Radio Recon Group: Digital Report Format Downloads
By way of the Brushbeater Radio Recon Group over on the forum, there’s an update published to Github for pre-loaded report formats for use in ANDFLMsg. These are the same reports contained in the student’s RTO TACSOP issued during the RTO Course.
There are five reports relevant to the Recon mission. The Initial Entry Report, Intelligence Report, Situation Report, Cache Report, and Battle Damage Assessment. Each report gets it’s own codename; this is for brevity’s sake.
Initial Entry Report (ANGUS)
This report is sent once a team completes entry into the operating area. Normally this is sent once the hide site is completed. I’ll point out here that during insertion and extraction phases, everyone’s lines of communication is up, 100%. If your commo fails during insertion, the mission is aborted right then and there. It looks like this:
- Date/Time Group(DTG)
- Team Status (again, use codewords for good to go, or shot to hell and needing rescue)
- Current Location(use grid with letter identifier)
- Any deviation from the plan that occurred and why
- Any additional info
Intelligence Report (BORIS)
Unlike SALUTE or SALT, these are compiled over time and developed into what’s known as a product. With digital modes, it’s possible to send pictures in with this report.
- DTG of Observed Activity
- Location of Observed Activity
- Observed Activity
- Description of Personnel, Equipment, Vehicles, and Weapons
- Team Assessment(how is who you’re watching broken down? Who’s the leader, what are their capabilities, etc.)
Situation Report (CYRIL)
- Current Location
- Medical Status of Team
- Equipment Status
- Supply Status( batteries, weapons, water, food, in that order)
- Team Activity since last Commo Window
- Team Activity till next Commo Window
- Team Leader remarks
Cache Report (UNDER)
Often equipment is cached in the area of operations to extend the length of time the team can operate and possibly expand mission capabilities. Most importantly, it lightens the load on your back. The report is as follows:
- Type of Cache(surface, buried, or underwater)
- Contents
- Location
- Depth
- Any additional info(normally specific markings)
Battle Damage Assessment (CRACK)
BDAs are import for a couple reasons; for starters, it’s an accurate gauge of either friendly forces’ capabilities or your enemy’s. What’s more important though is the observation of the effect on the people in the area. If it disrupts civilian life too much, it could be a possible means to exploit. That’s situation dependent though. The report is as follows:
- Location of Target
- Type of Target
- Description of Target
- Physical Damage
- Functional Damage
- BDA analysis
- Was the attack successful?
- Is re-attack necessary?
- What are the Human Terrain(civilian) consequences?
This streamlines the reporting process and allows for bursts of data using any one of the many modes on the air, whether that’s a regional support net on HF or a local net over VHF or UHF using a Baofeng. Either way, you have the tools you need.
Wanna do it for real? Come to class.