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NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at
[email protected] or via his blog at .
This mother-fucker is the epitome of what President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell speech.
If any of you missed it, or neglected watching it–this is prophetic…
FYI–any such speech with such content would not be broadcast with today’s highly censored news.
Everything that President Eisenhower warned us about in 1960 has come true in spades and it much worse than this man could have possibly envisioned.
Agree + 1000
I was at the US Army War College (enlisted HQ staff). My first year there, Ike was the commencement speaker for the graduation, June ’65. He gave what was very much the same speech, in meaning and warning, if not word for word. George Patton III was in that class If I recall correctly.
Some of those guys might still have honored that warning… until they retired. I ran a lot of film showing the latest and greatest vehicles, systems, weapons, pitched to various faculty, staff and students. MIC.
It is incredible that TRASH like Vindman represent our military leadership. I just finished J. Steven Wilkins “All Things for Good. The Steadfast Fidelity of Stonewall Jackson,” and vermin like Vindman don’t even belong in the same universe as our American forbearers. That is why they try to wash their names from history. Even at Jackson’s own VMI! They must erase our past
for our children while they flood us with people who know not why our Constitution is so unique and sacred a document. They make everything about division of the people and teach that the Civil War was all about slavery. So much blood has been shed for us. I weep for my nation and for the sacrifices made by so many generations of brave men to ensure our freedoms time and time again. Their blood compels us to action. Damn those who care more for the borders of Ukraine than the borders of America and damn those who would have us now shed our sacred blood for Burisma!
Agree all + 1000 again.
Vindman is why, among thousands of other such and worse, there should be capital punishment for treason, not merely in law but in fact. While we’re about it, lets add malfeasance, fraud and embezzlement in positions of public trust, elected, hired or appointed.
Oaths must have meaning and the breaking of the, consequences dire. They had to drive God from the equation to enable their mockery.
Oughtsix, how on the money zeroing in on oaths. Oaths are what our country was built on. Oaths are the precursor to conviction and valor. “The moral endurance necessary to stand on principle, regardless of the cost, is not a natural inclination for most of us. Our protective instincts incline us to compromise, to hedge, to fudge. When push comes to shove, most of us would rather waffle, wiggle, and waiver than risk the ire of uncompromising conviction. Steadfastness in the face of adversity, opposition, or persecution must be nurtured, developed and encouraged every step of the way.” -J. Steven Wilkins
Of course the molding of those capable of such oaths and conviction starts early. Developing character and pride in your country and cause…a
Great explication of the meaning, power and necessity of oaths, Chef.
Your last two sentences are especially telling. It’s the moral degradation of society which inhibits the formation of character traits that empower the oath and the enforcement thereof,
waffle, wiggle, and waiver.. three w’s should, like the scarlet letter, be branded into the forehead of convicted traitors, just before they are hung. Publicly.
Early life section strikes again. This one born in the Soviet Union and wants to start a war with his country of birth- to kill a bunch of white men on both sides. Almost like there’s some kind of agenda.
Vindman is a disgrace to every man I ever served with. In fact, every SF NCO I had was more than 4 times the soldier this puke tried to be or was. Vindman needs to be hung at Fort Leavenworth.