The Marxist Occupation Government and the 17th Amendment

We have a Marxist Occupation Government now in the first, only, and probably the last nation of liberty under the rule of law because a communist U.S President in 1913 and a communist Secretary of State rammed through a Constitutional Amendment that deprived the States of the United States of their ability to constrain the federal government to the terms of the Constitution that created it. But any State, today, has the power to abolish that Amendment and stop the Marxist Occupation Government cold, and without bloodshed — if they will do it.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. oldtimer505 November 30, 2021 at 11:24

    I agree with Don Cline. We should return the appointment and control of the senators to the states. However, I can see TPTB muddying the waters by using the black robes to find this argument specious. Should that be the case we are simply kicking the can down the road to avoid the inevitable blood shed that most likely will follow. I don’t see a way out of giving the bully we are facing a serious bloody nose or worse.

    While we are on the subject of returning to the Constitution, we should return the right to private property to the people as well.

  2. KBYN November 30, 2021 at 12:08

    If we’re going to torpedo some evil amendments, let’s add the 16th and 19th.

  3. GenEarly November 30, 2021 at 14:48

    This video seems factually true. The 17th Amend did destroy The Constitutional Republic in practical terms. However that horse left the barn over 100 years ago. People of the current USSA haven’t the knowledge or will power to correct a constitution most do not even understand or worse haven’t ever read. We can’t even correct a stolen election Coup from 2020. Words on Parchment, Sworn Oaths, Pledges, etc. are meaningless. The Rule of Law is Dead, except as interpreted by Tyrants to subjugate former citizens.
    When, if ever, is the jousting at windmills seen for what it is? Even Don Quixote would see the follies of the current Quisling Regime and End It.

  4. Luke November 30, 2021 at 16:07

    Might be another way as well. Even if you are not in Florida would ask that you pray for DeSantis’s success. Not sure if you had a chance to hear his speech yesterday? (if not will post below). The headline was what he said about the new variant and that Florida will not be living in a state of panic like the Fauci crew wants us to. This is great to hear but I got something else out of what he said. DS mentioned raises, bonuses, and sign on bonuses for first responders. I think he might be making a play on Blue cities/states. The morale in the blue hives cannot be all that great in those places so why not come to FL where you will be allowed to do your job and treated with respect. My biggest fear living in any of those blue places LE or civilian would be the Marxist judiciary waiting in the wings to hang you for defending yourself all the while letting known criminals roam free.

    I have a feeling that as states like FL succeed and do not play ball with the left’s campaign of terror sooner or later these state will end up in the crosshairs of the media and their freak paramilitary (see B. Garrison cartoon above). IMO he also gave a stern warning to the media as well. That FL and it’s officials will not be tolerating their race baiting and encouragement of violence. DS may be fortifying the state for all I know preparing for the left to do their worst. If FL and similar states can succeed more states will follow. These Red strongholds could save the country.

  5. I Am Not A Robot December 3, 2021 at 23:56

    Indeed, the Marxist overthrow has been decades in the making, it is now in plain and grotesque sight. The J6 prisoners are not held in incarceration, it is an extraordinary rendition: Extraordinary rendition is state-sponsored “forcible abduction in another jurisdiction and transfer to a third state”. The phrase usually refers to the United States-led program of extraordinary rendition during the War on Terror, which had the purpose of circumventing the source country’s laws on interrogation, detention, extradition and/or torture. Extraordinary rendition is a type of extraterritorial abduction, but not all extraterritorial abductions include transfer to a third country.

    WW4 is upon us.

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