Jack Lawson Sends: How to guarantee that your Bloodline ceases to exist, or in other words, how to ensure that you die
The latest from Jack Lawson, author of the Civil Defense Manual.
Spend your energies and thoughts on the above bullshytte and you will guarantee that your bloodline will disappear forever from humanity…
You must concentrate your thoughts and energies on your “Area Of Influence”…which is people you trust from where you live. Your ‘tribe.’ Your ‘village’
Your Area Of Influence is your home, your family, friends, neighbors… and your neighborhood!
Understand that these outlandish and preposterous political situations ARE WHAT Globalists have designed and Mainstream News Media wants you to believe are the crucial issues. Their purpose is typical of Psychological Operations such as I studied in British Special Forces Training… to convince you that you’ve lost before the fight even begins. Read Sun Tzu… The Art of War.
50% of Americans want change!?
How about the reality… ONLY 15% of ‘Americans’ have this woke thought or want radical change! Even people I talk to who are homosexual or “woke” think all this has gone to extremes and it makes them uncomfortable and is repulsing them. They just want to live their lives in private and peacefully.
250 (plus) million Americans are distrustful and disgusted by the federal government and high tech, way more than what you are bombarded with by Left and Right News Sources as commonly referred to as “74,000,000 Americans” (supposedly the number of Americans who voted for Trump)
Regardless of what those numbers are… they don’t change your ability to survive if you’re not prepared.
Preparation is what will keep you and your family alive when Critical Life Supplies and Services, as I describe Life Essential Items in the Civil Defense Manual, are disrupted or non-existent and the BULLSHYTTE of the “news” is the last thing on your mind. An independent water source is actually NUMBER ONE… not the tap in your home from the City Water Service.
Make your priority learning about wild edibles, fishing and hunting and local food producers such as farmers and ranchers in your area before banking solely on gardening BUT buy and store calorie dense food FIRST.
After storing calorie dense Emergency Foods as, I recommend in the Civil Defense Manual, then next make your next priority learning about Wild Edibles in your area BEFORE counting on gardening to keep you and your family fed.
Because only 10 % of the people who read this will follow my advice, there will be plenty of wild edibles to eat… where ever you live in North America.
You do not have to develop the stomach of a goat to eat these foods from the wild… I have eaten plenty of them without ill effect… and there is plenty to eat, even where I live in the Southwest. Get a book like I did…Southwest Foraging by John Slattery
American Indians, the original American Foragers, provided much of their food from Wild Edibles in addition to hunting and fishing.
For your “Area of Influence” start to do these…
- Get to know your neighbors. Just initially get to know them and offer to help them if they need. Eventually talk with them about cooperating to organize to protect and defend your neighborhood as outlined in the Civil Defense Manual titled the “CDM Neighborhood Protection PlanTM.” Be a good neighbor… like we all used to be.
- If you value your life and your Family… start buying and reading every instructional book you can get your hands on about survival and Preparedness.
- Stock up on water. Lots and lots of cases of water. ‘Blue Barrels’ and large garage HDPE storage tanks if you can afford them. Water treatment for storage and how much you’ll need is explained in detail in the Civil Defense Manual.
- Stock up on dry and canned food.
- Stock up on life essential medicines. Get your doctor to prescribe you for a six-month supply. I’ve read that All Day Chemist (in India) is trustworthy and handles most prescriptions. Understand that 95% of our medicines are now foreign made, mostly in China… so I don’t know how much quality difference they’d be, being made in India.
- Stock up on meat and have a means to immediately cook it if electricity goes off.
- Stock up on propane bottles for your grill and or buy an outdoors metal ‘fire pit’ that you can cook on and stock up on wood. Have metal pots and pans without plastic handles for use over a fire.
- Have plenty of blankets, cold weather clothing, waterproof winter overshoes, and one warm sleeping bag for each family member.
- Have your essential electronics in a Faraday Cage to protect against ElectroMagnetic Pulse events. I show you how to build one for very little money in the Civil Defense Manual.
- If you don’t have a firearm, get one… you should have one per person. Preferably a shotgun and lots of shotgun shells and slugs if you’re new to firearms. Read the Chapter in the Civil Defense Manual titled “Firearm basics, safety, surviving a gun battle” and practice your marksmanship and read about tactical movement with firearms and strategy.
Get the Civil Defense Manual, which will instruct you on how to deal with all of the above.
Ignore the Mainstream News Media and even most of Alternative News. Quit wasting your time on “Discussions” and second guessing what will happen to America. I laughed out loud when Capitalist Eric told me… “For many Americans… it is like they are watching General Hospital on their television while the house is burning down around them!”
Read the following by Capitalist Eric and then use it for a road map… It’s what will most likely happen and it’s all you need to know to get you to stop spending your time and energies on the BULLSHYTTE distractions and to start to prepare!
Q3 2022 NOTES- CONNECTING THE DOTS | Capitalist Eric (wordpress.com)
Put your thought and energies into “Your Area of Influence” and Preparation. It is what will keep you and your family alive when Critical Life Supplies and Services, as I describe Life Essential Items in the Civil Defense Manual, are disrupted or non-existent.
The Author advises the Reader that the Author, the Contributing Authors, Publisher, Copyright Holders, Website Administrators are not attorneys and some recommendations or actions in this book that the Reader takes may lead to loss… financial, health and otherwise. The Author, the Contributing Authors, Publisher, Copyright Holders will not be liable for situations that arise from the Reader’s interpretations of material in this essay/article/supplement, the Civil Defense Manual, the Reader’s instructions to others, the Reader’s actions or implementation of recommendations and information or misinformation from this book or essay/article/supplement… that leads to the Reader’s liability, loss of their money or that of others, creates health or medical issues, loss of life or any other damages. You’re all adults… behave as responsible, safe, compassionate, common sense, lawful adults. Verify your Federal, State and Local laws and ordinances before using the information in this book or essay/article/supplement. As an adult… make your decisions independent of advice, information or misinformation from the Civil Defense Manual and any and all essays/articles/supplements. Wear big people’s pants and live with the decisions you make as your decisions… made by your independent thinking mind… and don’t blame others for your mistakes or misfortune… and that includes us.
The Civil Defense Manual is AVAILABLE at www.CivilDefenseManual.com
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Jack Lawson, Associate Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
Author of “The Slaver’s Wheel”, “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil,” “Civil Defense Manual” and “In Defense.”
“The system that sustains people with food is an illusion to most people and may as well be magical and as real as Disneyland. It consists primarily of the grocery store in the minds of most people. This system has not broken down for most in the world to create death by starvation for decades. So, the meaning of the warning of my words to “store food now” is not there… because the suffering of starvation cannot be conveyed by most of Planet Earth’s living or their ancestors who have experienced it.
Countless conversations have taken place over food, starvation and survival from the lack of food. Most of those who buried their heads in the sand to these warnings you will never know… because they and their entire bloodlines are gone forever… never to be seen again.” – Jack Lawson, Author of the Civil Defense Manual
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1977-79
Other authors, books and resources I recommend for Preparedness and Survival… because I don’t do this just for money… it’s also for my children and America!
Matt Bracken at www.EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com
Joe Dolio at www.Tactical-Wisdom.com
Fernando “FerFal” Aguirre at http://www.themodernsurvivalist.com/
NC Scout at https://brushbeater.org
Don Shift at https://www.amazon.com/Don-Shift/e/
Johnny Paratrooper at… https://www.patreon.com/GreenDragonAcademy
Christopher Parrett at http://www.ldsavow.com
J.C. Dodge at MasonDixonTactical LLC
… and more are listed in the Civil Defense Manual
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Hello Jack. I saw you tagged me as a possible reference at the bottom of the article just above. While I greatly appreciate the mention, the web address was incorrect. The LDS PREPAREDNESS MANUAL can be had FREE of charge at http://www.ldsavow.com
Edited! Thanks for stopping by.
What a glorious future awaits.
At least we’ll all be equal?
Forward! Yes we can.