REVISITED: Jack Lawson Sends: What To Do if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent, Part Three – Nuclear Warfare and the Survival of Americans

Here is the latest excerpt from Jack Lawson’s magnificent book series, the Civil Defense Manual. You can grab a copy of his book here. Jack is a strong supporter of American Partisan, and even had NC Scout write the chapter on Radio Communications (Chapter 17 in Volume I). I bought my copy the day it become available and I highly recommend you do as well.

In Part One of the series “What to do if a nuclear disaster is imminent”, we looked at why a nuclear disaster is indeed survivable. In Part Two, we looked at what immediate steps you need to take if a nuclear war is knocking on the door. Now, in Part Three, we look at what happens to you and you surroundings when a nuclear attack occurs and how both the blast and radiation can affect you.

The Big Boom

After attending training on Nuclear Warfare back in the mid-1960s’ and seeing the projected devastation expected from an all-out nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia by the MAD Theory Doctrine, aka Mutual Assured Destruction… I came away with a depressed feeling that was hard to shake.

I suddenly had new found respect for the ‘barrel’ …that bright white, epoxy painted nuclear warhead about the size of a 30-gallon oil drum with rounded edges that looked like a cylinder that was beautifully done by a sculptor. A pretty package that contained a horror show.

I had to use the ‘barrel’ often as a place to sit on, while working on missile electronics and installing nuclear arming package controls on it… the ‘bomb.’ It was just far simpler sitting on the bomb, than assembling and moving the expensive scaffolding and apparatuses that cost more than a house, but just didn’t work as well, to position you over the electronics you needed to get at to work on some 6 foot off the floor of the missile shelter. Probably why I have diabetes… from the irradiation of my abdominal organs through my behind. There are studies of diabetes and connections with this.

Nuclear warfare was the end of the world I thought, as I was taught… the world would be a dismal, ashen filled gray and cloudy existence of extreme suffering for those few who would temporarily survive it… they too, soon to join the dead. That, after internal hemorrhaging, starvation, dehydration and much suffering. The movie “The Road” will give you a good idea.

That’s what we were taught in the Air Force at that time. This image of full-scale Nuclear Warfare was further promoted by disarmament activists as “If we can’t survive it… why have this type of weapon?” …so, they used this to push to get rid of nuclear weapons.

Even though we pursued a naïve path of nuclear disarmament, we have actually made America more vulnerable to Nuclear War devastation than before, as many countries went the opposite way… they ‘nuked up’ by building more and better bombs, multiple warhead and delivery systems and ‘dug in,’ building huge defensive networks for their citizens.

The fact of life in the nuclear warfare world today is… amongst the major nuclear powers, the modern nuclear warheads are about as “environmentally friendly nuclear bombs” as a nuclear bomb can get… even though that term comprises words that make the perfect example of an oxymoron.

Current Nuclear Threats

I don’t know how far these two situations… that of the Ukraine and Taiwan will go… but the Ukraine is looking like armed conflict more so each day. To what degree armed conflict will go in the Ukraine is anyone’s guess. Conventional land battles and or nuclear weapons exchanges… who knows. And with the boneheads who run things, how out of control this can get is anyone’s guess. I don’t think it will go that far. But be assured, America will be involved to some degree if there is conflict and the outcome will not be pretty.

After a fraudulent election to force through socialist agendas, the failure of the Covid agenda and the fear of the next election being watched under a microscope and the leftists losing ground that they gained, count on a war being the next cover for distraction. War also conceals the economic house of cards while it is collapsing… and we have the Mother of All economic disasters looming. PsyOps distractions and… “Follow the money.”

I don’t want to see one American hurt. But we’re about to get our asses handed to us on a platter. One reason… our military has been gutted of the fighting capability that it had a couple of decades past. Women in Special Operations, males walking in high heels as gender understanding training, the directive to “Balance the Mission with Balancing Lactation” in breast feeding babies in military units!? Insanity! …maybe insanity with a purpose?

We rely heavily on the tactic of Air Superiority in conflicts to bridge the lesser combat capabilities of our military to the enemy’s units. I know the absolute game changer of Air Superiority, as I’m alive because of Air Superiority’s umbrella protection and offensive support in the conflict I was in. When just moments from being wiped out… the “Spiders” (Jet and propeller ground attack aircraft overhead in their web) would come to our rescue. Air Superiority is essential and absolutely critical… he who has it… wins.

Even with our Air Superiority we could only decimate, but couldn’t defeat most of our recent enemies, those little goat herding countries we stomped on in the name of ‘democracy.’ In a conflict in either the Ukraine or Taiwan, we’ll be up against major players who can now equally play the Air Superiority game because of their anti-aircraft and jet aircraft capabilities.

American and allied Air Superiority has an even 50-50 chance of being… in any conflict amongst the major players… maybe less. We certainly won’t be up against Banana Republics or goat herders.

Without Air Superiority, our ground pounder forces will be in serious trouble… probably being defeated as a ground force… most likely large elements of combat units being annihilated. If you’ve ever been close to the target of a modern fighter ground support aircraft… you’ll know what I mean. Frightening!! And you’re not even in the middle of that massive firepower strike… just close to it. It is an experience that never leaves you and shakes you to the marrow of your bones… literally.

Fighting for Old Glory and the freedoms it represents was done last in Vietnam against Communists… and if after reading the previous words, your mind screams “That was a corrupt and worthless war that we never should have been involved with!” read Bernard Fall’s book “Street Without Joy.” Vietnam was the last noble war. And yes, the fallacy of Vietnam was it never should have been a battleground if the powers had supported Ho Chi Minh like they should have after the Japanese were defeated there in WWII. But they left Ho Chi Minh no choice but to go for help from the Chinese and Russians. Ho Chi Minh begged the Americans to help him… and had tears in his eyes at their refusal.

I have the deepest respect for American Military members… I put them on a pedestal. But after my misdirected support of the War on Terror (in hindsight, actually more of a War on Constitutional and Nationalist Americans), I told my Son, the Sergeant of his Marine Corps Scout/Sniper Surveillance and Target Acquisition unit in the Al Kut, Iraq area… that Iraq was a corporate war. My Son and his fellow Marines were not stupid… they knew it. They jokingly called themselves the “Exxon Division.” “Follow the money.”

“We’ll bring democracy to them!” the President said… Ha! The people of these countries have no concept of it and could give a shytte about it. “Follow the money.”

Where did all the oil go from those countries we conquered? Sold to China and India by American oil companies. It didn’t come to the U.S. and it didn’t pay for the war. I care for our American Military members and why they are being put in Harm’s Way. For what purpose has and will be their sacrifice? “Follow the money.”

Any war fought in the Ukraine will be literally for the corrupt people and corporations involved in American financial interests in the Ukraine… many of these people are elected and appointed U.S. government officials. Any war in the Ukraine will have ZERO to do with freedoms or the welfare of people. “Follow the money.”

China may take advantage of the Ukraine situation and stage an invasion of Taiwan… forcing the United States into a two-front war… a losing situation to be as history shows almost always, especially with the distance our forces will have to be supported from.

A different type of nuclear attack… the HEMP/EMP strike

Understand one issue of all out Nuclear Warfare… any attack by nuclear low altitude or ground burst weapons will be proceeded by one or more High-altitude ElectroMagnetic Pulse events commonly referred to as HEMP which is also known as an ElectroMagnetic Pulse event by the acronym EMP.

These are nuclear explosions at altitudes of 150 miles or higher designed to destroy electronic devices, anything with a semi-conductor or transistor above the area of EMP damage. You won’t see it (unless you’re looking directly up in the sky), you won’t hear it, you won’t smell it, you won’t taste it, you won’t feel it… but what you will experience one second after it happens is… silence. Almost everything will stop.

There will most likely be 3 to 6 of these high-altitude explosions strategically detonated above the Continental United States, Hawaii and Alaska alone to ensure as much of our military, civilian and industrial infrastructure is destroyed as possible. The same with allied countries. But HEMP and EMP will also destroy much or all of the Electrical Grid. That would put America in the Stone Age… for a long, long time. Read the Chapter titled… “Emanuelson on preparing for an EMP attack or Solar Storm” in the Civil Defense Manual to understand why.

ElectroMagnetic Pulses will also radiate, not as strongly, from Air Bursts and Ground Burst Nuclear weapons detonations.

What happens to YOU and your surroundings during and after a nuclear air or ground burst

Most current individual intercontinental nuclear weapons will be of around the 1 megaton range. Sometimes less… sometimes more. That’s 1,000 Kilo Tons. That’s the equivalent of ONE MILLION metric tons of conventional TNT explosive… almost too difficult to imagine unless you’ve used explosives.

Size of the Nuclear Detonation

The power the nuclear weapon dropped on, above or in your vicinity will be, measured in Kilo Tons of conventional TNT (usually the 2,4,6-Tri Nitro Toluene type of TNT).

Look at the diagram of the comparative sizes of nuclear weapons. The size of each nuclear bomb the enemy attacks with is of variable yield and the size of what is dropped on your area is determined by the enemy regarding a number of items…

The defense critical importance of manufacturing in your area, military bases in your area, ocean ports, defense adaptable airports, communications hubs in your area, national military and government control centers in your area, fuel stockpiles, electrical and natural gas central controlling hubs, generation and storage areas, distribution centers in your area, etc. Just about anything that would help the attacked country to get back on its feet and counter attack or resist the attacking foe would be a target.

Civilian populations are usually not a direct target of destruction, although manufacturing of Critical Life Supplies and Services (See the definition in the Civil Defense Manual) in your area maybe a target, to diminish the capability of civilian assistance in response to an attack.

Understand the two stages of a conventional non-nuclear explosion that instantaneously follow each other and that also occurs, for different reasons, with a nuclear explosion.

Stage One…the initial explosion outwards in all directions from the center of the explosion that creates an immediate vacuum and an expanding pressure and Shock Wave of still igniting, burning (and exploding) explosive material.

Stage Two… then the resulting rush of air going the opposite way from all directions that attempts to feed the igniting (burning) explosive material and replace the vacuum to normal atmospheric pressure [That’s 14.7 pounds per square inch Mean Sea Level (MSL)].

Out and in… in nano seconds. Without getting technical… the nuclear explosion has these in and out split second similar and opposing directional force and pressure movements… and added gamma and radiation outward movement.

The Nuclear Explosion will create winds of 150 to 200 Miles Per Hour in the Blast Radius and over one hundred tons of pressure per square meter on anything in its path. In the Fireball Radius… these numbers would be FOUR times as high. But that wouldn’t be relative to us because no human would be alive in the Fireball Radius to experience it.

The detonation of Burst Nuclear Weapons

Exclusive of the High-Altitude HEMP or EMP nuclear explosion, the following three variations of nuclear detonations are:

  • The close above the ground ‘Air Burst’
  • The ‘Surface Burst’ (actually a thousand feet or so above the ground surface, so this is a misleading term)
  • The ‘Shallow Penetrating Ground Burst’ (usually around 5 meters penetration depth before detonation).

Air Burst: Is a nuclear bomb detonated a mile to two miles over the target. The Air Burst is much more damaging than a surface burst in most respects. It is estimated to cause three times the injuries… and about twice the deaths within the first days’ time. It delivers a much higher Pounds Per Square Inch (PSI) pressure wave over the Blast Area. This blows things inward and apart and collapses buildings. Dead and destroyed.

Surface Burst: Is a nuclear bomb detonated on or very close to the ground. The Surface Burst is used to destroy facilities such as semi hardened military operations centers and facilities in buildings that need a larger Blast Wave to destroy and in geographical areas that protect the target from the Blast Wave.

Shallow Penetrating Ground Burst: Is a nuclear bomb detonated in the ground after the bomb penetrates the surface a few meters. This in ground detonation creates the ultimate in Shock Wave transfer… much like the Mother Of All Earthquakes times One Thousand. The Shallow Penetrating Ground Burst is used to destroy hardened in ground facilities such as buried concrete blast hardened military operations centers and missiles of inground silo systems by sending huge ground Shock Waves that collapse and totally destroy facilities, turning them into underground rubble.

The closer the nuclear weapon is detonated to the ground, the more residual fallout in the Blast Area and that will occur later in downwind areas.

This is simply because more material is sucked into the explosion, vaporized and is expelled as ash and debris into the Blast Area and is drawn into the mushroom cloud as ash, which later falls back to earth in areas the wind takes this material to… downwind, if you are one of the unfortunate to be in its path.

What happens with a Nuclear Explosion?

The Fireball Radius is the closest to the center of detonation and would be about a one to two-mile radius. Within this area few humans would be left alive and the area virtually destroyed to ground level. Anything that can burn will be gone… vaporized… turned into a gaseous state.

Think scorched cinders. The term ‘toast’ wouldn’t apply… toast would be vaporized. Anything that would burn or vaporize into a gaseous state would be gone. Everything remaining would be highly radioactive… for some time. Even the pure water molecule, that by itself cannot become radioactive, would have radioactive material fused to it. Radiation attaches to other suspended solids in water… See the Chapter titled “Water” in the Civil Defense Manual as to half-life safety times and treatment procedures to make radioactive water safe to consume and use.

The Blast Radius would be about a 20 mile radius… in this area the structural damage would be similar to what conventional bombs would produce. Many human injuries would occur from the blast, damage to buildings, flying debris, collapsing structures, etc. and radiation would be lethal if people stayed in this area. People not buried alive would have severe skin burns on the exposed parts of their body towards the explosion, blindness, traumatic hearing loss, they would be irradiated and most would die from that alone in days in addition to bleeding out from cuts of flying debris and injuries from being thrown about.

The Fallout Area would be the ‘fallout cloud’ of radioactive particles over a variable area… dependent on prevailing winds, wind directions as the cloud moves, precipitation that falls from it. The ‘fallout cloud’ could be hundreds of miles long and hundreds wide.

Outside Areas and nuclear bomb effects… IF YOU FOLLOW THE DUCK & COVER PROTOCOL that Shane Connor posts in the first part of this essay and DO NOT LOOK AT THE FIREBALL DETONATION, being in these areas… issues such as Shock and Blast Waves, skin burns, Xray effects, etc. would not directly affect you.

What Kills and Injures You…

Nuclear radiation refers to the particles and photons emitted during reactions like a nuclear detonation that involve the nucleus of an atom. The particles emitted by nuclear reactions are so powerful that they can remove electrons from atoms and molecules they hit. Kind of like bumper pool. Hit one and it hits others causing yet others it hits to move.

Gamma rays are particles going through you like tiny invisible bullets. These bullets cause massive damage to your body’s cells in a number of ways… First, they shoot holes in cell nuclei and cause damage to cell components by ‘excitation’ and causing internal bleeding… Second, they cause your immune system to try to clean up the mess they make which overloads your body with toxins… Third, all the while causing some cells to multiply by making abnormal cells… exactly what cancer is… the rapid growth of abnormal cells.

Instant Death: An extreme amount of radiation will kill instantly separate from the effects of the blast. For a person to die from nervous system destruction, they would drop like a sack of potatoes. End of story. No visible marks on the body. Just the effects of voluntary and involuntary nerve signals stoppage. Think heart and lungs no longer responding to the mind’s control. Think… immediate and massive heart attack and suffocation.

Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS): This is essentially massive cell death in delicate, fast-growing tissues such as the guts and organ linings, bone marrow blood production and the skin layers. Death usually occurs within two weeks of ARS.

Radiation transfers energy to your living tissue, either by electron excitation or direct collisions with nuclei in case of neutrons or with electrons in case of gamma radiation. None of this energy is beneficial to you. The effect of that energy may be burns for very high doses but the bigger problem is that this energy causes chemical reactions of which are often toxic.

Normally cells have mechanisms that can deal with the damage by removing the toxins and repairing damaged molecules but problems occur if the radiation dose is high and lots of those toxins accumulate, the systems are overloaded and stop functioning. This causes cells to malfunction or die and this is what kills you within days or weeks after getting a high radiation dose.

As for effects of lower doses failure to repair damaged DNA may lead to causing certain genes (P53) to begin abnormal growth multiplication of cells… another name for cancer.

In the Fireball Area

(About a one to two-mile radius)

  • The other effects of a nuclear explosion on the living are a moot point to list here as you and everything combustible will be incinerated and vaporized within the Fireball Area. About a one to two-mile radius.

In the Blast Area injuries from…

(about a 20-mile radius)

  • Flying glass and debris
  • Blast pressure Shock Wave collapsing structures on people
  • Blast pressure rupturing lungs
  • Skin burns
  • Flash blindness and or permanent damage to the retina of the eye
  • Hearing loss
  • Radioactive penetration of the body and resultant bleeding and toxicity overload of the body like full body sepsis from immediate radiation.

Outside the Blast Area, but in the Fallout area

(This area is variable determined by a number of factors, but primarily by prevailing winds)

  • Radioactive penetration of the body and resultant bleeding and toxicity overload of the body like full body sepsis from Fallout.

How much radiation will kill you?

That is a loaded question… as it depends on a great number of issues including your health. But figure 250 Roentgen exposure for one hour… or 100 REMS exposure over a few days will kill you. That’s a lot a radiation and if you’re sheltered, even in an above ground concrete slab on the ground building… you can survive this radiation if you keep it as far away from you as possible until it weakens in strength.

In addition to Shane Connor’s expertise, knowledge and information above, Author Don Shift has posted an excellent article a few days ago on American Partisan on above ground survival of nuclear radiation fallout…

Nasty components and after effects of a nuclear detonation…

Strontium-90: One of the components from a nuclear explosion is, which fools the body into thinking that it’s calcium, when inhaled or consumed. The body sends calcium straight into the bone marrow and the teeth so when it can’t tell the difference it sends these toxic chemicals straight into the bone and teeth also… causing bone cancer amongst other problems.

Radioactive Iodine (Radioiodine): Taking KI will help protect a person’s thyroid gland from the radioactive iodine. The greatest danger from radioiodine is to the tiny thyroid glands of children. This can travel hundreds of miles on the winds. Even very small amounts of inhaled or ingested radioiodine can do grave damage as it will always concentrate, and be retained, in the small space of the thyroid gland. Eventually giving such a large radiation dose to thyroid cells there that abnormalities are likely to result, such as loss of thyroid function, nodules in the thyroid, or thyroid cancer.

While there will also be many other dangerous radioisotopes released along with radioiodine, if they are inhaled or ingested, they are normally dispersed throughout a body and pose less of a risk than if they were to be concentrated into one small specific area of the body, like radioiodine is in the thyroid gland.

‘Black Rain:’ 15 to 20 minutes after the atomic bombs detonate, a hard “Black Rain” will fall. Not the little pitter patters of raindrops falling, but heavy and thick black globs with a texture like oil.

How long do you have to stay in shelter?

After 48 hours to one week, depending on the proximity of the blast to you… most radiation will drop to a level that is 1 % of the original radiation. You need dosimeters to ensure this level has dropped.

For a book that goes into much more detail on what happens to you and your surroundings, I recommend the National Academy of Science, Engineering & Medicine, National Academy Press book Effects of Nuclear Earth-Penetrator and Other Weapons. An excerpt from it…

Nuclear Explosion Effects on Humans

The health effects of nuclear explosions are due primarily to air blast, thermal radiation, initial nuclear radiation, and residual nuclear radiation or fallout.

  • Immediate Effect-Blast. Nuclear explosions produce air-blast effects similar to those produced by conventional explosives. The Shock Wave can directly injure humans by rupturing eardrums or lungs or by hurling people at high speed, but most casualties occur because of collapsing structures and flying debris.
  • Immediate Effect-Thermal radiation. Unlike conventional explosions, a single nuclear explosion can generate an intense pulse of thermal radiation that can start fires and burn skin over large areas. In some cases, the fires ignited by the explosion can coalesce into a firestorm, preventing the escape of survivors. Though difficult to predict accurately, it is expected that thermal effects from a nuclear explosion would be the cause of significant casualties.
  • Immediate Effect-Initial radiation. Nuclear detonations release large amounts of neutron and gamma radiation. Relative to other effects, initial radiation is an important cause of casualties only for low-yield explosions (less than 10 kilotons).
  • Delayed Effect-Fallout. When a nuclear detonation occurs close to the ground surface, soil mixes with the highly radioactive fission products from the weapon. The debris is carried by the wind and falls back to Earth over a period of minutes to hours.

Long term exposure to Nuclear Fallout creates a danger of accumulation of radioactive material in your Thyroid Gland… especially in children. This is why you need Iodine to force your Thyroid Gland to repel deposits of radioactive material. Get KI (Potasium) from… it’s cheap.

SO… While time is NOT of the essence, order from for your CDM Neighborhood Protection Plan™ (NPP) (My NPP has boxes full of KI4U goodies): Read the full, uncut version of “The Good News About Nuclear Destruction” and order radiation detection and monitoring instruments, potassium iodide (KI) anti-radiation pills, Nuclear Survival handbooks, etc..

Geiger Counters, RAD, REM, Roentgen, Gray and Sievert

RAD, REM and Roentgen are different radiation measurement scales but are considered roughly equal to each other.

These will tell you the extent of the radioactive levels per hour in the air (Roentgen) of your area and what you and inert materials have absorbed. is the number one in my book for Geiger Counters and dosimeters. Check out their selection at KI4U.

The 3 smaller radiation measurement units

  • RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose aka Absorbed Radiation Dose) measures the amount of radiation absorbed by inert material)
  • REM (Roentgen Equivalent Man measures the amount of radiation absorbed by you)
  • Roentgen (The ‘R’ measures the level of radiation as it travels through the air before being absorbed by material or you).

The 2 larger radiation measurement units

  • 100 times the above RAD measures: Gray (Gy) is the amount of absorbed radiation in inert material the same as the smaller unit RAD.
  • 100 times the above REM measures: Sievert is the amount of absorbed radiation in you the same as the smaller unit REM.

Conversion and comparison of units

  • For the purpose of simplicity… APPROXIMATELY 100 TIMES one RAD, one REM or one R equals one GRAY (Gy) or equals one Sievert.
  • A milliroentgen (mR) is one thousandth of a Roentgen (R).
  • One RAD, one REM and one R… are approximately equal to each other.
  • There are 100 REMs in 1 Sievert.
  • 1 Gray equal 1 Sievert.
  • A Sievert and REM measure what your body has absorbed in radiation.
  • A Gray and RAD measure what inert material has absorbed in radiation.
  • Roentgen (R) measures the level of radiation as it travels through the air before being absorbed by material or you.

The trick in surviving nuclear radiation is to not let your body absorb radiation from items around you and not to drink or eat items with high radiation levels or to breath air with high levels of dust that has absorbed radiation.

Shane Connor informed me that most Geiger Counters are peacetime instruments that read low/safe levels of radiation, typically from normal background radiation up to maybe 1/10th of one Rad. With the low scale ‘peace time’ CDV-700 Geiger Counter for instance, top highest reading is 50 mR/hr.

He also warned that when this type of Geiger Counter is exposed to higher levels, it can become saturated and then read erroneously or even zero, which might trick user to think they are now out of danger. With only a low scale ‘peace time’ Geiger Counter, you never know if you are in 3R/hour, 30R/hour or 300R/hour, the last of which would be fatal after a two-hour exposure time.

Shane’s solution… “A High Range meter IS NECESSARY, like a CDV-715, will warn you of when you are risking walking into a radiation field of 3R/hour, 30R/hour or 300R/hour, I tell everyone, if you can only afford one Geiger Counter, or one meter at first, it must always be a High Range meter.”

Again… for nuclear radiation issues… radiation meters, dosimeters, KI tablets, nuclear radiation preparation guides, and a host of other equipment and supplies… visit


Addendum and Suggested Resources

SMALL POX Survival Tip: Buy a plant extract called Sarracenia Purpurea. This is an extract made from the Pitcher Plant, that grows in Quebec and devours insects like a Venus Flytrap plant does. Topically applied, it kills the Small Pox virus.

Read this article:

Search eBay for the Amish version: Sarracenia Purpurea the Purple Pitcher Plant Extract

This is a guy’s training and information center you need to look at… GREAT INFO!

Johnny Paratrooper’s Green Dragon Academy at…

I also highly recommend Joe Dolio’s books and also his blog to you… despite the brain scrambling of serving in the United States Marine Corps (I tell my former USMC Son that too) to write some of the best articles I’ve read for realistic survival… and the guy’s writing style is concise, to the point and fun to read…

Stay tuned, Folks!

The next essay and Civil Defense Manual Newsletter will be…Phillips on ‘Grid Down’ Emergency Cold Weather Survival” and then…“Olson on Precious Metals… Everything you wanted to know about Gold and Silver as Precious Metals but had no one to ask…”

The following is a checklist form…

Nuclear Warfare on a Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) basis Extraordinary Catastrophic Event

(Reference the Chapter “Connor on surviving Nuclear Warfare with what you have”)

From Author Shane Connor…

Reprinted with permission from his copyrighted essays at

The half-dozen top listed items below, you’ll also use while in the shelter that 2-3 days. They are mostly ready-to-eat that requires no cooking or preparation, just a can opener at the most. (The iodine solution is included here because of its importance for its thyroid-blocking topical use detailed above, IF you do not have KI pills, but it’s NEVER to be ingested or swallowed.)

The other foods listed below there are better cost/nutrition staples for later use during the extended recovery period. Then follows general non-food supplies, tools and equipment. Better to risk being a little early when securing your families essential food and supplies, rather than a few hours too late and going home empty-handed… Buy…

  1. ¨ Ready-to-eat foods (granola/energy/protein bars, snack-paks, raisins, cheese, etc.)
  2. ¨ Some perishable foods (breads and fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, etc.)
  3. ¨ Canned goods (soups, chili, vegetables, fruit, tuna, meats, beans, peanut butter, etc.) Assorted drink mix flavorings (with no cold drinks, just plain water, kids will appreciate it!) Plenty of potent Multi-Vitamins, Vit C, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Tylenol, other OTC meds, etc. Iodine solution, like Betadine (16 ounces)-NOT TO BE INGESTED OR SWALLOWED!
  4. ¨ The largest sacks of rice, beans, flour, potatoes, pasta, quick oats and other grains. Multiple big boxes of dried milk (Could include/use some inside shelter, too). Multiple big boxes of pancake and biscuit mix & syrup. Large bags of sugar and jars of honey. Large 2 gallons or more of cooking oil. Baking powder & soda & yeast & salt & spice assortment packs. Bottled water (especially if home supplies not secured yet).
  5. ¨ Paper or plastic plates/bowls/cups/utensils and paper towels Quality manual can opener, 2 if you don’t already have one at home Kitchen matches and disposable lighters New metal garbage cans and liner bags (water storage & waste storage)
  6. ¨ 5 or 6 gallon bucket and smaller garbage bags sized for it (toilet). Pool noodle to cut slit lengthwise to fit as seat for toilet bucket. Toilet paper and, if needed, sanitary napkins, diapers, etc.
  7. ¨ Baby wipes (saves water for personal hygiene use)
  8. ¨ Flashlights (ideally LED) and more than one portable radio Plenty more batteries, at least three sets, for each of the above
  9. ¨ Bleach (5.25%, without fragrance or soap additives) Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide and hand sanitizers Prescription drugs filled, and as much extra as possible
  10. ¨ First aid kits and Fire extinguishers
  11. ¨ At least a couple inexpensive N95 particulate respirator masks for each member Cheap plastic hooded rain ponchos for everyone
  12. ¨ Water filters and all other camping type supplies, such as portable camp toilet, cook stove and fuel, ammo, etc., if any sporting goods stocks still available.
  13. ¨ And, of course, rolls of plastic sheeting, duct tape, staple guns, staples, etc.
  14. ¨ Iodine tablets for radioactivity. These are a ‘band aid’ for certain types of radioactive poisoning. If the radioactive levels get too intense there is little you can do. Radioactivity is like thousands of tiny invisible bullets going through your body.
  15. ¨ High Range Geiger Counter, or radiation in Roentgens per hour measuring device.

From the Author of the Civil Defense Manual…

Barter items

Again, for all Catastrophic Events, not just these, invest $500 in barter items. More if you can. Buy manual hand turn can openers, P38 and P51 military can openers, whiskey, cigarettes and cigars, butane lighters, matches, antibiotics, nail clippers, multitools, books, playing cards and board games, coffee, essential oils, soaps and hygiene supplies, needles and thread, copies of this book.

Think… Grid Down non-electric items… go to a camping store and review what non-electric handy dandy items they have. I have boxes of small well-built ‘Leatherman’ type multi-tools that cost me less than a dollar each, but will bring me way more than that in trade when the balloon goes up.

For Extraordinary Catastrophic Events add to your existing supplies of these items IMMEDIATELY before the mob empties shelves…

  1. ¨ For those requiring daily or periodic medicines to sustain their life, buy as much medicine as possible.
  2. ¨ Fill vehicles and all sealable gas compatible containers with gasoline.
  3. ¨ Fill all pails with diesel and put a lid on each pal.
  4. ¨ Buy more water barrels and fill bathtubs, sinks and all containers immediately.
  5. ¨ Buy more canned food, bags of rice and beans.
  6. ¨ Buy more batteries: AAA, AA, D, 9 Volt.
  7. ¨ Buy more ammunition.
  8. ¨ Buy more antibiotics.
  9. ¨ Buy more alcohol for barter.
  10. ¨ Buy more cigars and cigarettes for barter.

This Newsletter and Chapter are dedicated to my 1RLI Support Commando Second In Command

 Captain Vernon Anthony Prinsloo

04 August 1950 – 09 February 2022

Vernon was my Troop Commander in Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry 1977-79… a Lieutenant then, soon to become Second in Command of Support Commando to Major Nigel H… Africa 1977-79.

In most militaries of the world the rule is “Never, ever volunteer for anything.” In my Commando it was… “I’ll go Lieutenant!” which I remember saying to him as I popped out of my tent when I heard him calling for volunteers to go with him to get two SAS guys out of Zambia who were surrounded by the Zambian Army.

Vernon said to me… “You’re getting married soon!” He was always like a mother hen watching his brood. I told him “If I don’t go, I know I’ll get it on the way home… that’s what I feel.”

He looked at me oddly, then said… “Okay, chute up!” So, I went to put my parachute on. As I was walking to the truck for my parachute, word was sent to us that the two SAS guys had escaped from their encirclement and were headed for the Zambesi River back into Rhodesia.

But me volunteering was more that Vernon always gave me a sense of invincibility when I was with him, than my bravery. When he was around, I was safe. Safer with him on a rescue mission than riding in the back of an armored truck home. I am alive because he saved my life on another occasion. If he’d hesitated from fear, I wouldn’t be typing this.

I would have followed that man anywhere… that was the stature of him and my Commando Officers… fearless. Real Leaders and fearless… they wouldn’t ask you to do anything they wouldn’t do. They always stuck their necks out first. Vernon was always the first of our Troop to lead the way… taking point. He inspired bravery in his men.

A hero with medals who acted bravely once on the spur of the moment? No.

A desk jockey giving orders to men who fought the battles? No.

He was the man who braved danger every day for years without fail or hesitation… the definition of… courageous.

Do not stand at my grave and weep… I am not there… I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow… I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain… I am the Gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the mornings hush… I am the swift uplifting rush

of quiet birds in circled flight, I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry… I am not there… I did not die.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Encouraging Angels March 17, 2022 at 18:07

    Great article!

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