REVISITED: The Quickly Approaching Precipice, by Scipio

Originally written on 9/20/2020

Where we are now is where the most blind can see the quickly approaching precipice. We are not yet peering into the abyss, but we are getting close.  There is danger in peering into the abyss.  For example, when standing to close to a cliff it’s easy to lose your balance and fall in.  We must stop at the sight of the precipice, and that is where we are now.

If you haven’t read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago” and don’t have a month to do so, then read one of his shorter books, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”.  Both are books about his eyewitness accounts of barbaric atheistic socialism.  Hitler’s camps paled in comparison. Ten times as many died in the gulags.  Richard Wurmbrand in his book, “Tortured for Christ” said that when the Russians came and took over the Nazi Romanian prison he was in, the German torture they had gone through before had just prepared them for far worse communist torture. Besides, the Germans were good Lutherans, the Soviets atheists.

Solzhenitsyn’s was the leading voice within Russia telling the world of what horrors were going on in the Soviet Union.  His release to the West was seen as a triumph of the West’s democracy over the East’s communism. His defection to the West and move to the USA in 1976 was one of the crown trophies of the Cold War.

However, his fame took a nose dive in the US after he gave the graduation speech at Harvard.  He spent most of his speech on his anti-socialism position.  But then, he dropped this bomb shell.  He said, “But should some ask me whether I would indicate the West such as it is today (1978) as a model to my country, frankly I would have to answer negatively.  No, I cannot recommend your society in its present state as an ideal for the transformation of ours.  Through intense suffering our country has now achieved a spiritual development of such intensity that the Western system in its present state of SPIRITUAL EXHAUSTION (emphasis mine) does not look attractive.”

(Keep in mind the Soviet Union did not collapse until 1989, so this speech was given at the height of Soviet socialist brutality, something he experienced for years, yet Solzhenitsyn would not recommend America’s society model as a replacement to restore Russia as a humanitarian country. Amazing! After the collapse of communism in Russia, Solzhenitsyn moved back to Russia in 1994.)

During the first Iraqi War, the first iteration of America’s “Endless Wars”, I was struck by something Saddam Hussein said. Encouraging his people he said, “We have nothing to fear, they only have their technology”. Unfortunately, it was true, Iraq had a cultural identity based on religion (albeit a false one).  America’s corrupt culture was already known around the world, even among despots.  Yet the average American was and is still unaware of it.

America, on the other hand is self-absorbed and is propped up by its consumption and pursuit of happiness at all costs.  The last vestiges of “We the people”, and “When in the course of human events”, and “we have been endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights” has melted away.  We are a secular culture with a weathered sign in our window that says “In God we trust” but it is now just a slogan we learned to say.

Our founding fathers set up a government based on Judaic-Christian precepts.  The assumption of those men was that we would be a nation of Christians, as it was mostly then. They had been the victims of tyranny, and wanted to make sure it didn’t happen again. (BTW “tyranny” is far worse than “terrorism”.  Terrorism operates from a position of weakness and lawlessness, while tyranny works from a position of power with the “law” on its side.  Who would you appeal to for redress of tyranny, your tyrant government?)

Despite our founding fathers’ best efforts to limit the power of government, their best efforts and restraints on political power have slowly been chipped away.  They tried to separate political power into three portions, they tried checks and balances, they tried to keep stupid people from voting, and the last check that remains is the Electoral College. We now see the judicial branch legislate, the administrative branch judicate, we see the legislative branch administrate. We didn’t get where we are in the last 30 years or so. It has been a slow slide downhill for over 100 years.  The Civil War was the end of the Republic and the beginning of our central federal government.  Everything else politically since has been an outworking of that singular event.  If you think the Civil War was about slavery then you have been drinking the cool aide, or you are incredibly naive, or pick any kind of dumb category you can think of and put yourself right in the middle of it.

The only way American will be saved from this evil and deception that is sweeping America is a revival on the level of the Great Awakening from approximately 1720-1760s.  During that time a single pastor, Johnathan Edwards, delivered perhaps the greatest sermon since Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  That sermon was titled “Sinners in the Hands of and Angry God” and it had people falling all over themselves to seek God’s forgiveness.  Edwards was not the only pastor calling sinners to repent during this time. The whole nation was transformed and some historians think that the Great Awakening was the basis for American colonist to overthrow the tyranny of the king of England.

If we want God to believe we are a nation of followers, a nation of sinners that need redemption, a nation with a contrite and humble heart, we need to stand up and yell to God, “Hey!  We are over here! We believe in you!  Deliver us from this evil we have brought on ourselves! Forgive us of our sins!  Save us Lord Jesus, son of God, son of David, son of Man”.

Who will lead us back to God?  The clergy?  According to a recent Gallop poll the clergy ranked 10th out of 22 professions for honesty and ethics, just one position above number 11 journalists.  Who will lead us then?  Where is that person?  God is looking for America’s Gideon.  Where are you? Like Gideon will you answer the call despite your fear?  America’s Gideon is not in the clergy, but he is in the house.

Many have well documented this road to perdition we are on.  That road is close to its end.

Ephesians 3:10 says the Church is to “make known the manifold wisdom of God to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places”.  There sits the seat of governments.  And just where is the church? AWOL. The Church in America has chosen to join the State at the hip.  The American flag shares equal status alongside the cross on the stage in most churches (Oops lost some people on that one). The Church has traded criticism of the State for Section 501(c)3 tax deductible status that less than 10% of its members can take advantage of anyway.  Clear Biblical teaching on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and what He expects of those who follow Him has been turned upside down. Truly the Scripture in Isaiah 5:20 “Who unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (KJV) speaks to the day we live in as well as then.

When the “news” cycle was about terrorism and the radicalization of youth around the world, people asked why these people would do this.  I’ll tell you why; radical Islam gave them something worth living for AND dying for.  Christianity taught in most American and Western churches today gives them neither something to live for OR die for.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Grumpster April 12, 2022 at 16:00

    Well, I have the NTJV* Bible, and it says to “love people into the Kingdom, and don’t Rock the boat” ……. *(Nicer Than Jesus Version)

  2. Centurion_Cornelius April 12, 2022 at 16:09

    Ivan Denisovich — one day in his Gulag life:

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