The Bolivarian Hurricane and America, by NC Scout

(NC Scout / Nearly everyone in the US has ignored the political disasters to American foreign policy in South America. Conditioned by the five day news cycle, hapless conservatives and liberals alike have paid careful attention to a phony insurrection, forgotten about a fraudulent election, lost a war in Afghanistan, left our allies behind, provoked a war for political corruption, and hated Russia for it to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. In doing so American foreign policy, built upon the hubris of Ivy League know-betters, erased any credibility the nation has for rewarding allies and reinforcing hegemony. Outside the US, people have long attention spans and even longer memories.

Every nation, from Mexico to Argentina, save for Brazil is now led by, at a minimum, a socialist dominated government. But Latin American socialism is not the American capitalist-hedonism we think of here in the US. Not by a long shot. For anyone familiar with the politics of the region for the past hundred years, its rooted specifically in Leftist populism with one primary goal – destruction of the oppressor, the United States. Che Guevara maintained some interesting insights to this pan-latin view in both the Motorcycle Diaries and Guerrilla Warfare. In his estimation, American liberals are nothing more than a bourgeois construct; the by product of weathy and indolent people. Was he wrong?

Latin American Leftism was first opposition to European powers, embodied by Simon Bolivar’s armed revolution against the Spanish Crown, viewing their North American allies as brothers in the struggle. But that would quickly change to one of coercion; the Monroe doctrine gave way to economic exploitation. And sooner or later, the people grow weary of abusive relationships.

Instead of a policy of equity and free trade, puppets were installed where possible and the grift continued. Waiting in the wings was the Soviet Union with an answer, albeit a rotten one, but to the desperate any answer is better than the current condition. And it came with its own coercion, as the victims of communist reprisals no doubt attest. And when that relationship faltered at the conclusion of the Cold War, China picked up the reigns and continued with a renewed vigor to solidify a socialist brotherhood of nations in South America. Like the domino theory of old, one by one, the nations have fell in line, with the most recent example being the election of Gustavo Petro, a former communist guerrilla, as the President of one of America’s oldest allied nations, Colombia. This was unfortunately easily predictable and I had done so several times, for what good it may have done.

On a campaign of normalizing relations with Venezuela, who had been at the brink of war with the last Colombian regime, Petro has quickly moved on his campaign promises and more – ending domestic oil production that was subsidized by American interests and immediately announcing military cooperation with both China and Russia – each of which having a substantial presence in each of the nations of the region, steadily building stronger ties with each passing day. It is what Secure Free Society came to label the Bolivarian Hurricane earlier this month. This is, without a doubt, a culmination of a very long plan for destabilization of the United States in the long term.

How could they pull off such a thing? Its unpossible, as we’re told by our betters. But our betters enabled a rich environment for grey zone warfare on our own southern border; allowing for masses of people to simply swarm north and overwhelm our capacity for supporting them. Let’s suppose for a second that 1-3% of that population now has military or intelligence agency training for organization and sabotage. It is not absurd to suggest such. The American Liberal Elite find themselves now in a doctrinal death spiral; they cannot turn them back lest they betray their values, they cannot accept them fully for they do not share those same values. The Conservative Elite are too busy exploiting cheap labor and for-profit prisons to care either way. Business as usual for the Beltway. Russia and China, finding themselves now in a far better position in the region and economically than in the late 1950s, are now poised to take full advantage of the power vacuum created by the death of American foreign policy under its own short-sighted and corruption-fueled liberalism.

To levy war, an army must first master logistics. The closer those logistics are to the proposed battlefield, the easier the battle will become – thus the saying fighting on one’s home turf. Neither Russia nor China are, militarily, much beyond a regional power despite claims to the contrary. The difference between their strategy and the US, however, is that they don’t have to be. The Russians learned a large standing army was far too expensive and impractical to maintain during the Soviet years. And while China does invest heavily in large scale equipment and capabilities, this is is partly due to both a large surplus population in the case of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and a long view of shipping lane protection in the case of the PLA-Navy.

This leaves the question of strategy. What would be the goal of a Chinese and Russian joint presence all across Central and South America? Hegemony for what comes after the internal destruction of the United States. In creating willing partners through economic cooperation they’ve also built a willing base of conscripts from those allied Bolivarian nations. They’ve built factories to build the necessary materials. They created new infrastructure and cemented the ability to push logistics north. And that allegiance is made all the more stronger when galvanized against an enemy perceived to be weak and ailing. There can be no question that those two adjectives sum up the American political situation correctly.

So where does that leave you? Many envision a variety of nightmare scenarios of which to prepare; things to survive. Right or wrong, they range from plausible to far fetched, usually even in the discussion of the breakdown of the United States. It cannot be denied that culturally we as a coherent people are at an all time low, with the internal social fracturing pressures at a high level and the social control mechanisms, from the FBI to the local PD, struggling to maintain the status quo. In many cases, they’re failing, just like the coercive policies by which the Federal system maintains control over the policies of the States. It is a situation doomed to failure even without the external threats. Our adversaries understand fully to attack at the weakest moment, whether that’s an opportunity they create or of its own fruition matters not. But they absolutely will strike, and it will come from the south.

An active fifth column within, a support structure conducting foreign internal defense of friendly governments from the outside. It is a communist playbook for revolution, and one we’ve also followed once or twice, but with the difference being the mixed bag of coastal governments already working with Chinese interests; even after the failure of the Federal level, those state administrations in California, Oregon and Washington, among others, will remain safely in place, under a new banner. At least they’re honest, finally. And that plan may very well already be in the works, there’s no way to know till the lights go off.

Your own preparation for resistance must account for this reality. America is in for a hard struggle, and one that cannot be fought anywhere but at the local most level. Get ready.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at or via his blog at .


  1. spingerah July 11, 2022 at 09:25

    Yep, nailed it.
    Clear eyed take from a student of history.

  2. plankmember July 11, 2022 at 13:00

    As we would expect, Broke it off in there ,no grease or sugar coating Perfect…no way out but through

  3. Spingehra July 11, 2022 at 17:03

    I think its coated with ground glass calluses aint gonna help. bleeding bohica

  4. Rob157 July 12, 2022 at 00:06

    A century of psychological warfare has made the average American little more than a dope. Most of the people I know, or have ever known would not comprehend this article, or the gravity of it. Most people are conditioned to roll their eyes and regurgitate something about “conspiracy theories”. Or, they think if they Voat Moar Harder, Trump will save America.

    If you happen to travel by air, on a brand name passenger jet, ponder this: There are illegals working illegally in the U.S., making parts for them. Many aircraft parts are subcontracted out to other manufacturers, and machine shops. Most Americans see jobs like machining to be beneath them; have seen a lot of American citizens come and go, while the illegals stick it out and learn the trade. About half of them refuse to learn English, they expect you to learn Spanish, and you can see the hatred in their eyes. I’d wager a few of those in our shop will be happy to participate in their D-Day when it comes. Down in the Southwest, Atzlan is demographically and politically ready to rise also.

    Meanwhile, the people who are supposed to defend the border are facilitating the invasion, and openly destroying this country’s defenses. They have gotten away with numerous false flag attacks. They have gotten away with mass poisoning with their jab. They are getting away with orchestrating a famine, and an energy crisis. They lie to your face daily, and nothing can be challenged. Half of the country has become some form of commucrat, and the only thing “conservatives” conserve is greed. Perversion and all manner of abnormal behavior are off the scale.

    Russia, China, Iran, and all their allies, must be counting down the hours as they laugh, ready to carve up what they see as a failing, disunited empire. Oh well.

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