Team Leader Classes and Training Schedule are up!

I am pleased to announce that the test run of the Team Leader Class was a success! I had 4 great students, including WWes who wrote an incredible course review. Originally I had a full 10 students sign up, but several had to back out for one reason or another. Thankfully, we still had my minimum number to run the class. I want to thank my 4 students for showing up to help me test run the class. Y’all know who you are. Acta non verba, my friends.
Now that the test run is over, I believe I am ready to start offering training on a more regular basis. I now have a website set up with a training schedule. I plan to offer the TL class about every 2 months, the next one being on March 27th. You can now find information about the class on my website, including the packing list.
I have some other courses I hope to offer in the future, I just need to work out the logistics and fine tune the class material a bit. If y’all have any questions or suggestions for types of training you want to see in the future, comment below or shoot me an email at
God Bless,

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About the Author: admin

One Comment

  1. Johnny Paratrooper February 17, 2021 at 20:26

    Anyone who has a crew of gun buddies needs to take this course.
    This isn’t like running around the woods when we were in elementary and middle school with de-milled surplus rifles and nerf guns.
    Work the problem now.

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