Abnormal colors in the surf
The phrase “We need a [insert color] wave this election” seems to be playing on loop on an uncountable amount of media coverage. Where are the calls for waving the stars and stripes? Where are the masses of individuals that desire nothing but a true Constitutional Republic?
The answer is, at minimum, a single lightyear beyond the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. The non-political solution to our numerous politicized issues is hiding in plain sight. Had it been a copperhead, we’d be paralyzed already.
Speak the truth, always.
Surely all parties can agree on that? Obviously, this is not the case. There is no reason to list what are clearly the issues at hand. Fake debates and hearings are being held in the US Capital building everyday to appease the voter base. Republicans grandstanding on religious liberty and gun rights. Meanwhile, voting ‘yeh’ for bills that are antithetical to those views.
Political parties are guiding campaign management through the upcoming election cycle, moves and counter-moves being calculated every second. Many notable figures throughout history have spoken out against organized political parties. Their concerns are being proven to have been valid.
Billions of dollars are spent every year by political campaigns throughout the US. All to advertise support for one candidate, while typically smearing the reputation of another. This ‘political machine’ could be described as a power vacuum that never turns off. An extremely loud vacuum that prevents anyone from hearing anything else in the house. You could start shooting and no one would know.
Choo Choo! Trum….just kidding.
Training is a continuous and necessary dedication of time and effort in a specific task. If asked, most personal trainers will say the most untrained muscle is the anterior hip flexor or some other clump of fibers. If asked what is most powerful, they will likely say “the legs”. Never considering that the brain is a muscle and requires fitness training.
Training the brain muscle is by far the most difficult of all muscles in the human body. Partially because of the distractions faced by the 21st century man. Pride, lust, gluttony, and envy supercede all in 2022.
Sodom and Gomorrah
With an untrained brain, no one could find the sum of weights on their barbell. Instead, weight lifters would say, ‘this’ is heavier than ‘that’. This is certainly not an efficient way of exercising. Just as poor diets and bad coaching will ruin a bodybuilder’s aspirations, it too will ruin an philosopher’s ability to “philosphize”.
Nutrition for the brain is a two lane, one way road. Nutrients from food being the right or ‘slow lane’, and sensory intake being the left or ‘fast lane’. Because a person can have the perfect level of nutrients in every bite of food. But if their senses are clogged with nothing but useless and trashy entertainment, all of that nutrition is for not.
When at a gun show, avoid the guy asking everyone if they ‘would like some real literature’. The book is Mein Kampf, and they’re FBI agents.
-Johnny Paratrooper
Read books with substance, knowledge, and unknown vocabulary. Dust off that dictionary. Do not stop learning. This will greatly increase a person’s ability to think critically, rationally, ethically, and dare I say, Christ-like.
Once you are thinking clearly, the scales will be removed from your eyes and the truth will be revealed. An increase in cognitive ability is also crucial on the battlefield. Non-Commisioned Officers are required to be able to think quickly, communicate precisely, and act accordingly. YouTube is for privates, men like the Sons Of Liberty podcast crew make NCOs out of citizens.
The truth is: we are at war, no one can help you but you, trust in the Lord with all your heart and you will live forever.
We need a big wave this election
Abnormal colors in the surf
The phrase “We need a [insert color] wave this election” seems to be playing on loop on an uncountable amount of media coverage. Where are the calls for waving the stars and stripes? Where are the masses of individuals that desire nothing but a true Constitutional Republic?
The answer is, at minimum, a single lightyear beyond the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. The non-political solution to our numerous politicized issues is hiding in plain sight. Had it been a copperhead, we’d be paralyzed already.
Speak the truth, always.
Surely all parties can agree on that? Obviously, this is not the case. There is no reason to list what are clearly the issues at hand. Fake debates and hearings are being held in the US Capital building everyday to appease the voter base. Republicans grandstanding on religious liberty and gun rights. Meanwhile, voting ‘yeh’ for bills that are antithetical to those views.
Political parties are guiding campaign management through the upcoming election cycle, moves and counter-moves being calculated every second. Many notable figures throughout history have spoken out against organized political parties. Their concerns are being proven to have been valid.
Billions of dollars are spent every year by political campaigns throughout the US. All to advertise support for one candidate, while typically smearing the reputation of another. This ‘political machine’ could be described as a power vacuum that never turns off. An extremely loud vacuum that prevents anyone from hearing anything else in the house. You could start shooting and no one would know.
Choo Choo! Trum….just kidding.
Training is a continuous and necessary dedication of time and effort in a specific task. If asked, most personal trainers will say the most untrained muscle is the anterior hip flexor or some other clump of fibers. If asked what is most powerful, they will likely say “the legs”. Never considering that the brain is a muscle and requires fitness training.
Training the brain muscle is by far the most difficult of all muscles in the human body. Partially because of the distractions faced by the 21st century man. Pride, lust, gluttony, and envy supercede all in 2022.
With an untrained brain, no one could find the sum of weights on their barbell. Instead, weight lifters would say, ‘this’ is heavier than ‘that’. This is certainly not an efficient way of exercising. Just as poor diets and bad coaching will ruin a bodybuilder’s aspirations, it too will ruin an philosopher’s ability to “philosphize”.
Nutrition for the brain is a two lane, one way road. Nutrients from food being the right or ‘slow lane’, and sensory intake being the left or ‘fast lane’. Because a person can have the perfect level of nutrients in every bite of food. But if their senses are clogged with nothing but useless and trashy entertainment, all of that nutrition is for not.
Read books with substance, knowledge, and unknown vocabulary. Dust off that dictionary. Do not stop learning. This will greatly increase a person’s ability to think critically, rationally, ethically, and dare I say, Christ-like.
Once you are thinking clearly, the scales will be removed from your eyes and the truth will be revealed. An increase in cognitive ability is also crucial on the battlefield. Non-Commisioned Officers are required to be able to think quickly, communicate precisely, and act accordingly. YouTube is for privates, men like the Sons Of Liberty podcast crew make NCOs out of citizens.
The truth is: we are at war, no one can help you but you, trust in the Lord with all your heart and you will live forever.
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About the Author: Madman Actual
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