Ivermectin Treatment Protocols
Ivermectin treatment protocols in humans
12/16/21 Edit: This was sent by a good friend.
I discovered that the FLCC came out with an updated protocol doc.
Since they are well aware of the war on ivermectin, they added an alternative if iver is not available.
Nigella Sativa (black cumin seed) ?? I do not know anything about it… I will try to do some research later.
A quick search on Amazon revealed a page full of products. However the minimal Mg per capsule I could find was 500.
Updated Protocols
FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH9/1/21 EDIT: If you are nervous about using the pony paste described below, check this out. It will cost you more money but you will be more comfortable with this method.
Also, here is another article on the Over the Counter Therapeutics for Preventing and Treating COVID-19 that has great information.
As someone who just got done fighting off ten days of COVID-19, I cannot recommend enough the use of Ivermectin both as preventative care and as a treatment protocol for COVID-19 in humans (my own lessons learned article is forthcoming). Ivermectin is the secret drug in the fight against COVID-19. Below is the treatment protocol that comes directly from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
After that, there is a dosage chart for Ivermectin pills you would get from a doctor. These typically come in 3mg tabs (like mine did) and you can use this chart as a discussion starter for your doctor. Finally, there is also the option of what we affectionately call “pony paste”, or the Ivermectin in flavored tubes you can get from Tractor Supply or vet supply stores (or Amazon). I have at least one associate who successfully used the pony paste to fight off the infection before becoming positive while the rest of us ultimately got it. That same chart has the dosage instructions for that too (aka the plunger) but I also included some text beneath it. I highly recommend you print this information out.
Here is are links to the pony paste (here as well) and here is a link to the liquid version.
Don’t be like me and wish you had it on hand when you needed but instead had put off buying it – get some now.
And I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, so get any notion of suing out of your head. This is for discussion and sharing only. Thank you to the people who have been contributing this to me in private emails – you know who you are, and I cannot thank you enough for being on top of this.
PART ONE: Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

Below you can download the I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 with guidance on the timing and doses of each component medication. Further below please find more information on the I-MASK+ Protocol.
The I-MASK+ Protocol complements our MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for Covid-19 from March 2020, which is intended for hospitalized patients. Both are physiologic-based combination treatment regimens developed by leaders in critical care medicine. All component medicines are FDA-approved, inexpensive, readily available and have been used for decades with well-established safety profiles. In October 2020, we added ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Mission Statement and Objectives of FLCCC
Formed by leading critical care specialists in March 2020, at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing highly effective treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and to improve the outcomes for patients ill with the disease.
We are dedicated to
- Reviewing all emerging published medical literature on COVID-19 from in-vitro, animal, clinical, and epidemiologic studies.
- Developing effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 that evolve by incorporating newly identified, applicable therapeutic and pathophysiologic insights.
- Educating physicians on safe and effective treatment approaches to all phases of COVID-19, from disease prevention strategies to the use of our combination-based therapy protocols in both early-stage (I-MASK+) and hospitalized patients (MATH+).
- Improving outcomes for people impacted by COVID-19 disorders through preventive and treatment strategies designed to optimize health.
- Teaching the public ways to prevent transmission of the virus and to advocate for the best possible care.
- Coordinating and accelerating the formation of research studies that will support effective prevention and therapeutic treatments for all impacted by COVID-19.
We accomplish these goals by sponsoring high quality medical education for both the public and health care providers, via the publication of scientific manuscripts, media interviews, and medical lectures for medical providers and the public.
Part Two: Dosage Chart for Ivermectin Pills.

The dosage conversion for the Durvet ivermectin horse paste is as follows. There is basically 4mg of ivermectin per notch/serration in the tube. Currently, the recommended doses are:
- 18mg per week for prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection..
- 24mg per day for five days for early treatment of COVID-19.
NOTE: In the setting of poor clinical response, advanced disease, or obesity, higher doses should be used (target 0.4–0.6 mg/kg) in the us of ivermectin as a treatment protocol.
Regarding the Durvet ivermectin horse paste:
If you do the math, the tube contains 6.08 grams of paste or 6,080 milligrams. The percentage of ivermectin in the gel is 1.87%. To derive the milligrams of ivermectin in a full tube you take 6080 x .0187 = 113.696 milligrams of ivermectin per tube. That is enough for a 1250 lb horse. The plunger stem has 28 serrations so when you open a new tube and push the plunger stem up to the first notch each notch thereafter will dispense 113.696 milligrams / 28 or 4.06 milligrams of ivermectin ( Just call each notch equal to an even 4 milligrams worth of ivermectin ). Per the tube, a normal dose ratio for ivermectin is .2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
- So for prevention you would take 4.5 notches/serrations per week.
- For early treatment you would take 6 notches every day for five days.
Part Three: Treatment Protocol from the Eastern Virginia Medical School
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Thank you for posting the information regarding ivermectin.
You are more than welcome! Getting the truth out there is the goal.
My wife and I did the same with pony paste. As a veterinarian’s son, I was accustomed to “not for human consumption” treatments. I just wish we had not presumed the early symptoms were not Covid and giving the virus a head start.
Thanks for sharing this!
Patriotman, you rock!🤟
Thanks a million, if one good thing comes from Covid perhaps its that we learn Ivermectin cures a lot of ailments. I already have the paste.
I put in a good supply of the Ivermectin paste a while ago. My calculations match the ones presented here so we’re good to go.
I’m more concerned about catching something from the “vaccinated” ones then I ever was about catching the original Covid. Crazy stuff they are shedding. No vaccinated people are allowed in my house and I avoid family and friends that have taken the kill shots.
Just this morning I had a crazy woman yelling at me in a grocer store that I was killing her unvaccinated kid because I wasn’t wearing an mask. As she was being escorted out of the store she was yelling that people like me are killing the kids. It’s the vaccines that are killing the kids.
And sheeple parents that are killing them mentally …
Patriot,thanks for the “pony paste”(great name)dosages.At moment in north east plenty at tractor supply,get it while you can,great write up.
Glad you found it useful!
i had a racy heartburn feeling, muscle joint pain, massive headache that i had to take off work, called my friend for encouragement,took a 2ml shot of liquid Ivermectin on a cup of water and took a nap,a few hours later felt right as rain! whatever it is it helps kill viruses
Here is what happens if you take the Jab
holy shit he crushed it
Thanks Patriotman. I’m headed down to Tractor Supply tomorrow. It would be nice to keep my senses of smell and taste.
Exactly what I did for me and my wife it worked amazingly for us both. I recommend as well. You know it works because tptb won’t mention it ever. Or they tell you it’s not safe that only the vaccine works. Eff that it works.
[…] These thoughts range from wholly unremarkable and glaringly obvious to perhaps some nuggets of wisdom. I am just letting the stream of consciousness out. This is a collection of thoughts from my family and I on what we learned from our experience. A total of seven members of my family tested positive. I had symptoms for ten days, after which I basically had a post nasal drip and a voice where I sounded like a 15 year old hitting puberty. My symptoms were double barrelled, meaning that I got sick and started to get better but then sort of relapsed into another few days of sickness. Let me start off first by linking the Ivermectin treatment Protocols I previously posted: https://www.americanpartisan.org/2021/08/ivermectin-treatment-protocols/ […]
some good forms and notices regarding injection and your rights with employers, schools, etc.
As more people become Aware of Vet-grade Invermectin, I strongly suspect that it will be made a “Prescription Drug” for Veterinarians as well. Is your Horse Vet on board with getting you this stuff when that happens? Stock Up Now, while it is still OTC at the Pet Store.
And if I call it “Pony Paste” around my 2100-pound Dutch Warmblood, I’ll get Stomped.
Another thing to look into is N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC). It boost you Glutathione levels and seems to prevent the lung problems associated with Covid. It is also pretty good at detoxing from the Graphene Oxide that is in the shots and also in our food supply (magnetic meat). The G.O. is the reason people are becoming magnetic. You can find a lot of info at the link. More than half the people I check with magnets are magnetic. A lot of them, like my wife and I, didn’t take the kill shot.
I’ve been taking 600mg of NAC along with 50mg of Zinc every day for about three weeks now. It seems to be working. I am a lot less magnetic than I used to be and in some places I can’t even get the magnets to stick anymore. Seems to be concentrated in the lymphatic system.
It’s funny that the symptoms of G.O. poisoning are the same as covid. Loss of taste and smell too. It’s also funny that the G.O. happens to breakdown rapidly when hit with some of the frequencies from the 5G network. They have been putting G.O. in all the vaccines since 2019 and some say before that even. It even might just be a coincident that China activated their 5G network the same month that the covid outbreak started.
The Liberty Counsel Action website had a gold mine of info on covid so it’s worth a look.
The FDA is trying to ban NAC and Amazon has already quit selling it. Probably won’t be long before you can’t get it.
YES YES YES 100% This. Thank you for bringing this up.
I’m a RN and an herbalist, and the master of dosage calculations. I got 10 tubes of this in Alamogordo, NM today. (Don’t worry, at least 100 tubes left as I don’t buy all or the last of anything.) Thanks for helping my family be prepared!
Hi Avalon! Would you please help me out with figuring what’s a good protocol for taking the durvet Ivermectin paste 1.87%? At 205 pounds, how much should I use and how often? I’m not so great at math and am a little nervous about not taking the right amount. Thank you so much!
How much you take, depends on what protocol you use. Is it for protection, is it for exposure, is it for early presenting symptoms of Covid?
The FLCCC charts have the protocols. Here is a direct link:
For PREVENTION, you would use this protocol:
0.2 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — twice a week for as long as disease risk is elevated in your community.
For EXPOSURE, you would use this protocol:
0.4 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose today, repeat after 48 hours.
For EARLY TREATMENT, you would use this protocol:
0.4–0.6 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose daily, take for 5 days or until recovered.
205 lbs x 2.2 = 93 kg
Each notch = 4mg.
Here is the math, if treating at .2mg:
.2mg/93kg = 18.6mg OR 19mg; you can round up or down.
You would use 4-5 notches per dose: 4 notches for 18.6mg OR 5 notches at 19mg.
Here is the math, if treating at .4mg:
.4mg/93kg = 37.2mg OR 37mg.
You would use 9 notches per dose.
** So, for prevention, you would take 4-5 notches per week.
** For early treatment, you would take 6 notches every day for five days.
Does this make sense?
Don’t be afraid to use LESS, it is a drug, after all.
Hi Lulu,
On the Durvet 1.87% paste, I’m like 200 pds. At .6 mg/kg dose. Why am I coming up with 12 notches on the syringe for 5 day treatment (age + comorbities) vs. your recommended ? You say early treatment of 6 notches for .4mg/93kg for 5 days. Is 12 notches or like 8 mare accurate? I will take your word for it as I’m bad with math.
So, here are the different dosages:
Chronic Prevention:
0.2 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — twice a week for as long as disease risk is elevated in your community.
Post COVID-19 Exposure Prevention:
0.4 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose today, repeat after 48 hours.
Early Treatment Protocol:
0.4–0.6 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose daily, take for 5 days or until recovered. Use upper dose if: 1) in regions with aggressive variants (e.g. Delta); 2) treatment started on or after day 5 of symptoms or in pulmonary phase; or 3) multiple comorbidities/risk factors.
So, you are 200 pounds OR 91 kilograms.
.2 mg x 91 kg = 18.2 mg dose
.4 mg x 91 kg = 36.4 mg dose
.6 mg x 91 kg = 54.6 mg dose
Now, every notch = 4 mg.
How many times does 4 go into 18.2?
18.2 / 4 = 4.55 notches
How many times does 4 go into 36.4?
36.4 / 4 = 9.1 notches
How many times does 4 go into 54.6?
54.6 / 4 = 13.5 notches
Now, just look at the particular protocol you need, and go from there.
If you need the “Early Treatment Protocol”, which is what it sounds like you want — because of age, symptoms, comorbidities — then you go with the .4-.6 milligram range dosing, and follow the protocol recommendation.
If you need the “Chronic Prevention Protocol”, then you go with .2 mg dosing.
Good article. I generally agree with what is in there except I am a vaccination advocate and will get the booster when it is available. Go the the FLCCC website and read it all. You used to be able to read it on the Eastern Virginia Medical School website, but apparently Dr. Marik is in the bad books (probably because of his support of the use of Ivermectin and his not-too- complimentary comments about the NIH/CDC cabal and their foot dragging on treatment) there because all his info has been removed.
Hey man, to each their own. I have family who got it. I don’t want it. So long as it is voluntary and not used as a way to exclude some of society I am good.
I’m not getting the math for the Durvet horse paste. I weigh 175 pounds and 79.38 kilograms. How much do I take every day, every other day or every week. I suck at math.
Patriot Man: I agree with Jade, can you provide a little more clarity on the dosing? Based on what you’ve written the dosing would appear to apply to a 250 pound man. Then the chart with the dosing comparisons for the pills and horse paste seems to be geared towards dosing after an exposure but not necessarily for dosing an active case. I don’t entirely suck at math but I’m not completely following.
I think I have it figured out from the chart that according to my weight in Lbs. converted to kilograms that I need that lbs x .04 = 7, so therefore I need the 4th notch which is also the 3 tooth, which would produce a bead measuring 7/16″. All at once and not take anymore for a week. Then wait two weeks and do it again. Is this correct? Check me on this someone.
It’s just kind of scary doing something you’ve never done before, as there are reports of people calling poison control because they got it wrong. Maybe the instructions are a little ambiguous at first.
I would like to know if it is advisable to ingest a very small amount first just to make sure a person does not have any sort of reaction to it before taking a complete first dose? As I said, I’ve never had to do anything like this and I’m a little nervous at first. Such as, if you are allergic to something else, would that make you also allergic to this or give a reaction? I’m not consulting a doctor because I cannot afford one anyway and they would probably just say shut up and take the jab.
When I took it, I actually took a half dose. 15 mg for a 250lb man was too small. Still cured my symptoms in 12 hours.
If anyone is nervous, there is a way to get it prescribed to you:
So you’re approximately 175lbs = 79 kg. 78 x 0.2 (.2 being the dosage of ivemectin per 1 kg) = 15.8.
Horse paste is 4mg per notch. So 15.8/4= 3.95 notches
BUT now the FLCCC recommends. .4 mg dose per kg .4/kg. So 3.95×2 (since 4 is double of 2) = 7.9 notches per dose when using the early treatment protocol (aka take as soon as you get covid).
If someone wants to triple check my math, can’t hurt.
[…] Tim J. suggested this, over at American Partisan: Ivermectin Treatment Protocols. […]
FYI: That current chart with dosage has now been DELETED from the original site.
What if I have a different brand with notches that are different? It has the animal weight but the notches are bigger so the calculations don’t work. I have ivermax.
Not a doctor and this is not medical advice (covering our ass here is all), but just use their notches and make a conversion. If it is 1.87% and your box says x notches is for 250lbs, look at this chart. You can figure out the ratio from there. You box is 6 notches but their box is 5, you box is 1.2 of their box. So take their notches and multiply by 1.2.
Again, if you want to play it safe: I personally took a half dose (15mg instead of 28) as that was what I was prescribed and it took one half dose to eliminate my symptoms.
I purchased a tube of the horse paste. However, a friend noted the “boticide” on the front of the box (along with anthelmintic). The only ingredient listed is Ivermectin. Still ok to take? Just want to make sure I’m doing the right thing!
Look up the word “boticide” and “anthelmintic” and you might answer your own question. I raise horses, cattle, dogs and various other livestock so I know what those mean so I’ll save you the search and do the work for you. Anthelmintic = “Acting to expel or destroy parasitic intestinal worms. Destructive to parasiticintestinalworms. capable of expelling or destroying parasitic worms” The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. Bots are a parasite. The root meaning of the ending ‘cide’ means killing or destruction like in pesticide or genocide (what our tyrants are trying to do) so a boticide is something that kills bots. :) Summary: They are not ingredients they are what the ‘ivy’ is meant to do in that application and as we’ve seen has so many other applications across different species.
Look into using panacur c canine dewormer fenbendazole for cancer. Read this article: https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective They have been hiding so many cures from us.
For the two veterinary options: the Duvet Paste 1.87%, and the Durvet 1% Sterile Solution Liquid — are these selected because they have the least amount of pesticides or other chemicals in the base? Are they “pure” or clean enough to not cause a burden in the liver or kidneys? I heard, these two Durvet products are “safe”.
For the two veterinary options: the Duvet Paste 1.87%, and the Durvet 1% Sterile Solution Liquid — are these selected because they have the least amount of pesticides or other chemicals in the base? Are they “pure” or clean enough to not cause a burden in the liver or kidneys? I heard, these two Durvet products are “safe”.
I looked at the Safety Data Sheet to see the full list of ingredients for the Durvet Paste, and it states that the other 3 ingredients in the formula are proprietary, the company does not disclose what they are; the only thing disclosed in the formula, is the Ivermectin. Does anyone know what the base ingredients are for the Duvet Paste?
I am posting this again because I am not sure it posted.
Thanks a ton for this! I got three boxes at the feed store today. Met my elk hunting partner at a sporting goods store after leaving the feed store. He is a Dr., he is a great diagnostician, and works at our largest hospital as an Infection Specialist. He did his internship at the Mayo Clinic. Showed him my Pony Paste and asked if he has been prescribing a lot of Ivermectin. He said no. I said, “Could you prescribe me some?” He said, “I could prescribe it, but if the Pharmacy filled it, it would “Set Off Several things.” Fascinating how the Gubment does not want us to have good treatment options. He did the math on the Pony Paste and gave a dose to his daughter’s pet rat and it had no problem. I told him about the dosage chart I found here and he said cool.
That is great to hear!
Can you tell me the dose for the liquid 1% Ivermetin? I haven’t been able to get either in my area but still looking and have heard the paste taste bad.
Read whole article carefully to make sure you understand. Chart is Part 2 dosage clearly has a column labeled “Bottle at 1%”. This is what is soooo very very sad about the political and Big Pharma control tyranical control over our health choices is that the unsure and those not knowledgeable or experienced with the medicine do not have a quality source to turn to when unsure. Look to your Vit D3/K, Zinc, Vit C, Quercetin. Take responsibility for your health. Research Iodine also and nebulization of many natural components. Look at the other things in the protocol like nasal rinses and oral rinses. There is much we can do to protect ourselves even without access to some of the safest medications. I pray you receive the support you need and continue to educate yourself and pray so that you may not succumb to the fear the destroyer wants everyone to fall under so that he can continue to steal, kill and destroy. Pray for the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the discernment to see through the web of deception.
Do you have the dose for the liquid Ivermectin, the 1% injectable? Having a hard time finding the past or liquid in my area but have been told the paste doesn’t taste very well.
I have used the paste along with Quercetin, vit d3, k, C, zinc and colloidal silver and it is quite powerful. Took every 12 hours for 2days.Had flu like symptoms and was Well in 1-2 day. I only used 100lbs worth. I weigh 165lbs. I really works. I took less than my body weight as a precaution and it was fine