May 8th Team Leader Class

Good morning Partisans!
We’re just over a month away from the next Team Leader Class on May 8, offered through my business VonSteuben Training & Consulting. For those of you who missed the previous announcements, I’ll briefly summarize what I teach in the class. Additionally, WWes wrote a pretty good course review from the test run of the class back in February, so you can check that out as well.
If you’re reading American Partisan, it’s probably safe to assume that your mind’s already in the right place as far as training goes. You may even have a group of like-minded friends in your local area that you plan to rely on should SHTF, and if you do that’s awesome. However, it can be hard to motivate all of your friends to spend the time, money, and ammo to go to courses, so how can you get them the training they need for you all to be effective? The answer is simple; YOU have to train them.
This is where the Team Leader Class comes in. My goal is for you to leave my class with the ability to train your friends back at home effectively and efficiently, and at as low a cost as possible. You will have the knowledge and confidence necessary to plan, lead, and conduct training with your buddies to forge them from a “group” into a cohesive “team”.
Now that the mission statement is in the clear, I’ll go over the details of the class itself. The TL class is 1 full day of training, starting at 9am and ending around 4-5pm depending on class size. I will teach you how to effectively organize a group into fire teams and squads and how to utilize any special weapons you may have or come across. We will cover how to use progressive team-based training to mold a handful of volunteers into a lethal fighting force. Finally, throughout the day you will lead a team of fellow students in a series of battle drills, learning the dynamics of a gunfight and getting the experience you need to apply what you’ve learned on your own.
Full disclaimer, there is some physical activity involved in this class for the battle drills. Expect to run short distances, getting up and down a lot to kneel/lie behind cover.  You will probably get muddy/dirty too, so dress accordingly.  I’m not going to slay your body, but you will get a bit of a workout in. Combat is physical, training should be too.
The gear list is posted here on my website. There is zero, I say again ZERO ammo requirement for this class. The reason for this is twofold. First, given the current ammo shortage, I want to lower the barrier for you to get the training that you need. Second, I want to show you that you can train your teams without burning anyone’s precious rounds that you might need in the not-so-distant future.
The location is in Eastern NC in the New Bern area. The class registration fee is $100 per student, paid up front. If you have to cancel after paying the registration fee, I will grant you a slot in a future class. This is to ensure that I do not waste your time driving out to a team-based class where everyone else backs out last minute. To register or get more information email me at  If you want to attend a future class, I have dates in July and September posted on my training schedule.  I look forward to training with you.
Semper Paratus, Semper Discens, Semper Fidelis.

By Published On: April 3, 2021Categories: Mike, Tactical, Training3 Comments on May 8th Team Leader Class

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About the Author: admin


  1. Anonymous April 3, 2021 at 07:53


  2. Prof. Spartan April 4, 2021 at 22:54

    Congrats on the trial course, sounds like a great class that fills a key niche. Hopefully I can get out there some day!

  3. […] & Signal: You are the Squad Leader. You can delegate to your four Team Leaders if you so choose. Your comm plan is up to you, remember to use a PACE […]

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