By NC ScoutPublished On: April 1, 2021Categories: AP Staff, Intelligence7 Comments on 1950s CHINESE CIVIL WAR DOCUMENTARY MAO ZEDONG VS. CHIANG KAI-SHEK KMT VS CCP ARMY
About the Author: NC Scout
NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .
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Hell of a way to unite a country.
Just wait till they really get cranked up here.
United Front. NeoCon’s and Dem-Coms vs TradNats.
Coming to a theater of operations near you.
If everyone is interested in more detail on this subject, I linked a bunch of EXCELLENT documentaries in this post.
I remember my father working incognito with a Chinese man in the early 60’s making sandals
and other needed items 90 miles away from here. The Chinese man had left a few years before
from China.
Thank you for sharing. Did not know those details about China. Niether about how Formosa became
the Nationalist Chinese safe place, and why, even though I was there for about 5 days there on liberty
coming off the USS Cleveland anchored off shore in Keelon[sp?] Harbor.
Depressing. What this (and nearly every other history) fails to list is the specific betrayals of the Kuomintang by the FDR/Truman Administrations, via weasels like Marshal and Stillwell. At one point, Chiang had the opportunity to crush the PLA, with Mao, but our envoy talked him out of it. He never got another chance. The communists got reinforced, re-equipped and armed by the Soviets with captured Japanese supplies, plus Russian arms (made possible by Lend-Lease), and it was all downhill from there. Shades of how Trump was systematically betrayed, here (if he was ever truly on our side).
And now, Taiwan is toast. I’m thinking maybe by August. Should we start a pool?
Well, the one dude mentioned the betrayal of Chiang; but didn’t go into detail.
Was that Cronkite narrating?
Yes, Cronkite, the Commie. We knew so little back then sadly. FDR and the war to save Joseph Stalin.
WWII started over the invasion of Poland, GB had a treaty with Poland so it was on. After All the death and destruction the West, Churchill and FDR just give away Poland and all of Eastern Europe to Stalin???
Betrayal is the Norm for this planet, and ‘Our” Feral Gov has been quite duplicitous.