I am going to precede what I am going to talk about here with something else that in itself I would have thought rather noteworthy.

Xi just opened the CCP conference on Monday with the statement that the control of Hong Kong is now “complete” and that “Taiwan is next.”

I am pretty stunned that there is — at least as of my writing this — no comment in Western MSM on this.

Now, considering the above, think of the dumbest person you’ve ever met.

Amplify this person by, say, 100X and then imagine what such a person may do given the above.

You think I’m being overly sensationalistic? I wish I were.

I am still in shock.

Which is saying something because, quite honestly, I feel like I’ve become pretty impervious to absolute insanity over the last 3 years or so.

Deep breath. Here it is.

The US government just imposed new export controls on China’s chip industry.

To put it simply, sleepy Joe has forced all Americans working in China to choose between quitting their jobs and losing their American citizenship.

As a result, pretty much every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned this last week, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight.

As of right now, every advanced node semiconductor company is currently facing a comprehensive supply cut-off, resignations from all American staff, and immediate operations paralysis.

For example, chip giant ASML has stopped providing services and support to mainland China.

ASML has stopped providing services and support to mainland China
ASML has stopped providing services and support to mainland China

This is a financial war. When do they just start shooting?

So why is this an assured invasion of Taiwan?

Because the only way that China can now restore its chip manufacturing is by going to the largest chip manufacturing plant in the world: Taiwan.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC), which is the world’s most valuable semiconductor manufacturer, reportedly accounts for over 56% of the global market share of the semiconductor industry.

And with that much dominance in a market that most electronic devices and parts rely on, China having control over Taiwan would give it more power in the semiconductor industry.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Don Shift October 27, 2022 at 16:37

    When your enemy tells you what he’s going to do next, believe him.

  2. Felix October 27, 2022 at 17:03

    If Taiwan accounts for 56% of chips then what capacity does mainland China have?
    And if Xi attacks the island, what are the chances he will not just win militarily but capture all or most intact chip making there?
    If the current junta in DC had America’s best interests at heart, we wouldn’t be doing or saying what we are now. Time to shit or get off the pot. And speed up chip factory builds now under way on our own soil.

  3. They Don't Work For Us October 27, 2022 at 17:08

    Markets in China reacted to the Xi dreams of a statist central planning utopia by tanking.
    Why would Brandon’s handlers want to take on Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, all at once?
    You have to burn it all down in order to build it back worse.

  4. John in Indy October 27, 2022 at 17:48

    This reminds me of FDRs cutting off Japans’ supplies of oil and iron before WWII.
    Maybe the Resident is acting on orders, rather than being too mentally deteriorated to tie his own shoes.
    John in Indy

  5. Ghostmann October 27, 2022 at 18:29

    Putin today said Taiwan is part of China.

    Those storm clouds are getting quite close.

  6. Chris October 27, 2022 at 20:38

    Gota …hand it to whomever is yanking the strings.

    {This aint Pedo-Joe. He hasnt got the Facilities upstairs..that is obvious.}

    Whomever it/they are …
    They are going For the Hail Mary.

    They are Attacking EVERYTHING, everything….That has held the …Order/Civility together, if you will.

    And imo…that’s telling.
    I’ll use the Term “Globalist Minded Politicians,”… but i am not sure that is the correct …discription.
    Smarter men and women than I will write about it in a more intelligent manner than I.

    This Ends BAD, no matter what.

    On another note….
    In my neck of the woods, lets just say the NE.
    We did insane Gun Sales today and yesterday. And it wasnt…all the “hunting” type.
    It was MADNESS!
    I thought for sure when I got home i would see some crazy ass headline that would be driving this..but no. Go figure.

  7. American Yeoman October 27, 2022 at 20:58

    Does anybody think it’s a great idea to sell China high performance chips? So… what was the option here? Are they our enemy or not?

  8. Not So Free October 27, 2022 at 21:25

    Some “sources” are saying that if China invades Taiwan, there will be nothing but scorched earth where the chip plants used to be.

    • American Yeoman October 28, 2022 at 03:42

      I would hope so, but the human capital has considerable value too…..

  9. Uncle Robert October 27, 2022 at 23:18

    As I understand it, China wants Taiwan, for a list of reasons, one of which, being the assets of TSMC. This Taiwan situation smells familiar, almost like the way Ukraine smelled, last year. I hope Im wrong.

  10. Alan Rush October 28, 2022 at 02:50

    What I remember Taiwan individual saying the plant is rigged to blow. Should an invasion be successful, the plant will no longer exist. Does anybody else remember this?

  11. MTHead October 28, 2022 at 14:24

    China taking Tiawan and blowing up/getting blown up, the chip factories means we don’t get them either. And China has chip factories. We don’t.
    That puts us down. With China ahead. Plus, were going to have a hard time building chip factories in the middle of WWIII. And barely able to feed ourselves as everything we get will have to be bought with ever more useless dollars.
    China still has industry and a fuel supply from Russia is in place. It will take us years to get through the permit process. Let alone up and working. And that’s for everything from jet fighters to toys and medical supplies.
    The only thing we have on our side is indoor plumbing.
    Good luck, and I’ll see you on the beach!

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