False Flag Mass Shooting in NYC – Just in Time to Support Upcoming Gun Grab Vote!

Well, well, well… NYC, my old stomping grounds. Site of the latest false flag mass shooting. TA-DA!!!!! Juuuuust in time to support proposed legislation which would basically forbid concealed carrying just about anywhere in the state:


Nice carry license you got there, New Yorkers. Too bad they’re fucking worthless! This coming on the heels of all the manufactured hand-wringing in NYC and NY State about “ghost guns” – gotta watch out for them super-scary ghost guns, as they have a tendency to leap off a table or out of a holster and just start randomly shooting people.

But don’t worry… these NYPD cops are locked, cocked, and ready to rock some serious CQB action in them subways, eh? Everyone can rest easy since legislators and police are keeping us citizens safe in New York State. Whew!

[Source of photos: https://nypost.com/2022/04/12/nypd-investigating-possible-explosion-in-brooklyn-subway-station/]

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About the Author: conan

Conan has been working out for over 25 years, with extensive experience in lifting weights; he has also been a personal fitness trainer for 22 years now. He has experience both doing and training people in various modes of fitness and exercise throughout those decades. He enjoys hunting, martial arts, shooting, and studying history and world cultures. He seeks to share his extensive knowledge of physical fitness, as well as his recent experiences in taking tactical training courses and transmitting acquired tactical skills to the people in his AO. Contact Conan at: discipleofcrom@tutanota.com.​


  1. NC Scout April 12, 2022 at 12:09

    The last time the FBI looked this bad was after Ruby Ridge. Then we got Waco.

    Then we got OKC.

    • conan April 12, 2022 at 12:25

      Yes sir. I think we’re about due for a big mass-casualty false flag any day now… it’s ramping up.

      • rto-jerry April 12, 2022 at 13:20

        Massive false flag event to further extend police state powers, gov’t spying and of course incarceration without due process. Cuz ya’ll a bunch of terrorist according to the government.

        • conan April 12, 2022 at 13:31

          NY is certainly at the tip of the spear when it comes to usurping or outright destroying citizen rights. False flags help that process, along with all the mindless idiots in NYC and NY state that keep voting in the lowlifes despite bitching and moaning about them all the time. There’s enough of them to crowd out the vote of sane state citizens, it seems. And who needs votes anyway these days?

  2. boss21 April 12, 2022 at 12:23

    Ten blocks away from this bullshit. The crew here all nodded at the amazing timing re gun control. Meanwhile the Lt Governor was arrested this very morning.

    • conan April 12, 2022 at 12:27

      You’re still in NYC, Boss21? I fled from there in 2012 and never looked back. Yeah, timing of this event sure is suspect, ain’t it?

      • boss21 April 12, 2022 at 12:39

        50/50 between the city and upstate. Can’t bring myself to bail completely. Way too many connections here. Couldn’t bear to miss the show and ceding turf to commies is not my way.

  3. Al April 12, 2022 at 15:55

    ABC News is reporting that this station had no working cameras. That’s very convenient.

    • conan April 12, 2022 at 18:26

      No kidding…

  4. KBYN April 12, 2022 at 16:40

    The Left wants war and violence, and I don’t, but since it’s apparently inevitable we might as well get it over with. Somebody needs to tell them to just kick it off already, and to stop waiting for us normal people to strike first.

    We won’t.

    • conan April 12, 2022 at 18:25

      I hear you KBYN. The question then is, how much shit are we gonna eat until we finally throw down?

  5. echo April 12, 2022 at 16:42

    on the heels of Brandons exec order on ghost guns…hmmmm… no cameras working at the station the shooting was at…hmmmm suspect dawns a gas mask, smoke grenade, then all victims are shot in the legs…hmmmmm something does not pass the smell test here.. the globalists are getting more brazen

    • conan April 12, 2022 at 18:27

      Watch them “discover” that this was done with an 80% lower! Just like they “discovered” the Saudi passports of the 9/11 hijackers.

  6. Aaron s Wilkins April 12, 2022 at 19:44

    Just in time for the gun grab vote ! COMMIE SCUM

  7. John in Indy April 13, 2022 at 04:52

    On Instapundit, Andy Ngo reports that the shooter is identified as Frank James, a black man from Philly, who rented a truck there to drive to NY and shoot folk.
    His Farcebook pages show affiliation with / support of BLM, the Black Liberation Army, and a banner “Messenger of Allah”, among other crap.
    He was identified by a credit card reciept in the rented truck. He is still out there as of 4 AM.
    He has an extensive criminal record, and was on the FBIs suspected terrorist watch list until 2019.
    Another Known Wolf chimping-out.
    John in Indy

  8. Stephen B Henderson April 13, 2022 at 06:03

    I’m not a conspiracy guy. I look st things logically and take in all the facts and most conspiracies are just that, conspiracies. But if there ever was a false flag in the united states of America’s history, this is it.
    My entire issue is supposedly the fire department were alerted to smoke which is how this was “discovered”, not the police for 33 gunshots.
    “Frank james”, sounds like a bad fake name a teen came up with , shot 33 shits in NYC in a subway station, full of people, BUT not a single solitary person called 911? All of the security cameras there and not a single one captured gun fire? The day after an unconstitutional law is passed?
    If this is a false flag, I believe will be the spark that sets off the united states civil war since democracy would be officially dead and need rebuilt.
    Obviously a.”democratic” nation that uses the same.tactics they accuse.communist russia of is not a democratic nation but a dictatorship like china, russia, Saudi arabia, etc

    • NC Scout April 13, 2022 at 07:50

      Agreed 100% brother.

  9. mike April 13, 2022 at 09:39

    I’m not sure what to make of this one. The false flags they have manufactured of late have all been exceedingly transparent, such as the Gov Whitmer caper that featured more gov operatives than conspirators involved. This guy is clearly of the wrong demographic for a political stunt such as this. and the basics of that were public information almost immediately, (we should have known from the clear deficiencies in marksmanship). The bonus points of islamist and BLM philosophical adherence as pointed out by John in Indy are very unfortunate for any narrative blaming the usual scapegoats, so one has to wonder if this is the result of an overeager individual acting on his own or if it is arrogance/desperation on the part of the planners. We shall see if the whole thing goes away quietly in a few days or not. I recall a similar nonviolent episode during the nationwide children’s antigun protests in 2018. A black man and woman from Texas were arrested in a Boston area motel with an arsenal of weapons and were known to have pulled a recon on the site of a planned rally in Cambridge. For some unexplained reason, the suspect called the police on himself in his own motel room and claimed to be a federal agent on a mission. These bizarre facts were reported widely in local broadcast and print media. I was eagerly awaiting to see how that one would play out in public court, but alas, there was never another peep printed or uttered about that case after the arraignment. It is obvious that the whole thing simply went away and the local news media was completely incurious about it. I’m sure the false flag department at DOJ would have loved to sponsor a pale guy shooting of the gun control kids at the time just as it would be expected to favor one supporting that narrative today. One has to wonder if central casting is completely incompetent or if something else is going on.

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