Who is Bill Gates?

By Published On: June 14, 2021Categories: AP Staff, Culture32 Comments on Who is Bill Gates?

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Sleeper June 14, 2021 at 13:36

    The Corbett Report is fan-freaking-tastic. It is true investigative journalism with all the supporting cites and documentation. His coverage of “the pandemic” has been consistent, hard hitting, and he goes full bore into the actors involved. There are very few of his breed left and he deserves your support. https://www.corbettreport.com/

    • Freya Valentina June 14, 2021 at 15:15

      Corbett is a controlled opposition shill like 95% of the so-called “alt-media” youtube heros. I promise you he’s working for US intelligence in Japan. Or maybe Is-rae-el. Bill Gates is a moron frontman. Like Zuckerberg and Musk. They mean nothing and if they’re dead it won’t stop any of this bullshit whatsoever at all. They will just be replaced.

      • Sleeper June 14, 2021 at 17:58

        May I ask what evidence you have to support your position?

      • Johnny Paratrooper June 14, 2021 at 18:20

        Correct. This plan, the plan to create a technological one world super state for Rothchild and friends, was developed in the 1970’s.
        They aren’t going to exterminate everyone with Vaccines. The people who talk about a great reset and mass extermination are the same people building China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
        So which one is it? Tying the economics of Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East together or the other Super Scary Evil Pedophiles wanna kill us plan?
        It’s the economic plan…

        • Sleeper June 14, 2021 at 19:22

          I agree they aren’t trying to exterminate us. That ruins all the money they’re trying to make. They do want Vaccine Passports however, as that is a huge control factor a la “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order” https://amzn.to/2RVRuqX.
          I’d still like to know what evidence there is that Corbett is a controlled opposition shill and who isn’t one. I mean, he could be a limited hangout actor, anything is possible. But if you see his work, he digs so deep he knows where your polyps are located inside your sphincter, and that defies what a limited hangout is supposed to do, and that means there are nothing but controlled opposition shills out there.

          • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 09:03

            Our enemies have created an entire Marvel Universe of controlled opposition so-called alt media gatekeeping shills. There’s no way they bought up the legacy media and forgot about “alternative media”. It’s always a dialectic. Always. Play one controlled group off against the other control group. Obviously I cannot show you Corbets employment contract. I’ve been watching this so long sometimes you just gotta have discernment. I agree he’s done some good work but an 80 part series on Gates is meaningless. Gates is a fraud and a thief. So is Musk. Have you ever seen an interview with Elon? He’s a fucking idiot. But he smokes blunts with Rogan so now he’s a cult superstar.

          • Sleeper June 15, 2021 at 13:01

            No, you obviously can’t show a contract. I was hoping for something more than a blanket, unsubstantiated accusation. So who isn’t an alt media shill? Or are you saying everyone is?
            Your implication is that because Corbett didn’t do an in-depth exposure on Tesla, Space X, and related solar and battery companies, he’s a shill?
            Could it have anything to do with relevancy of Covid-19 and The Gates Foundation’s various entities and their influence on the national and international policy decisions that come from that influence? The guy has diplomatic immunity and legal immunity. Last I checked, Elon doesn’t make money unless you actually purchase one of his products. He isn’t going around mandating jamming them in your arm to screw with your DNA. Elon Musk may be a kook and getting some federal welfare, but he doesn’t hold a candle to the kind of monster Gates is.
            Corbett has done fantastic documentaries on 9/11 and the Federal Reserve besides what he did on the timely Gates material. Again, please point me to someone you feel isn’t a shill that has done comparable digging on topics that are pretty much taboo for any other investigative journalist I’ve seen. I’d love to see their work and be even better informed than what Corbett does so I’m not getting the “limited hangout” perspective.

      • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 20:38

        We are now all collectively in an abusive relationship. Psychopaths operate the same on an individual basis -or as a group, it doesn’t matter. They might engage in behavior like..
        – Fire bombing a navel ship for 2 hours and then tell you it’s a ‘case of mistaken identity’.
        – Flooding Europe and America with 3rd worlders- telling you they’re doing it- and then denying they said it
        – Sending their spies to dance around like clowns after the worst terrorist attack the country has seen since Pearl Harbor. This is gloating and they WANT YOU TO KNOW THEY DID IT. They need alt media morons to cover this story- because how would you know about the dancing spies otherwise?
        It’s gaslighting. One of the most distressing things to experience ever. They are goading us into a retaliation. They want you to know what they did and submit. That’s the game.

        • Johnny Paratrooper June 15, 2021 at 23:19

          Correct. Some other classic examples would be…
          -Islam is the religion of peace. While they murder us by the thousands and burn dozens of Churches a week.
          -The major metropolitan areas are safe and secure
          -Homosexuality is perfectly healthy and normal
          -Obesity is healthy and beautiful
          -Vaccines create antibodies but herd immunity doesn’t
          -England is our greatest ally
          -America was the first country to recognize Soviet Russia as a nation but we are fighting communism
          -Walmart supports America small towns
          -Marxism is for the workers while they close our factories under the AFL-CIO leadership.
          -Hyper-sexuality is healthy and happy way to live
          -Videogames are both violent and non-violent
          -Sex work is real work
          and on and on… Forever.
          Because the future is a boot crushing the throat of humanity for eternity.

          • Sleeper June 16, 2021 at 11:19

            This is a huge problem because most of humanity doesn’t understand that in many ways our brains behave like computers and can be programmed, but those who run the world do. So they are perpetually programming in order to achieve their ends.
            “The evidence … shows how various types of belief can be implanted in many people, after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement.” — William Sargant, Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing, Pg. 131.

          • Freya Valentina June 16, 2021 at 11:29

            LOL! Some of those were really hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

    • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 13:42

      Again- Gates is a frontman. Who controls him? Who is he fronting for?
      If you’re looking for a bonafide hero you can start with Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director at the U.S. Army War College who has the balls to blow the whistle on (((who))) actually did 911.
      “What Americans need to understand: they did it. They did it. And if they do understand that, Israel will flat-ass disappear from this earth.” –Dr. Alan Sabrosky, US Marine, Former US War College Director.
      Actual heros get killed or stalked into submission. If you’re a Corbett fanboy that’s fine- like I said, he’s done some decent work- but he’s keeping you on a reservation.
      Elon doesn’t need to actually turn a profit from his bogus companies because he’s a front for Israeli’s space program.
      WHO DID CORBETT SAY DID 9/11? I’ll wait….

      • boss21 June 15, 2021 at 15:14

        O Connell cut and paste, literally.

        • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 16:06

          Which part is incorrect?

          • boss21 June 15, 2021 at 19:18

            None, just incomplete and lazy.

        • Sleeper June 16, 2021 at 16:06

          I haven’t watched Brendon O Connell other than the link that JP just posted. What I really like about what you said in another reply above is “he is one of myriad sources I use.” That is the correct answer. There is no one person that can do it all. The human brain is just not structured to deal with all the information we have flying at us, especially over the last 30 years of the internet age. We are social animals and we need one another to survive, which is a lot of the reason why Zuckerberg hit the mother lode when he came up with Facebook. It’s also why we need to be extremely careful when people use certain tools to manipulate our brains for a desired outcome.
          Social media is a huge problem as NC Scout rightfully hounds upon. Why? Because of the dopamine hits our brains get when we use it. To our brains, social media is the same as using drugs, drinking alcohol, having an orgasm, being in love, etc. There’s a great “documentary” on Netflix called “The Social Dilemma” that goes into the specifics of how social media platforms have tailored their products to be even more addictive to the human brain.
          That aside, just from watching one O’Connell episode, there are issues with him. I replied to JP about his conclusions on Intel’s 10nm HVM delays. He also uses some very interesting “marketing” techniques in an attempt to differentiate his product from very specific competitors. That’s fine, but he implies these competitors are “shills” because they don’t pick up on the information he sends them and run with HIS stories. That’s a very interesting manipulation tactic because, if by any of countless reasons you don’t choose to act on whatever information Brendon sends — which, by the way, he never offers what it is that he sends to his named competitors like Corbett — you have to be doing so because you’re on the payroll of the people he’s exposing and therefore a “shill”. That’s, for lack of a better term, a “Jedi Mind Trick” and a pretty explicit attempt to prove his “product” is better without having to offer anything substantiated other than his competitors won’t cover what he covers.
          That’s just my observation from watching one of his videos, so take that for what it’s worth from some guy you don’t know. That also doesn’t mean I think all of O’Connell’s material isn’t valid either.
          However, I didn’t mention this in my answer to JP, but specifically O’Connell talks about the Intel Microcode exploits and implies nefarious purposes on Intel’s side, then uses data about Intel having hundreds of backdoors in its chips compared to AMD having four. Again, I haven’t worked for Intel for 14 years, but let me explain how nebulous this accusation is and how it can lead to a nefarious conclusion when it is just as likely to not be. First, let’s start with the microcode example that Brendon uses — the VIA x86 chips security issues presented at Black Hat in Las Vegas. The microcode is just software permanently etched on a chip. If you’ve ever developed software, you know that software has bugs because programmers make mistakes. The problem here becomes twofold — those mistakes become forever etched in silicon and if they are at a low enough level, even the chipsets or the BIOS or other various parts of the computer outside the physical processor itself cannot be programmed to compensate for the faulty microcode. That is exactly what’s going on. Then until the mid-2000s, companies like VIA and AMD would just take Intel’s microprocessors and backwards engineer them — warts (bugs) and all. That’s why you’ve got VIA and AMD x86 chips with all the same vulnerabilities as Intel’s. It not nefarious. It’s a bug. And the competition just copied the bug exactly because they didn’t know what it did. It wasn’t their code. That’s what software developers do when you don’t know why somebody did what they did. You just copy it and hope it doesn’t break what you’re trying to do.
          There’s a very specific reason why the above example presented to Black Hat only applies to Intel, VIA, and AMD chips prior to 2010 and that’s because the industry started to deviate from the x86 architecture and move toward RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) from CSIC (Complex Instruction Set Computer). AMD purchased graphics company ATI in 2006 and started to use their own designs derived from the intellectual property acquired in that merger instead of directly copying Intel’s. ARM designs became popular and even Intel was licensing their production in its own applications and designs.
          Now I can’t vouch for what’s happening now, but the specific example being used as proof to support O’Connell’s assertion just doesn’t pass the sniff test. And that could be the reason why his competition doesn’t run with his stories — because some former Intel employee like me can poke holes in them.

      • Sleeper June 15, 2021 at 16:04

        Corbett has done multiple videos on 9/11 from many different angles. You obviously haven’t seen any of them. In “9/11 Suspects” done in 2016 he explores the actors who appeared to have advanced knowledge of the attacks. He ends his documentary with “the dancing Israelis”:
        “In In a world of true justice, the dancing Israelis and other Israeli spies with insider advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, who openly celebrated those attacks, would be the targets of the “war on terror,” not its beneficiaries.”
        That being said, there is plenty of evidence that the White House itself knew about the attacks before they happened. You just have to follow the money.
        We can vilify Israel all day long, but that country wouldn’t be able to do anything unless the US Government enabled it. The fact of the matter is that the US Government uses Israel as its proxy. In turn, Israel does the same to our government. Anyone who doesn’t admit to that is the real shill for the Military Industrial Congressional Complex, The New World Order, The Council on Foreign Relations, Davos, UN Agenda 21, and all the other attempts at world domination..

        • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 19:05

          The dancing Israelis are low hanging fruit and has been covered ad nauseum.
          Of course the us government knew- at least a certain group definitely knew. Damn near all the neocons were dual citizens lol! Who were the 2 countries that warned us ahead of time? Israel and Russia. Aw. Gee.. thanks.
          What exactly do we use Israel for? For dying? For prostituting our women, blackmailing our compromised politicians and killing our men? For dying for sand? What are we getting from this arrangement? Millions of Europeans got to die in WWII to establish that shithole and now we and Germany enjoy the pleasure of funding it as well. Awesome arrangement. What an incredible friend.

          • Sleeper June 16, 2021 at 09:30

            Don’t mistake that me saying we use Israel and Israel uses us as that I think it’s OK. The same happens with Saudi Arabia in Yemen. We use both Israel and the Saudis as antagonists to further US interests in the Middle East. In this case, against Iran. Our government’s foreign policies have ramifications — sometimes that blowback in 9/11 fashion. Sometimes that is starving Yemenis into oblivion. Sometimes that is attempting to overthrow actual governments like in Libya, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Sometimes that means supporting our enemies like Al Qaeda or even eventually creating them to begin with like in the case of Osama Bin Ladin. It’s all well and good to give people money and weapons for our purposes today without regard to what happens with all that TOMORROW.
            Our government is beset with extremely corrupt and narcissistic power mongers that always seem to end up with more money and more power at the expense of “we the people.” We can’t address Israel, nor the rest of our proxy states and organizations, until we address the US Government’s doctrines that create the environments in which these behaviors thrive.

        • boss21 June 15, 2021 at 19:17


  2. John June 14, 2021 at 13:55

    I already know the guy is an enemy and a walking logistics support center for traitors.
    What I want to know is the physical addresses of all his properties, his travel schedule and routes he tends to take, his various employees and their addresses.
    Stuff like that.

  3. enn ess June 14, 2021 at 14:37

    I spent an inordinate amount of time in shithole Seattle so have been inundated with info about billy boy for too many years. He’s nothing more than a college dropout who chanced upon a process to build crappy mediocre software that he was fortunate enough to bullshit corporations they could not survive without, while making billions off of the process. He’s not especially bright. He’s nothing more than the modern centuries equivalent of the 19th centuries Robber Barrons….. But back then they showed a modicum of ethical behavior. Billy boy and his ilk have nothing more than worldwide domination and control. Follow all the info, it only points in that direction…..

  4. boss21 June 14, 2021 at 21:25

    They are trying to exterminate their creditors. Have been for years through ‘health care’ abortion , faggotry and other wokery. All the people – mostly western that they owe money to. That ponzi is over.
    The BRI faction are proceeding with their work regardless of the lunatic west run by inbred ‘nobility’ , technocrats and their khazar handlers,consultants and bankers . The BRI faction would like to take possession of the juicier territories that will be vacant through demographic decline – vaccines or not.
    It makes economic sense for them to grow their populations as a cash cow . Not ours – we have negative equity. But mainly they don’t want to get sucked into the vortex of the Green New Deal – aka the Hunger Games. The western banks were offered a seat at the OBOR/BRI table as partners despite the ridiculous state of their balance sheets. Didn’t even get the life raft they were being offered.
    Everyone who doesn’t agree with a guy in a soundproof booth south of the border is not a shill. I am not. By that rationale everyone who harps on about BRI, McKinder and Eurasian integration is a shill for the Castle dwellers, WEF, UN/Globohomo and the Fractional banking scam. We are all limited to OSINT on evaluating the macro. . Sweeping declarations and accusations are beneath the caliber of this site.
    I would second the question ‘Sleepers’ question – What is the evidence Corbett is a plant? I have been listening to him since almost the beginning. Rock solid research.

    • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 11:15

      Good points. I also think the life insurance companies do not want to pay out on their policies, and that is part of this covid scam.
      As for Corbett- yea his research is spot on. The watered-down research he manages to do. But that’s the point. He’s milktoast. He’s meant to look reasonable and smart and measured- to keep you in a box. Is there evidence Jones is controlled? Not really-but we all know he is.
      Does Corbett hammer Israel? Has he ever mentioned our ‘greatest ally’ that our best men die in worthless wars for? Who prostitute our women for the purpose of blackmailing our politicians? I haven’t seen every bit of work he’s done, but a proctology exam on Gates accomplishes nothing. Gates is a fall guy. He’ll probably be sacrificed, along with Fauci. And then the matter will be closed. We are so close to the endgame, unless we focus on the actual source of the problem, we’re all finished and our bloodlines are dead. We need to solidify the message.
      And why are so many of these people located in Japan and Canada?
      Who’s south of the border? Are you talking about O’Connell?

      • Johnny Paratrooper June 15, 2021 at 12:02

        O’Connell had his latest Youtube channel taken down again. Anyone who talks about our greatest ally and their involvement in critical infrastructure and the Belt and Road Initiative is removed from mainstream platforms.
        O’Connell also has several videos explained what Jones is. And Wikileaks leaked 5 million Emails from Jones. He works for Stratfor, which is connected to the Kissinger Group.

      • Johnny Paratrooper June 15, 2021 at 12:07

        He has a channel on Brighteon, owned and operated by Mike Adams. And he also has a bit chute channel with his older materials.

        • Sleeper June 16, 2021 at 13:07

          Thanks for the O’Connell link. I watched it and there is some good stuff there. I’ve worked for Intel a while back specifically in HVM fab automation and personally worked on bringing two of them up from nothing. I left the company 14 years ago and they were developing the 10nm process then. It was a huge problem for them 14 years ago and the literal end of Moore’s law because the limit of physics and materials science had been reached. 10mm line widths are incredibly small — roughly half the width of human hair. You have leakage problems. You have transport problems. You have new material development that needs to happen in order to address these issues. You need new manufacturing tools and technologies that have never existed before in order to create the lithography process to even begin to etch the design on to the silicon.
          O’Connell may be right about a good many things, but I can for sure tell you that 10nm was a problem way before any microcode discovery in Intel chips. HVM chip manufacturing is incredibly expensive, which is why you see very few actual chip manufacturers yet exponentially more chip designers.
          So, while I can only comment on what I specifically know about HVM from 14 years ago, O’Connell’s conclusions about Intel’s issues with 10nm manufacturing are just plain wrong. It was a regular practice for Intel to release chips they felt were ready for HVM production that were created in low volume Development fabs to industry partners, system integrators and etc. to have their designs ready for new products, only to have the process not yield in HVM causing release delays. And this was happening before the 10nm process — which even 20 years ago was a known “line in the sand” — pun intended.

      • boss21 June 15, 2021 at 14:08

        Yes, Brendon O Connell. I support him on Paytreon. But he is one of myriad sources I use. He has a martyr complex which in his circumstances is understandable.
        None of his stuff is that new. It’s repackaged and updated research done by giants years ago.
        Michael Collins Piper – died ‘suddenly’ at 56 He spent a lifetime exposing Israel/AIPAC .
        Jim Trafaficant – ‘crushed under his own tractor’ after he connected Freescale semiconductor to MH370.That is quite a rabbit hole.
        Chris Bollyn- still alive. He proved Israel was at least a 9 11 sub-contractor
        Victor Thorn – ‘suicide’ at 54 . Wrote Israel did 9 11 and the Clinton Trilogy. He thought enough of Roger Stone to let him write the foreword.

        That the US population and government didn’t do anything about 9 11 (other than being duped into war) is on them.

        ‘We just know Jones is controlled’ is not good enough. As far as I know there is one (1) email connecting Jones to Stratfor in 2005. Not hard to do. Dozens of kid porn phishing emails were sent to him during the SandyHoax deposition period.
        Corbett has a giant body of work going back 14 years . Gates is a tiny fraction of it . Israel is a historically recent project. Just because someone isn’t focused on it doesn’t mean they are an enemy or wrong.
        Who is a legit ‘alt’ outlet? None. All information goes through our own brains. The rest is on us.
        We are at the endgame all right. The induction of many westerners into a suicide cult. Israel and Big Tech are merely executors of this insanity.

        • Freya Valentina June 15, 2021 at 15:20

          Israel may be historically recent but they’ve been writing us love letters for a couple hundred years. I have dozens of examples, but here’s one:
          ‘We J’s, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”- You Gentiles, written 1924.
          It’s not even a secret. They’re telling us we’re under attack. They have been for a very long time. How stupid are we actually? Ignore it at your own risk because you don’t want to be called mean names.
          We’re dealing with a supremacist death cult. And the gatekeeping “truth tellers” have sold out to them. Corbett is talking about the idiot frontman Gates and Jones is whining about tranny story time. They both have a big enough audience to organize some actual resistance but they’re not. WHY.
          I’m not really that mad at them- I know Jones got set up at the capital. But c’mon this is getting ridiculous.

          • Sleeper June 16, 2021 at 10:48

            “Israel may be historically recent but they’ve been writing us love letters for a couple hundred years. I have dozens of examples, but here’s one:”
            Now we’re really starting to go down a rabbit hole. Please. We can find radical and evangelical elements in every religion — including Christianity (Crusades anyone?), sects, and popular culture across various states, nation states, and millennia.
            There are quite a few oligarchs out there attempting to influence the world to obtain their objectives. There isn’t any ONE. As I said previously, they align themselves when it suits them under names like The Council on Foreign Relations or meet Davos as part of the World Economic Forum, as well as plenty of other places and organizations, including the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
            The problem with this path is you’re doing the same thing you accuse other’s of doing, which is being a shill for a very narrow and specific topic and ignoring all the rest as equally contributing factors.

          • Freya Valentina June 16, 2021 at 15:07

            “Sleeper”- You are seriously naive if you think rich “oligarchs” are working independently- resulting in this collective nightmare we are all entering. This isn’t a Bond movie. Self-interest is one thing- but if they get out of line, they get a convertible ride through Dallas.
            The quote you’re complaining about isn’t from some fringe radical- he was a zionist who won awards for what he was writing.
            Don’t get me started on the crusades. That was a power grab originating from the Venetian banking cartel. You know- the same faction who’s descendants now reside in the City of London. It’s a line you can trace back throughout history.
            The problem is you’re underestimating our enemy-and this is really my point to all this babble.. They play the long game and as the saying goes…”A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.”

          • Sleeper June 16, 2021 at 16:28

            Oh it’s entirely possible I’m naive. However, quoting a Zionist from 100 years ago pre-Israel but post Balfour Declaration and equating that to all of the State of Israel now is akin to quoting Lincoln from 1858 — pre-Civil War, and saying that applies to the dynamic in the United States today. It’s fallacious.
            Let me ask you this: If all the Rothchild, Mogan, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, etc., interests are so unified, why do they need The Counsel on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Davos, and stuff like Agenda 21, etc. to implement their one world government? Especially today when you can just do a Zoom conference or send an e-mail to list? Why can’t Baron Rothchild just send “Take over the world.” and his reply from his minions be: “Done.”?
            “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, -that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” — Abraham Lincoln, September 18, 1858

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