Oil Refinery Destroyed and a Historic China-Iran Deal


Read the Article Linked Above from June 2020.

The headline photo is what the refinery used to look like.

Looks like one of the six refineries, and reportedly the largest in Indonesia, has been completely destroyed.

There was a large lightning storm reported in the area.

Call me crazy, But I suspect this deal was signed to provide refined oil for Taiwan CPC in case of war with their Chinese enemies the CCP. Indonesia, knowing the CCP’s record with Islamic populations, likely celebrated the deal as a necessity for national defense.

This, combined with the recent deal CCP and Iran deal signed over the weekend, are sure signs of change. (Linked Below)

A 400 billion dollar deal to circumvent American Embargoes.

Good choice U.S.A., I am real glad China gets to make money working with Iran and we have forfeit the opportunity. I hope they become great friends. Certainly this wasn’t on purpose expanding and accelerating the Belt and Road Initiative.

That would be crazy. They would never do that…




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About the Author: Johnny Paratrooper

Born and Raised in Baltimore City, Maryland. History Degree. 8 Years Airborne Infantry and Scouts Platoon. Iraq Veteran. 4-5 Years as a doorman, bar back, and bouncer in Baltimore. Worked in Construction, Heavy Equipment Demolition, Corporate Security, Sales, Forest Service contractor, and the Hospitality Industry. Raised Catholic. Hobbies are race cars and sport bikes. Side projects are HAM radio credentials and long range shooting. MY EMAIL IS JOHNNYPARATROOPER@TUTANOTA.COM. Founder of Green Dragon Academy https://www.patreon.com/GreenDragonAcademy


  1. SOG March 28, 2021 at 18:48
    • Johnny Paratrooper March 28, 2021 at 18:57

      They told us nearly a year ago they were going to do this. The UK is already proposing mask mandates for 10 years.

    • Luke March 28, 2021 at 22:49

      I followed your link SOG. Breaking 911 has never let me down in the past but I decided to Google “JB vaccine passport WaPo” or something close to that. Sure enough all the major news carriers had it but assured us “creating this passport won’t be easy.” I didn’t bother to read the shit because it’s mind numbing. I miss the days when I thought politicians particularly on the left were just imbeciles. And no doubt some of them are simply useful idiots AOC comes to mind. But all you have to do it watch the Gramsci video posted today to learn that this fucked up topsy turvy circus act is by design.
      The common sense question that should resound in a logical thinking persons head is why in the hell are you calling for more immigrants to come over if you are worried about spreading Covid. On a lighter note my lib (not terribly left) gf is coming around. She admitted tonight before she left that she thinks she is finding her way back to the center and actually thanked me. Been working on that for a while and it’s nearly wrecked some very pleasurable times. Now I’m not sure if it’s my innate ramblings that have actually steered her or the front and center side show known as Clown World but you can believe I will show her the news articles as to how our govt wants us all to get vaccinated so badly they will restrict our ability to commerce with businesses but encourage people without the vaccine to come one, come all. We have unlimited peanuts and popcorn at this circus.
      Apologies for getting off topic but really wanted to address this.

      • SOG March 29, 2021 at 07:11

        those are sound observations and comments. unlimited influx during a so called pandemic. teo friends had covid said it was like flu. truly not a pandemic if so we would not be letting millions cross right now. so restrict our travel and commerce but allow border surge? and then start the one vaccine bio block chain bullshit the idiots excited about it are shocking but not at same time

  2. Paulo March 28, 2021 at 22:25

    Be good to see the initial explosion/s as it/they began.
    There had to be surveilance there.

    • Luke March 28, 2021 at 23:08

      Hey Paulo that surveillance better be offsite or fireproof to 10k degrees lol. Watching those videos I can’t tell if that’s the entire plant going up or a small portion of it. Has a refinery every been blown to smithereens because of lightning? That looked like one helluva an explosion but you cats would know more than I. You would think either Indonesia and/or Taiwan would leak the truth (if CCP missile or sabotage) at some point, no? You would think if it was CCP this puts all contestants at highest level of readiness. If indeed CCP not sure how long you can pretend this didn’t happen and Taiwan better get ready for what’s coming next. God I hate to say it but China making us look like fools as we stand by and let it happen may be a necessary evil. Will be interesting to see how our Woke leadership responds.

      • Paulo March 29, 2021 at 00:52

        Luke, all the videos I have seen so far look like just the end results spread of the KABOOM
        and not any sequence from start. Unless it was one HUGE simultaneous impact detonation.
        Way too much power and investestment$ there for not having security and surveilance.
        If no videos come out from beginning to end of that explosion/s, then some people are putting
        a lid on it.

      • Johnny Paratrooper March 29, 2021 at 12:35

        I doubt either the Taiwanese of Indonesian government would make any official statement if it was Chinese(or Saudi/Russian/Iranian) sabotage because the Oil Refineries are technically state owned energy companies. Which means it would be an attack on the state itself. So they would be inclined to retaliate, otherwise they would look weak, or worse, defeated.

  3. Anonymous March 29, 2021 at 01:29


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