America is ‘closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe,’ CIA adviser says
One of the world’s leading experts on political violence and terrorism is sounding the alarm on the state of democracy in America, warning that the country is increasingly on the path to being caught up in the throes of a second civil war.
Barbara F. Walter, a political science professor at the University of California at San Diego, has served on an advisory panel run by the Central Intelligence Agency for the past several years that aims to predict where in the world a “civil war, political violence, and instability is likely to break out,” she said in an interview with CNN on Sunday, where she discussed her new book out January, “How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them.”
“No one wants to believe that their beloved democracy is in decline, or headed toward war,” she writes in the excerpt. “If you were an analyst in a foreign country looking at events in America — the same way you’d look at events in Ukraine or the Ivory Coast or Venezuela — you would go down a checklist, assessing each of the conditions that make civil war likely. And what you would find is that the United States, a democracy founded more than two centuries ago, has entered very dangerous territory.”
The two best predictors of whether violence is likely to break out are based on if a country is an anocracy and if “ethnic entrepreneurs have emerged in a country that are using racial, religious, or ethnic divisions to try to gain political power,” Walter said on CNN. She described an anocracy as a “fancy term for a partial democracy.”
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I happen to agree, but what I have noticed is that as people lose control of their own being; they tend to try and control others. Karens…What’s about to happen is an Archduke Ferdinand moment that will escalate quickly and evolve into World War.
Look around, we literally have the same Global Political Discourse as WW1, Global Fascism via the Globalist Corporations and mass incarceration (slavery) as WW2, and Narcissistic division the likes of which have never been seen before. Simply put; WW1 + WW2 = WW3
Easy to predict what you fomented. This witch and her kind are finally realizing – too late- what killing the golden goose entails.
Word. She and her kind will reap what they have sewn. Definition of “Expert”: Ex – means has-been. Pert is a drip under pressure. I look at that smug, self-assured vain face and wonder how she will look when the San Diego Vato Locos pull her out of her SUV and have their way with her before they slit her Marxist throat. Her dance card is all filled up. Bleib ubrig.
Sown, not sewn. If you want to look like a smart guy, use the right word.
jack, dweez is a grammatically fluid guy, so if “there/they’re/their” (or, sewn/sown in this case) really ruins shit for you, then you should grammernazi elsewhere perhaps. dweez, myself, and a few others been yammering at each other for years here, just read past it. easy, peasy.
jackalope: I apologize for my grammatical faux pas. I should know better. I work as a substitute teacher. Bleib ubrig.
Your language is fine brother. :)
REAL Pandemic, Famine and war. All good friends about to party.
The lack of petroleum (Yeah SHUT DOWN those Pipelines and Drilling Sockpuppet) is about to strike us well past our automobiles pretty soon. Lack of Fertilizer or better said lack of Urea created from Natural Gas is going to hit us HARD. Urea is used in Diesel Trucks, and we are RUNNING OUT.
When my order for fertilizer was first delayed then canceled by Agway, I was pretty startled. I’m not running a farm and tons of fertilizer, but my ever-expanding gardens and fruit frees need them. Happily, I have enough for this year set aside but a LOT more Compost and alternative sources for Urea (look them up, please) is going to be my focus this year.
IF you THINK Foods Expensive Today wait a few months. We are currently running on the surplus of the last two years and the cupboards are getting bare.
Once the EBT crowd cannot feed their families DESPITE the Emergency Addition of Fake Money to their Cards (CONgress cannot print a single Loaf of Bread) it’s going to get UGLY. When folks cannot afford fuel to get to work even MOAR Ugly.
Short US Dollars, LONG Trusted Friends, Garden Seeds, Bicycles and such.
I agree. Although I am not seeing fertilizer supply problems. Its up triple $$$, however.
Pesticides, parts and other supplies are short.
If liquid urea is scarce there will be gobs of trucks that get their def programs deleted.
You are 100% right on food costs!
Store up NOW!
Once we hit the tipping point of economic disfunction EVERYTHING will be caught up in the cascade.
Meds, food, fuel, clothing, banking, etc X infinity.
Except that we weren’t “founded as a democracy”. Yes, one can argue semantics all one chooses but if the basics are not understood, then the very foundation of the argument is based on a lie. You either contribute to the system or take from it – the consequences of being a parasite is the host may die.
The hag is fundamentally ignorant so anything she spews out of her pie hole is moot.
She obviously doesn’t get out much. The last 5 years seriously? How about the last 29? Ever since Clintons was inaugurated….the lunatics have been running the asylum. Papa Bush was clueless and stupid in alot of ways, but those that followed him took it to a whole new level.
imagine that, a state apparatchik is pushing her book right before the curtain goes down and the lights go up and we see the real shit show the elites have set up for us. she is cutting it close before she has to bug
I know, right?
Peace takes committed partners on all sides.
War takes commitment from only one party.
War was declared on Real Trad Heritage America by it’s oligarch class and their lap dog fedguv.
And they show absolutely no intention of doing anything other than waging it until Real Trad Heritage America is dead.
The oligarch’s and their lap dogs commitment to war is responsible for opening Pandora’s Box. Not Real Trad Heritage Americans who simply wanted the republic that was our birth right to be ours. And to be left alone.
The oligarchs and their lap dogs have brought, and insist, on this war.
Ignore the war the oligarchs are insisting on at you and yours’s peril.
This c**t is right in one aspect, we have devolved into a anocracy (part democracy, part dictatorship),
“The two best predictors of whether violence is likely to break out are based on if a country is an anocracy and if “ethnic entrepreneurs have emerged in a country that are using racial, religious, or ethnic divisions to try to gain political power”. Those two boxes are checked. Add in her denigration of Jan 6, ““What happened [on Jan. 6] dropped the US even further on the democracy scale that scholars use to measure the level of democracy, What really was under attack yesterday was the cornerstone of our democracy, which is free and fair elections.” only serves to show she is a communist at heart, manipulating the underlying causes of events to serve the agenda of the NWO.
So war is coming, seems clear, but the lies of those who wish to extinguish freedom are ever prevalent and need to be exposed. Until the problem of election integrity is fixed, war is the only solution. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” attribution:JFK
Good article.
Anyone who uses the word “attack” to describe the events of Jan. 6th, 2021 is outing himself as a member of the Democratic Communist side and therefore her entire article is merely leftist propaganda.
Her own website outs her:
“Walter is a permanent member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a frequent live guest on CNN, and an active consultant for the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Departments of Defense and State. She occasionally writes for the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times, and is very happy when her research is showcased in the New York Times or the New Yorker, her favorite hometown publications.”
I looked at several links to her work. She seems to be a leftist who thinks the danger in the US comes from the “right”. I’d rate her a “useful idiot” – useful to the communists that have taken over the nation.
She said in an interview on twitter that the US run as a “strong democracy” ended in January 2021 – (listen from 2:07 to 3:30) –
She probably thinks that the Trump supporters were the problem, when the reality is that they were the solution. The unchallenged cheating that occurred on Nov 3-4, 2020 was when “Democracy” ended in the USA – to the extent that each state vote is a “Democracy”. Did not see her acknowledge that we are a Republic.
She likes to write about political violence and calls the BLM protests “mostly peaceful”. There were a great many violent BLM protests. She had a chart showing the number of “car rammings” during BLM protests after, I think, the George Floyd incident. I got the distinct impression that she thinks these “rammings” were mostly intentionally done by right-wingers because they hated the BLM protesters. The fact is that most of them were done by innocent people in cars that were being attacked by violent leftists and the drivers were just trying to get away from the crowds before they were dragged from their cars and killed.
I did not see any mention by her of the tens of thousands of violent assaults by leftists on Trump supporters. I didn’t see her mention that Trump supporters were afraid to put up a Trump sign, bumper sticker, or wear a MAGA hat in much of the nation.
Bottom line: it is TIME for a CW or some other type of extreme event to shut down the leftists who are destroying the nation. It would be great if it could be avoided, but they are impervious to logic, reason, or any peaceful methods of persuasion – they only understand violence because in effect, leftists are violent little children and need a good old-fashioned ass whoopin’.
And this is why this piece was run by yours truly.
democRats and their demoncrazy CiA-FIB Bolsheviks can go to hell. No Quarter, given or asked if they want to kick it off.
They aren’t going to kick it off. They’ll continue boiling the frog. Most likely the Reps will make gains in 2022 and probably 2024, causing a bunch of the usual retards to proclaim a 50 year Republican reign of Freedoms. Of course they’ll throw the match as usual, then the Left will pick up where they left off. Repeat as needed till its full autocracy and there is no hope.
I think that’s likely the plan, since it’s the playbook the Fabians have been following since around 1890. The problem is that part of their plan has resulted in a large portion of the population that are true believers, incapable of critical thinking. The gradualists are about to be hoist by their own petard on the impatience of the current generation.
Democracy is merely mob rule.
In other words, its three wolves and one sheep deciding on what to have for lunch.
No thanks…..
Western Democracy was founded by homosexual land owners in Ancient Greece 2,500 years ago. It’s the exact opposite of mob rule.
We absolutely live a democracy. But owning farmland and cattle doesn’t make people super wealthy nobility any more.
Owning major companies, investments, tech, shipping, or real estate does.
I’ve become quite sympathetic to some ideas which were “out there” a few short years ago…
1) One vote per household.
2) Voting elegbility requirements: parent, landowner.
3) Executive chosen by random selection from the general population for a term or 4 years.
The reason the ancient Greeks could nance around in togas being Free and Democratic is that about 80% of the population were slaves. So not really a democracy by modern standards.
We are a Federal Constitutional Republic, but you can’t tell a Liberal Academic facts. NAZI Germany was a democracy and the only nation to make socialism work for the people. They were far better off under Democratic Socialim than under the Weimar “Republic.” So when someone says they can make democratic socialism work, you are being “talked at” by a Nation.
“Talked at” by a NaTzi, damned spell hack.
“Oh, no we are going to have a Civil War! What can we do?!? Certainly not stop shitting on all of the people who are about to rise up and true up this Republic! That’s just populist nonsense!”
The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread.
Adolf Hitler
Anyone working for/with “Clowns in Action” is an Enemy of the People and the Republic. As many other commenters above pointed out, it is just this kind of Creature that is Responsible for the Trouble we are heading for, and to listen to any self-styled ‘leading expert, political science professor’ spew garbage as if they understand how Real People Live and Think is ridiculous, and Dangerous.
Even if we don’t have a (un)Civil War over purely ‘political’ issues, the Good Side of the slowly-increasing Collapse is that the “Mandarin Class” like this one will end up Dead in a Ditch once the Cities disintegrate.
[…] 120. In this episode I explore the change in language and narrative coming from Leftist academics now telegraphing that the next Civil War is an inevitability, meanwhile completely ignoring the […]