Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021(SCIA)
The following is the summary of the bill proposed by Rep. Stephanie Myers of FL. I did not know “QANON” was an organization, but then again AntiFa is simply an idea and apparently welcome in the .gov world. They’re hell bent on purging ANYONE worth a shit in the .mil. So be it. Because when you purge the real fighters, where do you think they’re gonna go? The Washington beast is not only in its death throws, its stupid. -NC Scout
•The purpose of this bill is to require applicants seeking to obtain—or maintain—a federal security clearance to disclose during their background investigation if they (1) participated in the January 6, 2021 violent assault on the U.S. Capitol or a similar “Stop the Steal” event, or(2) have ever been a member of, associated with, or knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government—like QAnon, a group that has been tied to the Capitol attack.
•This information will better enable government adjudicators to make the appropriate discretionary decision regarding the applicant’s suitability to hold a national security position and to access classified information.
•Before individuals can obtain a security clearance to work for or with the federal government in a national security position, they are subject to a rigorous background investigation. This typically involves completing the Standard Form 86 (SF-86) questionnaire and undergoing an interview process.
•The objective of the background investigation—or periodic re-investigation, in the case of an individual who already holds a security clearance—is to examine the individual’s“behavior, activities, and associations” to determine whether the individual is “reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the U.S.”
•Pursuant to Executive Order 12968(August 2, 1995), “access to classified information shall be granted only to employees . . .for whom an appropriate investigation has been completed and whose personal and professional history affirmatively indicates loyalty to the United States, strength of character, trustworthiness,honesty, reliability, discretion, and sound judgment.”
•The 130-page SF-86 covers many topics, including an applicant’s work history, foreign activities, mental health, and police record. Section 29 of the questionnaire asks applicants about their “Association Record.”Specifically, applicants are asked whether they have ever been a member of an organization dedicated to terrorism; an organization dedicated to the use of violence or force to overthrow the U.S. government; or an organization that advocates the use of force or violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution.
•Given the narrow scope of Section 29, an applicant could presumably answer these questions in the negative without ever revealing their membership in, or affiliation with, QAnon or a similar organization. To close this gap, the bill would direct the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to add another question to Section 29 that asks applicants whether they have ever been a member of, associated with, or knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.
•In addition, the bill would require applicants to be asked during the security clearance process—whether as part of the SF-86 questionnaire, the interview portion, or both—whether they participated in the January 6, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol, or a similar “Stop the Steal” event, and the precise role they played in that event. Even if it does not constitute a criminal offense, attendance at an event designed to overturn the results of a presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power raises serious questions about an applicant’s suitability for a security clearance.
•With this information, government adjudicators will be in a better position to determine whether the applicant is “reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the U.S” and thus deserving of a security clearance.
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What a load of crap… the hypocrisy! You must prove to the Party that your are a Good Communist, Comrade!
*The objective of the background investigation—or periodic re-investigation, in the case of an individual who already holds a security clearance—is to examine the individual’s“behavior, activities, and associations” to determine whether the individual is “reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the U.S.” — Wouldn’t objecting to an obviously fraudulent election and voicing your opinion as such, show a loyalty to the United States (not the Party)?
*To close this gap, the bill would direct the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to add another question to Section 29 that asks applicants whether they have ever been a member of, associated with, or knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that */spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government/*. — So this means that most “journalists” couldn’t pass this litmus test…as well as most Congress Critters… if so can we get them removed from their cushy, entrenched positions?
*In addition, the bill would require applicants to be asked during the security clearance process—whether as part of the SF-86 questionnaire, the interview portion, or both—whether they participated in the January 6, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol, or a similar “Stop the Steal” event, and the precise role they played in that event. Even if it does not constitute a criminal offense, attendance at an event designed to overturn the results of a presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power raises serious questions about an applicant’s suitability for a security clearance. — This point makes the entire case of what this proposal is all about, Revenge. Elections, er, appointments have consequences, Comrade, you and I were not in the winning Party apparatchik, we must be purged for the good of the Party.
All this being said, I doubt, with this verbage, that this has a chance of actually passing.
Keep your heads on a swivel and don’t be the tallest nail.
Are you politically reliable comrade? Involvement in a legal protest in another state could cause loss of clearance? Stalin would be proud.
Here comes the “Woke Oath.”
“Biden’s defense secretary Lloyd Austin will order troops to STAND DOWN in the next 60 days to ‘address white nationalism and extremism in the ranks'”
The purpose of this madness [all trans-globo-homo all the time] is to purge the military of heritage constitutional conservatives, by pushing them to retire, resign, or not to reenlist, over time leaving the military a nearly 100% Left-loyal “woke” organization.
However, the combat-trained conservatives who leave the military don’t evaporate, they simply become well-trained civilians, who will be on the other side during CW2.
The definition of “extremism” is deliberately left vague, but naming white nationalism, but not pro-Communist BLM and Antifa are all you need to know. The “Woke Oath” will expand over time to include the NRA, any former pro-Trump organization, and eventually any group that is not explicitly Left-Woke.
Come on now , we don’t need those Trumpist soldiers anymore. We will use drones and robots. Bibi and his pals in Silicon Valley told us so. Dirty wars are dangerous and frightening and broken windows in the Capitol constitutes an attack.LOL.
Even Stalin had enough sense to purge the upper ranks while these fools are doing the opposite. The fact that Barbarossa went so well initially was more because the Red Army was poised in attack formations anyway.The mustang officer corps that grew up in the crucible was superior to the ideologically impure ‘wreckers’ shot in the ’30s.
And needless to say, it’s heritage American constitutional conservatives who form the backbone of our military combat arms. The tip of the sword is the part of the military that will resign, leaving our ability to fight peer-level foreign enemies in a shamble. This shows the top priority of the current far Left administration, where senile Joe is simply an animatronic paper signing dummy.
Joe Stalin did something similar to Soviet Red Army readiness with his purges in the 1930s, because he was obsessed with internal security threats. This left his military with a severe leadership void when Hitler’s Wehrmacht invaded Russia in June 1941.
It’s all a question of priorities. No doubt China, Russia and Iran are paying very close attention, and unlike our American Left leadership, they have not become unmoored from military reality.
While our military is purging and providing prosthetic sexual organs to its service men / trannies..,
Russia and China are building up their militaries as a continuation of a multi- decades plan that started with the fake collapse of the USSR and optics- only rift between them and the CCP. Finally the greatest KGB defector of all time- Anatoliy Golitsyn is getting the attention he deserves. This video is a must watch on the strategy we are seeing unfold on the geopolitical stage. Communism fake collapsed and we totally fell for it.
Golitsyn has been ignored since his defection. The New American had articles on him back when the wall came down, and that’s when I purchased his books. None Dare call it Treason, and None dare call it Treason 25 years later were also very informative. We used to have a Poster in the Hallway in my Guard Unit of the Russian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, It had a quote from one of the head Commies that war between Commies and Capitalist is inevitable, and to win the would need deception. By making fake reforms, and military cuts, the west would make massive cuts leaving ourselves ready to be smashed by their clinched fist.
I agree with you about the importance of Golitsyn, Freya.
And not ‘just’ the Communist ‘anti-thesis’ did what he alleges, as the Capitalist ‘thesis’ appears to have done the very same thing..
Under cover of the 1776 Revolution, in part to conceal from the world their ever growing might, the US and UK also (I submit) engaged in a ‘false split.’ Once effectively reunited in 1900 via the ‘special relationship ‘, the US and UK have militarily been ‘one clenched fist’ towards the world, starting with Germany.
Before settling with the ‘special relationship’ in 1900, there was a big push in the US corporate media promoting rapprochement between the United States and the British Empire. (See the July, 1898, Atlantic Monthly article linked below as an example.)
When I enlisted, and later when I accepted an officer’s commission, I had to swear an oath that included the statement that “I am not now and never have been a member of the communist party”. That part of the oath was removed by Clinton when he took office. During my remaining time in service, I saw conservatives becoming increasingly less comfortable in uniform. It has only gotten worse since then. My son is a Ranger Instructor. Even the Rangers have to be careful what they say and who they say it to or in front of. The radical left used to hate the military. Now they realize how hard they can make it on us, and they want a military that tows their party line. This BS is to drive the remaining warriors out, and give them a military they can trust to do their unconstitutional bidding.
I hear what Matt says about warriors not evaporating. But here’s the thing I think he substantially under-estimates: the military trains in the open, they train in teams, they train regularly, and they get all the best equipment. Yeah, we have individual warriors who still have their training, but they don’t have the team, they don’t have all the equipment and the backup support, and they don’t have the risk of prison time when they do what the left wants them to do. Don’t misunderstand me: I’m a solid constitutionalist, I like Bracken, I hate what the left is doing to this country, and I’m not giving up — I just don’t know what to do about it all.
What makes this purge all worse is that the Republicans are in on it. The Republican members of the House of Representatives just voted *** 145-61 *** to RETAIN Liz Cheney in her leadership position — a woman who stabbed Trump in the back, and who did so brazenly and in the open. And during that same conference where they kept Liz Cheney in power, they demanded Marjorie Taylor Greene renounce her “conspiracy views” before they would stand behind her. What horsesh*t! The radicals on the left don’t get called out by their conference. The left is in lock step moving forward against us, but our side is filled with traitors and p*ssies from top down! From the Republican so-called leaders to the gun Fudds who think you don’t need an AR for duck hunting. And don’t kid yourself, our traitors and p*ssies are weeding people out too. That’s exactly why McConnell and McCarthy didn’t stand behind President Trump when the election fraud was so widespread and obvious. McConnell has been quoted as privately saying he was glad to see Trump gone. The purge is happening on both sides of the political aisle, and we’re the ones being purged.
It’s hard to fight a war when the enemy is every third or fourth man in your own ranks. Which takes me back to the topic of this article: the left is purging everyone who won’t go along with them, because they understand the truth of that last sentence, and our “leadership” is worried about looking too radical.
I don’t know where this ends, but it doesn’t have a fairy tale ending that’s for sure. And again, I’m not criticizing the blog or the people commenting, so don’t think that. I see my country being taken over by the people I fought a cold (and sometimes hot) war to protect it from, and I don’t know what to do about it.
Henry Bowman knew what to do. Intel, get it.
Well said. I believe your comments reflect the concerns of many if not most of us.
I noticed an error in my post: meant to say that individual warriors who’ve left the military DO HAVE TO worry about prison time if they don’t toe the leftist party line. For an example of that, just look at the guy who posted anti-Hillary political memes and was just arrested by China Joe’s Department of (in)Justice. We don’t have the organization they do, or even that our Founders had — and we probably never will given the expanse of the federal government’s reach.
Ironically, as I type this, China Joe is on the radio saying “we’re in a dark, dark time”. If only that senile bastard knew just how right he is on that point — and how much a part of the problem he is.
Change your party affiliation too Independent, or start a new one. Neither R or D give a shit about the working class or the Constitution we swore an oath to. This is a simple thing that if enough people do will send a message to TPTB. It’s not the only thing we can do, but it’s an easy first step, and infinitely better than Violence. I’m old and retired and if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s Violence.
Ok boomer
Okay, boomer.
Changing my party affiliation is NOT the answer. It’s not even an answer to what’s going on. That third-party stuff has been tried repeatedly, and it’s gotten us nowhere. Now, if Trump started a MAGA party, I’d switch my party affiliation to MAGA, but that’s the only circumstance where I’d do that. Trump is the only one with the personal clout right now to get a third party going — and even he realizes it’s a foolish idea. I think Trump has it right: eliminate the p*ssies from OUR Republican party. I think Trump may be able to deliver on that.
And to be clear, I’m not a forever Trumper (or whatever you’d call it). I have a lot of issues with him. But … he loves the country, and he has the financial and personal clout to achieve what I described above.
And while I don’t know what to do about what’s going on, I am doing some things. For one thing, I’m trying to wake people up. I have a group of friends and family that I e-mail regularly with stories that illustrate what’s going on, and with inserts of my own analysis to help put those stories in perspective. For another thing, I reach out to like-minded individuals when I’m able. It’s not enough, I know, but it’s at least something.
In response to your last remark: to be clear, I’m NOT espousing violence, so I’m not quite sure why you threw that in there. But maybe you included it because you’re used to gearing young guys shooting their mouths off. I’m old too, and I’m looking for another solution to our problems. Even if I were inclined to violence, though, I wouldn’t espouse it on a public blog. And if I did, you should immediately suspect me of being a fedgov instigator. However, to be just as clear, I do NOT hate violence, and I am not one of those people who believe “violence never solved anything” (what a load of horse sh*t that thinking is). Anyone who thinks violence never solved anything doesn’t understand history. Sometimes violence is the only thing that solves a problem. We didn’t reason our way to independence. We put bullets in government thugs until the government got the message we were serious about our rights. That being said, I’m desperately looking for, and hoping to find, something other than violence as a solution. If and when violence becomes the answer here, we’re all in a sh*t load of trouble. But a storm is coming whether we want it or not.
Excellent! You put to words the same concerns I have discussed among like minded. Wife and I discussed what the socialist Dems want to force upon us
My stay in Viet-Nam was a lesson as to who the long term evil is. Gen Eisenhower warned us. Few listened closely
May I suggest to all interested, take a trip thru a few of Kurt S’s books “Indian Country” sticks closely in my mind this morning. The renaming of ( fill in blank), absurd shit of climate change, 100 genders ( REALLY!), potential “ Reality Czar” ( barf!), it goes on ad nauseum.
Now the “ Political Purity Purge” is in business, social, government, and now military.
Correct. This course we are on with self appointed googberment will not end well
We are all White and Southern now…..Welcome to the club!
They’ll welcome the business
Every time I send something like this to a Q-believer, they come back with some sort of nonsense.
I have given up on the Q-folks. They are beyond psychologically defeated.
Once they started to believe JFK Jr. was gonna appear out of nowhere after November 3rd, and be the new VP, I knew it was all nonsense.
The Q-people literally believe losing is part of the plan.
Now I can’t fly my col quantrill black flag because everyone thinks the q means that dumb stuff
I noticed the day after the inauguration the internet stars were low key posting Q’s everywhere.
Even the gun guys on youtube had little Q’s hidden in plain sight. Or, plainly obvious to see.
Very clearly, the enemy knew it was enemy action the whole time…
Nobody has that stuff laying around by accident.
When I saw the references to DOD having a “stand down” to investigate “extremism” my first thought was “here we go, the witch hunts are beginning”. IMO, its going to take the shape of GWB’s famous utterance about terror, “you’re either with us or against us” and the “us” will be the radical left progressives that are operating the levers of power right now.
Security clearances will be revoked or downgraded, destroying careers, OER’s and NCOER’s will do their part to render “unreliables” to mediocre careers. Anyone actually found to be linked to “them” will get the short shrift and find themselves not extended to an Indefinite Status (Officers) or having a Bar to Re-enlistment for the enlisted deplorables. And, I’m sure any link to Trump, MAGA, or the like will be grounds for dismissal.
Its already in place in the civilian world where uttering non PC statements will get you at a minimum a reprimand and often an outright termination from your job. I’ve experienced this, its not rumor or innuendo. Society is splitting into two alienated halves with the unfortunate situation at the moment of one half initiating a broad and ruthless persecution of the other half. I see this ending badly if the traditionalists don’t resist (get on the bus/boxcar) or if we do at some point (no less than a low intensity conflict) resist/retaliate.
Each time you think that we’ve reached a new level of depravity, boom… here’s a new and improved version.
Please pardon my ignorance as I’m not a military guy. Can the troops purged from active duty go to National Guard in their red states?
Chris, the National Guard is no longer a truly separate force apart from the federal military. For years it’s been treated as one more branch of the federal government’s total available military forces (active, reserve, and guard). While the Guard is technically administratively separate from federal forces (active and reserve), there is a commanding general at the federal level who works within the Department of Defense to administer it.
The point is, while the Guard is technically an administratively separate entity, the practical reality is that it is treated as part of the total available military force, and what applies to the federal forces also generally applies to the “State” forces. If a soldier doesn’t qualify for a security clearance for federal service, they will not be eligible for Guard service absent some specific and individualized exception applicable to the individual service-member.
This comes up in other ways even during normal times. For example, when a soldier or Guard member marries a foreign national, they may not be qualified for service in either branch until they’re cleared with a security check (it depends on their spouse’s nationality). If the feds use this feature to expel an active-duty member, he or she will probably be treated as ineligible for Guard service as well, absent some specific and individualized exception applicable to them.
Make no mistake, Our “elected officials”…BOTH Ds and Rs, are our ENEMY. The question is, what do we need to do, how do we organize, to form a 3rd Continental Congress, (I may be wrong on the number)? Because, the internet sure as hell isn’t gonna get it done.
China promotes education drive to make boys more ‘manly’
Besides all being total BS… the real reason to put that on the background form is so that it goes into the opm computer database. Then, the chicoms will have a list of their friendly neighborhood subversives, the next time they, or the israelis hack the opm/irs/ databases. And remember to direct the clerk to purge all your records from the computer AFTER, every time you ship anything.
It’s become apparent recently that it will take an army of nerds, geeks and hackers to stop the commies. Collapse their system. Then the real fun begins.
Having had my security clearance done for the first time for 0231 in the Marine Corps back in the 80’s, I can say the actual paperwork was not a big deal. It was the investigation that took awhile. Investigators generally took 60 to 90 days to complete. Depending on your classification and access level, the investigation was done every two to five years. That was federal law enforcement as well. For example a Top Secret class with an SCI access required an investigation or update every two years. The details of someone’s background was dug into by the investigator. The investigator could use discretion when conducting and reporting. As an investigator you would receive relevant questions to ask. You would follow the lead wherever it went. AT YOUR DISCRETION. Don’t know if this question about January 6 will show up on the actual app or if will be a relative question to be asked by the investigator.
What I see happening is a split or fracture in this country that is irreparable. I’m not trying to promote a book, but Kurt Schlichter’s People’s Republic could be an eerie look into the new future. Look at the map on the cover then read it. Makes one think. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!
I knew guys with Hammer and Sickle tattoos who got clearances.
I didn’t even know what it meant at the time. I was only 20.
God forbid you have a half naked woman, Italia, Germania, or anything Nordic at all.
No, no, no…
I have a clearance. I’m a civilian worker at a National research lab. I renewed a couple of years ago. Currently due every five years. If they move it up or add some kind of additional rider or commitment statement then I’m DONE.
On the edge of retirement I’ll leave their collective asses hanging. Buh bye.
And I know where all the figurative “bodies” are buried.
“(1) participated in the January 6, 2021 violent assault on the U.S. Capitol or a similar “Stop the Steal” event,” __ – Ahhh… now it’s ANY “or a similar “Stop the Steal” event”. So essentially, anyone who insists upon Election Integrity would be ineligible for security clearance (& probably soon to be criminally liable as well). Hmm, so this is probably like several hundred million Americans, regardless of political affiliation. Right, that’s a respectably large ‘purge list’. Pretty much anyone who opposes totalitarian control, or disagrees with them for ANY reason.
“(2) have ever been a member of, associated with, or knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government” __ – So… pretty much anyone who has ever been in the media or government itself, also ineligible for security clearance. Check.
“—like QAnon, a group that has been tied to the Capitol attack.” __ – Also whoever wrote this purposely misleading statement in the document & anyone who had anything to do with the document itself, also ineligible. Check. (Grandmas were at the protest too. Are we going to undertake a nationwide campaign against the notoriously dangerous & deadly American Grandma as well???)
“•The objective of the background investigation—or periodic re-investigation, in the case of an individual who already holds a security clearance—is to examine the individual’s “behavior, activities, and associations” to determine whether the individual is “reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the U.S.” __ – Again, pretty much anyone who’s ever served in the government or bureaucracy at any level could never hope to pass those 5 criteria; they’re no longer eligible for security clearance.
“Specifically, applicants are asked whether they have ever been a member of an organization dedicated to terrorism; an organization dedicated to the use of violence or force to overthrow the U.S. government; or an organization that advocates the use of force or violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution.” __ – So… anyone involved in the 5 year coup, & the included election interference (which has probably involved nearly the whole of both parties since NO ONE wanted to look into it at all, even a little bit), and pretty much the whole of government since it’s been increasingly violating our Constitutional rights for some time now; also no longer eligible for security clearance.
By my count, that’s pretty much all government, both political parties (aka the Uniparty), & all bureaucratic offices that, by this documents own language & criteria, are not trustworthy nor eligible for security clearance.
These people, as usually, are wholly incapable of living up to their own rules.
One might say, pass this shit & let the purge begin!
Of course, that would assume a system that’s not completely rigged & corrupted already, which everyone knows is not the reality we live in.
When a system gets this corrupted, the only solution is structural reform of government.
People, however, tend not to want to fully confront that reality, or what it might mean.
Corrupt parasites within the status quo smile silently when small, incremental changes are made to the existing system, for they know that a forest fire can never be extinguished by a cup of water.
General Flynn has been pushing the Q message…what does that make him? Q was the greatest Red Pill psyop ever seen, cryptic questions and small pieces of info were endlessly researched by hundreds of thousands of internet users and led to millions of awake people. The Q movement exposed the Uni-Party, Pedophiles, Banksters, Traitors, Hollywood and the Globalists agenda. Many different people with many different beliefs were united in a cause and a new belief system, most understood that there was plenty of misdirection in the posts but there was also a lot of hard truth discovered and shared as a result.
The Q community constantly questioned the origins of Q and speculated endlessly if it was CIA, Mossad or just a larp. It’s ironic that a lot of the comments in this blog disparage that movement, seems like projection and mirrors the MSM attempts to destroy anyone associated with Q. The reality is, the Q group never rioted, killed, burned cities or caused any problem other than shining light on the cabal…why eat your own and play into the Globalist agenda of vilifying millions of Americans? Soon we’re going to need every patriot no matter their origins. I see no economy in disparaging millions of patriots whos motto is: WWG1WGA?
The takeaway from the Q stuff is that those folks absolutely know something is wrong.