Two Minutes To Midnight, by NC Scout
“The golden goose is on the loose and never out of season”
Recalling the memories of my interesting youth was Iron Maiden, a staple of the early-80s New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWBHM), alongside Judas Priest, Motorhead, Witchfinder General, Venom, and a mountain of others that have aged fairly well over time. Here I was listening to it in the late 90s with many of the references of the era going over my head, more concerned with the guitar riffs, incredible rhythm sections and a stage presence that cannot be matched in the modern age of garbage music.
But those teenage years would give way to chasing phantoms in the desert for good ol’ Uncle Sam, and here we are, two decades later, revisiting some of the same pieces and listening to them with a very, very different ear.
All of the rock of the era was a product of the cold war in one way or another, whether it served as a commentary on the futility of nuclear war or in protest to the social conditions leaving the respective societies of America and Great Britain unrecognizable. Looking back they were not wrong, and few have commented in the modern age just how right they were.
Songwriter and Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson wrote that song as a critique of the idea that war is a business, one played with numbers and the brunt borne by the poor. It was a warning, of sorts, that the proposition of war for profit, unchecked, would lead to catastrophic consequences for the world. Back then of course the conservative critique was that he was a Soviet sympathizer, a new contemporary face on the Marxist-leaning anti-war movement. And maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. No one debated the obvious, however, that the arms race was a zero sum game at best, and ours to lose.
Now, forty years removed, we find ourselves in an interesting world revisiting that mood of the early 1980s. Amid the neocon cries of “fight them over there so we don’t fight them here” we sent hundreds of billions of dollars in money and munitions to Ukraine fighting a proxy war with the Russian Federation. Putting us in a severe manufacturing bind, we now have a decade lead time on re-armament of those very same precision munitions sent forward, now expended. And in that decade time the enemies of our nation will continue to adapt to our technology, reverse engineering it, overcoming it, and surpassing it with their own. The strategy was poorly thought out by any honest metric, even if leading to a zero sum game. Unlike the 80s, we’re not winning.
The neocons were not just wrong in their assessment on Ukraine. We have a southern border that is non-existent. The resulting invasion, now undeniably allowing in foreign subversives from enemy nations such as China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Russia, is an imminent national security threat going completely ignored. What are their cries to shut the border down? Their lips may move, but no sound is heard. And the skies are alight with the fires of substations and food processing plants seemingly destroying themselves.
Of course the Democrats seek to capitalize on the chaos, themselves the competing interest of capitalism juxtaposed to a Marxist base which is at war with them. The upper echelons of their own politburo is unaware, having turned a blind eye to their chaos for so long now that in their hubris they think they can maintain control. It is a golem they have created now seeking to kill its master, having cut its teeth on the battlefields of first Syria and now Ukraine.
Perhaps best of all is the Chinese balloon which captivated the attention of the world, floating ever so carefree across the US’ heartland. We were so hapless in a response, simply observing with childlike wonder a device that achieved far more than simply mapping signals or taking pictures. It showed the world we are very much the Potemkin Village our adversaries allege, incapable of even defending itself while having the wife of the supposed leader of the nation make bold statement in his stead. In our inaction, hollow words, and willful jeopardy in which the American populace was placed…no one in good faith can argue they are wrong no matter how much we wish it were not so.
Amid this, we have a completely unhinged political class that shirks any attempt at accountability for their own actions. A President who cannot account for the mountain of classified documents found at various residencies and UPenn, after receiving a large amount of Chinese money in their own pay for play schemes. That’s now forgotten in the public parlance, and nothing will come of it, because nothing ever does. There is however an enemy who’s taking every advantage afforded in the opportunity and looking to create more. China is at war with the US, and it would be a good assertion that Russia is now as well. America, look upon your leadership and ask yourself if they have your best interest at heart, let alone the ability to win. I personally doubt it.
Dickinson’s lyrics reflected the reality of such a scenario. The madness of an unhinged political class more than willing to sacrifice its own for nothing more than self enrichment. It is a world in which we have not yet realized the consequences. Nuclear exchange may be a result, but it is not an end state. Neither would a more likely domestic communist insurgency as a result of the open borders. The latter is not simply more likely, it may already be in the early stages now as whatever passes for American culture continues to experience a rapid decline. It has never been more apparent that we are on our own, turning our focus to local assets rather than attempting to fix the waning Empire of the Potomac.
Like living well, the decision lay with you. Last week demonstrated the inability of our most basic governmental duty – providing for the common defense – in vibrant fashion. The Chinese demonstrated the ability to launch an attack at seemingly anytime with little to no response. The defense then lay with the American people themselves. How best they organize in that task remains to be seen. Make no mistake, it is two minutes to midnight.
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Megadeth is another good one in the metal bands that expand your mind category.
Symphony Of Destruction from 1992’s Countdown To Extinction is back in rotation after a break from the Sprockets electro marathon.
Sauron on the Potomac will eat itself just like the Ouroboros snake, evil always does.
Creators create and destroyers destroy, twas ever thus.
Comrade Lefty worldlings think that they have the perfect plan and everything is wrapped up when it is all for the purpose of demonstration.
Dave Mustaine REALLY gets it. Listen to United Abominations.
“Peace Sells, But Whos Buying”
Megadeth really, really was precient in the lyrics and even more so as time progressed. Dave’s stuff over the past decade has been extremely red pilled.
I’ve learned over the years that no matter the situation, there is always an Iron Maiden lyric that applies. To this day they are still putting out excellent and relevant music. Great writeup Scout!
Hell yeah!!
” Two Minutes To Midnight “…got the picture LP of that one. Even in those days gone by, I was always reading between the lines. I knew very well what the lyrics were about, and I knew most of them were as red ( commie ) as can be – or flirted with it. ” Balls to the wall, man… ” zips through my mind. Most bands were just saying what they wished what would happen to us…on the other side : ” Eliminate the right, eliminate the wrong, eliminate the weak, eliminate the strong,…”. All of those lyrics past my ears, and my mind processed it all, filtering what was said. It didn’t change me into one of them, I was just studying the way the left thinks of us. Made me able to move amongst them, in plain sight. And yes, music these days isn’t of the caliber it once was…almost feels like the left isn’t trying anymore – like they think they’ve won… which does seem to mean that …yes, it’s two minutes to midnight.
Amen brother.
I laughed at the anti-war left in the 2000s, now wondering why they all fly Ukraine flags.
Maiden,a epic show live,saw em in the 80’s(Live After Death tour),their new song rocks,Writing On The Wall with the video(check it out),
Any band that can take me favorite poem,Coleridge’s Rime Of The Ancient Mariner and come up with a epic rock song is good in my book.
Maiden has many songs about war and it’s cost,Aces High/Run To The Hills/The Trooper ect.
Bruce seems a sharp man who besides being a singer in a great band was a ranked fencer in Europe and was the captain on the bands 747 for one of their tours.One of Europes best fencers stated he was glad Bruce had a band as he said otherwise Bruce just dedicated to fencing would have been Europes champ.
I will say Sabbaths War Pigs probably the best song about war I have heard while Dire Straight”s Brothers in Arms and System Of A Down’s BYOB both also great.
Maiden on tour at moment and the irony is the first two shows were to be in Russia and Ukraine,talk about irony!
Yes!! Someone else knows he’s a fencer!
Hard to believe this was only 13 years ago –
Had Mustaine remained with Metallica they would have been truly great! They were great, but not “Truly Great!”
There were others before Death Metal pointing this crap out; Hendrix, Joplin, Many candy striper hippies, and Fogerty (class by himself). However, a good read is Side One of Rush’s 2112…someday I may tell a story about it that set me in the Liberty Minded direction.
Well, I’m the dark horse in saying James Hetfield was right in kicking Dave out of Metallica. He kicked his dog. That’s not cool.
Dave is a great guy now, but back in those days he was hard to handle.
Not a “Dark Horse” at all, he had it coming. Have a one size fits all on this farm for dog kickers…You could have just as easily said, “Greg’s a great guy now, but back in those days he was hard to handle.” We all have our skeletons. Just so we’re clear; am still hard to handle when necessary ;))
When dog and I were walking 4 days ago (my mind really wanders during walks), thought ‘what will my epithet read? Best answer; “In event of emergency, break glass.”
Always wondered why damn near every German youth had a Iron Maiden or Megadeath art emblazoned on their jackets. Being a country and southern rocker, long missed the significance. 35 years later now I know, thanks!
It was also highly subversive in East Germany.
Well, while I did not listen much to metal type music,
I would share one from my Wamba Dancin’ Days while
being one of the Wild & Crazy Guys back in the days:
‘Cerrone – Supernature (Original Video)’
Could have used MOAR cowbells :-)
“ I will say Sabbaths War Pigs probably the best song about war I have heard while Dire Straight”s Brothers in Arms and System Of A Down’s BYOB both also great.”
Oh man, “Brothers In Arms”! That takes me back to my childhood…used to listen to the album so much in the car with my dad and brother. Some time later, it became the first CD I ever bought (still have it, too). The specific context, per Mark Knopfler, was about some friends who had died in the Falklands, IIRC.
I’ll have to check out “BYOB”
I never really was a metal fan (Cuban dissident rock excepted but that’s another story). Nonetheless, I can’t help but appreciate Iron Maiden referencing The Doomsday Clock. 2 minutes, indeed…
God bless!
I did not mean to degrade or discourage
metal music, and from what I gathered the
messages inspired through the lyrics.
What I did write was – …”I did not listen much
to metal type music”… Which doesn’t mean
not listen to metel music.
“Every man to his family and his possessions”
I think your watch is slow.
I am embarrassed and humbled at this juncture in my journey of my enlightenment of just WTF is going on here somewhat due to the shit you say. :) Simply amazed I am at this original, and the discussion if you will. Those bands and tunes have traversed my listening holes and bounced off my grey matter for decades, but really, I had no idea. Scout you truly have a gift. Keep it coming.
To the point…
My fellow conservatives, libertarians, anti-communists..
How much more do you need to see?
Are are “we” still on the sthick of “just vote harder-er-er in 2024!” and “My favorite puppet 2024, brought to you by Pfizer.” ?
It’s embarassing enough with the balloon. Take a hard look at its flight path. It did not fly over Russia to get here. That thing was collecting some serious shit.
However, add in everything else and the picture being painted is one of hell. Or is it really going to come to a bunch of Wacos that get worse and worse?
The musical awakening aside, the United States is starting to remind me of IRAQ, in terms of all the interlopers running around, before the shock and awe.