Colonial Pipeline pays nearly $5 Million in Ransom
This is only going to get worse with time. From Bloomberg:
Colonial Pipeline Co. paid nearly $5 million to Eastern European hackers on Friday, contradicting reports earlier this week that the company had no intention of paying an extortion fee to help restore the country’s largest fuel pipeline, according to two people familiar with the transaction.
The company paid the hefty ransom in untraceable cryptocurrency within hours after the attack, underscoring the immense pressure faced by the Georgia-based operator to get gasoline and jet fuel flowing again to major cities along the Eastern Seaboard, those people said. A third person familiar with the situation said U.S. government officials are aware that Colonial made the payment.
Now that ‘they’ (whoever ‘they’ really is as I covered in the latest Radio Contra) have a taste of success and recognize the seam and gap present in a major component of our infrastructure, this is going to get more spicy with time.
I’d invest in a transfer tank or two.
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A good time to consider a standby generator and adequate fuel supply. The power grid would be an easy target for these guys
So ask yourself, can you go a week or two w/o power?
No problem for hurricane hardened Floridians.
It’s coming.
Thanks again for all of this. Planned shutdown of gasoline system will hurt us for sure. Plano, Texas has BLM road block on exit ramp off of a major highway. Police allow BLM to block the ramp and harass motorists. White guy gets arrested but no BLM Communists are arrested. Texas AG Paxton sends a letter to Plano Police Chief who tells the AG he has to protect BLM and their right to peaceful protest. Y’all may have already talked about Plano. Plano is too close to Big D. Dallas. My good friend in Waco told me today: The Dallas Convention Center is completely full of Illegal Aliens today and they have no place to but them. Waco is 100 miles south of Dallas.
[…] Colonial Pipeline pays nearly $5 Million in Ransom | American Partisan […]
This will continue hitting other areas, the regime is using planned fuel storages to further the zero carbon emission platform. Propaganda surge on electric cars are on the way.
Yes- it’s SO refreshing and encouraging to know someone else sees this.
What better way to push their infrastructure payoffs. They are still paying off all the players in the debacle of Nov 4. Watching them do the shuffle here in AZ. with all of the delays and now erasure of data, missing routers, no passwords. They really think no one can touch them and they can do whatever they want. That time is over. Give me liberty or give me death! I do not happen to go with the idea that appears to be so fear based and everywhere – Give me anything, just not my death. Such a lie.
The Great Reset….Fred F approves!
if I remember, the NSA and other intel hangouts have a tool that allows emulation of any national / ethnic operator. Imitate Slavs ? … no problemo. Han ? … piece of cake. Our government would never fuck the Peasantry … right ?
Read Karl Denninger’s Market-Ticker post today …. Colonial likely allowed ‘work from home’ accessibility for their SCADA systems …. duh Real scary is our E grid vulnerability, to targeted (non-nuke)EMP, or targeted long gun attack. Roscoe Bartlett – former congresscritter – tried to wake the Fedphucks to this threat. We know how that worked out.
“Eastern European hackers”
translation: some group that downloaded a free VPN off the internet.
They blow up infrastructure elsewhere. Here they just turn it off. Same effect. I am sure another sternly worded letter from pensioners will straighten this out.
I’d be more concerned if they targeted the EBT system, can you say Riots in EVERY City in America even with the folks not yet even affected by the EBT troubles yet? I can handle 2 weeks with out power easily, might want to START Rationing early as WHO knows if it’s Only going to be 2 weeks eh?
Lets see Interstate 40 across the Mississippi Gone, the back up older bridge I used to use when I was a trucker leads deep into Memphis Slumville. NOT a place to drive a semi in “Normal Good Times”. Will add hours to each driver forced to go that way. Ripple affects in the Just in time system YEE HAAWW!
The Times ‘O Trouble Lads, the Times ‘O Troubles.
Not Bad Sock Puppet for the first 100 days or so, what’s the PLAN for the next 100 days?
Prolly hidden payoffs, laundering Like millions in art sales or wine auctions background shows other deals covered up in cash changing hands, more emergency funds and market recent oil gouge on pricing all seem likely to me
I lay all of this at the Stairmasters feet. The terrorists of the world see an easy mark in Resident Bidet and this is his doings. He wants this, it furthers his communist agenda.
Haven’t listened to NCScouts last few podcasts yet, but to emphasize the obvious, could this be rogue elements of ahem…cough..cough Deep State…cough…three letter agency trash? Or maybe the bankers are really using Russian criminal mafia elements, same way CIA and FBI do, to distance themselves from the dirty work.
Uh huh…
America doesnt negotiate with tango’s.
Ya just gotta be a different kind of tango.
With Covid hyperbole burning out, along comes next “crisis”, pipeline content delivery. Another beta test? Granholm’s smirk comment on electric cars is revealing. Expect the grid will be next crisis.
If everyone gets a battery/electric vehicle, just where do the Granholms of the Biden Destruction Team think the energy sources will be materialize from? At present from mid-Atlantic north, the AC demand has yet to kick in. I have speculated the already maxed grid just needs another 10,000 Prius’s plugged in a night.
Get a few fans for your HondaEU-2000 to power. I operate house frig, basement freezer, and all important barn beer frig, 22” fan, and 5vdc charge packs from the little generator. Just watch your load on startup, calculate demand and adjust as needs change. Biggest thing with the little Honda , it’s a stealthy little jewel with very low db, 9 yrs old now, no headache unit.
I didn’t see her comments, but I had a feeling it’d creep out somewhere. I called it on the last Radio Contra- its an attack on the oil companies and they’re seeking to capitalize on it.
just more SOP in action of (((TPTB))).
question is, how much longer are we gonna take it ?
Oil tankers have two valves; Blocks & Drops and miles of pipe. Officer on the Bridge or on deck radios the ABs on deck which value to turn. Voila. No problem, No accident. One single order. No spill..Go analog and use real people (thousands of new jobs) to monitor our energy supple. Get it off line.
[…] on the heels of the ransomware attack on the oil pipeline and the slaughterhouses, another ransomware attack has been reported on […]