Moore County, NC. A mostly impoverished rural county in southeast NC with the exception of the influx of Fort Bragg government money and, of course,  the traditional home of Pineland. It rarely makes the news and is a place you never want to go. Lots of crime. The people that live there, at least for the most part, are transient, except for the ones who can’t get out. There’s an influx of liberal transplants racing to buy up cheap homes for pennies on the dollar, gentrifying traditional neighborhoods, planting BLM and rainbow flags, signs that say “y’all means all” and calling the police on the young black kids riding by Grandma’s old home, wondering why the blue haired people bought it and mommy is working two jobs and a side hustle and can’t make it. Same story in many places Seattle and Cali have infected here.

Its the traditional home of Pineland. And it is the latest example in America’s brooding asymmetric war. Thus far its been full of bad, terrible and even worse takes by so-called mouthpieces on the Right buying and spreading the Left propaganda. That’s not unusual. The complexity of this attack however, is.

One of the failures of intelligence from the GWOT was consistently assuming intended targets and of course, the outcomes. Most dangerous, most deadly. During the analysis phase of an incident we attempt to conduct a predictive analysis on follow on targets or, in the best cases, circumvent the intended outcome. One of the best assets of the Left is never identifying what the actual goal is, at least stating it bluntly, while consistently moving towards all objectives.

By now most know the story and for those who don’t, a couple of power substations were shot in a similar manner to an attack in California a few years back. Its something that’s been pointed out for at least a decade now by any with common sense. The story quickly became the conflict between a kid-friendly drag queen show in Aberdeen and the town, which had moved to shut it down. That failed.

You likely did not notice that after the attack there were countless left wing accounts rapidly sharing the images of the outage, which caused the drag queen show to be postponed and coupled with a local target of interest who’s led protests against the drag queen shows. Funny how they knew exactly where to go to take the photos. Many assume that was the goal. You’re wrong. They were also, in many cases that I found, tagging someone highly interesting: LtGov Mark Robinson. If in case you’re not familiar with NC’s Lt. Gov:

and this from CPAC:

The Lt Governor, a Republican, is an example of the people the new Left in NC (and many other places) abandoned. He made a name for himself speaking out against NC’s practice of issuing pistol purchase permits, which goes back to Reconstruction as a way to disenfranchise citizens from buying firearms. He’s extremely popular. After the first video above the Left attacked him fiercely, demanding he resign over the comments. He doubled down, and they’ve been trying desperately to remove him since.

An asymmetric war fought by the Left maintains multiple goals in its attacks. There must be a media component for exploitation, a political component, and last, street level chaos.

The incident itself led to a curfew being declared in the county. It has a stark contrast in incomes, and as anyone who’s lived there can tell you, a power outage is a chance to party. The street level chaos is easily achieved.

The media has been running the story in a number of interesting ways, over-emphasizing the fact that ‘gun stores were looted’. There’s a lot of gun stores in Aberdeen. Those are highly secure. Some incidents likely did occur, but, as the saying goes, this ain’t their first rodeo. It satisfies the anti-gun narrative. They’ve also been over-emphasizing the drag queen show to create the real narrative.

“Your rhetoric caused this” is going to be the new story in NC, ready to run on WRAL out of Raleigh. Media and political goals begin to materialize.

And now you know the whole story. The Left attacked the sub-station. Its their MO. The propagandized it, just like how they ran with the Duke coal ash spill tying it to then-Governor McCrory, the first Republican NC had had after a long line of politically corrupt Democrats holding the office. It worked, and they’re doing it again to the Lt. Governor. CARVER checks out.

They’ll do it again. Be ready.

Don’t have the book yet? A Guerrilla’s Guide to the Baofeng Radio is out now!


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at brushbeater@tutanota.com or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. […] Read the Whole Article Here… […]

  2. boss21 December 5, 2022 at 10:31

    Good analysis as always. They are leaving the ‘right’ no upside for being restrained. Should end well.
    Received the manual yesterday ,great by the way. Practical, concise and definitely fills a gap . Ordered some friends to get it.

  3. Not A Porch Pirate December 5, 2022 at 11:38

    A few weeks before this happened, there was a larger issue other than the ‘drag show’ red herring. Alot of money wa spent on advertising across podcasts, video services like youtube and traditional venues to ‘shut Duke power down for fossil fuels’. So there was a huge, huge push against Duke Energy for trying to get a new electric plant; no one is discussing this fact in the media.

    Most of the opposition from Duke’s new plant came from Asheville, ironically. Asheville maintains the largest contingent of ‘revolutionaries’ in the state and they are huge students of George Bernard Shaw (they advertise classes if that tells you anything, they train to do this kind of stuff and they also teach not to run ‘actions’ in their/surrounding counties to avoid detection). Personally, I think the drag show story is planted in just a way to vent public opinion against the local population that protested the show.

    Would not put it past the Asheville crowd for optimizing two birds with one stone (they have been organizing against anti-drag show protests in the state *and* Duke), knowing full well they were putting blame on the residents of Moore and parts of Lee County.

  4. mike December 5, 2022 at 11:51

    A few other things about the substation attacks bother me and lend support to the view that it was a false flag.

    – The Left has been over the top in suggesting through their actions in the last several months that there is a
    genuine terroristic threat against these tranny events. The armed ANTIFA “security” for many of them is all
    out of proportion to the unarmed counter protesters who may be present, if at all. There has not been any
    such attack that I am aware of against any of these events that would justify what ANTIFA is doing.

    – The decision to take out a local power grid is an enormous one, usually associated with the advent of open
    hostilities. It makes no sense to take such a drastic step as this for no better purpose than to postpone an
    easily rescheduled event. The negative collateral damage and resulting hardship on the local population is
    not something any competent guerrilla would seek to take the blame for. A tranny strip show certainly does
    not rise to the level of necessity. These realities would result in extremely low C,R, and E, CARVER scores
    for anyone with a brain considering such a plan. While we have plenty of halfwits in our midst capable of
    acting without thinking things through, this particular caper appears to benefit only the Left wing narrative,
    which is a pretty good indicator of who really did it.

  5. BePrepared December 5, 2022 at 14:19

    First thing I thought of this morning after work when I heard the news. “Was it a Kali-style attack on the transformer coolant.” Excellent job Scout. Feels like another test-run.

  6. Tetra December 5, 2022 at 15:02

    hope you cover this on your podcast soon.

  7. […] Guest Post by NC Scout […]

  8. William Wynn December 5, 2022 at 17:13

    Just ordered book. Way new to these handhelds, hope the book is not too over the rail for me.

  9. Teddy K Trade Offer December 5, 2022 at 17:55

    There are mailbomb packages turning up at embassies as well.

  10. GenEarly (@GenEarly) December 5, 2022 at 18:08

    FIB is the most logical culprit, sowing and spewing since Waco in my brief memory. Jan 6th being their most recent big scam.

  11. Honky the Clown December 5, 2022 at 18:11

    Ted Kaczynski is in a medial facility in North Carolina!
    Enjoy Anarcho-Tyranny because destroyers can never create anything.
    Be of good cheer, those who aren’t of the world will never be accepted by it.

  12. Wink Wink December 5, 2022 at 18:39

    Enemedia agitprop just said 2 ex-USMC from Camp Lejeune with an Idaho connection.
    It was on the Always Bolshevik Communism branch of the CPUSA/Grand Old Politburo wings of the same bird ministry of information.

  13. […] Guest Post by NC Scout […]

  14. ensitue December 5, 2022 at 21:25

    Just ordered the manual

  15. […] A Lesson in Asymmetric Warfare in Moore County   A spot on synopsis by NC Scout. Prepare Accordingly, Things are Heating Up! […]

  16. Coop Willis December 5, 2022 at 22:46

    Thanks for explaining this. Will get the Radio Manual. Stay on ’em.

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