FBI misled judge who signed warrant for Beverly Hills seizure of $86 million in cash

The disturbing trend of federal overreach, unconstrained abuse and illegal asset forfeiture is not a new tale. This is a story that goes back to 2020 and the government is still in possession of millions of dollars it illegally seized and there is still multiple ongoing pieces of litigation against the government.


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About the Author: Trevor Zantos

A modern Renaissance Man, amateur writer, aspiring Appalachian, purveyor of guns, designer of gear; whom “M” calls for gear. @usgeneral25 on socials

One Comment

  1. Peter September 23, 2022 at 23:41

    The depravity & utterly scumbag evil behaviour of the FBI almost beggars belief, but tragically it is 100% true. Heavens above, we are all screwed unless these turncoats stop their black art. I am certain that true support for the Government is no more than 10%.

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