Russian Facilities Support a New Nuclear Threat?

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. Gryphon September 4, 2021 at 15:13

    A good compilation of Info on these Russian Weapons Systems. I have seen various pieces of Data in Russian sources for more than a Year, maybe longer, including a “Leaked” portion of a Report to the Russian Legislature (Defense Committee) where the Navy was giving a Report on the progress of the Projects. Another article mentioned that the old “Tsar Bomba” 100-Megaton Weapon was being put in Production in an Upgraded Version that was much Lighter, and was intended to be carried by the “Sarmat” 210-Metric Ton Ballistic Missile, as well as the Poseidon Nuclear Torpedo. I think the Tupolev-160 (White Swan) Supersonic Strategic Bomber might be able to carry two of these Weapons.
    The use of a Submarine to carry the Poseidon Torpedo isn’t really Necessary, as being Nuclear-Powered, it could just be Rolled off the Dock at any Russian Naval Base, and a few Days later, Blow Up any Coastal Target in the World.
    Other Mentions of this Weapon made references to a Study done by the Strategic Planning Office, where the Physicists discussed the concept of “Geological Warfare” or ‘leveraging’ certain Geologic Features to Increase the Damage that a Nuclear Weapon could do. One was for one or more Poseidon Torpedoes to be Fired into the Continental Shelf in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the Mile-High (or more) Drop-Off from Coastal Waters to the Deep. These Charges would Undercut and Collapse hundreds of Cubic Miles of Rock, and the resulting Tsunami would be as much as a Kilometer High, depending on Terrain. (Disclaimer: My AO gets Flooded, Big-Time. Leave the Bear the Fkk. Alone)
    The alternate to flooding Coastal Areas was to use the “Sarmat” Missiles to drop the 100-Megaton Rounds into known areas of Volcanic Activity, such as the Yellowstone Caldera, and a couple other Volcanic Areas in the Pacific Northwest. The results would be Millions of times more Radioactive Fallout than a Surface-Burst Nuke alone.
    These kinds of Weapons, and the Concepts to use them, show the Contrast between a Nation that is prepared to Defend Itself by F-ing Up its (potential) Enemies on a Biblical Scale, and the Empire of Corruption, which has a ‘military’ Designed and Used to Intimidate, Invade, and Steal Resources from small, poor Nations. And it Fails at that.

  2. GenEarly September 5, 2021 at 09:14

    Russia, Russia, Russia sure they don’t “trust US” or We them, But I’m more concerned with the Bolsheviks Within our USSA.
    and it’s probably worse than that:
    “The Memo” by Rich Higgins.

  3. Panzerfaust Über Alles September 5, 2021 at 10:51

    Putin already did what Trump (WWE/Uniparty) claimed to be doing and how the globalists hate him and want back in.
    The Bear is awake and will rip the face right off the rainbow poop emoji subhuman inbred “elite” Luciferian maggots.
    Anything that could potentially end their reign of error is a good thing.

  4. The Oracle From Tupelo September 5, 2021 at 12:25

    The Derp State has a false flag attack planned for next week?
    Too predictable.
    After years of fart sniffing in the echo chamber they really do believe in their magnificence.

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