Cylinder Shaped Aircraft Shot Down Over Canada : As discussed on Sons Of Liberty Episode 61
It’s a new design using the Magnus Effect.
Remember, Cylinder shaped wings don’t have hard angles.
Ergo, it’s VERY hard to target.
Enter… The Flettner Design.
The CycloCopter, or the CycloGyro.
From AP, Cited Below.
OTTAWA (AP) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Saturday that on his order a U.S. warplane shot down an unidentified object that was flying high over northern Canada, acting a day after U.S. planes took similar action over Alaska.
Shortly before Trueau’s tweet, the North American Aerospace Defense Command said it had detected an object flying at high altitude over Canada. NORAD gave no further information, including when the object was first spotted or what it is.
A sokesman, Maj. Olivier Gallant, said both Canadian and U.S. warplanes operating as part of NORAD had been deployed.
On Twitter, Trudeau then announced: “I ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace. @NORADCommand shot down the object over the Yukon. Canadian and U.S. aircraft were scrambled, and a U.S. F-22 successfully fired at the object.”
The object was the third known to have violated North American airspace in the past two weeks.
It’s also VERY quiet. Which means it will make an excellent loiter munition as a suicide drone bomb.
It’s as quiet as a football flying through the air.
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The orbital mind control lasers bounce off of aluminum foil hats. (sarc)
Dork Brandon will shoot them all down with the dementia lasers! (honk!)
You know they are getting desperate when the alien invasion PSYOP card is pulled.
No need to test the resolve of this soft weak comfort concubine society, there isn’t any.
And, yet, they are being shot down.
Not trying to pick on you, Johnny but, how do you know they shot anything down? Other than the first balloon…they do have some pics of it, or something.The Yukon is a long gone lonesome far away place, with few witnesses.Smells like sleight of psyop distraction to me. What border invasion/inflation/Ukraine fiasco or, er, uh, Nuclear war?
Or, you know, it’s just a plain old enemy incursion to test our readiness.
So you saying thousands of people are all in on a giant lie to cover up Hunter Biden’s Laptop after Joe Biden ordered DARPA to build an electronic warfare weapon that apparently can only be targeted and shot down by the F-22?
THAT’S the hill gonna die on? Really OughtSix?
No, I’m saying that as of right now,we don’t and can’t really know WTF. Making assumptions on the basis of speculation is just that and only that.
I would not be surprised at all of your solution is correct…I put nothing past our enemies at this point. Any bunch of assholes who think nukewar will somehow benefit them is insane enough to go ahead and do it.
Oh the good ole days of MAD.
As for which hill I’m dying on, no man knows the day or the hour. Just want it to count for something and acquit myself with honor. I’ll see you after….
Godspeed all you high minded, bad ass, stalwart kinetic technicians.
Death to demonic tyrants and their entire cohort!
Sorry brother. I’m disappointed in millions of people not taking this seriously. It’s one of the reasons I had to walk away from this for about 6 months and just focus on myself.
It’s exhausting.
Or another shiny object to misdirect people away from the real threats, if PM Trudeau and Brandon are both pointing North look South. Enemy probably just not sure if it’s domestic or foreign…
These days, they are one and the same.
Damn… Now the engineering portion of my mind has been twisted to full throttle… Guess it’s time to get a few parts for an Idea I had put off about 10 years ago.
There was a video of a LSA sized crop duster style aircraft that was amazing. It was a full working aircraft.
I absolutely cannot find the video of it, or any mention of it.
It could take off and land on a dime. It could almost hover, but not quite. It could fly so slowly it looked fake.
Veery interesting.
Wernher von Braun has sadly left the building.
Another shiny object distraction. GONAD is on it – balloon vs multimillion dollar weapons system, m’rica is safe for democracy. Pay no attention to the bear mauling happening to Ukraine. Bear is pissed and is not going to stop until it reaches Polish border.
I smell BS. Too bad it’ll work.
Or, it’s an enemy incursion and we are under attack.
Those things seem to generate an extraordinary amount of lift. What size and where did they originate? Thou shalt not have any technology that Uncle Sam dont want you to.
It just uses the same principle as a golf ball spinning just right.
Seems to be going on all over the place now among the big players. China saying they shot one down only a few days after objecting to Biden doing the same to one that they claimed belonged to them. The media may be starting to lose count as reports now of a 2nd Canadian shootdown too.
The sudden rash of these, IF it is going on is disturbing. The apparent policy shift from NORAD is also interesting. I think it has to be taken as a prelude to an attack until proven otherwise. Suppose China took the Matt Bracken example and loaded a series of smaller weather balloons with nothing more then a radar reflector dangling from it and sent them our way. After 2 or 3 of these a day drifting all over North America and the USAF chasing each one down to waste a missile or determine that it is harmless, the DOD would probably decide that they are being played and will stop intercepting them. China has done some work on balloons as launch platforms for hypersonic warheads, so they could be conditioning the US to ignore balloon incursions in our airspace.
The PSYOP theory has a lot of evidence to support it also. The supposed UFO encounters filmed and documented by the Navy in recent years suggests an intelligent airborne technology far beyond our current known capabilities. Evidently they toy with our best interceptors and systems with impunity and then vanish at the speed of light. Now we are to believe that these unidentified objects in our airspace with no visible means of propulsion and shaped like the previously documented ones are sitting ducks for a USAF shootdown, and they have pulled that trick off at least twice. The Alaska or Yukon F-22 pilot reported that the target interfered with his systems. Something does not add up here. The South Carolina China balloon was real enough and China claimed it. These new incidents are all a dissimilar “craft”. Again, my BS meter is pegged. We are being lied to to some degree. The question is to what extent and for what purpose.
China is simply mocking us. Like a bully, or a crazy ex-GF.
But, why psy-op 40-50 other countries? Why piss us off and put us on high alert?
We are under attack. This is 9/11/2001 tier shit.
I think this is going to get very bad.
It’s not aliens. An advanced race wouldn’t fly all the way here for a blurry selfie and a street race off the nose of an FA-18E.
Listen to yourself speak dude…
“It’s not aliens. An advanced race wouldn’t fly all the way here for a blurry selfie and a street race off the nose of an FA-18E……Listen to yourself speak dude…”
I think you are misunderstanding me. I was pointing out on the one hand that our Government has produced film of “ufo supercraft” that our Navy cannot deal with, and then turns around and tells us they just shot down at least 2 of these similar looking, no propulsion, mystery craft that can jam an F-22’s systems with impunity. That alone is a contradiction. It goes unsaid, though I implied it, that IF the supercraft are real, nothing we have is going to shoot them down. If they are not real, then why does the government want us to think they are engaging pretend objects? I’m not claiming I have a strong belief in anything other than our government is full of serial liars and all or most of this is a lie as well at some level.
I agree with you that it is most likely the case that these are all or mostly the work of China and they should be shot down. I outlined why I think they would go through the trouble of pissing us off and putting us on alert in my original post. The fact that Biden, the Chairman of JCOS, his predecessor, and many others in high office are Chinese assets only adds to my suspicions that we are not getting the truth about this.
I understand. Forgive me. I am conditioned to hundreds and hundreds of hyperbolic nonsense statements.
Millions really. After two decades of social media…
Johnny, I make it a point to refer to that plague as “anti-social media” as shorthand for all the ills, mental and social, which are the intent and purpose for it all. Swim in a sewer, get covered in shit.
I used to correspond with Peter at WRSA wondering and cautioning him relevant to his long time wading through the shit to glean value for his patrons. Still wonder how he has managed to stay sane and level… for one, he dispensed with “comments” because his inflexible “free speech” policy devolved comments into an asylum food fight amongst psychopaths and other irritants and distractions. Thank God we see very little of that here at AP.
So, maybe guard your exposure to the same, elsewhere.
Cry Havoc, Boys! The day soon dawns…..
This is excellent advice.
No worries brother. We all need to sound out the opinions of others we respect in these times in our search for the truth. AP is a daily visit for me for that purpose.
Exactly, if anyone thinks that the fbi taking and sequestering classified documents from tptb at just the right time is coincidental, think again! This is dirtier than dirtiest. Consider this, we are now at 4 known incidents in one week. Pretty serious stuff, not to mention the $400,000 per solution on 3 incidents…
ahhhh….it gives the little urban achievers in charge of what’s left of western nations more 24/7 news cycle fodder to distract from all the other bs they are pushing/ignoring…and the sheeple go oooooooo. Nothing needed today as the WNFL stages their final Roman circus for the year…but more tomorrow, so stay awake. It could well be a false flag meant to continue the narrative as long as they can before it plays out…and the puppet masters move onto the next thing. Isn’t it amazing how all these dastardly objects wind up well within the defense zones before anyone “discovers” them? Fidelito has decided to join the party and show our northern friends what a tough little “guy” he is too. It’s all Bull pucky.
Does anybody know if China is still training their troops in Canada? Anybody have a line on numbers? Not that it would matter, with the southern border open but I can’t help wondering.
Lake Michigan Airspace getting shut down as well, and now they admit there is something. “The FAA has issued a NOTAM and closed the airspace above parts of Lake Michigan, near Green Bay, Chicago, this afternoon, Sunday, February 12. After originally saying there was no object, NORCOM has now admitted that there is an object hovering in US airspace.”.
Make that 5 incidents with 4 shot down. One over lake Michigan just a while ago.
Yukon object was probably an amateur radio club’s balloon:
Just read NC’s last chapter of Spetnaz ( ). That whole thing with the hypothetical type of attacks and reference to the ‘overture’ made an impact on my WTF meter. Perhaps these incidents are just an instrument in the orchestra playing. My brain just had an upgrade after reading that man.
Makes me wonder about the next WTF incident(s) on the horizon. Makes me want to stare into a campfire and just ponder.