You Can’t Stop Progress: My Favorite Guilty Pleasure

My favorite guilty pleasure made by a twitter personality and youtube content creator. His mission is to document the downfall of American one cringe clip at a time. This is what I grew up with my whole, entire, life. Total and Complete Mentally Ill Nonsense. Some of his episodes disappeared into the ether during a ban spree on Youtube. He likely has them uploaded somewhere else. There is hundreds and hundreds of hours of documentation concerning the downfall of civilization.

His twitter handle is

You can type this into your search bar to port around logging in. You are still tracked, but not as much as registering and downloading the twitter app, so use a VPN. He removed all his NSFW “You Can’t Stop Progress” videos because Youtube and Twitter removes them. Even though the video clips are are pulled from Youtube and twitter anyway… as well as twitch, snapchat, instagram, and tik tok.

You need to login into bitchute to view the REALLY crazy stuff. Which is about half of his content.

He does not use any mainstream footage unless it meets his criteria for “cultural milestone”.

If you can watch 20 minutes of Episode 162; I owe you a beer and a whiskey drink.

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About the Author: Johnny Paratrooper

Born and Raised in Baltimore City, Maryland. History Degree. 8 Years Airborne Infantry and Scouts Platoon. Iraq Veteran. 4-5 Years as a doorman, bar back, and bouncer in Baltimore. Worked in Construction, Heavy Equipment Demolition, Corporate Security, Sales, Forest Service contractor, and the Hospitality Industry. Raised Catholic. Hobbies are race cars and sport bikes. Side projects are HAM radio credentials and long range shooting. MY EMAIL IS JOHNNYPARATROOPER@TUTANOTA.COM. Founder of Green Dragon Academy


  1. Biccid March 25, 2021 at 14:00

    “This account doesn’t exist
    Try searching for another.”
    Looks like Twitter already got him… Is his youtube and bitchute under the same username?

    • Biccid March 25, 2021 at 14:06

      Nevermind, when I copied the above twitter address, I got that message, but when I searched his username, he came up on twitter. Weird thing is that it was the same address I originally tried.

      • Johnny Paratrooper March 25, 2021 at 16:08

        Yup. That is the modern internet. They hide it from you until they realize they know you know it exists. Then they let you have a limited window. Just how things are nowadays. Early 2000’s internet is not the same as the modern net. The ISP’s and Social Media Companies are working in conjunction with governments and corporations to limit what you see. I tried to get some cops to look at the work of several prominent early 2000’s media personalities and they were basically scrubbed from their version of the internet. Wikipedia does the same thing. Based on your personal psychological profile, they provide everyone with catered articles that are worded differently and written differently.

        • boss21 March 25, 2021 at 16:43

          Don’t feel bad. Before the internet we were passing around books and VHS tapes we got from Spotlight or Palladin Press. SW covered the rest.

          • Johnny Paratrooper March 25, 2021 at 18:11

            True. But now they cater the experience to each individual user and pick winners and losers.

          • Freya Valentina March 26, 2021 at 08:58

            Ah Palladin Press. My 14 year old self misses you. They were the absolute shit.

          • Patriotman March 26, 2021 at 09:00

            The only place like it now is Delta Press. I got a ton of their books when Palladin closed shop for a fraction of the original price, and I am kicking myself that I did not buy more.

          • Johnny Paratrooper March 26, 2021 at 11:10

            Sometimes you comment and I’m like “This young lady gets it”. Other times you comment and I’m like “Is she a he or is he a she?”. Anyway, yeah Paladin Press rocks. I remember getting caught with a copy of the Anarchists cookbook in High School. WOW, that was an experience.

          • Biccid March 26, 2021 at 09:44

            I miss Paladin Press. I’ll have to check out Delta Press. I found a publisher called Antelope Hill, they don’t have the tactical/operational stuff like Paladin did, but they seem to have some interesting historical stuff that has been banned on Amazon. They also have some very out there stuff.

  2. Roave March 25, 2021 at 19:03

    Right….I’m thirsty now…1 Guinness & 1 Jameson please sir.

  3. That dude March 25, 2021 at 19:57

    It took 20 min for my brain to work again after 20 sec of watching this. I owe you a case and bottle.

  4. vyt1az March 25, 2021 at 23:26

    The twitter address linked in the article isn’t correct that’s why you have to search to find it.
    The reason you can find the correct account when searching is that most search engines are smart enough to find the right thing when your word is off by one character.
    lporiginalg !== iporiginalg
    Older societies had a good reason to use fonts with serifs so that a lowercase “l” and an “i” would be harder to confuse, and the modernists thought they were smarter. :-)
    This link should work until the user is actually banned:

    • Johnny Paratrooper March 26, 2021 at 10:48

      Thank you, Occam’s razor.
      Yeah, the easy answer is usually the correct one.

  5. Cavguy March 26, 2021 at 08:20

    4:27 as far as I got. Hope it gets better, somehow I doubt it. “Oh I joined AP a year ago. You did not listen I joined AP a year ago. Look all that started in 2007 and I joined AP a year ago soooo aaahhhh, yeah a year ago ,”. Amazing
    Saber 7

  6. Freya Valentina March 26, 2021 at 09:34

    That was hilarious and so is the twitter feed. I guess I actually have to make a profile on bitchute now. Thanks for this it totally made my morning.

    • Johnny Paratrooper March 26, 2021 at 10:38

      It’s hilarious. Some of the people in our society are completely lost. I mean like GONE.

      • Freya Valentina March 26, 2021 at 10:56

        JP- yes they are. They are meat drones and if you tell them something that’s not approved by the msm, they glitch out. On another note- I think you said you’re looking for land in a westernly direction. If you’re interested in MO I can show you some. Our sheriffs are refusing to recognize any fed gun restrictions coming down from DC.. so this state is looking promising.

        • Johnny Paratrooper March 26, 2021 at 10:58

          I am looking for land. In fact, some friends and I might go in on a “Hunting Property” if you know what I mean. Your Sheriff’s sound like rock stars.

          • vyt1az March 27, 2021 at 00:23

            Ever consider finding some property in southern Appalachiaganistan? The mountains around the borders of TN, NC, SC, and GA allow for a quick drive to 4 different state jurisdictions, a 4-6hr drive to the Atlantic coast if you have to sail off, and an 8hr drive to see your family.
            There’s also a lot of AP authors around those areas, and while you’re waiting for the boogaloo to fully take off, you could benefit from some very good job markets.
            I’ve spent a lot of time in the Ozarks of MO and absolutely loved it, but it’s completely land locked and doesn’t have access to a whole lot of well paying jobs or resources.

  7. 71M March 26, 2021 at 09:50

    Ahhh, Paladin Press and my monthly issues of “Soldier of Fortune” magazine

  8. KC March 26, 2021 at 10:02

    I’m probably just a few years older than you. I was born into a world that was more or less functional. I’m so damn old that I can remember buying gas cans that worked. New ones from the store, I shit you not! When I was a lad, race riots were (eventually) put down, not coddled and accommodated for months on end. I bought .22 bullets over the counter when I wasn’t much over the counter myself. I find that many people just a few years younger don’t even know what’s been lost. Most exasperatingly, much or the older generation doesn’t even miss it. No doubt I’ve dated myself by bashing boomers and millennials in the same paragraph. But the exceptions know who they are. And they probably agree with me at any rate.
    Collapse is not just inevitable at this point. It’s essential. Fortunately, it’s well underway.
    I always though things would be settled before my sons were of age. No. Such. Luck. They’ll have to build a world that works out of the rubble. Lord willing, I’ll be there to help. But who can say, looking into times like this?
    Delusion. Strong delusion. They call up down and black white and righteousness wicked. Sadly, I’ve lost family members to the Cult of Modernity. Once they opt in, they very seldom opt out. The Narrative grows more desperate and delusional by the day. And the credulous just get more gullible.
    Good luck and God save us.

    • Johnny Paratrooper March 26, 2021 at 10:39

      I’m old enough to remember when you could beat people up for being weirdos and assholes. Now you’ll be charged with a felony and they get paid about 10-20 grand out of your pocket for being and obnoxious freak.

      • vyt1az March 27, 2021 at 00:00

        There’s plenty of old literature where you’ll read examples of folks giving someone a quick ass-kicking ‘for their own good.’ Sure it has absolutely been abused, but we all know that some people lose their moral or mental faculties until there’s some sort of physical wake up call.
        Adults sometimes devolve back into aimless toddlers without the adult equivalent of a swat on the ass.
        Now, nothing is immoral anymore. It’s not that people have low self-esteem, it’s that they think too highly of themselves and that they can do no wrong. They have zero sense of self-respect or dignity, and so they allow themselves to turn into animals and no one can or will wake them up without the risk of being turned into a felon for doling out some cultural “tough love.”

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