What Anthony Fauci Has To Do With The Revelations In Ukraine
You’re probably wondering, as I did, what Fauci was up to between the time he let AIDS into the larger public and becoming the public face of tyranny behind the Covid nonsense. Now we know. Please, boomer neocons, keep defending them and voter more harder-er at them. Maybe they’ll stop. Your grandchildren will pick up the tab. -NCS
From RFK Jr’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”, pg 816-818
In the summer of 2001, two months before the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, the Department of Defense officially launched its drive to revive bioweapons research by sending a report to Congress, authored by Kadlec, pleading that the military’s system for developing vaccines to protect troops from anthrax, smallpox, and other exotic bioweapons “is insufficient and will fail.” (67)
Beginning with the 9/11 attack, the War on Terror triggered a tectonic shift in global security priorities and elephantine ripples in defense spending patterns across the globe as open democracies began shifting to a security state footing. The revival of US government interest in germ warfare opened new opportunities. The US biodefense budget went from $137 million in 1997 to $14.5 billion for 2001–2004.(68)
Every agency with a colorable claim to a National Security function paddled out frantically to barrel the money tsunami. Between 2001 and 2014, the United States spent around $80 billion on biodefense. Since germ weaponry was still illegal, vaccines became a critical euphemism for the revival of the multibillion-dollar bioweapons industry. Pentagon sources told Science Magazine that the military was applying for “a sweeping overhaul of how the federal government develops vaccines to protect both the military and civilians.”(69)
The Pentagon’s assault on the vaccine space was both an opportunity and threat to Dr. Fauci and NIAID. US Vice President Cheney and his PNAC confederates found some convenient loopholes in the Geneva Convention through which they drove a fortyfold expansion in spending in biological weapons research. The Department of Defense had strict systems in place to ensure compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention. Those restrictions limited the Pentagon’s freedom to undertake new research programs, particularly those referred to as “the leading edge of biodefense.” Cheney’s response, recalls Professor Richard Ebright, “was to transfer this research from the Department of Defense to the National Institutes of Health, specifically to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). By about 2004, this transfer was complete, and NIAID had been transformed into an arm of the defense sector.”(70)
This made the NIAID Director Anthony Fauci a major player in biodefense and germ warfare.
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For the life of me–when does FAUCI get clapped in irons? When is his address a steel cage?
When does ‘Mordor-on-the-Potomac’ get its just deserts?
…or, will the punishment that one deserves in this mass-murder and treason eventually be sifted out by a jury of peers called Patriots or a vengeful God?
Time will tell.
Public hanging in Washington D. C.
Along with at least several hundred others.