Military Grade Encrypted 5G Infrastructure: Coming Soon…
I had a feeling this is coming. Check out the players.
Great Move General Spalding and Others.
Thank You.
Check out this list of team members!!!

We believe in SEMPRE’s guiding principle: the right to protect and own your own data.
In order to create a company that adhered to that principle, we realized we had to build a better internet. We needed to bring the computer to the data rather than bringing the data to the computer. And then make that connection unbreakable.
Our mission: to create a secure connection in order to protect your community and ensure survivable communication through the most catastrophic events. This makes communities more productive and prosperous by giving you access to high-performance computing in your everyday life.
SEMPRE’s team is made up of industry veterans from the top communication and computing companies in the world. We have designed supercomputers and vast telecommunications networks. We are professionals who have served the nation during her most challenging times, brought together for a united mission—Connect. Protect. Survive.
And thrive.
Our SEMPRE tower combines a full 5G network with an edge data center. We put you in control of your most valuable asset—your data.
We will be your secure, survivable connection to the world.
What makes SEMPRE unique?
When it comes to security, the SEMPRE team understands government agencies are bombarded with constant cyberattacks from Nation States and bad actors. The existing network infrastructure is not sufficient.
After years of observing telcos who are more concerned with faster smartphones than securing infrastructure, our team developed a revolutionary solution that works with both existing networks or as a standalone solution.
We are currently working with the US Air Force and the Department of Defense to provide secure, EMP-hardened communication and computing needs.
The SEMPRE tower is a new class of survivable, critical infrastructure built to secure existing networks or as a standalone solution.
SEMPRE has the world’s first military-grade, secure network and computing platform, built to withstand an EMP burst to protect critical infrastructure and national security assets.
Our SEMPRE tower is EMP hardened and combines a full 5G network with an edge data center. Connecting to our SEMPRE tower not only puts you in control of your most valuable asset — your data — it survives any attack. SEMPRE is the solution.
The SEMPRE tower is a new class of survivable telecommunications infrastructure built to secure existing networks or as a standalone solution.
SEMPRE has the world’s first military-grade, secure network and computing platform, built to withstand an EMP burst, and designed to protect not only critical infrastructure but also for everyday use by real people.
Our team believes that existing networks are only one-half of a whole. To be complete, a network also needs a data center, as close to the user as possible. Our SEMPRE tower combines a full 5G network with an edge data center, within a single EMP-hardened enclosure.
Connecting to our SEMPRE tower not only puts you in control of your most valuable asset — your data — it gives you your own survivable supercomputer.
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Ya’ll Don’t Even Know How Big This Is!!!
Big in a good way or a bad way?
Big in a GREAT way. This is supremely huge. This will put an end to the cyber attacks immediately and put the military liaisons directly in control of pulling the plug on penetration and probing attacks in seconds. It’s like a surge protector for data. In 1/75,000 of a second they can pull the plug and return the attack. Also, judging by the language, there won’t be any man in the middle attacks either because the U.S.A controls the infrastructure directly.
but isn’t this a two way street and can equally be used against us ?
It’s not health to be paranoid constantly. And no, It can’t be used against you, anymore than anything else.
I could use my pencil against you. Should we be worried about pencils?
not much I trust about government these days. And I don’t think I’d call that paranoia.
If there’s one thing I know for certain, our government does not have our best interest.
Not everyone nor every institution is villainous or sinister.
When can we sign up?
Looks to be in the large scale right now. There is a private version coming soon in a separate post.
Developed by disgruntled Lockheed and Silicon Valley guys I think (Just an educated guess…)
Some of us do know (or guess how big), and have kept our ears to the ground.
SEMPRE’s technology may be an advance… can it be scaled/adapted to devices also at risk to EMP?
Faraday is just another way of spelling “Isolated” in my understanding. Neither able to receive nor send while protected.
But a net able to remain intact while exposed to God-awful doses of electro-magnetic potential?
Is this based on what projections? Have I heard that our own Pentagon specifies roughly half of what Soviet specs demand in terms of survivability?
TIA to any/all chiming in with their thoughts on this. It’s far beyond my normal range.
But yes.
Electronically surviving an EMP is essential to staying ahead of the curve. Those that do will have a decided advantage.
Our devices being damaged isn’t a concern. As we will still have the ability to make new phones and computers tomorrow. The true lose would be the loss of data. Specifically, the loss of critical data like banking info, personal information, and simple stuff like food shipments and other processing information.
We can always reboot and rebuild. But if we lose the source code, or the critical data, we are lost. We would have to start at square one.
Wait till tomorrow. The Tech savvy readers will comment on this. This article should headline.
This could be beautiful… but with the Russians in the central Pacific, the drones circling our infrastructure unimpeded, the “Attorney General” bearing down on regular Americans, MSNBC calling my Grandad a commie and calling for elected legislators to be arrested as part of some halfbaked antiterror purge, well- all I can say is the implementation had better hurry up or it will be too little, too late.
We’ve still got to get Globohomo out of DC on a rail, and God help us if whatever was in the vaccines was more than we bargained for. I’d hate to find out the hard way that I’m part of the internet of things.
Forgive me, fellas… I’m running short on hope. Tomorrow might be better, but tonight looks bleak to me.
Couldn’t agree with you more. There’s a lot to be concerned about and yes, the vaccine is a trojan horse of some sort. Stay ready and God Bless.
huh, it got damaged somehow …. wonder how that happened ?
What was damaged sir?
time will come when things like this need to be dealt with
These are the good guys. Look up the roster.
Still, it seems like a double edged sword to me… and another thing, the cyber attacks – and then this get proposed as a solution to stuff like it. Kinda feels like the typical commie way of doing things.
There’s healthy paranoia and unhealthy paranoia. Look up General Spalding.
Hope it’s legit. Maybe this is connected with the huge dormant domain name dump last month.
However leaky tech pales in comparison with the horrendous state of our human terrain.
DARPA being in it doesn’t give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
That’s an interesting point on the domain dump. And the human terrain doesn’t have the ability to transmit information at 12 gigabits a second. Plus you can alway put the leaky humans on the “ole’ noose in the garage” cases. Which there are no shortage of.
Looks like vaporware to me. Have they been funded yet? Or just an idea? It’s a good sign for the future.
Rural internet has a density problem, EMPs and data centers are not the immediate concern. Starlink is real and can solve that problem. So can trenching fiber if the lazy ass ISPs ever get a move on.
These guys don’t make Vaporware. This is the future. If Darpa, Linux, the Airforce in house R&D, and the CCA is involved, It’s already been designed and built. No doubt they have the manufacturing in place already.
Can you guys dig into the recently unindicted capital “riot” instigators, likely informants / agents? Talked about recently by tucker Carlson and picked up by zerohedge today, but I think it serves as a good reminder for readers on this site and would like to hear some of your feedback on it.
I have had this on hold for a while. We were waiting on developments. Care to share a few links with me that you find particularly interesting? Any names or faces you’d like use to dig into? Clearly there was some sort of interagency sting. NO DOUBT about that. Quite a few bad actors, malicious organizations, and very clearly some people are singing like a bird behind bars.
Thanks Johnny,
I don’t have much. But have been suspicious of this all along especially hearing about the BLM-affiliated instigator (from Utah I believe?) who was photographed inside and who was apparently helping goad people on.
Here is what I was reading earlier today:
Yes, John Sullivan. What a worthless POS. I’ll put something together, but it may take a couple weeks.
Sullivan , aka Jayden X – his father was cashiered from USAF for shipping ‘UH -60 parts’ (really warhead trigger components) to Taiwan.
Revolver News reporter Darren Beattie is reporting actual FBI being involved . The guys in jail in DC that are brave enough to go to trial are exposing this in discovery. Jones interviewed him today.
Meanwhile in AZ State officials are hiring private security and threatening arrest of Feds . Bets are being doubled on both sides.
Jones is a BS Con-Artist. And his boss is responsible for faking evidence that China isn’t a real threat. One of the primary reasons we are in this mess right now.
Jones is known as a “Briefer” in the Intelligence community. A Briefer’s job is to lie to you, misdirect, misinform, and generally BS you in all things related to reality.
I just learned 10 minutes ago that the Belt and Road Initiative started in the early 2000’s. Not 2013 like we are told. 2013 is just when they admitted it because they couldn’t conceal it anymore.
My comment wasn’t about Jones. It was in relation to Jan 06.
If you only found out the OBOR/BRI being an older and mature project I wonder about your analysis overall. ‘All things related to reality’ – indeed. I have been reiterating that constantly. Who ‘told us’ it started in 2013?
The SCO/AIIB offered the western banks a piece of the BRI action in 2010. They refused because they were too busy playing 19th century ‘great’ games like Opium/heroin trafficking and inhaling Kissinger/ Brzezinski farts. The Eurasianists consult with Kissinger in his capacity as an ambassador from the Ancient World Disorder. Kissinger is now trying to wake up his masters and clients to the tectonic shifts in motion.
The biggest construction projects in the world have been going on for decades from the Russian Arctic (one current project employs 450,00 personnel) to the Russia/China Pipelinestan. Russia’s mega-yard Zvesda has an order book for 118 tankers and container vessels.They are building a 70,000 ton nuclear nuclear icebreaker. China , Korea and Japan are building ships. on the same scale.The US built less than 20 such vessels since 2013.
I traveled east the length of Russia in 2008 by rail. The amount of freight we met going west was shocking . It is exponentially higher now. In a hotel bar in Irkutsk I met 3 Chinese who were buying lumber by the trainload.
Trump if given a few terms like Putin could marshall the US to do these things. Building better 5g and data management is
secondary nerd pretend-work by a long shot to the physical structures and human potential underneath. Nothing works without energy, iron ,copper and silver.
We better get a Eisenhower style build-out or we are doomed. Whining about the rest of the world doing what we are failing to do doesn’t cut it. Hard real work is the only way as always. Machines will make it easier but will never replace the alarm clock.
Funny you mention Eisenhower style buildout by name because I just put the finishing touches on an article that drops tomorrow morning. I think you will be pleased.
Edit: For the record, you don’t have to defend yourself, You bring a lot to the comments and you are well informed. I enjoy your contributions.
This for compasses and other skillsets required:
Yeah I believe that!
Sorry guys but touting your connections to the Now Work US mil means I’d not trust this as anything other than a honeypot. The future is decentralized (and, unfortunately, probably low-bandwidth).
Yeah but my source tells me in private that the frequency of 5G was planned to make viruses more likely to take over their hosts when combined with bioweapon injections already going, JP8 fuel exhaust of most all commercial air lines and modified food products all combined to debilitate or murder random people in targeted demographics. We see how much Bill Gates loves to inject black people… I guess my next question would be WhoTF wants to kill gods biological people when it is we descended from the Caucusus Mountains of modern day Ukraine who our ancestors were made captive circa 749AD by Assyrians and exiled in the north, shadowy, void, solitary as to who our ancestors really were except by the name of their new mountain fortress of solitude they and we came to be known as the people of the Caucusus Mountains – the Caucasian to blaze new trade routes and build banking systems who King Godfrey named the Templar Knights. What makes you think that King Godfrey, seemingly born of such conventional stock, didn’t just walk into the old homefront, Jerusalem, an unheard of leader of the rebellion to find the land of his ancestors overrun by their enemies and do the devils work of cleaning up the unclean spirit in the land destined to find his true happiness only in that, at the time unknown to most even until this very day, which could not be explained and name himself the rightful king of the land of Israel being gods’ right arm of justice and death his greatest fulfillment to serve the creators wishes without failing. So, I say let them steal the old technology and then ask them if that was supposed to save them from our God. Those who choose to remain in contact with 5G, modified food, jet exhaust and skip tracers bearing the Babylonian symbol of witchcraft – the assumed star of David – as the mongoloids cattle brand those around them may be doomed a painful drawn out death and helping their loved ones out. At the same time we need what this article suggests but 5G frequency is proven to damage chemical pathways in the human body which sounds suspect to some people I get to talk with high up in military intel who have either retired or resigned but still in the loop.
The next thing I’d like to share in brief, somewhat off-topic, is that the need for human slavery was done away with our inventions in things like combustion engines… So, why would a tiny group of mongoloids want to instigate all the apes in the world to attack gods’ people who freed them and then put those apes back into slavery? They’re mongoloids and God says don’t make a bastard which is defined in bible passages as a mongoloid.
I like the contributors but 5G? I don’t get it Johnny Paratrooper – do you have any insight on why DARPA would choose a high frequency incident wave harmful to cells if it has almost no propagation range to which the unwired transfer of data is it’s function feature?
5G isn’t a frequency wave. “5G” stands for the 5th Generation of Cell Phone and Mobile Wireless technology. Most cell phones can already work on the 5G network. Because it’s just a regular cell phone system, but the processors, antenna, and computers are much, much more powerful. And some of the cloud based processing systems become possible. Like self driving cars because the 5th Generation cell towers can act as a computer as well.
Cloud based computing and 4th/5th generation cell phone networks do not make oxygen particles spin backwards and combine with jet fuel to create COVID-19 while the babylonians ascend from heaven and use lasers to inscribe the all seeing eye on Budda’s left cheek.
That is all online internet nonsense, 100% BS. And the reason that the enemy would put out those kinds of stories is to cover up the fact that China is building the infrastructure and Russia/Israel designed the systems (or stole it) and own the patents on the all the technology, hold the contracts, and own the companies thanks to guys like Epstein.
5G is perfectly healthy and has been around for almost 10 years. You are the victim of a Psy-Op. Try actually reading the paperwork and not watching Youtube videos about mentally ill psychotic nonsense that is impossible to comprehend or follow.
Just cause a microwave heats up your food doesn’t mean 5G is gonna take over our brains and turn us all into zombies.