Dear Mr. Biden

Mr. Biden,

I do not often commit my thoughts about political theater to writing, but having reviewed your speech from September 1st, 2022, I would like to offer a few thoughts.

Unlike you and your cronies who reside in Washington DC, I do not have a far-reaching base of power and corruption, nor do I desire one. I also do not have any special skills or abilities that allow me to reach large masses of my countrymen, nor great oratory skill. In fact, by my own choice, I am just an average, hard-working, middle class American who wants to be left alone to take care of my family and enjoy my time serving them and serving The Lord. I have never served in the armed forces or in a government agency. I spend my working life educating young people in vocational trades in order that they may mature and grow into productive and successful adults who will be a credit to their families and communities. In other words, I strive to live my life in a manner completely opposed to almost everything that you publicly profess to believe in and stand for. Despite the fact that I may be relatively powerless to affect large scale societal change as an individual, I am a small part of that very large group of people you frequently refer to as “MAGA” and there are many like me. Together, we possess a greater degree of power than you seem to comprehend. You, or rather the people who give you your orders each day, are enamored with promoting the idea that we are a fringe minority. For that, you should be ashamed. You know better, and it is despicable that you constantly use the media of this country to spew your vile rhetoric and propaganda in such stark contrast to truth and reason. It is obvious this is intended to incite your masses of useful idiots into action against our so called “minority.” If you are even half as clever as you believe, or if you have spent any time outside of that foul atmosphere in the District of Columbia, which seems to feed your hubris and numb your perceptions of the world that surrounds your cesspool, you would see that an overwhelmingly large percentage of the good people who make up the fabric of this country are exactly what you marginalize as being a small minority. Are you really so misinformed and ignorant, or are we witnessing a deliberate effort to turn neighbor against neighbor and countryman against countryman? Both? I truly cannot decide which it is, and it matters not, as either one is a reprehensible example of arrogant stupidity on your part.

You label me, and the many, many others like me, as a threat to your democracy. I say “your” democracy because it is not ours. Your administration, in fact, seems to believe that we are not only a threat to, but the greatest threat to, your democracy. For once, you seem to have gotten something correct- we ARE a threat to YOUR democracy. We do not live in a democracy, but in a republic, as guaranteed by the United States Constitution. The very same Constitution which you claim we don’t respect, as if you have a care in the world what words are on that venerable piece of parchment. I will give you credit for a great degree of persistence in trying to project responsibility for your own efforts of subversion onto those of us who oppose such efforts- you are committed to destroying our republic with a fervor never before seen in this country. Your form of “democracy” is on full display by your associates in countries all over the world- one only has to look to North Korea, China, or any number of other places ruled by similar tyrannical regimes. Needless to say, I and many like me, have a very serious problem with that. We are the pieces that make this country come to life and function each and every day. Have we carried out violent acts in opposition to your best efforts? No, contrary to your desperate claims, we have not. In stark contrast, your brainwashed masses certainly have, with their “mostly peaceful” gatherings over the last few years.

You have given us a glimpse of the cards that you hold- they were pulled from the base of the unstable house of cards that is your entire administration. You haven’t seen our hand, and will not, unless you choose to play yours first. You are already at the table and playing a very risky game- are you going to foolishly go all in, or make the wise move and fold? I believe we both know the answer, but time will tell, likely sooner rather than later.

Words matter- they have meaning and power, and can set in motion consequences leading to untold heartache and suffering for all involved, or great strength and prosperity. The flames of conflict that your words are fanning will reach every corner of our society, as you are instigating war not just with us, but with our culture, heritage, and way of life. We are not the people you describe us as, but are we the great enemy of the demented ideals that you constantly espouse? You’re damn straight we are- and we outnumber you by a massive factor.

I certainly hope you spend some time listening to the everyday, average people who make this country function, and actually hear what they have to say, but I would be dishonest if I were to say that I believe you will.


By Published On: September 2, 2022Categories: Uncategorized, WWES11 Comments on Dear Mr. Biden

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About the Author: wwes

WWES is a high school vocational teacher in North Carolina who teaches students how to grow plants and livestock, along with welding and metal fabrication. He is always looking to grow his knowledge base, and enjoys increasing his self sufficiency through growing and preserving food, as well as raising livestock.


  1. Reader September 2, 2022 at 23:21

    Excellent post Wes. You took the words outta my mouth.

  2. Delroy September 2, 2022 at 23:56

    Good words. Now if only he’d read them.

  3. Oughtsix September 3, 2022 at 00:50

    Fine commentary, Wes, I agree with all of it. If you think “they” don’t mean what they say, however, or that there is the slightest chance they will back away from the precipice, I find that too optimistic.

    The rats are cornered by their own doing, and desperate. They are incapable of self awareness or any admission of failure and, having believed their own nonsense and labored so tirelessly for their power and twisted ends, they can never admit defeat.

    Having said that their every evil act is justified, they fear the justice that is coming for them if they lose. They are right to do so.

  4. Rick T. September 3, 2022 at 02:41

    This was possibly the most outstanding response to that inflammatory and incredibly dangerous speech delivered last night in a setting straight out of a Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg….only this was in Philadelphia, in what is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic known as the United States.

    The speaker showed no evidence of comprehension of exactly how damaging his words were to the citizens who listened to his gibberish and quite probably, didn’t give a damn.

    I was both appalled and embarrassed to have the leader of this country of ours stoop to such an infantile level trying to instigate a confrontation or false flag event.

    If we, as a country, have to suffer for over two more years of this senile supposed leader, then, may God help us.

  5. Überdeplorable Psychedelic Cat Grass September 3, 2022 at 04:43

    Well said. It’s like that line from Fight Club, “We are the people that take your garbage, make your food…don’t f*** with us!”

  6. CPL Antero Rokka September 3, 2022 at 05:29

    “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

    The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

    They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”


    • Rick September 3, 2022 at 07:41

      Brother, that is exactly on point.

  7. LoL No September 3, 2022 at 09:42

    Eloquent. I fear your words will fall on deaf ears though.

  8. some dude September 3, 2022 at 09:44

    When they go low, we go high. Well done!

  9. Scipio September 3, 2022 at 10:08

    Awesome! Anything I would add would be a distraction.

  10. Charlie Lunsford September 3, 2022 at 19:06

    Fantastic! Very grateful that you are on our side!

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