ in GOP-dominated states (which isn’t true — it’s spiking everywhere, including the very blue states of California and New York), and that’s a good thing because more of those ignorant, red-voting rubes are catching the virus and dying.
“What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great,” he said.
When asked why he thought that, this piece of trash replied: “Because either those people won’t come out to vote for Trump — you know the red states — or a lot of them are sick and dying.”
He went on to tout the ‘news’ coverage at PBS while bashing both CNN and Fox News.
“PBS has like real news,” he said. “But CNN doesn’t have real news anymore. It’s just talking heads talking about Trump all day long.”
“I can’t stand it. I mean, every once in a while I’ll look at Fox News and it makes me want to throw up after five minutes,” said Beller.
“It’s all this Joe Biden s**t now,” he said, referring to the reporting on Fox News Channel involving various scandals with both Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden — which other networks (including PBS) refused to cover. “You know, I can’t stand it. It’s all made up. It’s all ridiculous. And they are pushing that so hard. It’s unbelievable.”
“So you guys just ignore it?” the undercover reporter asked.
“Yeah,” Beller responds (at least for once he was honest).
Now look, this guy worked for PBS long enough to become a network cheerleader, so the point is, it stretches credulity to the breaking point to believe this was the first time he has said such horrible, crappy, disgusting things.
Which would mean that the higher-ups at PBS didn’t really have one iota’s worth of problems with him and his beliefs until he was publicly exposed.
Our tax dollars at work.
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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Cavguy January 14, 2021 at 15:12

    Gosh I just love PBS!!! Don’t you? I’m very pleased my tax dollars are used to fund this unbiased news net work. Fox should be taken off the air. Hey how can I get a job driving the bus to these camps?

  2. Bongo January 14, 2021 at 16:30

    time for sat cong

  3. J January 14, 2021 at 18:20

    He displays the same arrogance and utter contempt towards others that James Comey and Peter Strzoch did at the FBI hearings.
    Well, everyone knows what pride goes before.

  4. Suburban Dude January 14, 2021 at 19:13

    Here’s a list of all the PBS affiliated stations for folks to contact and voice their displeasure:

  5. A Father January 14, 2021 at 19:47

    I said this elsewhere but I’ll say it here too (more, or, less eloquently) : Beller, put your money where your mouth is, and train up and lead the stack of government home invasion kidnappers-if you really believe the bullshit falling out of your face. But you won’t. Why? Because you’d say its not your job (though you do need a job now…..) or because you are a fucking pussy that would seemingly send other men to die to pursue your insane idea (I mean: the kids aren’t just going to get on the bus because you asked them). Its not like it was some secret wet dream idea of yours to giggle to before bedtime, as you TOLD it to someone. Who recorded it. There are far, far more parents who would kill and die for their children than there are men who are willing to die to take them away for this kind of insanity. Any of them, us, would gladly beat you to death with a blunt object and drag your battered corpse down to the local woods and let the coyotes turn you into coyote shit and call it a job well done. Be glad you are a pussy, because if the first parent failed in their attempt to fuck you up into the after life, the next parent might not. Or the next. Be willing to die for this belief. Here’s hoping you enjoy a nice epiphany and maybe rethink that position. Its none of your business what any of us teach to our sons and daughters, fuckhead. FYI: fuckhead is a non-racist, non-phobic, non-binary term.

    • Randolph Scott January 14, 2021 at 23:01

      Very well said. The only thing I would add to his punishment is before beating this prick to death, deal him a 2 month long prison sentence and have Bubba ass rape him and BLM ram his ass with threaded pipe. Hope that the bad guys don’t kill him so that he can get bludgeoned to death as per our desires.

    • James January 15, 2021 at 22:00

      Father,as one who does not have children and at best find children mildly annoying I would help any parent including one who failed to stop the theft of children,rather be with said parent from beginning so there was no failure/over whelm ect.
      That said,I kinda like coyotes(coywolves in me region)and not sure I would want them eating these folks,that said,would leave em to the critters and let them decide if edible or not.
      I gaureentee this guy will either be again working for pbs or will land a gig due to his insane ideas,perhaps Veritas should keep an eye on him,dox him for eternity.

  6. Paulo January 14, 2021 at 22:09

    If you will, watch and get INto the best of it which in my opinion is to be left alone, provided
    The Golden Rule is INvoked. Then maybe will realize that “flattening the curve” is best served
    by being ahead of the curve:
    ‘We’re Living in a Gigantic Lie’—Dennis Prager Talks Free Speech | American Thought Leaders”‘
    “Every man to his family and his possessions”

    • Johnny Paratrooper January 14, 2021 at 23:41

      Dennis Prager is part of the problem.
      He promotes Islam.
      And then decries Christian Anti-Semitism.
      You can see the problem here…
      College classrooms across the country use OAN and Prager U videos and mock them for being nonsense propaganda.
      Which they are. They contribute absolutely nothing to the fight.
      I have a selfie of a OANN reporter smiling with the QAnon Shaman.
      I also know that another OAN reporter is dirtier than Roger Stone and may work for Black Cube.

      • Paulo January 15, 2021 at 00:36

        Reason why I put – …”which in my opinion is to be left alone, provided
        The Golden Rule is INvoked”…
        Overall, it is a good interview telling it how it is with the crazy freaks, their worshiping kiss asses,
        and their inability to control their seudomasochist lust for control and be controlled.

  7. Hangman January 14, 2021 at 22:28

    Don’t ever doubt the righteousness of our cause.

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