The Real Goal of Women Combatants, A Commentary by NC Scout

Much has been written and commented upon regarding the ‘role’ or suitability of women in the combat arms. As it is, nothing will halt the current wheels of change, however, much can be learned from mistakes of this current era in the resulting years forward. Because yes, there is a tomorrow and yes, we should be better prepared for it.
Before answering the question on its face we have to understand the underlying logic. One should inherently question the sanity of a nation which willingly throws its daughters away. But it is not through that lens which those advocating change view the world. Rather, their logic results from Marx and specifically the roots of Feminism: to Marx, a family’s lone purpose was to replicate labor and interpreted in militant terms, more soldiers to serve at the leisure of an empire and on the authority of Capitalist-class Aristocrats. And thus, the liberation of women by undervaluing the role of the mother becomes logical. Why be a mother to your people when you can be anything else?
In Marxist-based social systems, women combatants are perfectly acceptable. The Soviets made use of this, the Spanish Republicans made effective use of female fighters and romanticized in Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, and most recently the Kurdish YPG with their all-women’s units. But there’s the rub. The units are segregated and not accidentally so. Hemingway made a central plot device of the friction between the guerrilla band, Maria, and proto-AntiFa hero academic Robert Jordan. The Soviets only utilized women fighters in sheer desperation and post-WWII, quickly abandoned the concept. For all their lunacy on their face, the Marxists do indeed have long memories, and in spite of themselves also recognize human nature. Integrated units between women and men don’t work so well. Never have, never will.
I recall my days as a young soldier hitting the bars spreading toxic masculinity. Came up on a very good looking girl, obviously an athlete, and struck up a conversation. It quickly turned from a playful whiskey-filled banter into a contest for her to prove she was a better soldier than I was, which ended in a yawn and me moving on to the next brunette wearing cowboy boots. She was as little over-eager to be right and I was a little too bored with her to care. No CIB on the bedpost for you tonight, sister. A paper pusher who can score 340 on a PT test is fine, but throw a ruck on that back and walk 12 miles for time…and, it is what it is. She hadn’t done a 12 miler for time, literally ever. Physiology takes over. And this is a fact that cannot be denied, lest one be a science-denier. No matter how many prestigious schools you ram the top .25% of female applicants through, they’ll still physically underperform all of the other men, 100% of the time. In a line of work that hinges on one’s physical ability, this is a non-starter to anyone invested in saving their own skin.
But the physical issues are not reason for the proliferation of women in these roles. Not hardly. Back when the question was openly gay soldiers serving, many conversations were had among us (among a broad range of other issues as well…it was the Obama years) about the real agenda. The US Army, and in particular, the Combat Arms and Special Operations, at that time was made of a rough lot. Guys you wouldn’t want in a spit and polish Garrison Army but were pure hell overseas. Most who had to be waivered in just to enlist and you loved them for it. Every night in the barracks was like a real-life Trailer Park Boys episode. These are the people you want as a nation’s killers. The problem was what happens when its no longer favorable for them to be killers- and when your nation is taken over by people no longer concerned with winning, those people have no place.
Thus, the zero tolerance policies. One DUI? Well stud, you’re RFS’d. Drug or alcohol problems? Same. And don’t ask for help, either. That’s weakness. And we punish the weak. But we also punish the over-masculine, too. Expect female soldiers to live up to their standard? Oh no…no, punish them, or even talk to them, the same way you would a male who can’t perform and now you’re branded a toxic leader. And this person’s (can’t say this man’s, anymore) Army won’t tolerate it. Its unprofessional and your subordinates can march right down to the political compliance officer (Equal Opportunity) and file a complaint, ensuring your career now comes to a halt. Or better yet, they don’t even have to do that today- they can take to social media and cry about it even after your chain of command deemed the complaints unwarranted. We used to call this conduct unbecoming and discrediting the service, but the UCMJ is an archaic institution obviously needing an overhaul. To be more reflective of the current realities and challenges, you know. In an era where all accusers must be believed, this does wonders for military readiness. After all, its time for this all-men’s club to be broken up. They’ve got a monopoly on on all the blingy cool-person badges.
Our lessons yet to be learned are those already documented elsewhere. That’s not the point. Long being the goal of the Left since at least 1946 has been the undermining of the US military. The American Marxists have understood that America’s strength and pride in nation hinges upon its military might, reflective of its Capitalist strength and ability to project force. But in the post-Cold War era where the Marxist in public view could safely be re-branded as a populist Democrat, military readiness has taken a backseat to social experimentation. After all, political liability is greatly mitigated by the drone strike murder strategy. It limits the bad optics of American spilt blood and makes the military industrial complex happy. Until the day it doesn’t. But in the era of the normalization of insanity, the goal of admitting women into the elite institutions of the US military wholesale is a standalone effort to emasculate and deter those same hard men from service. That is the real goal. And as one who saw the writing on the wall early on, many of us who came to that conclusion left, taking our skills with us.
Those rough men standing ready to do violence are newly minted, not-so-civil civilians these days. We took our knowledge and skills with us and the desire is still there, embittered by a nation openly murdered and willingly sold out by its own military leadership. Dwell on that one.
We do. And we ain’t a happy lot.
The United States has an Army that cannot fight, beleaguered by those unfit for their roles pressed into positions they neither are qualified for nor deserve. So be it. You couldn’t defeat Afghanistan with the best, you won’t put down the insurrection with the rest.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous March 17, 2021 at 05:45


  2. The Tactical Hermit March 17, 2021 at 06:35

    One of the best things I have read this month Scout, hands down.
    “Be cautious of the man who can wield a pen and a gun with equal precision, for that man is truly dangerous.”

  3. […] of decades. Funny how that label circumvents pesky legal protections. We’re on a bad path. Keep it up. […]

  4. Mark A Laughlin March 17, 2021 at 07:22

    Best article since the days of “The Resister” and Dr Gerald Atkinson’s “New Totalitarians” articles.
    I recently recovered most of Dr Atkinson’s website from Archive in response to the same shenanigans that probably motivated NC Scout to weigh in so eloquently.

    • NC Scout March 17, 2021 at 07:23

      Thanks so much for the kind words and the link brother!

    • Sleeper March 17, 2021 at 16:35

      “The Resister” <— This!! It's been 26 years since. Not only prescient, but we are its posterity!

  5. Jose March 17, 2021 at 07:41

    Excellent piece. Excellent! I agree with TTH. Best piece of the month.

    • NC Scout March 17, 2021 at 07:41

      Thanks brother!

  6. James Carpenter aka "Felix" March 17, 2021 at 08:03

    Puzzle pieces coming together, a larger picture coming into focus, niggling questions in the back of mind being answered…
    Funny how a solid piece of writing can do all that. Think in words, listen to your gut. And when it fits together, BUY.

  7. Wyogrunt March 17, 2021 at 08:04

    This pretty much covers my feelings on this
    “I’d like to have two armies: one for display with lovely guns, tanks, little soldiers, staffs, distinguished and doddering Generals, and dear little regimental officers who would be deeply concerned over their General’s bowel movements or their Colonel’s piles, an army that would be shown for a modest fee on every fairground in the country. The other would be the real one, composed entirely of young enthusiasts in camouflage uniforms, who would not be put on display, but from whom impossible efforts would be demanded and to whom all sorts of tricks would be taught. That’s the army in which I should like to fight.”
    ― Jean Lartéguy

  8. Liam March 17, 2021 at 08:37

    Good piece. The choice of West Point cadets making the black power salute serves as a pretty good summary doesn’t it?
    But don’t worry folks, the DOD found that the cadets weren’t being political and the media says you’re a racist if you think otherwise.

  9. Johnny Paratrooper March 17, 2021 at 09:13

    I didn’t mind females in the Army, I was bothered with the females in Brigade Combat Teams. Our poor BCT’s are failing and we just designed them and sharpened their teeth in two wars. Which I think is your main point. I remember Airborne school vividly. The only people, and I mean only people, I saw fail out/get cut were women who got seriously injured. I mean two or three broken bones and a medical chapter(33’d I think?). Who came up with the brilliant idea to throw a 5’2″ 100 pound girl out of an airplane with 85 pounds on?
    Fucking stupid. Whoever came up with that idea needs their retirement revoked. And I know it wasn’t the Rangers, SF, or 82nd cause they said “NO”. And yet here we are. Meme’d into clownworld.
    If I went to my leadership and explained why I ran over a female cadet with my truck, and why I thought it was a good idea, I would go to Leavenworth. But when a General and an Admiral come up with these stupid ass ideas they get a promotion. Sure, send the females to airborne, but don’t strap a damn weapon and a ruck to them. I have no problem with females on the Army marksmanship team or driving fuel trucks down MSR Tampa. But let’s be realistic about it. Unless the females look more dangerous than half your men, and I’m talking WWF wrestler sized dangerous, THEN you can consider a “fitness” waiver for Airborne and Air Assault.
    The thing I hated most about women in the army is that only the white guys could control themselves around the females. The Latin guys and the Black dudes couldn’t go 5 minutes without flirting with them for 4.5 minutes. It was really, really unprofessional.
    And, of course, if I even checked them out once; I’d get written up, extra PT, and a stern talking to by Friday morning. But it was perfectly fine to line up at the Hummvee at night and get serviced by the “notorious” female soldiers. No-one ever put a stop to that crap.
    This “story” is mandatory reading for every college student studying revolutionary China. Look up the history of this woman. Guess what here job was? Propagandist. Guess where she retired to and died? San Francisco. I know it’s a little pricey, but it will give you an idea of where our society gets these retarded notions about females in the combat teams. They brainwash our women into thinking they are a Rambo Revolutionary soldier while maintaining their delicate traits and motherly roles. FYI, the entire story is probably BS. But none the less, it’s taught to the whole country.

    • SOG March 17, 2021 at 10:12

      i disagree on one point,my last unit it was staff NCO’s diddling the few hot female Marines around. they were married white dudes. i think it really comes down to integrity on the leadership and the female troop. some like power and rank so they get off on fuckin a E7-E9 while they are a fuckin LCPL. I was around WM’s and was not impressed for the most part. occasionally you have some Lesbian on test C doing crossfit but thats not the norm and in no way duplicatable whole sale across the services.

      • Johnny Paratrooper March 17, 2021 at 11:53

        Don’t get me wrong. Men and Women are men and women. Boys will be boys and girls will be girls. Plenty of white soldiers were cheating on each other. But they keep it behind closed doors 9/10 times. The rap music culture has created a “Yo Girl, Hey Girl, Sup Girl” communication linguistic that transcends racial boundaries and is a cultural problem. Statistically speaking, that is marketed towards Latin and Black men. However, there is no shortage of white rappers now.
        I see your point 100%, but I am referencing a different kind of problem altogether. Both are wrong.

        • NC Scout March 17, 2021 at 12:00

          One behavior is exorbitantly punished and usually publicly so. The other, not so much.
          All depends on the type of unit you’re in and whether you’re a fellow traveler.

  10. SOG March 17, 2021 at 09:16
    cause when it goes hand to hand in a cave with ISIS or AlQ you want this watching your six?
    women are in combat already, Pilots, Air crew, etc. to say that a 5’4 120lbs female can drag me to safety is absurd.
    Read House to House by MOH Recipient David Bellavia, literally went hand to hand and dispatched a guy in hand to hand combat with a fucking leatherman and sheer force of will.

    • Matt March 17, 2021 at 15:59

      Speaking from a pilot’s perspective, women don’t belong in military cockpits. With the way that unit’s are staffed, it degrades the readiness of the unit even if they can perform the mission. Been there, seen it.

  11. usarmyretiredsgm March 17, 2021 at 09:19

    We think alike. This has been discussed many times area the fire ring with fellow former soldiers. We lost a friend, his wife was a SFC in Intel, because his wife participated in our fire ring discussion one night. She took great offense to what “thirdgun” had to say that night. The below quote is something I sent to my friends yesterday. Keep plugging.
    “I spent my career with women in many units. My take, they should not be there. They are a threat to themselves and the men they serve with, I can show my work. Anytime I had a woman on my team, in my unit the men had to pick up the physical side of the job, plain and simple. Nothing but reality due to physicality. They had the brains but not the brawn. This is not a repudiation of their ability to serve, just not in combat roles. I suggest two different units, one for men, one for women/others. Do a side by side comparison. Care to guess who gets their ass kicked in the exercise. If this makes me a bad sexist man, so be it……I love women, they are just not designed for combat, thank goodness.”

    • NC Scout March 17, 2021 at 09:23

      Yup. To add to that comment-
      “I love women BECAUSE they’re not designed for combat.”

  12. Luke March 17, 2021 at 09:35

    Great read NC. You know I don’t think that I have ever officially heard it from any of you but I think my assumptions are correct. I told a friend at the time felt particularly sorry for folks in your situation. Now I know you don’t want sympathy and I won’t wallow in self mire. All I can do is tell you from a man who never served who always wished he had (now no) is there are some of us who are still grateful.
    I know why you guys joined I suspect. It might have got some of you outta trouble such was the thing when I was at age. Wasn’t hard to find a story a of a judge commuting a sentence based on one’s desire to join the military. But I suspect most of you were true believers; the good ol USA. I was too. To actively witness our own government turn against people that they sent overseas to fight oppressive governments is hard to watch. Especially now that is exactly what our govt has become.
    I don’t want to give false hope but a couple things to perhaps look forward to. Bracken linked it from Gab and SD posted on Treehouse about the Judge in Georgia allowing inspections of the ballots. Now they have had 4 months to “fix” it so am skeptical. But it certainly has me scratching my head and for SD (Treehouse) to post it might me a sign. Saw AOC’s tweet about how we should be dignified and waive all student loans. I mean wth what’s another 5 trillion? Should throw some reparations in 10 trillion for good measure.
    I make this point is because up until about a month ago both of these topics would have made me furious followed by nausea or vice versa. Now I just laugh. I don’t think the left can stop until it breaks the system. Unfortunately at this point it’s our best hope. Let them be seen for what they truly are and for the masses to grasp it’s going to take a significant amount of pain and suffering. And that pain must come from the left/establishment/etc. Welcome to the Wild Wild West.

    • NC Scout March 17, 2021 at 09:43

      Stay off Gab. Its a honeypot.
      Read this link carefully and then carefully read the site’s privacy policy.
      They’re harvesting your data for future targeting. Never mind the idiots who cannot comprehend the tech behind this, I’m telling you as the guy who used to be on the pointy end of these programs.

      • Luke March 17, 2021 at 10:36

        Appreciate heads up.

      • WNC PIrate March 17, 2021 at 12:38

        Scout, what’s your thoughts on LOCALS, the one service AMCON uses? Please be honest. That’s been on my mind lately.

        • NC Scout March 17, 2021 at 14:04

          It’s a foreign (Israeli) owned and bankrolled data collection site.

          • WNC Pirate March 17, 2021 at 14:12

            Thanks, did the research, and you were correct.

  13. Razorback Trapper March 17, 2021 at 13:48

    Given that the current administration and current military leadership is openly calling us domestic enemiesI applaud women, trannies, and anything else that makes them less effective in combat arms.
    If things keep going like they are going, then it is a matter of time before they are hunting me. Id much rather have a platoon of 100 pound women and confused trannies humping these hills looking for me than a platoon of no bullshit hard men. I’m all for them shooting themselves in the foot before the race starts.

    • Patriotman March 17, 2021 at 13:50

      This has been in the back of my head too.

      • Razorback Trapper March 17, 2021 at 14:00

        Patriot Man- Yep. I’ve been cheering this crap for a while. Don’t get me wrong, what has happened to the military is a shame. I had all I could take of it in 2012 when I got out. I can only imagine how bad it is now. That said, it is what it is, and if there is a fight to be had, I want my enemy as “woke warrior princess” as possible.

        • Patriotman March 17, 2021 at 15:01

          Amen. The more out of shape they are, the more they will be vehicle restricted.

    • Steve March 19, 2021 at 11:47

      Unfortunately for people like us, they won’t have to. The drones will relay all the info they need to find us.

  14. Paulo March 17, 2021 at 14:41

    Good memory jog writting there.
    I remember that even holding hands with your spouse while in military uniform was no go.
    Once as an NCO was given the task with others to build an infiltration course. The infiltration course
    was with all the bells and whistles and not that long, but about 2 to 3 hundred feet long or so. Mud pit low crawl,
    low barbed wire, drainage pipes to go through, up and down vertical walls, rope climbs, and even special effects
    boom booms, and lots of smoke. Being part of the yellers :-) also to get both the men & women through the course,
    was interesting to me as a young 20 year old Sergeant how the women did pretty darn well. But mind you, this
    course was only 2 to 3 hundred feet long and only a few minutes to go through.
    Men here having vast longer experiences on The Field, heck, even in Admin, far far longer than me, have certainly seen
    the broader disadvantages in both physical and moral issues partaining to this very serious situation.
    Now, as far as a relationship with another single woman in the military, it was a private affair as a single man, and nothing to brag
    about with others, even if belonging to separate units as far as I went.

  15. usarmyretiredsgm March 17, 2021 at 14:59

    One note concerning the video I posted in my previous comment of the combatives training. A female Captain and the young male private. I pointed out to my friends that it was training, that is why she lasted a tad over 2 minutes. The young private was not trying to hurt or kill her. I asked folks who saw the video to speculate the outcome and time involved if they were in a fight to the death, both with knives in hand. The fight would have lasted only a few seconds. The bleeding out would have taken longer.

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