USSA News: John Brennan: Biden White House Will Use Homeland Security to Crush Trump ‘Insurgency’

Originally appeared at USSA News. You were warned here on AP months back of them using all of the same tools for reprisals that I personally have experience with. Brennan, the declared Communist and Wahhabi, is just one piece of this. What’s McChrsytal up to? If you’re standing up the Resistance, and you damn well should be, get the hell off social media, now. -NCS
The following article, Disgraced Former CIA Chief John Brennan: Biden White House Will Use Homeland Security to Crush Trump ‘Insurgency’, was first published on Big League Politics.
Disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan is promising a Big Brother crackdown against Trump supporters throughout society following the successful installation of the Biden regime by the deep state.
Brennan made the psychopathic, authoritarian declaration during an appearance on MSNBC.
“This is the most relaxed I’ve been in the course of the many inaugurations I’ve watched,” Brennan said, reveling in the fact that he got away with all of his crimes without repercussions.
“I know looking forward that the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we have seen overseas,” he said.
Brennan is laying the groundwork to treat President Trump’s supporters like ISIS militants, which Democrat officials have been openly pining for many years to accomplish. He named “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians” as the type of groups that will be targeted, profiled and ultimately deprived of their 1st Amendment rights during the Biden administration.
“I really do think that the law enforcement, Homeland Security, intelligence, and even defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very, very serious and insidious threat to our democracy and our republic,” he said.
The clip can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported about the many crimes of Brennan, who was influential in setting up the Russia-gate scam that ultimately failed in unlawfully overturning the results of the 2016 presidential election:

Former CIA director and Deep State-linked career bureaucrat John Brennan praised the willful insubordination of the “intelligence community” when speaking at an event at the National Press Club with other military-industrial complex figures on Thursday…
Brennan’s remarks make it clear that the career national security bureaucratic elite couldn’t care less about fulfilling their traditional role of carrying out the democratically elected President’s policy. The Deep State instead seeks to impose an unpopular and stale agenda against the wishes of the President, preventing the American people any real say in directing the national security policy of their own country…
The use of the phrase ‘Deep State’ by Brennan is telling. For years critics of the permanent Washington, D.C shadow government were told such a thing didn’t exist. For the intensely partisan former CIA director to not only describe the intelligence community apparatus with such a phrase- but to even endorse them as such- reveals how fundamentally disconnected legacy institutions such as the CIA and FBI are from democratic oversight.

It’s hard to paint the Trump administration as anything but a colossal failure with criminals like Brennan gloating and reveling in the destruction of America. Trump did not even have the courage to pardon whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange on his way out of office. The deep state wins again.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous January 21, 2021 at 19:04


  2. Luke January 21, 2021 at 19:44

    You fellers know more than I about this but my honest opinion is this. I guarantee you 90% of the door kickers be it military, N Guard, police voted Trump. That’s a guess and please keep in mind I am talking about the ones who do the heavy lifting. Out of the 90% I would say 99% know that America was just bent over and got an ass insertion.
    So what are their options? Train Antifa or BLM or bring over foreign forces to do the dirty work? Not trying to be over confident that it won’t happen because in clown world any and all things are possible. If they try and use domestic door kickers that could backfire on them. And I hope that it would.
    They’re really not that smart tho. They are full of arrogance and hubris. Example I met an old friend in August. Didn’t take me long to start bitching about our cities being burned and historical monuments defaced. She sent me an article of a black democrat fellow from Tennessee. I can’t recall his name but he was a congressman. In the video he spoke of not being violent when he went and rallied with Dr King as a young man. My point is that it literally took them (media included) from June to sometime in August to realize that encouraging people to burn down and loot other Americans was not a good look for them politically. I realized that was the first Democrat to denounce the extreme violence after 2 to 3 months of it. In other words they thought it was hurting DT and was helping them. It speaks to what I mentioned hubris and arrogance and stupidity are their Achilles heel.
    Keep your head down and chin up.

  3. Jack January 21, 2021 at 20:17

    And there you have it. Straight from the Pigs Ass.
    Free Pass for the swine.

  4. boss21 January 21, 2021 at 20:30

    ‘Brennan lays the groundwork to treat Trump supporters like ISIS ….’. That means Trump supporters will be getting airdrops from Air Al CIAda? I don’t think any of this crap is real. DC (non US soil) is occupied by .mil. Biden had to fly to DC on a private plane. Supposedly whole formations of NG turned their back on him today. Pentagon is balking at Biden ‘administration’ access to ‘ongoing operations’.

  5. Coldsteel1983 January 21, 2021 at 20:51

    I’d break out a new rope for Brennan…

    • Johnny Paratrooper January 22, 2021 at 09:01

      I’m more of a party popper guy.But you know who the real enemy is?
      The Social Media Online Influencers.
      Like Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska, Milo, and Jones.Those guys are the real problem.
      And they have so much influence they can lead a charge on the capitals in Georgia and DC and not receive one word of blame like they deserve.
      Georgia was their training run, D.C. was their magnum opus.

  6. rto-jerry January 21, 2021 at 21:18

    Washington is full of empty suits blowing smoke!

  7. Johnny Paratrooper January 21, 2021 at 22:12

    A private in the military has more discipline than literally anyone else in our government.

  8. Malachi Allen January 21, 2021 at 22:48

    I agree. Trump didn’t have the balls to do anything decisive. He had so many opportunities to take steps to “drain the swamp” and he pissed them away. He could’ve done so much in the interest of national security.

    • NC Scout January 21, 2021 at 23:33

      Trump followed incredibly terrible advisors for the entirety of his term. And that’s the real mistake.

  9. Jimbo January 21, 2021 at 23:11

    What a joke. The boogie man is coming to get everybody. OOOOH. Everybody who supports(ed) Trump should be SO AFRAID!!! OOOOH!.
    Another old, has been, wannabe important, wind bag, talking out his talking out his 4th point of contact.
    The number of actual insurgents in the USA is probably in the 100’s; and the vast majority of them are in Antifa & BLM. Go to a Right-leaning seditionist/racist/Klan group of 10, and 8 will be undercover LEO.
    So yeah, Brennan and company can go round up all 12 of the right-wing nut cases in the country. BFD.
    Asswipes like Brennan believe Conservative = racist. Constitutionalist = racist. Capitalist = racist. Rugged individualist = racist. Pride in one’s own culture = racist. Anything they don’t like = racist.
    The elitists have NO CLUE. I’ll go out on a limb (although this limb is made of reinforced steel) and say 99.8% Trump supporters don’t give a crap about anybody’s race, religion, or where anybody came from.
    But the “elites” think they know it all and want to put others in boxes/groups/classes due to their own prejudices.
    Brennan, like most others in DC, is an inconsequential buffoon.
    I have not surrendered. DC does not rule my life. I was born with certain unalienable rights. I don’t give a rat’s behind what “they” ordain as the ‘law of the land’. I am going to live my life, and NOT in fear of some old, fat, pu$$y-a$$ like Brennan.
    He, (and almost the entire DC crowd) has never run 18 miles with a 60# pack; never jumped out of a plane at 600′; never gone for weeks on end living out of a ruck; he couldn’t bench or squat his lunch plate for even one rep; he has no idea how to treat blisters on his feet or prevent crotch rash from days/nights rucking; he, and his ilk couldn’t hit a target at even 500 mtrs, let alone at real distances. He CAN give 50,000′ orders (based solely on political expediency)-but where the rubber meets the road, CLUELESS.
    In short-the DC elites are pampered, protected, soft, and untested in physical and mental individual hardship.
    He (and they) will want OTHERS to do the heavy lifting if it is decided to unjustly persecute those who merely have a differing, but completely legal, political view.
    Are those who will be tasked to illegally apprehend/arrest/detain law-abiding citizens up to the task of being Gestapo or Enforcers?
    Or will they obey the Constitution and refuse to obey illegal orders?
    Or are they untested posers who just like a hefty paycheck to say they work for a 3-letter agency?
    Don’t forget to wear your mask and beanie with propeller, just to show you have submitted to your betters.
    And as far as ragging on President Trump…who among us could have done better? Kind of like Rhodesia-everybody was against them.

    • NC Scout January 21, 2021 at 23:32

      “Another old, has been, wannabe important, wind bag, talking out his talking out his 4th point of contact.”
      While I agree with you, emphatically so (Brennan was nothing more than a hand wringing staff guy, he was never part of the NCS), you have to understand, and in turn, not underestimate the danger this man poses. It is not a joke. Not one bit. But not just him. Brennan is a turtle on a post.
      Coffer Black put him where he is. Look into him.

    • Theodore January 22, 2021 at 07:15

      Great post. I agree with almost all of that, and while I think Trump himself doesn’t care about race, religion, or where you’re from, there are many of us on the Southern line of the Trump train who do.

  10. GK January 21, 2021 at 23:14

    Commies gunna Commie

    • Randolph Scott January 21, 2021 at 23:48

      Commies gotta die.
      What the DS wants is a war, a race war here in America. They don’ care who wins as long as there is 100 million casualties. Those peons left over will be their slaves and the dead will be …… well they’ll just be dead.

  11. Tallbawls January 21, 2021 at 23:34

    Well if this is the plan. Then all of us have everything to loose. So when do we STAND UP?

    • NC Scout January 21, 2021 at 23:36

      I’m standing up now, bud. Come join me.

      • Tallbawls January 22, 2021 at 00:06

        Making a trip back to NC for a visit very shortly to see family. I will give you a call then.

      • Luke January 22, 2021 at 00:10

        FYI was listening to Prather earlier I had to tune the other ones out. I know people like Adams were going on the best Intel they had. It was a guessing game. Anyhow JP said if you go to takes you to and no shit it does. Told my lib gf this and she found some link that dismisses it. I got to an argument with her but I could tell she was stunned. She said people direct shit all the time. My response is you think you could put up a child porn site/pic and direct it to ? You could tell she was overly frustrated looking for the simplest answer but non exist.
        I mention this for 2 reasons… it fits with your post. And two it’s a great red pill. The only way this works NC is to peel off enough sheep and wake them. It’s the only way forward with some peace and semblance to modern day normalcy. Nobody likes antifa and when you see that you gotta scratch your head.

        • Theodore January 22, 2021 at 07:01

          A bunch of people on our side have been shocked by this, but page redirects are fairly common and it probably took two minutes to do. This was most likely done by the owner of the domain, or perhaps hackers. I agree with the substance of the message though, that antifa has become the white house.

          • Luke January 22, 2021 at 16:12

            You can block IP addresses pretty easy with a Cisco or Fortinet firewall. Most businesses today have them. A domain will be attached to a static IP. I would venture to say has some pretty well maintained firewalls. It was attached for a about a month prior to the Biden campaign.
            Can you imagine if some clown registered and pointed at the Trump campaign? How long would it be up 30 seconds max.

        • PPM January 22, 2021 at 08:00

          You don’t have ownership of, so you can’t make *it* point anywhere.
          If you buy a domain, you can make it redirect viewers anywhere you wish in a couple minutes. It’s not that hard. Just give it a CNAME record, or do an HTML redirect, or configure your server to send a 302.
          Some guy spent the few dollars to buy because they thought it was funny.
          Don’t date communists or anyone who’s going to be a hindrance to what you need to do. But she’s correct about this one technical question.

          • Luke January 22, 2021 at 16:29

            Yes you can redirect a domain which is attached to a static IP easily no argument there. But just as easily the host can block that domain/IP. Most small biz today have that capability let alone the government.

  12. Another Nobody January 22, 2021 at 00:26

    Every tool they’re going to use is dependent on meta-data.
    We can learn to use that to our advantage.
    We can all be multiple iterations of transsexual lesbian women of color fighting the white supremacist hetero normative patriarchy.
    Might be fun to see how crazy we can make things for them before their house of cards falls down.
    This alone could be great fun for weeks!
    GARBO x 10,000.
    – What have we got to lose?

    • YYYUUGE January 22, 2021 at 09:26
      Jigsaw runs Project Shield, a platform that analyzes meta data to figure out who is and is not a right-wing extremist. Meta data as in accelerometer metrics, touch screen interactions, keystrokes, search behavior, sentiment analysis, friendships, etc.
       This entire crazy mess of escalating culture warriors was all because of The Butterfly Attack. Pretending to be protected classes caused the establishment to react with full force displays of cultural and moral supremacy. After careful study and preparation, I’ve decided to provide the final piece of this experiment, the one that breaks the very center of the machine called Western postmodernism: You can train Project Shield to target protected classes, thus, putting Eric Schmidt in the cross hairs of Civil Rights violations. And not just Eric Schmidt, but the entire Silicon Valley apparatus. That’s why they escalated so hard during GamerGate. They knew they were going to have to partake in questionable actions like cyber phrenology. This explains why Google is hiring so many “journalists” as of late.
       If one can generate meta data behavior that resembles a protected class, automated censorship efforts like Project Shield will fail.
       If you can spoof the meta data of protected classes, you will be immune to Project Shield. The predator will not eat bad tasting things.
       But… because tinkering with Civil Rights wing patterns causes mass conflict, progressives will demand Silicon Valley does something to stop this. Google would be forced to engage in even more disturbing volumes of “cyber phrenology”…
       So, how does one spoof meta data? It’s easier than you think.
      * Make friends with members of protected classes that hold non-Progressive ideas. This tricks biometric qualifiers.
      * Deep cover fake accounts allow you to blend in ideologically for prolonged periods of time. You can find and exploit divisions with these. Those exploits will cause actual progressives to generate non-progressive ideas under progressive meta data signatures.
      * Promote nationalist impulses among protected classes. Transfurria has a right to self-determination just as much as Israel.
      * My personal favorite, clever programming can constantly generate background meta data for a new persona you create. Test results of what you generate against what ads your persona sees on social media. Once the ads match those seen for a protected class, go to town with anti-globalist critics and anti-Silicon Valley discussions.
      * Silicon Valley work forces are made mostly of first-generations from other cultures that are mostly not progressive in the Western sense. China, Korea, and Vietnam spent the last half of the 20th century either running from or killing communists. Some have had family involved. These potential Silicon Valley defectors, especially from Google, are fucking gold mines. Devs always keep a copy of code/db dumps. As the defectors pile up, they will bring more and more evidence of cyber phrenology. Silicon Valley will have its Snowden moment.

  13. Rooster January 22, 2021 at 07:46

    That antifa link going to the WH just scared the shit out of my wife. We had those folks threatening our business last year and she wants no part of their “justice”. I think I just lost another layer of crazy…….yeaaaaaaa!

  14. Freya Valentina January 22, 2021 at 17:11

    They’re openly calling to establish secret police now

    • J January 23, 2021 at 11:46

      Some might recall the big ado made a few years ago about the 1896 book, The Last President, linked below. As the title alludes, it’s about a future President who will be the last chief executive of the United States.
      I took the time to read it yesterday, and it is indeed interesting.
      Some take aways…
      President elect Bryan, a definite ‘progressive’ Democrat, with rioting, looting, and police murdering anarchists and socialists as an inportant part of his constituency, starts his first inaugural day signing important executive order(s).
      Early in his four year administration, rules are changed to shorten debate in congress.
      The supreme court is ‘packed’ by the new administration, as is the Senate with six new Democratic senators from three new states created expressly for this purpose.
      Washington DC has to be occupied with federal troops to stop a feared rebellion.
      To pay for all the new ‘paternalistic’ social programs, the money supply is greatly expanded. This in turn created hyperinflation, the dollar losing two thirds of its value. People use barrels to carry their money, and large trucks ply the roads each night carrying the now debased currency to take care of daily business transactions. Things become so bad, Bryan comes to believe things were better under the previous president economically and pines for those days.
      Secession of States is deemed the most bloodless answer for the turmoil, and hence why president elect Bryan is the last president of a Union that is to be dissolved..
      Upon reading it, it’s plain the book was a warning by the author about the potential results to the United States of the hypothetical 1896 election of the ‘progressive’ William Jennings Bryan, who ultimately didn’t win.
      The self declared ‘progressives’ several years ago were claiming the book was about an imminent Trump dictatorship, but, if anything, it’s a lot more about themselves.
      Ultimately, I think the ‘Right’ vs ‘Left’, ‘Capitalist’ vs ‘Communist’ thing, is a broadly controlled and manufactured (crimethink, I know) Hegelian Dialectic, best to expose and denounce, and not be invested in.
      Having said that, as a microcosm, is almost everything about the so called progressive’s (particularly lefty progs) accusations against others simply ‘projection’, and a natural result of the unhealthy absolutist tendencies they’ve adopted for themselves about truth and untruth, right and wrong?
      For decades we’ve been solemnly warned of a ‘right wing’ coup via the 1964 movie Seven Days in May, yet it is Left Dems who’ve pulled off a coup with massive voter fraud. Last President – Ingersoll Lockwood 0878892_djvu.txt

  15. J January 23, 2021 at 09:50

    ‘Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children..’
    A truism, just as true today with the so called ‘woke cancel culture’ as it was when first iterated at the time of the French Revolution.
    As a White male himself, Brennan should take heed.
    Make no mistake, there’s a spirit of murder in the hearts of those pushing the ‘woke culture’ and tolerating, if not encouraging, the BLM and Antifa terrorism. Murderous fanaticism has a way of going full circle, though.
    I have to think the last words (or thoughts) of many a once high level person who promoted the French or Russian revolutions and the accompanying purges, when facing their own ‘purge’ (ie execution) in 1793 or 1938, respectively, was ‘Hey, I’m supposed to be one of those directing the purges (ie murders), not being purged (ie murdered) myself!’ Even should they ‘see the light’ at that time, by then it’s too late, of course.
    I’ll leave the last word on the subject to Ida Tarbell, a ‘progressive’ of a hundred years ago, whom like Orwell, had the courage to speak some hard truths, even when it may have been more immediately convenient and profitable to keep mum.
    She wrote of the fate of Madame Roland (1754-1793), a supporter of the French Revolution who during the revolution hosted a salon for the purpose of political discussion.
    Though Tarbell happens to be writing about a fellow woman here, this is not about their sex in any way. Its rather, specifically, about the naivety towards opening up the Pandora’s box of wanton physical violence and murder as a political weapon, which certainly applies every bit as much to the men who were involved with the French Revolution as well.
    From wiki…
    What Tarbell discovered about Madame Roland changed her own worldview. She began the biography with admiration for Roland but grew disillusioned as she researched and learned more. Tarbell determined that Roland, who followed her husband’s lead, was not the independent thinker she had imagined and was complicit in creating an atmosphere where violence led to the Terror and her own execution.
    She wrote of Roland:
    “This woman had been one of the steadiest influences to violence, willing, even eager, to use this terrible revolutionary force, so bewildering and terrifying to me, to accomplish her ends, childishly believing herself and her friends strong enough to control it when they needed it no longer. The heaviest blow to my self-confidence so far was my loss of faith in revolution as a divine weapon. Not since I discovered the world not to have been made in six days…had I been so intellectually and spiritually upset.”
    Are you listening, Brennan?

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