Combat GoPro – Wiping Out Russian Spetsnaz Team in CQB (Posted by Civ Div)
This is VERY intense footage.
We are discussing this, and Civ Div’s other footage, in class at Green Dragon Academy this Friday at 8 PM.
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More on the Mozart division of mercs led by a “retired” USMC colonel!
The Greek 24-7 WAR page has some great footage featuring a village getting pounded by a berserk artillery barrage.
Ivan’s self-propelled howitzers emerging from the treeline to fire and then backing up.
UKE troops poking heads up from trenches in daylight only to get rained on with shrapnel.
Engineers of the RF blowing a bridge sky high.
And many more, sadly there is no reset button.
Reportedly there are engagements resulting in 500-1,000 deaths.
Technically we should see HD footage of fields littered with bodies.
Not once has any of that footage leaked.
Not a single frame…
Added note,
I haven’t seen any footage of bicycle mounted tank hunters.
Which is a WW2 standard tactic that worked very well.
Yet we never see it.
Were they spetznaz? Were they really? So many of these videos proport to show fighting against Spetznaz and in reality it is just LDNR Militia. Remember militia have been armed with everything from tanks to arty. I block all the google shit and won’t log in to watch an age restricted video, but if you don’t see bodies at the end and they are dressed like sof dudes… Don’t believe what you are seeing. One video in particular showed a group of mercs taking on a BMP Orc and they hit it with like 5 ATGMs and it still was firing for like 30 min. The video was titled similar… in fact only militia were operating in that area at the time and in the end.. No bodies… except on our side which had several serious injuries.
For want of a horseshoe nail, the war was lost…$/download/x2mate_com-Combat_GoPro_of_Foreign_Fighter_Destroying_Russian_BMP-_1080p60__AdobeExpress/e8aa7ee2f95014c62053a5ec38fb9fce12a6f322
This is such fucking bullshit just looking at the weapons, handling of the equipment this is 1000% bullshit. AP should pull this it’s all propaganda.
Imagine a world where we study tactics, techniques, and procedures without politics getting in the way during every… single.. discussion…
Fucking bots, man. I swear…
A bud gave me a flag from the Fallout video game series with a biohazard logo, shield and a huge Z logo.
This was released long before the Laundrokraine slow burn fuse to WWIII.
It isn’t fine and all the world’s a stage.
Propaganda and bull shytte
Do you hear a gun fight, or explosions, going on the background of the footage?
Sounds like they did chase a team of similar mission structure to a Spetznas team.
I’m still looking at footage, but this looks like a small unit team well outside of the front.
In other words… it very well may be a Spetznas team.
Regardless of the clickbait title, the footage speaks for itself…
Not everything coming out of Ukraine is fucking propaganda
Old propaganda recruitment vid to recruit USSA merc shitbags for the Banderistas.
At 8:04, when the nade goes off and the sheet metal rattles, all I could think about was how lucky shrapnel didn’t come flying through that.
Overall I think their handling of a fire team sized element of barricaded shooters was decent given the totality of the circumstances.
-Aggression at the small unit level
-TL maintaining SA of where his guys were internal and external to the structure in an attempt to mitigate fratricide
-Black side containment was in a good position
-Good use of handhelds
-Some of the direct fire engagements had some pretty tight geometry
-Direct fire can be used to work through structures, limiting the enemy ability to maneuver internal to the building
-Full auto direct fire, shooting upwards, doesnt have much, if any effect. If able to get a higher angle and shoot down and in (adjacent roof top) may have proved more effective
-Every individual needs to carry some sort of breaching implement (small pry bar, 3lb sledge, ballpeen hammer, rebar hook on tubular nylon, tomahawk)
Take aways
-MOUT is very material intensive. How many rounds did each guy fire, how many grenades were thrown? On just one building.
-Rockets or a wall charge would have been game changers early on. Rockets and demo are likely hard to come by.
-Be able to fix problems with what a unit has organically
-Drag straps and tubular nylon are your friend
-Grenades, while cool, come in different variety’s. I doubt all the ones they threw there were M67s. The RGD5 and some of the other European grenades can be pretty lackluster at times. A t-bomb would have been a game changer.
How I would have done it:
1) Set black side contain, and isolate the building from adjacent
2)If I had to use that same breach point, and if I had already taken a casualty internal:
3)Determine location of casualty
4)Systematically frag rooms, from the outside, nearest to the assaulters (one room over), using that to gain one room at a time. Assaulters follow the frags, using direct fire to suppress internal
This is an excellent write up sir. Thanks for actually contributing to the conversation instead of bitching about how “tHiS iS pRoPaGaNdA”