A Chinese Mainland Invasion? Not So Fast, by NC Scout

(Americanpartisan.org) The recent headline making the waves on the alt-media is a surfaced report regarding an alleged Chinese plan to launch an invasion of the mainland US. Its certainly alarming and one that draws quite a bit of attention for obvious reasons; but the real question remains – is such a thing even plausible? The answer is both yes and no.

From the top, the likelihood of a leaked Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troop movement order is slim to none. In a military system where punishment is swift and severe, such a leak would mean immediate and public execution for a traitor, and in a system wholly devoted to its own nationalist cause, the likelihood of such a leak is slim. This is not to say a document was not leaked; rather, its highly likely either a canarie test of some type or its flat disinformation. Either way, the reactionaries of immediate dismissal are equally as concerning. We do know and recognize China as an immediate threat. In saying that, it is the Defense Intelligence Agency’s own assessment that China does not yet possess force projection capabilities outside its own region and has little desire to do so aside from a foreign internal defense model bolstering its own allied governments. This is an assessment with which I concur.

In saying that, however, the reader must re-analyze what is being stated. Foreign Internal Defense (FID) is a mission to reinforce a favorable government in a given area through military aid. That is not an invasion, rather, it is an invitation at the behest of a specific governing entity.

Let that one digest for a bit.

Given the levels of penetration and compromise of both the Democrat and Republican Parties and the ownership of extensive amounts of American vital interests, it is not absurd to suggest that aid on part of the Chinese would be invited in as a stabilizing factor for a future event unknown. The alarmist suggestion of a US mainland attack leaves out the Taiwan question, and the entirety of Asia for that matter. The logistics required on part of an untrained and inexperienced armed force would be nearly impossible to field even before the fight, let alone sustain. And the idea of a nuclear attack on the west coast, which is favorable to Chinese interests, is silly.

While the military industrial complex continues to build untested wunderweapons for imagined foes, American foreign interest has been completely degraded abroad, with only two nations in South America even tacitly aligning with American interests; Colombia and Brazil. As I’ve covered extensively, the leading Colombian Presidential Candidate, Gustavo Petro, is an avowed Marxist and is running on a platform of ending US involvement and signing on to China’s Belt and Road initiative. Brazil is not far behind. Central America is also firmly under the CCP grasp. Given a consolidation of influence combined with a military manufacturing base already in place, the Chinese suddenly find themselves in a lucrative position surrounding the entirety of US borders and expanding their levels of influence, just as the DIA report indicates. Coupled with at least two reinforced runways in the border region to support airlift operations, a FID model seems far more likely. Given the current border crisis having no leadership, the continued policy of grey zone warfare on part of those central and south American nations will only get worse while being exploited by the Chinese.

In short, China does not need to invade the US in a hostile manner. All they have to do is wait. Should there be Chinese troops on US soil, they’ll be invited in on the part of domestic traitors. And for anyone saying ‘that can’t happen here’, I direct you to the past two years as an example. It is not in any way dismissive, but rather, a sober look at the real plausibility of such a thing, while underscoring the imperative to train and prepare now.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. no May 22, 2022 at 23:32

    Exactly. Why would they invade when our own Lizard Ruling Class is doing the dirty work of toppling the empire for them.

  2. Rex May 22, 2022 at 23:37

    When meeting with a CCP delegation that was touring my traitorous employer a few years ago, I joked about a future invasion. They smiled and said they wouldn’t need to invade because we’d invite them in.

    • Gray Man May 23, 2022 at 08:22

      They’re all fully onboard. That’s what a nationalist state looks like. China is probably the closest thing to actual fascism the world has today.

  3. KBYN May 22, 2022 at 23:50

    Endorsed. People fearing a Normandy-style invasion need to look at a globe and compare the English Channel to the North Pacific.

    Lincoln was on to something when he said:

    “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

    • Gray Man May 23, 2022 at 08:21

      Suicide it seems to be.

  4. Longbeards and Longboats May 23, 2022 at 00:38

    They will build up autonomous zones in the former republic and methodically build up the Trojan horse.
    In Oklahoma they are buying up all the legal cannabis shop licenses to use it for human trafficking.
    Societies that are being systemically destroyed internally by Quisling traitors will be taken advantage of by external enemies as well.

  5. You Are On Your Own May 23, 2022 at 02:48

    The Grand Old Politburo and the CPUSA are fellow traveler comrades of the CCP.

  6. Roave May 23, 2022 at 03:55

    “…they’ll be invited in on the part of domestic traitors.” Hong Kong being a good example of that – remember the student riots…the military was ‘ invited in ‘ to help with suppressing it. Then, the full lock-down ‘ to root out the virus ‘ aka unwelcome elements of society.

  7. Ghostmann May 23, 2022 at 05:26

    Thank you for calling this out.

  8. CPL Antero Rokka May 23, 2022 at 06:23

    Yep–it won’t be any “D-Day” type invasion.

    Like the torture of 10,000 drops of water on your forehead–at first, it’s not too bad, but over time, it gets to you. It will be by “invitation,” and like the old camel sticking his nose first into the tent…hen later, his whole body.

    Look at Congress and the Whitehouse–ripe for graft, corruption and betrayal. They would invite a CCP Trojan Horse in a heartbeat.

  9. Florida Marine May 23, 2022 at 06:56

    Where did Sun Tzu come from again….

    • boss21 May 23, 2022 at 08:24

      Lol, that’s it. They are doing fine with a reverse Dunkirk anyway. This whole thing started with this JR Nyquist creature. He is still smarting from a cosmic wrong call on Ukraine so off to the ‘next thing’. Another intellectual lightweight vomiter of neocon think tankdom.

  10. Gray Man May 23, 2022 at 08:19

    China has been waging a successful 5th generational war against the US for decades. I wrote several intelligence information reports myself back in 2011 and 2012 stating that China’s ability to project power abroad extended essentially to their immediate geographic area and that hasn’t changed much.

    No way are they able or willing to switch from a successful 5th Gen war (one in which our own leadership and institutions are being compensated for their complicity) to a costly 3rd and 4th Gen war. They have examples from the Russian and American militaries of how not to conduct foreign interventions.

  11. Mark A Laughlin May 23, 2022 at 09:30

    Invasion would be consistent with the Golitsyn’s warning….and Clausewitz.

    But I agree, such a leak is very unlikely. Moreover if this were the “one clenched fist” move, I would not expect so much bluster and threats from Russia and China. They’d keep their mouth shut to preserve the advantage of surprise.

    These communist bloc leaders are surrounded by “yes men”…a good chance they are frauds full of fake bravado. But that can be dangerous and no one studying geopolitics should be unfamiliar with Golistyn, Lunev, Senja, Alibek, Douglas, and Nyquist.


  12. Mark. May 23, 2022 at 14:23

    Personally, I fear my own federal government more than any foreign power. Those who control it are crazy, deranged and satanic. We will be at war with both Russia and China, and our government will be waging that war to help install the system of the Antichrist. We as a nation are not going to be on the good side, or the winning one, when it is over. That is not to say that China and Russia are good, but to state that we have been chosen as satan’s spearhead.

  13. Rob157 May 23, 2022 at 20:30

    I’d wager that China already has more people embedded than anyone can imagine, probably thousands. They have had decades to set people in place, and send them any types of gear they may foresee needing. They are probably just waiting for the “go” order, to get busy with the “gray terrorism”. Really, it would only take hundreds of them to put America on her knees.

    While an outright invasion is unlikely, that presumption is based on their known naval vessels, and air force transports. China’s commercial shipping fleet dwarfs our Navy, and they have a few airliners. How much equipment have they prepositioned using these ships? Then, as stated, China has inroads in Central America. If China felt audacious enough, felt they had little to lose, they might just take a shot at it one day. Most Americans would simply roll over for them, anyway. As stated though, they may not need to go to trouble, as they will just be invited in by the parasites.

    Anything is possible, however unlikely. As for the “it can’t happen here” people, most of them still can’t comprehend all the things that “can’t happen here”, that already have…

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