Born and Raised in Baltimore City, Maryland. History Degree. 8 Years Airborne Infantry and Scouts Platoon. Iraq Veteran. 4-5 Years as a doorman, bar back, and bouncer in Baltimore. Worked in Construction, Heavy Equipment Demolition, Corporate Security, Sales, Forest Service contractor, and the Hospitality Industry. Raised Catholic. Hobbies are race cars and sport bikes. Side projects are HAM radio credentials and long range shooting. MY EMAIL IS JOHNNYPARATROOPER@TUTANOTA.COM.
Founder of Green Dragon Academy
December 1, 2021 at 21:21
A few books I would recommend on the subject of Ammosmithing (Ammosmith is also the name of an excellent channel on youtube).
2 are free for DL from google though at least one somebody is selling a reprint.
The first is “Cartridge Manufacture; A Treatise Covering the Manufacture of Rifle Cartridge Cases, Bullets, Powders, Primers and Cartridge Clips, and the Designing and Making of the Tools Used in Connection with the Production of Cartridge Cases and Bullets.”
A third is “The Handloader’s Manual of Cartridge Conversions.”
It is available all over the place, but I would look for a hardback copy rather than than paperback. Might be able to find a pdf floating around in the usual places if very diligent. Worth having a hard copy or few fer sure.
Also it is always a good idea to check the list of books on the google page for the book. Their is lots of interesting books there too that may be free for DL.
Johnny Paratrooper
December 2, 2021 at 09:08
Thank you for this.
I just got into reloading and It has changed my understanding of marksmanship and armscraft.
A few books I would recommend on the subject of Ammosmithing (Ammosmith is also the name of an excellent channel on youtube).
2 are free for DL from google though at least one somebody is selling a reprint.
The first is “Cartridge Manufacture; A Treatise Covering the Manufacture of Rifle Cartridge Cases, Bullets, Powders, Primers and Cartridge Clips, and the Designing and Making of the Tools Used in Connection with the Production of Cartridge Cases and Bullets.”
The 2nd is “A Practical Treatise on the Fabrication of Matches, Gun Cotton, Colored Fires and Fulminating Powders.”
A third is “The Handloader’s Manual of Cartridge Conversions.”
It is available all over the place, but I would look for a hardback copy rather than than paperback. Might be able to find a pdf floating around in the usual places if very diligent. Worth having a hard copy or few fer sure.
And a forth free for DL that might come in handy is “Punches and Dies: Layout, Construction and Use.”
Also it is always a good idea to check the list of books on the google page for the book. Their is lots of interesting books there too that may be free for DL.
Thank you for this.
I just got into reloading and It has changed my understanding of marksmanship and armscraft.
I will make this a separate post.