Kay Griggs Talks: Interview One(1998) and Two(2005)
This is the real “Plan”.
“Q” never mentioned this…
This is the real Deep State…
You need to know how things work… For instance, the Yugoslavian war was a gigantic “Hunger Games” for global intelligence agencies, both government and private, to certify their assassins with wet works and networks. It was a gigantic training exercise and combat competition. It was also used to make sure the media tells the “correct story”, and is part of the lie. And to settle who controls the heroin and cocaine in Europe and the U.S by being the most ruthless.
This country didn’t die in the 1960’s, or 2001. It died shortly after WW2.
Eisenhower warned us… He knew the score.
There are revelations of Ho Chi Minh, Mao, Leon Blum, RothChilds, Weapons Contractors, U.S. Generals… SEALS, Mossad, SOF, and explanations of the mysterious deaths of C.I.A. Directors like William E. Colby(1987)
Everyone knows this above the rank of peasant; Including foreign intel agencies.
“Kay Griggs was a military wife who learned way too much about her husband’s job. Her husband would drink too much and he started talking openly about the real workings of the U.S. military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins. His stories were about murder, corruption, assassinations, and government lies. After he disappeared for a short time, she began receiving threats and decided to tell her story.
Kay is a professing Christian and was married to Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs in the late 1980s, who raised to an influential position as Chief of Staff. She came to realize that he was entirely mind-controlled. He abused and battered her when he drank. These unedited interviews with Pastor Rick Strawcutter of Adrian, Michigan, were conducted in 1998. Kay reports of world events and our current global scenario.”
First interview in 1998 (7.5 hours longs) Riveting…
Save for when the lights go out… Burn to DVD. I would like a copy of both…
Interview Two from 2005 (3 hours long) Haven’t listened yet…
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“The Soviet Union was never actually an enemy, that was all a sham”
“The army seeks out homosexuals and recruits them for the intelligence community because they’re easy to control.”
I appreciate how the video let me know that it wasn’t worth 7.5 hours of my time in the first 60 seconds.
You should watch the whole thing.
I am at 1:40. What a charming lady.. She just radiates good energy.
What she says is down right disgusting and dark. I always thought Mattis was in the closet. Miss Milley for sure. It all makes sense how they can control it all. And the israeli involvement…
The only hope for this country (a resemblance of it) is for a confederation of states. Washington is unsalvageable.
Mattis is the new “Al Gray”. Likely one of his former confidants.
Millie is a good example of why SF needs a better standard for their officers.
Washington D.C. is a completely lost cause. I worked there for 4 years. It’s a miserable un-American hole.
Oh wow I didn’t know there was another interview. Cool! I wish I could find part 1 but Rense hasn’t updated his site since 1998.
I believe this is both parts combined.
The post 9/11 2005 interview is great.
Also, Brendan O’Connell dropped a new video on his Brighteon Channel.
Brendan O’Connell? Do you realize this piece of crap was broadcasting from Iran not long ago and probably still is? Taking safe haven in Iran seems like something a total POS would do. No one should be following this creep – what ever comes out of his mouth is surely bastardized truth meant for some diabolical means. Beware of who you follow.
So you are saying that Epstein didn’t compromise Bill Gates and that Israel doesn’t own Microsoft or Intel?
Are you saying that every major social media site isn’t owned by Russians or Israeli?
Also, what’s wrong with Iran? I like Iranians. I think their men are fun to hang out with and their women are nice. Unlike other nationalities I have hung out with…
What ever information kool-aid is being drank by the TV light box, the internet light boxes and the radio boxes is a straight up jack into everyones brains right now and who ever is jacking with the plug is being allowed to do so. Since Obummer sent millions of dollars to Iran to attack us from afar I don’t trust anything coming out of that Iranian hell hole. They blew up our ship remember? Do you think they will defend your arse? I don’t think so. How do you think Brendan could just hop skip around there with no problems? He’s not even american, hes a ex con hocking fear porn on some pre-paid mission. People should focus more on what they can do locally that effects them directly. What I thought was “america first” .. we are in this situation because everyone wants to defend every other country in the world but this one. Where’s the Epstein that lives on your block? There are like several hundred on the pedo list !! Get a PI license and go get em!!!
So you jump from Iranians to asking about Epstein while trolling an an author here. You made your point and a counterpoint was made.
Move on.
Bunker, I get you considering the propaganda we have all been fed. But when you look at what our leadership is about and has done (please reference the video Johnny P. posted here), you can’t hate them for calling us the great satan. I think our leadership is satanic. I know Iranians that are great people as well. We need to get to the truth no matter where it leads us.
Good posts lately JP. Appreciate the work. Been binge watching Brendan O Connell. A lot is ground covered by the Spotlight/AFP guys back in the day but he brings it up to date.
After years of wondering what is wrong with this country, guys like Brendon O’Connell really bring it into focus.
I always thought there was something wrong with the Con Inc, Alt-Right, and Alt-Media crowd.
Turns out they all have the same boss… X+Y=Z is as easy as 123…
I’ll admit, I had a bit of a swearing competition with myself when I finally figured it out 6 months ago…
Crooks… All of them. Traitors get the traitors treatment. And big things are happening.
It’s baseball. A thinking man’s game by the numbers.
Ha, I hear you. My bubble was burst years ago by the doings in Northern Ireland only to come here and see the pupils of SOE and the SD in OSS/CIA leave their ‘cousins’ behind in perfidy. The Israeli / Lansky nexus completed the circle of sell out. Final Judgement by Michael Collins Piper is the ultimate JFK book that shines a light on this whole post WW 2 to JFK era of innocence lost. Book is hard to find. I loaned mine out to good few and some bastard didn’t pass it on.
Excellent. We can watch this video and understand it but do we have the correct historical perspective to fully comprehend how we arrived here today? Yes, this is all absolutely true, but who really is calling the shots and when did they start? If I told you the plan started in 1776 would you believe me? It’s taken over 200 years to arrive at this point but this was the plan all along. It’s not just us. It’s worldwide for a reason.
I would ask you to take a listen to this talk given in 1958 Chicago a few months before the author passed away. He had been studying this movement since 1911 and is full of historical facts. Not conjecture but facts and he gives them cold and hard. After listening to him your understanding of Ms. Griggs information will only make more sense. For a most complete understanding I would also read The Franklin Cover-Up and I’m going to post a video regarding brain mapping. But first listen to the talk. I’m going to finish listening to this interview. Thank you.
It’s a major spiritual fight in the material world.
They want your body, mind, and soul. They are so close to achieving their aims.
‘If I told you the plan started in 1776 would you believe me? It’s taken over 200 years to arrive at this point but this was the plan all along. It’s not just us. It’s worldwide for a reason.’
A lot happened in 1776, probably none of it coincidental.
It was the year the defacto Capitalist manifesto, Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’ was first published, It was the year Adam Weishaupt’s ‘Illuminati’ was first established.
1776 was the year the first volume of Gibbon’s masterpiece, the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was first published. It would be the year a ”New Rome’ arising in the West, the United States, would declare it’s independence.
How about instead of knowing it all you listen to the speech to grasp my meaning? Otherwise, your comment is irrelevant.
Furthermore, don’t let Ms. Griggs’ personal opinions interfere with the truth of her story. The big truth is that the majority of all the ranked military men are psychopaths in the position because they are psychopaths.
I don’t agree with her personal statements but what she says backs up what has been researched in regards to the powers that really run our country and the world. That being that they recruit boys when they are young , pay for their schooling, rape them, tell them how special they are and use them to carry out their work in the US military and all other institutions.
Huh…You jump to a lot of unwarranted conclusions.
First, I listened to the tape.
Thanks for posting it. Second, I don’t claim to know it all, far from it. Third, apparently, you saw my post as an attack, or, an attempt to detract from what you were saying. It wasn’t.
To the extent you were pointing out the importance of the year 1776, my post was in agreement with you.
Gentlemen, text is a cold medium. Don’t make the mistake of assuming tone through written word or script. Take the words for what they say. Nothing more, nothing less.
A lot of this rings true, but egads. They didn’t let women in SpecOps because women are too honest? Same with African-Americans? She can’t say that the Nazis were bad? She discredits herself so much; it’s all suspect now.
She’s telling the truth. If you can’t see that in her eyes and here it in her voice…
On the planet I call home, there are biological differences between men and women. SpecOps didn’t accept women for many reasons, but one was physical standards. In any unit that goes coed, the standards plummet–and that’s even with all the double standards and special treatment women get…because tits. But because they’re “too honest”? Don’t even try it. Most women are even more dishonest than the average male today. They’re also vindictive, manipulative, scheming, and disloyal. Theoretically there must be exceptions, but by the time they complete indoctrination and get a diploma, or God forbid a college degree, their moral relativity is incorrigible. In America, anyway.
This “women are inherently morally superior” assumption was destructive even before it ruined America and the American church.
I agree that she comes off as honest; but at the very least, she’s mixing in her prejudices with the facts she recollects. That makes her way above average on the honesty scale for most western women today; but now I have to wonder about the alleged facts–like all SEALS being required to murder somebody after BUDs. I’ve known some SEALs and I don’t quite buy it–especially after some of the other stuff she says.
BTW, American tax $$ being spent to arm, equip, and feed the Soviets and Red Chinese is one of the most credible parts of her story. From the very beginning–we’re talking Wilson Administration. The evidence is out there–much of it corroborated by the Congressional Record.
Women are quite honest. Case in point, Mrs. Griggs. I never said women are superior; Or “More Equal”.
Everyone who joins the military takes multiple Psych Evaluations. Perhaps they only recruit the craziest of the crazy?
When people speak in universal quantifiers, it’s important to understand they are, most likely, simply trying to convey the pervasiveness of the situation.
FYI, Even The “American Sniper” had a portion in his book where he admits to murdering two Mexicans at a gas station in Texas.
Somehow that made it past the publisher and the mandatory Pentagon review. How? Why?
I think that was included on purpose because they are prescreening the general for psychological predispositions prior to enlisting. Or using psychological inoculation.
‘BTW, American tax $$ being spent to arm, equip, and feed the Soviets and Red Chinese is one of the most credible parts of her story.’
As you say, it does indeed go back to the very beginning.
Founding Fathers of the Capitalist 1776 American Revolution, ie Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and ThomasPaine, were also Founding Fathers of the Communist 1789 French Revolution as well. (See links below.)
It was Jefferson, who, 1984 O’Brien like, ‘collaborated in writing ‘a foundational document’ of the French Revolution’, ie The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
The only plausible explanation is that a manufactured, and broadly controlled (crimethink, I know) Hegelian Dialectic has been at play since 1776 and 1789, ie Capitalist ‘thesis’, Communist ‘anti-thesis’, and global Multi-Cultural ‘synthesis’.
It’s power is the power of the Big Lie.
I have been suggesting for some time that one way to prep dor future conflict is to start collecting names and addresses of our enemies.
I found a site that does just that. And you can make your own contribution to the endeavor by conducting local reconnaissance and passing info to them.
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I have DL the long interview from youtube if anybody wants it I will make a torrent and seed it.