Badlands Fieldcraft: Gear Review: Photonis Echo PVS-14
Read the original here. -NCS
First off, there’s no such thing as cheap night vision that’s worth having. But that’s not to say there isn’t good deals on good night vision either. If you do your research and take the time to determine what you actually need, I think you will find that night vision is a bit more affordable than most think.

I used night vision and thermal a good deal during my time in the Marines. And while I knew fully well the great force multiplier that it is, life has a way of dictating priorities and $4,000 for night vision was a hard pill to swallow. But I finally decided earlier this year that enough priorities had been put into place and I could finally make that jump.
I was tempted for a minute to look into other options to save some money, but as I researched them I quickly realized that only a generation 3 PVS-14 would work for me. Buy once, cry once. This is an heirloom quality piece of equipment we’re talking about here.
There are a multitude of different PVS-14’s out there, ranging from about $3,000 upwards to $4,500 or more. The price increase is typically due to better and better image intensifier tubes.
You see, not all PVS-14’s are equal. The image intensifier tube is what sets one apart from the other. Think of it like the difference between different versions of the same model of car. Same car overall, different trim and engines though.
As I said earlier, I had a lot of time using them during my time as a Marine infantryman, but I had no idea how the ones I used back then and the current production ones compared. Was I using something similar to the lower priced models or the higher priced?
I knew of a smaller gear company that dealt in night vision, Critical Gear and Tactics and I contacted them to discuss the differences in the different models that were available. I asked them things like “What is the difference between this $3,000 model and this $3,500 model?” “What is the difference between white phosphor and green?”
I told them I was looking for a work horse unit that I could use while instructing and that compared to the night vision I was issued. I’m not the kind of guy that has to have the best of the best so I can brag on Instagram. I need good tools though, and I was willing to spend the extra money to ensure I made the right choice.
Based on my criteria, they quickly recommended the Photonis Echo PVS-14. I was pretty surprised by this since it was actually the cheapest model I was looking at. A dishonest salesman might have recommended the more expensive one to take advantage of me, but they didn’t. I really admire that level of integrity.
So trusting their recommendation I ordered my device and was pleasantly surprised to learn there was only a 3-4 week lead time. It shipped quickly and I had tracking immediately. I was even further impressed when my device arrived 20 days from ordering it – ahead of schedule.
It was still a long 20 days though, full of questions on whether or not this lower cost unit would provide the kind of performance I was hoping for.
When the unit arrived the first check I made was to the data sheet that comes with each unit. Each unit is tested and rated based on it’s performance. An important data point is the Figure of Merit. This piece of information is used to compare all PVS-14 devices based on their actual performance. A FOM of 1800 is the bare minimum to be military spec. I was pleasantly surprised to find mine had an FOM of 2186! This was comparable to the FOM on much higher priced units.

I immediately began testing the unit in as many conditions as I could. What I quickly realized was this unit far surpassed anything I had been issued, even though my old unit was Gen 3. I was of course thrilled by this. I took the unit out into the countryside on a moonless, cloudy night. This was the Montana countryside mind you, with nothing but a few yard lights within miles of me to provide any illumination. This would provide a very real test of what I could expect from this unit.
The performance was truly breathtaking. The best way I can describe it is to take a picture with your phone or camera and convert it to black and white. It’s that clear. Even spotting sagebrush and small trees on hillsides miles away was very easy to do.

I feel that I made a very good decision at the right time and I greatly appreciate the advice and honesty of the salesmen at Critical Gear and Tactics. This piece of equipment fills a void that was in my equipment and capabilities.
I called to tell them how pleased I was and they offered to give me a discount code to share with my readers. By using the code “Badlands” you can get a nice discount on your own Photonis PVS-14. I feel confident about sharing this and I wouldn’t if I didn’t think the product is great and the company trustworthy.
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The Photonis WP units are very nice for the price. I very much enjoy mine. Still gives me a nice image in dark gloomy woods in the rain.
And they are reasonably affordable.
Good review. Thank you.
Have you tested it on a day with 100% Moon, 50% moon, and 0% moon with and without cloud cover? Do you have ambient light pollution in your AO? You should check all that stuff out and familiarize yourself with it. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.
I’ve tested it in all the conditions you’ve mentioned. I was a little suprised how well it worked on moonless, cloudy nights, at least in fields. Its a little dim in the woods during those type of conditions, but it works well overall, and the price on the unit (under 3K) is a major plus.
Isn’t it a felony to take a photograph through an NVG device and post it on the internet? I could be wrong.
Pretty sure the FBI has a unit dedicated to that.
Also, I too have a Gen 3 White Phosphor Unit. I was gonna buy another motorcycle and then Scout on Radio Contra convinced me otherwise. I couldn’t be happier. The White Phosphorous lens looks like an HD black and white 1080p TV. And the Steiner DBAL-A3 is, in many respects, better than the PEQ-15 I used in the Army. It’s really incredible what a citizen can purchase.
Great Article Brother!
That’s the first I’ve heard of that…
You appear to be correct. For some reason you are not allowed to let a non-citizen look through NODs but it’s ok to post photos for the whole world to see. What a time to be alive.
Ah…it has something to do with ITAR.
Correct, it would be considered an “intangible technology transfer” if shown to an individual with an export classification of “non-US person”. A “US-person” doesn’t necessarily mean a US citizen, a non US citizen can be classified as a US person when provided an approved export license by the DoS Bureau of Industry and Security or Directorate of Defense Trade Controls.
Where did you get your Steiner? I don’t want to part with the $hekel$, but I don’t think I’ll be disappointed for doing so…
She’s worth every single penny. She’s got a bright green laser, works as a warning dazzler. Just like in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The IR flood light is more like a spot light. And it’s really sweet. Read the directions, she is a little tricky to zero, but once she’s on, she’s on. Surprisingly petite too. I would say 1/3 smaller than a PEQ-15.
Bring it down this weekend. Got some kit to show you.
Bruh once in Kabul, we were headed back to Camp Phoenix after a late-night source meet in the city. Suddenly, my Land Cruiser’s windshield was glowing green…the French were running blacked out in their giant APCs, and I didn’t even see them as I was running up on them. I hit the emergency flashers and pulled onto the shoulder.
Imagine dying in Afghanistan from the French. Woulda been epic.
I would have loved to work with the French. Hell, one time we were running ops with the SAS and those nuts don’t even wear armor, carry spare magazines, or run hard shell Land Rovers. THOSE DUDES ARE SERIOUS. Nobody ever messed with them. Not even Sadr’s men.
Had good times with the SAS in Basrah; we showed up in November 2005, right after this whole deal:
The SAS guys gave us quite an education about that and all kinds of other shit. It was really great getting to learn from them, and to get blitzed with them at their bar, the FCO, or the Squealing Donkey over on the US side.
And yeah, their loadout for a lot of what they did was slight!
In Afghanistan, these same Frenchies did a joint mission with 10th SFG…and ran out of ammo for their M2’s. Took 300 rpg, and that was IT. Really annoyed the dudes from TF 10-2 when they were having to share.
And then there was the Legion. Man, those guys were really something else. What a time to be alive that was.
Thank you for the recommendation,
I recently bought this- ATN PVS14/6015-3W Multi-purpose Night Vision Monocular, Gen 3, White Phosphor- and it completely blew away the ones I used in the Army. NC Scout is not exaggerating when he says it looks like a B&W photo. The clarity is astounding…the other night I watched my neighbor’s cat hunting mice or whatever in my front pasture from 200m away. Very easy to discern the cat from a fox I saw later.
Just amazed at how well the technology has improved.
She’s a badass unit, that’s for sure.
my two cents
the Holosun laser is pretty good for $560,green with slaved IR, you zero the daytime laser the IR is zeroed boom. for almost double the
price my steiner DBal I2 is not slaved. so you have to run separate zeros, if you have laser bore sight tool you can do this at night figure it out without live fire.
for folks with one NOD itching to get a dual unit, when bridged with such kit as mod armory you will have dual tubes for less than a standard unit BNVD’s etc.. and your purchases can be spread out over years as i did,also you can pop the second nod off to weapon mount or hand out to a teammate.
this unit above uses the standard PVS screw hold for mounting. they articulate up and and laterally for stowing with out the antler effect.
for white Phos i went with Bering optics gen 2 plus WP at a cost of around $2500 each spaced over a few years, the newer unit i got this last year to pair and although gen 2+ they view like gen 3 crisp image your mileage may vary.
WP,blew away my buddies gen 3 plus green units, for me personally green tubes give me almost instant headaches for some weird reason,
I have used green down range and by far the WP is the best bang for your buck he in the CIV DIV mossy oak Militia
for the mobile night ninjas below is a link to IR vehicle lights for trucks atvs etc..
this AP article linked below inspired me to get my night kit diversified with some other multipliers
Long Live the Republic,
Mandatory Sponsor Shoutout. sells the same IR lights for a comparable price.
Another, more generic, shoutout. Buy American as often as you can. It means that Americans have jobs, and while it’s a miniscule amount, it’s less money for the CCP.
Great looking NOD.
I picked up a Gen III+ , shuttered eye piece, helmet mount, J-mount, the proprietary violet lens and Molle case for $3200 from I^2 (I Squared) Technologies back in November. I have the specs somewhere and they are impressive. One tiny (have to look for it) artifact. Peter is back on his feet again after a few major setbacks over the last year and a half. If you’re in an urban environment, a lens filter at 720 nM is good to go for turning down the hot spots btw.
I’ve been wanting to take this dive for years now. Finally, you pros dish out the info. CIV DIV MOM thanks you all. OG
great night fighter tutorial fromBrent 0331
Damn thanks for pointing us in the right direction. It’s very easy to get confused and then frustrated. I ended up with some cheap POS I got from Bezos. I refer back to your statement “no such thing as cheap NV.” I am transitioning in my career currently as soon as I get that squared away I think, as you said “family heirloom “ justifies the cost.
Couple things NC, hopefully I didn’t miss it in here:
—Do you out over your dominant eye?
—Will you mount an IR laser on your gun?
I got to looking into drone jammers last week. Those bastards aren’t cheap and I have no idea if they would even work. Would love to hear your thoughts on FLIR’s in both friendly and enemy hands. Govt drones deploying those things scare me but like with NV I don’t know jack. Am saving this NV site thanks again for cutting thru the fat.
I mount over the non-dominant eye. I also run several different IR lasers, ranging from the PEQ-15 to the PERST-4 that I’m currently T&E’ing.
I also cover FLIR extensively in class and the students use mine in the Scout Course.
those perst 4’s look pretty badass. i considered one but the holosun was at a local shop so i snatched it up vs waiting on shipment kinda wished i was patient
I’m very happy with it so far. The unit is a little tank.
Excellent write up for the Photonis. Sounds like a good unit. However, it is not a Gen 3 NVD. Photonis makes high end Gen 2 intensifires (tubes). Only Elbit and L3 Harris make Gen 3. Even though it is Gen 2 it is still very impressive. Here’s a link to a video on youtube comparing Elbit and L3 with Photonis:
Photonis is infamous for marketing them with nonsense like them being a Gen 4 which is complete bullshit:
People just look the other way on the marketing because they’re a very good value, and I can’t blame them as this stuff is expensive.
We know Photonis is a Gen 2 because people in places like Canada and Europe can buy them. They can definitely still beat out some older Gen 3s as indicated because Photonis has spent a lot of money on improving the Gen 2 technology.
They’re perfectly good for the kind of environment Badlands is using them in. Wide open country with very little canopy.
As your video indicated, in thick heavy woods with rain clouds or no moonlight, they’re really not going to compare to an actual modern Gen 3 tube and lose their low-light detail much faster compared to the higher end Elbit or L3 PVS14s.
Please do an article on putting that thing on a helmet, and all the equipment needed to do so.
So what do I have? Bought mine in 2014 from RMR for $2,995.00 advertised as “Gen 3+.”
(Various tester numbers per parameter not disclosed here)Still something Decent or a paperweight?
I have energized it only a few minutes, otherwise is brand new. Was really NOT that impressed for a Gen 3+ but have not tried it in near complete darkness with only the smallest amount of light source for it to amplify. The gooblygook from the spec sheet:
FT Type F9815SLG
EXELIS DATA RECORD from PVS -14 Autogated
Photocathode sensitivity
Luminous uA/W min reading 2410, min 1350, Max N/A
Radiant .830 um (mA/W) reading 273, min reading 2, Max 1000
Halo , max 0.95 reading, min N/A, max 1.25
Test Date 10/04/2013
EBI phot max reading 0.96 , min N/A, Max 2.3 test date 10/21/13
2×10-6 fc (K), max, reading 70681, min 40000 , max 80000
Resolution Center (lp/mm), min. reading 64, min 57, max 82
FOM, max. Reading 1907.2, Min N/A, Max N/A
Signal to Noise , min. Reading 29.8, Min 16.2, Max 45
Spots Reading: PASS
site affiliate link above for those interested in day/night capabilities consider ATN digital night optics for rifle mounted applications. without the PVS 14 prices its a step.
Youtube has many reviews for your consideration
Something I’ve never understood (add to the list)…
What is better in low light, helmet/handheld or weapon mounted? It seems like weapon mounted is more cumbersome and thus limited by having to wave something large around in search…. but if a target is identified, and the NV is sighted on the weapon, you have the shoot option immediately to hand?
Maybe a stupid question. But if the really stupid ones are the questions not asked…