The latest fantastic article (in a long line of superb reporting) on the Fourth Turning from The Burning Platform. The link to the full article is hyperlinked below this snippet or can be found by clicking here.
It’s been almost a year since my annual look ahead at the upcoming year. Last year’s article FOURTH TURNING DETONATION was a big picture overview of where we stood during the thirteenth year of this ongoing Fourth Turning Crisis. I had given up trying to make specific predictions because the twenty-year length of a Crisis period does not lend itself to specificity within a given year. My comment at the beginning of the article was:
“Predicting the actual events which will occur over a short-term time frame is a fool’s errand, so I prefer to try and discern the direction and amplitude of the ongoing Crisis to gauge how we should prepare for what is coming.”
The consistent drivers of this Fourth Turning are the three unequivocal factors – debt, civic decay, and global disorder. The specific events creating the daily trials and tribulations of this Fourth Turning all have their basis in one or more of these three driving factors. As we entered 2021, my big picture view was:
“The globalist elite want to keep the fear at a high level to institute their global reset, where you will own nothing and be happy, or you will be brought to heel by the truncheon.”
It is clear I nailed that one. The fear level was ramped to 11 on the volume dial. It was truly one of the worst years for liberty minded, critical thinking, self-sufficient individuals in the last eighty years. We know history does not repeat, but it certainly rhymes. Fourth Turnings always sweep away the existing social order and we are in the midst of a whirlwind of transformation with an entirely uncertain outcome that could result in reviving the founders’ idea of the Republic or mark the end of this experiment born in the blood of patriots in 1776.

The thirteenth year of this Fourth Turning saw a dramatic increase in the intensity of conflict between competing factions in this ongoing war of wokeness, disinformation and globalist machinations. It was a fantastic year for Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, as they raked in billions of profits and their executives got rich as their stock prices soared. It wasn’t a great year for the tens of millions of people duped into believing their experimental concoctions disguised as vaccines would protect them from the covid flu.
The Burning Platform: FOURTH TURNING 2022 – BAD MOON RISING (Part One)
The latest fantastic article (in a long line of superb reporting) on the Fourth Turning from The Burning Platform. The link to the full article is hyperlinked below this snippet or can be found by clicking here.
It’s been almost a year since my annual look ahead at the upcoming year. Last year’s article FOURTH TURNING DETONATION was a big picture overview of where we stood during the thirteenth year of this ongoing Fourth Turning Crisis. I had given up trying to make specific predictions because the twenty-year length of a Crisis period does not lend itself to specificity within a given year. My comment at the beginning of the article was:
“Predicting the actual events which will occur over a short-term time frame is a fool’s errand, so I prefer to try and discern the direction and amplitude of the ongoing Crisis to gauge how we should prepare for what is coming.”
The consistent drivers of this Fourth Turning are the three unequivocal factors – debt, civic decay, and global disorder. The specific events creating the daily trials and tribulations of this Fourth Turning all have their basis in one or more of these three driving factors. As we entered 2021, my big picture view was:
“The globalist elite want to keep the fear at a high level to institute their global reset, where you will own nothing and be happy, or you will be brought to heel by the truncheon.”
It is clear I nailed that one. The fear level was ramped to 11 on the volume dial. It was truly one of the worst years for liberty minded, critical thinking, self-sufficient individuals in the last eighty years. We know history does not repeat, but it certainly rhymes. Fourth Turnings always sweep away the existing social order and we are in the midst of a whirlwind of transformation with an entirely uncertain outcome that could result in reviving the founders’ idea of the Republic or mark the end of this experiment born in the blood of patriots in 1776.
The thirteenth year of this Fourth Turning saw a dramatic increase in the intensity of conflict between competing factions in this ongoing war of wokeness, disinformation and globalist machinations. It was a fantastic year for Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, as they raked in billions of profits and their executives got rich as their stock prices soared. It wasn’t a great year for the tens of millions of people duped into believing their experimental concoctions disguised as vaccines would protect them from the covid flu.
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About the Author: Patriotman
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