Badlands Fieldcraft: Junk On The Bunk – Night Fighting Equipment

I’ve been getting some good questions lately pertaining to night vision, so I thought it was about time to write something up to help folks visualize…
Junk On The Bunk: Night Fighting Equipment
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Folks,still working on getting mounted on cap but using my new NV as a walkabout monocular and so far am very pleased I hopped off of the fence and bought in.I got the white and have to say am very surprised at the clarity and vision I am getting with very low sources of light.Had a great time viewing a owl that have heard for years in same tree at a friends home,really got pretty close and just a lot of fun.
I am very new to this world but am really enjoying it as a recreational tool and with some work on my part can see how this could be a real game changer in challenging times
I understand the initial entry is pricey,perhaps do a team buy/neighborhood group buy ect.,and all get used to using it.
As I become more familiar with gear have a friend with a sand pit that is no longer in service,a great place to start learning how to use the vision and shoot,still want to spend more time with vision before that till I feel will be safe.
All I can say is I am loving this gear and for those without try and figure a way to get said gear,I feel you will be very happy.
Taliban may start an export equipment company soon, but I doubt We would be on the approved customer list. NWO Wars for blood and more importantly Profits ben belly belly good for some ‘Mericans.
Well I’ll have to keep my eye on Craigslist